wordpress 主机_6迹象表明该改变您的WordPress虚拟主机了

wordpress 主机

As a WordPress user you should never be complacent about your web hosting; choosing a poor host or the wrong package can adversely affect the quality of service you provide to your visitors and result in lower search engine rankings. It can also make the management of your website very frustrating.

作为WordPress用户,您永远不应对自己的网络托管感到自满; 选择不良的主机或错误的软件包可能会对您提供给访问者的服务质量产生不利影响,并导致搜索引擎排名降低。 它还会使您的网站管理非常令人沮丧。

In this article, we’ll look at six different signs that indicate whether it’s time to upgrade to a different package or a move to a different web host.


您的网站是否关闭? ( Does your website go down?)

network down time

If your site goes down on a regular basis, even for short periods, it’s bad news; you lose business, your customers get annoyed, your reputation suffers and search engines down rank you. It’s a clear signal that your host is not providing you with the level of service you should be able to take for granted.

如果您的网站定期关闭(即使是很短的时间),那也是个坏消息。 您失去业务,客户感到烦恼,声誉受损并且搜索引擎使您的排名降低。 这清楚地表明您的主机没有为您提供您应该理所当然的服务水平。

Unfortunately, too many WordPress users assume that because they’ve never seen their site offline, there isn’t a problem. But you shouldn’t take this for granted. To help you discover if your site is regularly unavailable there are a number of free plugins you can install, such as Sitestillup, which will monitor your site’s uptime performance for you and notify you if a problem occurs.

不幸的是,太多的WordPress用户认为,因为他们从未离线查看过他们的网站,所以没有问题。 但是您不应该认为这是理所当然的。 为了帮助您发现站点是否经常不可用,可以安装许多免费插件,例如Sitestillup ,它将为您监视站点的正常运行时间性能,并在出现问题时通知您。

Sitestillup Image

If you discover there is an availability issue, ideally, you want to move to a web host that can provide you with +99% uptime.

如果发现有可用性问题,理想情况下,您希望移至可为您提供+ 99%正常运行时间的网络主机。

您是否获得与PHP限制相关的内部服务器错误? ( Do you get PHP limit related Internal Server Errors?)

500 internal server errors are another reason why your site can go offline. They can be caused by a wide range of issues, e.g., when you install plugins or themes which are incompatible with your WordPress version or with each other. However, they can also be caused by the PHP memory limit being surpassed. If this is the case, you will often see an error message such as ‘Fatal Error: Memory size of ??? bytes exhausted’.

500个内部服务器错误是您的站点可以脱机的另一个原因。 它们可能由多种问题引起,例如,当您安装与WordPress版本或彼此不兼容的插件或主题时。 但是,它们也可能是由超过PHP内存限制引起的。 在这种情况下,您通常会看到一条错误消息,例如“致命错误:内存大小为???”。 字节已用完”。

The usual way to rectify this is to change the memory limit on your wp-config.php file. However, if you are using shared hosting, this may not be an available option with some hosts. In which case, you need to find a host that configures their servers differently or, alternatively, upgrade to VPS or dedicated hosting that has greater memory capacity built in.

纠正此问题的常用方法是更改​​wp-config.php文件上的内存限制。 但是,如果您使用共享主机,则某些主机可能无法使用该选项。 在这种情况下,您需要找到一个对服务器进行不同配置的主机,或者升级到具有更大内存容量的VPS或专用主机。

您的房东是否已暂停您的网站? ( Has your host suspended your website?)

Web hosts do have the right to take your site off the internet and suspend your account in certain circumstances; usually, this is because your site has been infected, there is illegal activity on your site or because you have failed to pay your hosting bill.

Web主机确实有权在某些情况下使您的网站脱离互联网并暂停您的帐户; 通常,这是因为您的网站已被感染,网站上存在非法活动或因为您未能支付托管费用。

However, some hosts will also suspend accounts or take websites offline for exceeding their usage limits. So, for example, if you have had a busy month online and have reached your maximum bandwidth allocation, you may find yourself without a working website until the next accounting period commences.

但是,某些主机也会由于超出其使用限制而暂停帐户或使网站脱机。 因此,例如,如果您在网上忙了一个月并达到了最大带宽分配,那么您可能会发现自己无法正常使用网站,直到下一个会计期开始。

Obviously, this is not something you would want to happen. The last thing you need is to be penalised just as your site starts to generate increased traffic.  A better host would at least inform you that you were approaching any limit and offer you a solution before a crisis occurred. If this does happen, you need to move your website to a bigger package or find a host that offers flexibility, a degree of scaling or unlimited bandwidth.

显然,这不是您想要发生的事情。 您需要做的最后一件事就是惩罚您的网站,因为它开始产生增加的流量。 更好的主持人至少会告诉您您已接近极限,并在危机发生之前为您提供解决方案。 如果确实发生了这种情况,则需要将网站移至更大的包中,或者找到具有灵活性,一定程度的扩展性或无限带宽的主机。

您的网站运行缓慢吗? ( Do you have a slow website?)

slow website speed

Site speed has become increasingly important over the last few years as Google and other search engines have begun using loading times to help rank their results. The faster the website, the more it is perceived as offering a better user experience and thus it has an improved chance of ranking higher.

最近几年,随着Google和其他搜索引擎开始使用加载时间来帮助对其结果进行排名,网站速度变得越来越重要。 网站越快,就越能提供更好的用户体验,因此它有更高的排名机会。

Slow site speed can be caused by a number of factors; these include the way you have set up your WordPress site, the number of visitors you have at any one time and problems with other websites on a shared- hosting server.

站点速度慢可能由多种因素引起; 其中包括您设置WordPress网站的方式,您一次拥有的访问者数量以及共享托管服务器上其他网站的问题。

Problems with your set up can lead to too many requests being made of your server at any one time and this can slow your website down. For many WordPress users, this is often a case of choosing a badly configured theme or using too many plugins.  You can improve the speed by minifying Javascript and CSS files and caching your pages – there are plugins, such as W3 Total Cache, which will do this for you.

设置问题可能会导致在任何时间对服务器发出太多请求,这可能会使您的网站运行缓慢。 对于许多WordPress用户,通常是选择配置错误的主题或使用太多插件的情况。 您可以通过最小化Javascript和CSS文件并缓存页面来提高速度-有些插件(例如W3 Total Cache )将为您完成此操作。

If your site is slow because you don’t have the capacity to handle all your visitors, it’s a clear sign you need to upgrade to a hosting package with greater resources. However, if you have speed issues because another site on your shared server is hogging resources, then this is an issue with your web host which is likely to be hosting too many websites on a single server. If this is the case, you should seek an alternative host.

如果您的网站速度缓慢,因为您没有能力处理所有访客,那么这显然是您需要升级到具有更多资源的托管程序包的明显标志。 但是,如果由于共享服务器上的另一个站点占用资源而出现速度问题,则这是您的虚拟主机的问题,该虚拟主机可能在单个服务器上托管了太多的网站。 如果是这种情况,则应寻找替代主机。

您的主机包太大了吗? ( Have you become too big for your hosting package?)

Over time, the hope is that your website will grow. You may have lots more visitors and a website that uses far more resources and needs much larger storage. Lacking capacity to deal with demand may slow your website down, even to the point where it cannot function. If this is the case, then it is obvious that you need to upgrade to a superior form of hosting such as VPS or dedicated WordPress hosting. However, just as you would with your energy provider and car insurance, you should take the time to see if there are alternative web hosts that can provide you with a better hosting service.

随着时间的流逝,希望您的网站能够发展壮大。 您可能会有更多的访问者,并且一个网站使用的资源更多,并且需要更大的存储空间。 缺乏处理需求的能力可能会使您的网站变慢,甚至无法正常运行。 如果是这种情况,那么很明显,您需要升级到高级托管形式,例如VPS或专用WordPress托管。 但是,就像使用能源供应商和汽车保险一样,您应该花时间看看是否有替代的Web主机可以为您提供更好的托管服务。

您的主持人的客户支持是否足够完善? ( Is your host’s customer support not up to scratch?)

In one sense, WordPress is a relatively easy platform to use because it is a front end Content Management System (CMS). This means, for the majority of users, they can do everything they need from the admin panel without the need to understand the more technical aspects of the program.

从某种意义上说,WordPress是一个相对易于使用的平台,因为它是前端的内容管理系统(CMS)。 这意味着,对于大多数用户而言,他们可以从管理面板执行所需的所有操作,而无需了解该程序的更多技术方面。

However, it is precisely this lack of experience with the back end that can cause WordPress users so much frustration when problems arise. For this reason, it is essential that they choose a web host that can provide less technically minded users with clear and specific support to help them solve their hosting problems.

但是,正是由于缺乏后端体验,才可能在出现问题时使WordPress用户感到沮丧。 出于这个原因,至关重要的是,他们必须选择一种网络主机,该主机可以为技术欠佳的用户提供明确而具体的支持,以帮助他们解决主机问题。

Users should look for two things in particular: firstly, they should choose a host that offers dedicated WordPress hosting, this way they are assured the company has the expertise to deal with WordPress issues and provides hosting that specifically caters for the platform; and secondly, they should look for a host that provides 24/7 support – if you accidentally delete your database on Friday night, you don’t want to wait until Monday morning for help.

用户应该特别注意两件事:首先,他们应该选择提供专用WordPress托管的主机,这样可以确保公司拥有处理WordPress问题的专业知识,并提供专门满足平台需求的托管; 其次,他们应该寻找提供24/7支持的主机–如果您在星期五晚上不小心删除了数据库,则不想等到星期一早上寻求帮助。

If you are considering upgrading your WordPress package or moving to a new host, check out our WordPress Hosting page. Our affordable packages are packed with helpful features and backed up with expert WordPress support and first-class security.

如果您正在考虑升级WordPress软件包或迁移到新主机,请查看我们的WordPress托管页面。 我们负担得起的软件包包含有用的功能,并以WordPress专业支持和一流的安全性为后盾。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/6-signs-that-its-time-to-change-your-wordpress-web-hosting/

wordpress 主机

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