

In this article, we’re going to provide you with a complete guide on how to set up a Facebook Business page. Facebook is a great platform for businesses. Posting content which is liked and shared helps your create a new marketing channel to showcase your products and services and promote events.

在本文中,我们将为您提供有关如何设置Facebook Business页面的完整指南。 Facebook是企业的绝佳平台。 发布喜欢和共享的内容可以帮助您创建新的营销渠道,以展示您的产品和服务并推广活动。

In addition, Facebook enables you to interact with your audience in a way that websites aren’t geared up to do. You can respond to their comments, answer their questions and share their contributions. Facebook is also a fantastic vehicle for showing the human side of your enterprise and developing your brand.

此外,Facebook还使您能够与网站上的对象进行互动。 您可以回复他们的评论,回答他们的问题并分享他们的贡献。 Facebook还是展示企业人性和发展品牌的绝佳工具。

So, how do you build a Facebook Business page?


  1. 访问Facebook (Visit Facebook )

To get started, go to Facebook’s Create a Page section.

首先,请转到Facebook的“ 创建页面”部分

  1. 选择页面类别 (Choose a Page Category)

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When you arrive, the first screen you see (above) will offer you a range of options:


  • Local business or Place

  • Company, Organisation or Institution

  • Brand or Product

  • Artist, Band or Public Figure

  • Entertainment

  • Cause or Community


You will need to choose the most appropriate option and then click on the icon. To help, we’ve given an overview of each option, below.

您将需要选择最合适的选项,然后单击图标。 为了提供帮助,我们在下面提供了每个选项的概述。

当地商家或地方 (Local Business or Place)

You should choose this option if you are a bricks and mortar organisation that operates in a specific locality. This is ideal for cafes, restaurants, garages, local shops, hairdressers and similar businesses. This is also the best choice if you want customers to leave reviews or check in on Facebook.

如果您是在特定地区运营的实体公司,则应选择此选项。 这是咖啡馆,饭店,车库,当地商店,理发店和类似企业的理想选择。 如果您希望客户留下评论或在Facebook上签到,这也是最佳选择。

公司,组织或机构 (Company, Organisation or Institution)

You should use this option if you are not a location based organisation – so if you trade across a larger area or online, this is a more appropriate category. It’s also a good choice if you still want people to check-in but would rather not have customers leave reviews.

如果您不是基于地点的组织,则应使用此选项–因此,如果您在较大区域内或在线进行贸易,这是一个更合适的类别。 如果您仍然希望人们签到,而不希望客户留下评论,那么这也是一个不错的选择。

品牌或产品 (Brand or Product)

If you’re more interested in promoting your brand and products than your business, then this is the most useful category. It’s principally aimed at manufacturers and other companies who do not sell their products directly to the general public.

如果您对宣传品牌和产品比对业务更感兴趣,那么这是最有用的类别。 它主要针对那些不直接将产品出售给公众的制造商和其他公司。

艺术家,乐队或公众人物 (Artist, Band or Public Figure)

This section is not reserved for celebrities; it’s actually very useful for entertainers such as wedding singers, pub bands and children’s party magicians. It’s a good way for individuals to have a separate business page to their personal page.

本部分不专供名人使用; 对于婚礼歌手,酒吧乐队和儿童派对魔术师等艺人来说,它实际上非常有用。 这是个人在其个人页面上拥有单独业务页面的一种好方法。

娱乐(包括体育) (Entertainment (including Sports))

This category is not for individual entertainers or sports people but for organisations that work within the entertainment or sports sector – publishers, actors’ agencies, recording studios, football teams, etc.


原因或社区 (Cause or Community)

If you are a charity organisation, a fund raising page or a non-profit making local organisation, then this section is the most appropriate for you.


When you click on the icon, the image will be replaced with an information box. Most of the boxes contain a dropdown menu from which you must choose a business category. It is important that you choose the most appropriate category.

单击图标时,图像将替换为信息框。 大多数框都包含一个下拉菜单,您必须从中选择一个业务类别。 选择最合适的类别很重要。

If your business doesn’t fit into one single category, choose the most relevant one or the one which will help you generate most views. To help, try to think which category a customer would choose if they were looking for you.

如果您的业务不属于一个类别,请选择最相关的一个或一个可以帮助您产生最多视图的类别。 为了提供帮助,请尝试考虑客户在寻找您时会选择哪个类别。

You can always change your page’s category at a later time if you think that you have made a mistake. However, if you are a local business or place, moving from that category will delete your reviews, map and check-ins.

如果您认为自己输入有误,则可以随时更改页面的类别 。 但是,如果您是本地公司或地点,则从该类别移开将删除您的评论,地图和签到。

Once you have chosen your category, you will need to input the name of your organisation. If you are a local business or place, you will be required to submit your business location and address. Facebook does have some rules about names so, if you think yours may be contentious, check that it meets their criteria by visiting the Page Name Help section.

选择类别后,您需要输入组织名称。 如果您是本地公司或地点,则需要提交您的公司位置和地址。 Facebook确实有一些关于名称的规则,因此,如果您认为自己的名称存在争议,请访问“ 页面名称帮助”部分 ,以检查其是否符合标准。

Facebook页面的功能 (Features of a Facebook page)

Depending on which type of page you opt for, you will be provided with a different range of features to display on it. You can see these in the table below.

根据您选择的页面类型,将为您提供不同范围的功能以在其上显示。 您可以在下表中看到它们。

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  1. 添加您的商家信息 (Adding your business information)

The next stage requires you to complete sections of your profile by adding your business details. Much of the information you need to input is straightforward, however, there are others things which need a little more explanation to help you get them right – we’ll explain these below.

下一阶段要求您通过添加业务详细信息来完成个人资料的各个部分。 您需要输入的许多信息都是简单明了的,但是,有些其他事情需要更多说明以帮助您正确使用-我们将在下面说明。

描述 (Description)

You need to provide a short, 155 character description of your business. When doing this, it is best to take some time over it rather than rushing something off quickly. You description needs to include the following things:

您需要提供简短的155个字符的业务描述。 这样做时,最好花一些时间,而不要匆忙赶走。 您的描述需要包括以下内容:

  • Accurate description of the type of business you are and the services you offer. E.g. eUKhost is a UK based web host providing shared, dedicated, VPS and cloud hosting packages to individuals and businesses.

    准确描述您的业务类型和所提供的服务。 例如,eUKhost是位于英国的虚拟主机,为个人和企业提供共享的,专用的VPS和云托管程序包。
  • Keywords which will help your page be found in Facebook and search engine searches. E.g. ‘web host’, ‘shared’, ‘dedicated’, ‘VPS’, ‘cloud hosting’, etc.

    可以在Facebook和搜索引擎搜索中找到有助于您页面的关键字。 例如“网络托管”,“共享”,“专用”,“ VPS”,“云托管”等。
  • Your location (if location is important to your business). E.g. ‘based in the UK with a global customer base’

    您的位置(如果位置对您的业务很重要)。 例如,“总部位于英国,拥有全球客户群”
  • A mention of your customers, if you target a specific group. E.g. ‘to businesses’

    如果您定位到特定的群体,则提及客户。 例如“致企业”

Taking the time to make the information precise will help Facebook visitors know that they have landed on the right page. A good description is the key to getting them to stay and read your posts.

花时间使信息准确无误将帮助Facebook访问者知道他们已经进入了正确的页面。 良好的描述是让他们留下并阅读您的帖子的关键。

个人资料图片和封面照片 (Profile picture and cover photo )

You are allowed two pictures on your profile: a small ‘profile picture’ and a larger ‘cover photo’. When displayed on your page, the profile picture lays over part of the cover photo.

您可以在个人资料上看到两张照片:一个小的“个人资料照片”和一个更大的“封面照片”。 在页面上显示时,个人资料图片会覆盖在封面照片的一部分上。

eUKhost Facebook cover

When creating your cover photo, therefore, it’s vital that any important elements or text used on that image do not go in the bottom left had corner or they will be hidden.


个人资料图片 (Profile picture)

Your profile picture is best used to display your company name and logo. When creating this image it must be at least 180×180 pixels in size. Do try to create a square profile photo as rectangular images will be cropped to fit a square and this could result in part of the logo or name being cut off.

您的个人资料图片最适合用来显示公司名称和徽标。 创建此图像时,其尺寸必须至少为180×180像素。 请尝试创建方形的个人资料照片,因为矩形图像将被裁剪以适合正方形,这可能会导致徽标或名称的一部分被切除。

If you use text on your profile picture, do remember that it will be resized when shown on different devices, so the text needs to be clear when smaller. The smallest size shown for the profile pic is 50×50 for feature phones (older mobiles without touch screens). For smartphones, the size is 140×140.

如果您在个人资料图片上使用文字,请记住,在不同设备上显示文字时,文字会被调整大小,因此,较小时,文字必须清晰。 对于功能手机(不带触摸屏的旧手机),个人资料图片显示的最小尺寸为50×50。 对于智能手机,尺寸为140×140。

封面照片 (Cover photo)

When designing your Facebook page, you have to remember that the cover photo is an important part of your branding. From an aesthetic perspective, it should not clash with your profile picture which sits on top of it. As for content, you need to upload an image that best epitomises your brand.

设计Facebook页面时,必须记住封面照片是品牌塑造的重要组成部分。 从美学的角度来看,它不应与位于其顶部的个人资料图片发生冲突。 至于内容,您需要上传最能体现您品牌形象的图片。

You can add text to your cover photo but, just like with the profile picture, it will be resized when shown on different devices. This image, however, is not shown on feature phones at all.

您可以在封面照片中添加文字,但就像个人资料图片一样,当在其他设备上显示时,文字也会被调整大小。 但是,此图像完全不在功能手机上显示。

According to Facebook, the cover photo must be at least 399 pixels wide and 150 pixels tall. However, as it displays at 828 x 315 pixels tall on computers, this would be a more suitable image size. For fastest loading, Facebook suggests using an RGB JPG file that’s 851 x 315 and less than 100 kilobytes in size; however, they also state that PNG files will produce a better quality image.

根据Facebook的说法,封面照片必须至少为399像素宽和150像素高。 但是,由于它在计算机上以828 x 315像素的高度显示,这将是一个更合适的图像尺寸。 为了获得最快的加载速度,Facebook建议使用851 x 315且小于100 KB的RGB JPG文件。 但是,他们还指出,PNG文件将产生质量更好的图像。

The standard resolution for all web images is 72 dpi.

所有网络图像的标准分辨率为72 dpi。

首选受众 (Preferred Audience  )

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The preferred audience section gives you the opportunity to target your page at a specific group of people. You can choose geographically, by age or gender and by interest. If you have a precise demographical data or a clear understanding of your customers, then you can narrow this down. If you don’t, then narrowing it down on a hunch might stop potential customers finding you – in which case, leave your options open.

首选受众群体部分使您有机会将页面定位到特定人群。 您可以按年龄,性别或兴趣来选择地理区域。 如果您有准确的人口统计数据或对客户有清楚的了解,则可以缩小范围。 如果您不这样做,那么将其范围缩小到一个直觉可能会阻止潜在的客户找到您-在这种情况下,请保持打开状态。

If you have Google Analytics set up for your business website, you may be able to find relevant data from there – but remember that people use social media and the internet in different ways. If you have plenty of Facebook referrals to your website, focussing on these in more detail on Google Analytics might be more helpful.

如果您为企业网站设置了Google Analytics(分析),则可以从那里找到相关数据-但请记住,人们以不同的方式使用社交媒体和互联网。 如果您有大量的Facebook引荐到您的网站,则在Google Analytics(分析)上更详细地关注这些引荐可能会更有帮助。

  1. 编辑页面设置 (Editing your page settings)

Once you have completed the set-up wizard, your Facebook page will be created and you will then be able to start completing the settings. At this point, your page is empty and will not give a good impression if people visit. Until you are happy for it to go live, go to the Page Settings at the top right of the page and under General Settings, change the Page Visibility option to Unpublished Page.

完成设置向导后,将创建您的Facebook页面,然后您便可以开始完成设置。 此时,您的页面为空,如果有人访问,将不会给人留下很好的印象。 在您满意它上线之前,请转到页面右上方的“页面设置”,然后在“常规设置”下,将“页面可见性”选项更改为“未发布的页面”。

重要提示–正确分配页面归因 (Important – get your page attribution right)

In order to set up a business page on Facebook, you have to be logged in as an individual user and the two accounts become linked. When you post on your business page, you can change the settings so that the posts can be either attributed to your personal profile or to the business profile. In the vast majority of circumstances, it is always best to keep your personal profile and your business profile completely separate – and to ensure this, set the attribution so that posts are published in the name of the business.

为了在Facebook上设置公司页面,您必须以个人用户身份登录,并且两个帐户已链接。 在企业页面上发布时,您可以更改设置,以便可以将这些帖子归因于您的个人资料或企业资料。 在绝大多数情况下,始终最好将您的个人资料和企业资料完全分开-为确保这一点,请设置出处,以便以企业的名义发布帖子。

页面角色 (Page Roles)

Although you may set up the page for your business, you may want to delegate the task of maintaining it to your marketing department or even to an external agency. Under the Page Roles section, you can assign different roles to different individuals.

尽管您可以为您的业务设置页面,但是您可能希望将维护页面的任务委托给您的市场部门甚至外部机构。 在“页面角色”部分下,您可以将不同的角色分配给不同的个人。

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As you would with your website, do not assign another individual an admin role, otherwise, they will be able to remove you as an administrator and even delete the page.


使用特色部分 (Using the Featured section)

The Featured section lets you feature other business owners or individuals’ pages on your own page. This offers lots of opportunities. If your business is part of a group, you can showcase other members of that group. If you work in collaboration with other business, you can highlight them too and ask them to highlight you in return – very much like mutual back-linking. Many businesses also have high profile or ‘influencer’ employees with their own blogs and online presence. If you have these experts working for you, then featuring them on your page is a good way to showcase your in-house expertise.

“精选”部分使您可以在自己的页面上显示其他企业主或个人的页面。 这提供了很多机会。 如果您的公司属于某个小组,则可以展示该小组的其他成员。 如果您与其他公司合作,则也可以突出显示它们,并要求它们以突出显示您的身份进行回报-非常像相互反向链接。 许多企业也拥有自己的博客和在线形象的高知名度或“影响力”员工。 如果您有这些专家在为您工作,则在页面上显示这些专家是一种很好的方式来展示您的内部专业知识。

  1. 完成关于部分 (Complete the About section)

Although you will have completed some of the details here when setting up your page, there are other elements which will need to be added – depending on which category of page you opted for. Again, most of these are straightforward, but do pay attention to:

尽管您将在设置页面时完成此处的一些详细信息,但仍需要添加其他元素-取决于您选择的页面类别。 同样,其中大多数都是简单明了的,但请注意:

  • Opening hours (Important for businesses with physical premises or telephone enquiries.)

  • Impressum (Optional section for legal notices, disclaimers, copyright, etc.)

  • Long description (You should use this in the same way as your website’s About Us page.)

  • Company Overview (You can use this instead of the long description or vice versa.)

  • Mission (If you have a mission statement on your website, put it here, too.)

  • Products (Give details of the products or services your company specialises in.)

  • Awards (An important section which can help showcase your company’s achievements.)

  • Website address (It’s vital that you get visitors from your Facebook page to your website.)

  1. 添加“号召性用语”按钮 (Add a ‘Call-to-Action’ button)

The ultimate reason for having a Facebook page is to drive business – so enabling a call to action button on your page is a great way to send readers directly to a specific landing page on your website or elsewhere. There is a range of actions you can use the button for, each with a different label: Contact Us, Shop Now, Use App, Play Game, Book Now, Sign Up and Watch Video.

拥有Facebook页面的最终原因是为了推动业务发展,因此在页面上启用号召性用语是一种将读者直接吸引到您网站或其他网站上特定登陆页面的好方法。 您可以使用按钮进行一系列操作,每个操作带有不同的标签:与我们联系,立即购买,使用应用程序,玩游戏,立即预订,注册和观看视频。

  1. 启动前在页面中填充内容 (Populate your page with content before launch)

Before you make your page live, remember to post some content. Just as with personal Facebook pages, you can post text updates, links, photos and videos. You can also use plugins that will automatically post excerpts of newly published content on your website directly to your Facebook page so that you do not need to do it manually.

在启用页面之前,请记住发布一些内容。 与个人Facebook页面一样,您可以发布文本更新,链接,照片和视频。 您还可以使用插件,这些插件会将网站上新发布内容的摘录直接直接发布到Facebook页面,因此您无需手动进行操作。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article, you should now have a comprehensive understanding of the steps you need to take to set up your business Facebook page and know the most effective ways to complete the process.


If you are considering launching your own online business and are looking for a web host, take a look at our easy to use site builder. Alternatively, check out our business hosting packages.

如果您正在考虑启动自己的在线业务并正在寻找网络托管服务商,请查看我们易于使用的网站构建器 。 另外,请查看我们的业务托管软件包

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-set-up-a-facebook-business-page-a-complete-guide/






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