

If you listen to Matt Cutts, leader of Google’s Webspam Team, you’ll know that high quality content sits right at the top of Google’s list of ranking factors. The reason for this is quite simple: it offers Google users a better user experience. In this article, we’ll explain what is meant by high quality content and how to produce it for your website.

如果您听听Google Webspam团队负责人Matt Cutts的话,就会知道高质量的内容就位列Google排名因素的首位。 原因很简单:它为Google用户提供了更好的用户体验。 在本文中,我们将解释高质量内容的含义以及如何为您的网站制作它。


什么是高质量内容? (What is high quality content?)

Essentially, high-quality content is something that does its job well. Every web page has a purpose, such as to inform, entertain, compare or persuade. How well your website does that in relation to other sites writing about the same topic is a critical factor in how well it ranks.

从本质上讲,高质量的内容可以很好地完成工作。 每个网页都有一个目的,例如通知,娱乐,比较或说服。 您的网站相对于撰写相同主题的其他网站的效果如何是决定其排名的关键因素。

Besides purpose, you will also need to ensure your content is right for your audience. If you run a blog about knitting and you want to show your readers how to make a specific item, then a post for beginners would need different content to a post for more advanced knitters; for example, you would need to define some of the terms and explain some of the techniques.

除目标外,您还需要确保内容适合您的受众。 如果您经营一个有关针织的博客,并想向读者展示如何制作特定商品,那么针对初学者的帖子与针对高级针织者的帖子所需要的内容是不同的; 例如,您需要定义一些术语并解释一些技术。

To create high quality content takes hard work. What you publish needs to be well researched, current and go into more detail than content on other sites. This means it has to be longer, too. According to Backlinko, the average word count needed to get on the first page of Google is now 1890 words – and rising. Thin content no longer cuts the mustard.

要创建高质量的内容需要艰苦的工作。 您发布的内容需要经过深入研究,最新且比其他网站上的内容更详细。 这意味着它也必须更长。 根据Backlinko的说法,进入Google第一页所需的平均单词数现在是1890个单词,并且还在上升。 稀薄的内容物不再割芥菜。


为什么主题报道对网站质量很重要 (Why topic coverage is important to website quality)

Google assesses the quality of your website by looking at the breadth and depth of your content. Its language-based algorithm can understand the topic that you are writing about: it finds your keywords and then looks at the number and frequency of associated topic words in the rest of the text.

Google通过查看您内容的广度和深度来评估您网站的质量。 它的基于语言的算法可以理解您正在写的主题:它找到您的关键字,然后查看其余文本中相关主题词的数量和频率。

For example, if you ran a building company and had a page about your loft conversion service, Google’s algorithm would search for all the associated topic terms it would expect to see on such a page: planning permission, building control, electrical installation, insulation, etc. The length of the page, the additional media (images, videos, etc.) included in the content and the number of associated topic words would all be used to see how relevant your content is.


A couple of hundred words giving a brief description and a list of your services wouldn’t rank very highly. A longer page, giving a detailed account of your services and how they benefit the customer would rank higher because Google considers this to offer a better user experience.

简短描述和列出您的服务列表的数百个单词的排名就不会很高。 由于Google认为此服务可提供更好的用户体验,因此较长的页面会详细列出您的服务及其对客户的好处,因此排名较高。


有机联系的重要性 (The importance of organic linking)


The second way Google judges quality is through organic linking. The word organic is important here because Google believes that other sites will naturally link to high quality content. To rank highly, therefore, your content has to earn links from other websites and if those websites are high quality themselves, the better is it for you.

Google判断质量的第二种方法是通过有机链接。 有机一词在这里很重要,因为Google相信其他网站自然会链接到高质量的内容。 因此,要获得很高的排名,您的内容必须获得其他网站的链接,如果这些网站本身是高质量的,那么对您来说就更好。

What Google won’t tolerate, and is a breach of their guidelines, is taking part in unethical link schemes. These include paying for links, link exchanging, links in footers or sidebars, large-scale guest posting, optimised anchor text and various other practices. Taking part in these can lead to Google downranking you or even giving you a penalty.

Google不会容忍的,并且违反了他们的准则,正在参与不道德的链接计划 。 其中包括为链接付费,链接交换,页脚或侧边栏中的链接,大型访客发布,优化的锚文本和各种其他做法。 参加这些活动可能会导致Google降低您的排名,甚至给您罚款。

Instead, you are looking to get links from reputable websites, shares and links on social media and good reviews – all of which tell Google that people think you have a great website.



对SEO的影响 (The implications for SEO)

Whilst it is still important to optimise your pages for the keywords you want to rank for, you can no longer rely just on this for on-page optimisation. When it comes to creating great content, you now need to ensure that you also optimise with the correct topic words and phrases.

尽管针对您要排名的关键字优化页面仍然很重要,但您不能再仅仅依靠它来进行页面优化。 在创建出色的内容时,您现在需要确保还使用正确的主题词和短语进行优化。

In addition, those who have used an SEO company to get them backlinks need to think about their strategy very carefully. A good SEO company’s role, today, is to help you create the great content and then put it in front of the people who count. In this sense, SEO is all about PR: getting your content liked and shared by social media influencers and linked to from leading blogs and authority websites in your niche.

此外,那些使用SEO公司获得反向链接的人需要非常仔细地考虑其策略。 如今,出色的SEO公司的作用是帮助您创建出色的内容,然后将其展示在重要的人面前。 从这个意义上讲,SEO就是关于PR的:让您的内容被社交媒体有影响力的人分享和共享,并链接到利基市场中领先的博客和权威网站。

In the future, according to Matt Cutts, even this won’t be needed. He claims Google is only a few years away from perfecting an algorithm whereby it will no longer need to rely so heavily on backlinks as a way to judge quality.

根据Matt Cutts的说法,将来甚至不需要。 他声称Google距离完善算法仅数年之遥,通过该算法,谷歌将不再需要过于依赖反向链接来判断质量。


So, what do you need to do to create quality content?


Here’s a checklist for each piece of content you create:



1.了解观众的内容 (1. Know the audience for that piece of content)

Who are they? What are they searching for? What information or help do they need? What’s the best way to present that information to them?

他们是谁? 他们在寻找什么? 他们需要什么信息或帮助? 向他们展示这些信息的最佳方法是什么?


2.知道你的目的 (2. Know your purpose)

Why are you creating this content? What do you want to achieve? What’s the best way to achieve it?

您为什么要创建此内容? 您想实现什么? 最好的方法是什么?


3.为您的内容增值 (3. Add value to your content)

Make sure your content adds to what is out there on the internet and doesn’t just rephrase what is already there. To achieve this, you need to expand or update on things already published or offer something entirely new.

确保您的内容添加到Internet上没有的内容,而不仅仅是重新描述已经存在的内容。 为此,您需要扩展或更新已发布的内容或提供全新的内容。


4.确保您使用主题词 (4. Make sure you use topic words)

Where relevant, make sure your content includes the topic words and phrases that both readers and search engines would expect to see. For SEO purposes, make sure the important   ones are included in subheadings too.

在相关的地方,确保您的内容包括读者和搜索引擎都希望看到的主题词和短语。 出于SEO的目的,请确保重要的子标题也包含在子标题中。


5.使您的内容可供读者访问 (5. Make your content accessible to readers)

If people are going to link to you and share your content it needs to be accessible. Make sure the language is at a level that the intended audience can understand; use subheadings, bullets, numbered lists and bold to make it easier to access information; include relevant images and graphics to illustrate your points and link to other, high-quality websites that will be of benefit to your readers.

如果人们要链接到您并共享您的内容,则必须可访问。 确保语言水平达到目标受众可以理解的水平; 使用子标题,项目符号,编号列表和粗体以使访问信息更容易; 提供相关的图像和图形来说明您的观点,并链接到其他对读者有利的高质量网站。


6.切绒毛 (6. Cut the fluff)

Whilst Google is ranking longer content, padding out existing web pages with waffle just to increase your word count isn’t going to work. Google’s algorithm is more sophisticated than that and your readers would find the content boring. Instead, add more interesting sections to keep them engaged.

虽然Google对较长的内容进行排名,但是用华夫饼填充现有网页只是为了增加您的字数是行不通的。 Google的算法比这更复杂,您的读者会发现内容很无聊。 而是添加更多有趣的部分,以保持其参与度。


7.确保您的内容写得很好 (7. Make sure your content is well written)

High quality content should be technically accurate, coherent and interesting to read.



结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article, you should now have a better understanding of how developments in Google’s algorithm are having an impact on SEO. Google is concentrating much more on quality and organic links and in order to rank highly, these are the areas in which you need to focus with your SEO.

通过阅读本文,您现在应该更好地了解Google算法的发展如何对SEO产生影响。 Google更加注重质量和自然链接,为了获得较高的排名,这些是您需要重点关注SEO的领域。

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should neglect important technical SEO factors such as site security, speed and reliability.


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