骇客教学_大数据。 大骇客。 大云。 你准备好2016年吗?


2016 is set to be the year when more and more businesses begin to utilise the potential of analysing big data. Whilst this can bring enormous benefits, it does, of course, require investment in new technology – big data analytics requires big capacity: increased storage, memory and processing power. This article will look at the options available to businesses and explain how, by using cloud computing, it can be done cost-effectively.

2016年将是越来越多的企业开始利用分析大数据潜力的一年。 尽管这可以带来巨大的好处,但它当然需要对新技术进行投资-大数据分析需要大容量:增加存储,内存和处理能力。 本文将探讨可用于企业的选项,并说明如何通过使用云计算以经济高效的方式完成此任务。

In addition, 2016 will also see a predicted 37% increase in cyber attacks and the more reliant organisations become on big data, the greater the potential impact. The graph below shows that, in 2015, hundreds of millions of people’s personal data was stolen from just the top 10 hacks.

此外,2016年预计网络攻击还将增加37%,并且组织对大数据的依赖程度越高,潜在影响越大。 下图显示,2015年,仅十大骇客就窃取了数亿个人的个人数据。


What is obvious here is that, as businesses move into big data analysis, security has to be taken even more seriously to prevent hacking taking place.



大数据的兴起 (The rise of big data)

Big data is becoming an increasingly essential tool for businesses.  According to Data Expert, Bernard Marr, “73% of organisations have already invested or plan to invest in big data by 2016,” which isn’t surprising considering the economic benefits it offers. Marr tells us that retailers utilising big data can increase operating margins by up to 60% and that Fortune 1000 companies can increase income by over $60 million with just a 10% increase in data accessibility.

大数据正在成为企业越来越重要的工具。 根据数据专家Bernard Marr的说法,“到2016年已有73%的组织已经投资或计划投资大数据”,考虑到它所提供的经济利益,这不足为奇。 Marr告诉我们,利用大数据的零售商可以将营业利润率提高60%,而财富1000强公司的数据可访问性仅增加10%,就可以增加收入超过6,000万美元。

Businesses are generating more and more data; they are increasing the scale of their monitoring, website analytics and tracking processes. And as technology continues to advance, this will grow exponentially. Harvesting that information can create insights that will revolutionise the world we live in and open up new opportunities for businesses that have invested in their data infrastructure and are quick enough to take advantage.

企业正在生成越来越多的数据。 他们正在扩大其监控,网站分析和跟踪流程的规模。 随着技术的不断发展,这一点将成倍增长。 收集这些信息可以创造见解,这些见解将彻底改变我们所生活的世界,并为已在其数据基础架构上进行投资且足够快地利用优势的企业提供新的机会。


为大数据做准备 (Gearing up for Big Data )

Handling big data requires more servers with larger storage, faster processors, bigger memory and the ability to work with power hungry applications. Businesses will require systems that can adequately capture, store, search, share, transfer, analyse and visualise the data they are producing.

处理大数据需要更多具有更大存储容量的服务器,更快的处理器,更大的内存以及能够处理耗电应用程序的能力。 企业将需要能够充分捕获,存储,搜索,共享,传输,分析和可视化所生成数据的系统。

All of this, of course, can be very expensive. Capital expenditure can be significant – and on-going. Not only is there an increase in the number of servers required, but also an increase in operating costs: storage facilities, power, human resources, software and security.

当然,所有这些都可能非常昂贵。 资本支出可能是巨大的并且还在持续。 不仅需要的服务器数量增加了,而且运营成本也增加了:存储设备,电源,人力资源,软件和安全性。

There is also the issue of scalability. Big data will get bigger; there will be a constant need to expand and increasing pressure to upgrade servers and software as new, improved technology is developed.

还存在可伸缩性问题。 大数据将变得更大; 随着新的,经过改进的技术的发展,将不断有扩大和升级服务器和软件的压力。

云的财务和安全优势 (Financial and security benefits of the cloud)

A significant challenge for companies using big data will be how to increase capacity whilst keeping expenditure at an affordable level. It is here that the cloud comes into its own.  Cloud computing is the only system that enables businesses to improve their agility, increase efficiency and scale their data capability whilst reducing costs. It’s less expensive than in-house storage and, as data is held remotely, there is no expenditure on power.

对于使用大数据的公司而言,一个重大挑战将是如何增加容量,同时将支出保持在可承受的水平。 云正是在这里诞生的。 云计算是使企业能够提高敏捷性,提高效率和扩展其数据功能同时降低成本的唯一系统。 它比内部存储便宜,而且由于数据是远程存储的,因此没有电力消耗。

Cloud computing also provides security benefits by offering better data centre and virtual system security than in-house systems. It gives a level of protection from emerging threats that cannot be managed in-house. In addition, as the servers are hosted in a variety of locations, data is more secure than if stored in a single location. Cloud users also have fewer service disruptions and benefit from quicker recovery and reduced downtime.

云计算还通过提供比内部系统更好的数据中心和虚拟系统安全性,还提供了安全优势。 它提供了一定程度的保护,以防止内部无法解决的新出现威胁。 此外,由于服务器托管在多个位置,因此与存储在单个位置相比,数据更安全。 云用户还减少了服务中断,并受益于更快的恢复和减少的停机时间。

不同类型的云部署模型 (Different types of cloud deployment models)

Businesses who opt for cloud hosting have three different deployment models to choose from: private, public and hybrid. Below, we’ll give a brief explanation of what they are and the benefits of each.

选择云托管的企业可以选择三种不同的部署模式:私有,公共和混合。 下面,我们将简要说明它们是什么以及它们各自的优点。

私有云 (Private Clouds)

A private cloud is where a company’s data is stored and processed on a private network of servers. Whilst private clouds can provide the strongest level of security, they do require the largest capital expenditure, as the company will still need to purchase and maintain their own cloud system. However, this is the ideal choice for organisations that have to conform to strict data security regulations, such as the police and NHS.

私有云是公司数据在服务器的私有网络上存储和处理的地方。 尽管私有云可以提供最强的安全性,但它们确实需要最大的资本支出,因为公司仍将需要购买和维护自己的云系统。 但是,对于必须遵守严格的数据安全法规的组织(例如警察和NHS),这是理想的选择。

公有云 (Public Clouds)

A public cloud is where a business data is stored and processed across a group of servers on the internet. As the cloud service provider uses its servers to host hundreds or thousands of other companies, this model offers the increased efficiency in shared resources and, consequently, reduced costs.

公共云是跨Internet上的一组服务器存储和处理业务数据的地方。 随着云服务提供商使用其服务器托管成百上千的其他公司,此模型可提高共享资源的效率,从而降低成本。

混合云 (Hybrid Clouds)

A hybrid cloud allows businesses to keep their most sensitive data on private servers whilst using a public cloud provider to store and process other data. Whilst this offers a reduced cost compared to a purely private cloud model, it can make data management more complicated. There will be the need to make sure that the private and public elements of the systems are compatible and there may be differing security measures on each part of the system.

混合云使企业可以将最敏感的数据保留在专用服务器上,同时使用公共云提供商来存储和处理其他数据。 尽管与纯私有云模型相比,这可以降低成本,但它会使数据管理更加复杂。 将需要确保系统的私有和公共元素兼容,并且系统的每个部分可能会有不同的安全措施。

Companies opting for cloud hosting should undertake a cost-benefit analysis to see which option is best for them over the long term.


利用Hadoop的力量 (Harness the power of Hadoop)

It’s an odd sounding name, but Hadoop is likely to become familiar to many during 2016. This open source software framework from Apache has helped revolutionise storage and large scale data processing over the last few years and is becoming increasingly popular. It’s already in use by some of the world’s biggest data users including Amazon, Citi Group, eBay, Facebook and Google.

这个名字听起来有些奇怪,但是Hadoop可能会在2016年间成为许多人所熟悉的东西。来自Apache的这种开源软件框架在过去几年中已经帮助彻底改变了存储和大规模数据处理,并且变得越来越流行。 全球一些最大的数据用户已经在使用它,包括亚马逊,花旗集团,eBay,Facebook和Google。

Its popularity is easy to understand: Hadoop is highly scalable and can store and distribute enormous data sets across hundreds of servers; it is extremely cost-effective, massively reducing the cost of storage and processing; and it is also highly flexible, enabling businesses to process new and different types of data, including unstructured data.

它的流行很容易理解:Hadoop具有高度可扩展性,可以在数百台服务器之间存储和分发大量数据; 它极具成本效益,大大降低了存储和处理成本; 而且它还具有高度的灵活性,使企业能够处理新的和不同类型的数据,包括非结构化数据。

What’s more, Hadoop’s unique storage method enables blisteringly fast computing, processing terabytes in minutes, whilst ensuring that data is never lost – it always creates a separate copy should there be a failure elsewhere in the system.


结论 (Conclusion)

Big data analytics provides businesses with the actionable data needed to become smarter and leaner, it helps them interface with customers far more effectively using cross-channel communications and gives a much more profound insight into their markets, helping them shape and control their future.


For businesses undertaking big data analytics, Apache Hadoop is the most useful tool to reduce costs whilst improving performance and productivity, no matter how big the data is. And it’s ideal for cloud computing.

对于进行大数据分析的企业而言,无论数据多大,Apache Hadoop都是降低成本,提高性能和生产力的最有用工具。 它是云计算的理想选择。

For companies starting to use big data, using cloud-based computer technology is the most cost-effective way of achieving their goals. Its pay-per-consume model provides cost-efficient scalability and the high spec technology available provides the capacity, security and resources to work productively with very large volumes of data.

对于开始使用大数据的公司而言,使用基于云的计算机技术是实现其目标的最具成本效益的方式。 它的按使用量付费模型提供了具有成本效益的可扩展性,而可用的高规格技术则提供了容量,安全性和资源,可高效地处理大量数据。

eUKhost云选项 (eUKhost Cloud Options)

The eUKhost cloud environment has been engineered to deliver predictable and consistent performance with 100% uptime guarantee. We have produced a system that guards against anything from hard disk failure to an entire server failure. We offer both  VMware or Hyper-V cloud hosting plans to suit your individual requirements. In addition, we also offer our eNlight, pay-as- you go, cloud hosting service.

eUKhost云环境经过精心设计,可提供可预测且一致的性能,并保证100%的正常运行时间。 我们生产的系统可以防止从硬盘故障到整个服务器故障的任何情况。 我们提供VMware或Hyper-V云托管计划,以满足您的个性化需求。 此外,我们还提供eNlight随用随付云托管服务。

的VMware (VMware)

Established industry leader, VMware, allows you to host virtual machines using any operating system and is the most effective way for large enterprises to consolidate their physical infrastructures into simple, more affordable solutions.


超V (Hyper-V )

Hyper-V, a proprietary component of the Windows server platform, provides a rich feature set that has been created to guarantee stability, availability, high performance and manageability.


夜云 (eNight Cloud)

eNlight Cloud is a pay as you go cloud hosting platform that intelligently autoscales computing resources and charges you only for the resources which your cloud server uses.

eNlight Cloud是随用随付的云托管平台,可智能地自动扩展计算资源,并仅对您的云服务器使用的资源收费。

For more information about eUKhosts cloud hosting services, visit our cloud hosting page or our eNlight cloud hosting page.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/big-data-big-hacks-big-clouds-are-you-ready-for-2016/






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