

WordPress comes with built-in mail feature which uses PHP’s mail function to send out emails. There are several WordPress newsletter plugins which allow you to run a fully functional newsletter using this feature. Recently one of our users asked us: “if it is possible to send out email newsletters using WordPress plugins, then why do we recommend using an email service provider like Constant Contact or Aweber?” In this article, we will explain why you should never use WordPress to send newsletter emails.

WordPress带有内置的邮件功能,该功能使用PHP的邮件功能来发送电子邮件。 有几个WordPress新闻通讯插件,可让您使用此功能运行功能齐全的新闻通讯。 最近,我们的一位用户问我们:“如果可以使用WordPress插件发送电子邮件时事通讯,那为什么我们建议使用诸如Constant Contact或Aweber之类的电子邮件服务提供商?” 在本文中,我们将解释为什么您不应该使用WordPress发送时事通讯电子邮件。

为什么要认真对待电子邮件列表? (Why You Should Take Your Email List Seriously?)

Importance of email marketing

Your email list is one of the most reliable communication tool. It helps you bring back users to your website. It helps you increase sales, promote products, and build trust around your brand.

您的电子邮件列表是最可靠的通信工具之一。 它可以帮助您将用户带回您的网站。 它可以帮助您增加销售,推广产品并建立品牌信任度。

If you are not already doing it, then you should start building your email list right away.


You will notice that almost every serious marketer, blogger, and expert will recommend that you use an email marketing service such as Aweber or Constant Contact rather than using WordPress for email newsletters. Let’s take a look at why.

您会注意到,几乎每个严肃的营销人员,博客作者和专家都建议您使用电子邮件营销服务(例如AweberConstant Contact),而不是使用WordPress进行电子邮件新闻通讯。 让我们看看为什么。

可靠性 (Reliability)

Your email should land into user's inbox

When you send out emails using a newsletter plugin which relies on PHP and WordPress mail functions, there is a great chance that your emails will land in your user’s SPAM folder.


Email providers (gmail, yahoo, etc) have spam tools which would mark your email as SPAM for a number of reasons.


For example, the email server receiving your email will look for an SPF record to determine whether the server sending email is allowed to do so or not. It will look for suspicious behavior, words, and phrases to rule out spam.

例如,接收您的电子邮件的电子邮件服务器将查找SPF记录,以确定是否允许发送电子邮件的服务器这样做。 它将查找可疑的行为,单词和短语以排除垃圾邮件。

The spam catching tools will also check their databases for your IP address. On shared WordPress hosting, your website is sharing the same server IP address with several other websites.

垃圾邮件捕获工具还将检查其数据库中的IP地址。 在共享的WordPress托管上 ,您的网站与其他几个网站共享相同的服务器IP地址。

Any sign of abuse by one person on that server can trigger spam catching databases which will make your email delivery doubtful. There are countless other factors that are checked by spam catching algorithms, and it is very challenging to satisfy all those.

一个人在该服务器上的任何滥用迹象都可能触发垃圾邮件捕获数据库,这将使您的电子邮件传递令人怀疑。 垃圾邮件捕获算法还检查了无数其他因素,要满足所有这些因素是非常具有挑战性的。

On the other hand, professional email service providers work day and night to make sure that their emails are delivered to your user’s inbox. They follow a strict set of rules and apply it to all their outgoing emails to ensure it reaches the destination and not ends up in junk mail.

另一方面,专业的电子邮件服务提供商会昼夜不停地工作,以确保将他们的电子邮件传递到用户的收件箱中。 他们遵循一套严格的规则,并将其应用于所有外发电子邮件,以确保其到达目的地,而不会成为垃圾邮件。

They have highly trained engineers, developers, and support staff that works round the clock to make this possible. They are also approved and known bulk mail service providers with most major ISPs and email services. When a user’s email server receives email from a white-listed server, they know it is reliable and not spam.

他们拥有训练有素的工程师,开发人员和支持人员,他们全天候工作,以实现这一目标。 它们也是大多数主要ISP和电子邮件服务的认可和已知的批量邮件服务提供商。 当用户的电子邮件服务器从列入白名单的服务器接收电子邮件时,他们知道该电子邮件是可靠的而不是垃圾邮件。

This reliability alone is the single most important factor that should be enough to convince you to use a professional newsletter service.


电子邮件限制和延迟 (Email Limits and Delays)

Most hosting providers have limits on the number of emails you can send at a time. It is possible that your newsletter plugin or script will try to queue outgoing emails, but there will always be a chance that something might go wrong, and your outgoing email queue may not even process. For large email lists, your web host may even consider this as an abuse of their services.

大多数托管服务提供商都会限制您一次发送的电子邮件数量。 您的新闻通讯插件或脚本可能会尝试将外发电子邮件放入队列,但是总有可能出现问题,甚至无法处理外发电子邮件队列。 对于大型电子邮件列表,您的虚拟主机甚至可能将此视为滥用其服务。

On the other hand when you are using a professional email marketing service, you don’t need to worry about these limitations. They have servers spread all across the world sending hundreds and thousands of emails every day. They have flexible plans which allow you to easily upgrade as your email list grows.

另一方面,当您使用专业的电子邮件营销服务时,您无需担心这些限制。 他们的服务器遍布世界各地,每天发送成千上万的电子邮件。 他们有灵活的计划,可让您随着电子邮件列表的增加而轻松升级。

使用方便 (Ease of Use)

Email service providers like Constant Contact and Aweber allow you to easily create and send emails to your subscribers. They have extremely easy to use tools to create and design your emails.

电子邮件服务提供商(如Constant ContactAweber)使您可以轻松创建电子邮件并将其发送给订户。 他们有非常易于使用的工具来创建和设计您的电子邮件。

They also have API integration which makes it easy for you to connect your email list with other useful WordPress plugins like OptinMonster, Gravity Forms, etc.

它们还具有API集成,使您可以轻松地将电子邮件列表与其他有用的WordPress插件(例如OptinMonsterGravity Forms等)连接。

A beautifully inttegrated signup form

By running your own newsletter you miss out on all these tools that make things easier. Instead of focusing on your website, you will be spending time struggling to do things that can be easily done in minutes using a proper email marketing service.

通过运行自己的新闻通讯,您会错过所有使事情变得容易的工具。 您将不再花费精力在网站上,而是花时间在使用适当的电子邮件营销服务轻松完成几分钟的事情上。

统计与分析 (Stats and Analysis)

Professional email service providers offer you integrated stats and analytics about your campaigns. You can see the number of emails landed in user’s inbox, how many of them were opened, and the number of clicks you have received. This allows you to improve and adjust your campaigns accordingly.

专业的电子邮件服务提供商为您提供有关广告系列的综合统计信息和分析。 您可以查看在用户收件箱中收到的电子邮件数量,已打开的电子邮件数量以及收到的点击次数。 这使您可以相应地改进和调整广告系列。

Stats and analysis reports in Constant Contact

When sending out your own newsletter though a newsletter plugin, you have no way of knowing how many emails reached to user’s inbox, opened, or clicked. You will have to spend a lot of time trying to integrate Google Analytics in your campaigns and landing pages, and still the data you would gather will be limited.

通过时事通讯插件发送自己的时事通讯时,您无法知道有多少电子邮件到达用户的收件箱,已打开或被单击。 您将不得不花费大量时间尝试将Google Analytics(分析)集成到您的广告系列和目标网页中,但是您收集的数据仍然会受到限制。

Another reason to use an email service provider is that some of them offer you diagnostic and analysis tools. You can use those tools to see how your campaigns are doing. If your emails are getting marked as spam, then you can figure out what’s triggering the spam check tools to flag your emails.

使用电子邮件服务提供商的另一个原因是其中一些为您提供了诊断和分析工具。 您可以使用这些工具查看广告系列的效果。 如果您的电子邮件被标记为垃圾邮件,那么您可以找出是什么触发了垃圾邮件检查工具来标记您的电子邮件。

合规性问题 (Compliance Issues)

Email marketing is huge and so is spam. To deal with spam, ISPs and email marketing services have introduced and implemented new legislation, requirements, and protocols. When you are using a professional email service to send out your newsletter, you don’t have to worry about all these things. These email service providers work very hard to make sure that your emails reach their destination.

电子邮件营销庞大,垃圾邮件也是如此。 为了处理垃圾邮件,ISP和电子邮件营销服务已经引入并实施了新的法规,要求和协议。 当您使用专业的电子邮件服务发送时事通讯时,您不必担心所有这些事情。 这些电子邮件服务提供商非常努力地确保您的电子邮件到达目的地。

On the other hand, if you are sending out your own newsletter you are less likely to know if there is something new happening in the email spam protection world.


成本效益 (Cost Effectiveness)

Some users might think that if they run their own newsletter using a plugin, then they are saving money. First of all, you need to put value on your time. The time you spend configuring your newsletter plugin is much more valuable than the amount you pay for a good email service.

一些用户可能会认为,如果他们使用插件运行自己的新闻通讯,那么他们可以节省金钱。 首先,您需要珍惜时间。 您花费在配置新闻通讯插件上的时间比购买优质电子邮件服务所花费的时间更有价值。

Calculating cost of email service

In fact, you can use one of the best email service, Constant Contact for free for two months. This free trial gives you enough time to setup and start collecting email addresses. By the time your trial ends, your email list will be paying for itself.

实际上,您可以免费使用最好的电子邮件服务之一,即恒定联系两个月。 这项免费试用为您提供了足够的时间来设置和开始收集电子邮件地址。 试用期结束时,您的电子邮件列表将物有所值。

结论 (Conclusion)

Considering all these facts, we strongly recommend our users to use professional email marketing service.


If you must use a WordPress newsletter plugin, then only use MailPoet. Remember, deliverability is still an issue and even MailPoet understand that which is why they allow you to use third-party SMTP services like SendGrid (which cost money).

如果必须使用WordPress时事通讯插件,请仅使用MailPoet 。 请记住,可传递性仍然是一个问题,甚至MailPoet都明白,这就是为什么它们允许您使用第三方SMTP服务(例如SendGrid)(这需要花钱)的原因。

Which email marketing service do you use? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

您使用哪种电子邮件营销服务? 让我们在下面留下评论。

Also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Google+.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/why-you-should-never-use-wordpress-to-send-newsletter-emails/


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