

Content Delivery Network popularly known as CDN are one of the fastest emerging technologies supporting cost-efficiency and something that caters to a variety of content to numerous end points. These end-points maybe anything from web browsers, mobile devices or gaming consoles. The information delivered to you below would help you understand about CDN’s and how it’d be used for your businesses.

内容交付网络(俗称CDN)是支持成本效益的最快的新兴技术之一,并且可以满足各种内容到众多端点的需求。 这些端点可能来自Web浏览器,移动设备或游戏机。 下面提供给您的信息将帮助您了解CDN以及如何将其用于您的业务。

A CDN can be categorised into : (a) CDNs that cater general content but isn’t restricted to video only; (b) CDNs delivering on-demand video and (c) CDNs delivering Live Video or what we usually call it as Live Streaming.

CDN可以分为: (a)满足一般内容但不仅限于视频的CDN; (b)提供按需视频的CDN和(c)提供实时视频或我们通常称为实时流的CDN。

Some of these technologies have gained greater popularity than others. Some work on the methods of complete/progressive download /streaming or HTTP delivery.

其中一些技术比其他技术更受欢迎。 一些关于完整/渐进式下载/流传输或HTTP传递方法的工作。

Lets take a closer look at the features of these technologies.


General Purpose CDNs


It might have so happened that unknowingly you’d have used services based on a general purpose CDN, a very good example is the iTunes Store.

可能是这样,以至于在不知不觉中您使用了基于通用CDN的服务的情况,iTunes Store是一个很好的例子。

The general purpose Content Delivery Networks carries out a function known as web acceleration. To use such a CDN technology you are essentially required to have multiple servers located at different geo-locations. To increase it efficiency, one must ensure that the servers are hosted in a close vicinity of large connection points between Internet service providers (ISPs) or even within the same data centers as a popular website or gaming/application provider. The Content Delivery Network cache’s content, and serves to the user requests from the stored copy of content.

通用内容交付网络执行一项称为Web加速的功能。 要使用这种CDN技术,本质上要求您将多个服务器放置在不同的地理位置。 为了提高效率,必须确保将服务器托管在Internet服务提供商(ISP)之间大型连接点的附近,甚至是与流行的网站或游戏/应用程序提供商位于同一数据中心内。 内容交付网络缓存的内容,并根据所存储的内容副本满足用户请求。

This technology of web acceleration has evolved from the past to a state of a complex form due to the very fact that the internet connectivity offered by ISPs have much restrictions and fail to cover larger areas. In order to achieve an efficient CDN delivery with web acceleration, it is necessary that the content is cached at multiple locations, resulting in the necessity of a nation-wide branching of multiple servers hosted at maximum number of data-centers and ISP headends / POPs.

由于ISP提供的Internet连接受到很大的限制并且无法覆盖更大的区域,因此Web加速技术已从过去演变为复杂的形式。 为了通过Web加速实现有效的CDN交付,必须将内容缓存在多个位置,从而需要在全国范围内分支多个服务器,这些服务器托管在最大数量的数据中心和ISP头端/ POP上。

On-Demand Video CDNs


You’d attimes find that the general purpose CND services also deliver an on-demand video content. Such content usually consists of large files such as a game, large downloadable application hence pointing to a fact that isn’t too different than other content.

您有时会发现通用CND服务还可以提供点播视频内容。 此类内容通常由大型文件(例如游戏)和大型可下载应用程序组成,因此所指出的事实与其他内容并无太大差异。

Until recently it was essential for a video delivery to be served from special high config streaming servers. These servers could deliver the content at the time of a request, but had a drawback, it’d just deliver the bits requested instead of the complete video file. This usually happened due to the hesitance of CDN services to invert in costly steaming servers and the software required to run the network. Therefore the service wasn’t necessarily serving well to the expectations. This led to a choice of direct downloads, wherein full video clip had to be downloaded to a local computer of the requester inorder for it to be viewed. This is exactly what was required for downloading large files, but in this patience used to be tested and the requester couldn’t wait that long until the process could complete.

直到最近,从特殊的高配置流服务器提供视频传输还是至关重要的。 这些服务器可以在请求时传递内容,但是有一个缺点,它只是传递请求的位而不是完整的视频文件。 这通常是由于CDN服务无法转换昂贵的蒸汽服务器以及运行网络所需的软件而发生的。 因此,该服务不一定能很好地满足期望。 这导致选择直接下载,其中必须将完整的视频剪辑下载到请求者的本地计算机上才能进行查看。 这正是下载大文件所需要的,但是在这种耐心中,它曾经经过测试,请求者不能等那么长时间,直到过程完成。

This formed the base reason for the discovery of progressive download, which is something we see at YouTube. In this type of delivery system, the CDN’s could deliver the download, and the requester could view it within few seconds (ofcourse the Internet speed played an important role) and download process would continue in the background. In this the waiting time could be greatly reduced and the content could be downloaded much faster and before the viewer could reach half way to viewing the video.

这是发现渐进式下载的基本原因,这是我们在YouTube上看到的。 在这种类型的传送系统中,CDN可以传送下载内容,而请求者可以在几秒钟内查看它(当然,互联网速度起着重要作用),下载过程将在后台继续进行。 这样,可以大大减少等待时间,并且可以更快地下载内容,并且可以使观看者在观看视频之前达到一半。

It was later observed that, if the requester abandoned viewing the video mid-way, the owner of the content was still changed for the entire download. Such a problem was managed by a streaming server wherein it’d enhance content delivery (curtail the speed at which content was downloaded to a level just a bit faster than content would be viewed) while still avoiding the use of a specialized streaming server for on-demand content.

后来发现,如果请求者中途放弃观看视频,则整个下载内容的所有者仍将更改。 这个问题是由流服务器解决的,其中它增强了内容传递(将内容的下载速度降低到仅比查看内容快一点的速度),同时仍避免使用专门的流服务器进行传输。需求内容。

It is just recently that the Industry got to use an even advanced technology of HTTP streaming that had a rigid adaptive bitrate (ABR) encoding and delivery.


As the name suggests, an HTTP streaming technology makes use of generic HTTP servers (usually an Apache or Windows Server) to service the on-demand video files similar to ways the requests of website content is served. Enhanced speeds of delivery was inherent in HTTP system, its just that it was also capable of serving on-demand video clip delivery.

顾名思义,HTTP流技术利用通用HTTP服务器(通常是Apache或Windows Server)来提供点播视频文件,类似于服务网站内容请求的方式。 HTTP系统固有的是增强的传输速度,这仅仅是因为它还能够满足点播视频剪辑的传输。

Further, the adaptive bitrate (ABR) was added to the CDN, that gave a capability of converting a video stream into fragments, often 2-10 seconds in length. It created discrete streams at various bitrates and then uses feedback from the Internet user’s video player to dynamically detect the optimum network speed for delivery of the video clip.

此外,将自适应比特率(ABR)添加到CDN,从而可以将视频流转换为片段,长度通常为2-10秒。 它创建了各种比特率的离散流,然后使用来自Internet用户视频播放器的反馈来动态检测用于交付视频剪辑的最佳网络速度。

Based on the network conditions, the stream that had the best appropriate bitrate is served for a particular data fragment and time. This eased the pain of the content owner as the bitrate could be limited and also limiting the need for large numbers of special streaming servers. This technological advancements and advantages offered by ABR gave an opportunity to the big players in the Industry to offer it as a solution.

根据网络条件,将为特定的数据片段和时间提供具有最佳比特率的最佳流。 这可以减轻内容所有者的痛苦,因为可以限制比特率,并且还限制了对大量特殊流服务器的需求。 ABR所提供的技术进步和优势为行业中的大型企业提供了提供解决方案的机会。

Live Video Delivery CDNs


A Live video delivery CDN can be said to be still in an immature state. Despite the advancements as stated above, we can expect more advancements in the Live Video Delivery CDN’s. One of the factors that awaits improvements is the caching of live video’s similar to textual content.

实时视频交付CDN可以说仍处于不成熟状态。 尽管有如上所述的进步,但我们可以期待Live Video Delivery CDN的进步。 等待改进的因素之一是类似于文本内容的实时视频的缓存。

Expense is still one of the most concerning factors to run and manage a live streaming infrastructure. With every addition of viewer the cost of bandwidth increases as well. Though there’s a partial solution that the providers have discovered viz. broadcasting. Service providers broadcast part of their digital frequency spectrum to be viewable on mobile devices and gadgets. This has also offered an opportunity to reach out to a greater geo-location.

费用仍然是运行和管理实时流基础结构的最相关因素之一。 随着观众的增加,带宽成本也随之增加。 尽管提供者发现了部分解决方案,但也有发现。 广播。 服务提供商广播其数字频谱的一部分,以便在移动设备和小工具上查看。 这也为扩大地理位置提供了机会。

Though issues still persist with live event streaming as an indepth planning and infrastructure setup needs to be made months before the D-day. Sufficient sizing up of resources is required based on the assumptions of simultaneous viewers at peak periods of time. The Cloud Hosting technology is rightfully being considered for the smooth live delivery of video.

尽管实时事件流仍然存在问题,因为需要在D天前几个月进行深入的计划和基础架构设置。 基于在高峰时间段同时观看者的假设,需要充分地分配资源。 为了顺利地实时交付视频,正正确地考虑使用Cloud Hosting技术。

Cloud Hosting and Computing

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/content-delivery-network-cdn-an-insight/






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