cdp 持续数据保护_使用R1Soft CDP解决方案保护您的关键业务数据

cdp 持续数据保护

Data, be it for any sort of business, is usually the most sensitive aspect to an enterprise. Enterprises are in a constant endeavor to safeguard this crucial aspect for business continuity. Few might have even experienced situations when data might have got lost/stolen due to any reasons such as hacks, thefts, corrupt databases, injections, human errors etc. Thereafter, despite an inability  to recover it to the fullest, the costs involved with retrieving the best possible would have been high as well. This was only about the financial loss that an enterprise would usually face, not to mention the irreversible harm caused to the reputation.

对于任何类型的业务而言,数据通常是企业最敏感的方面。 企业一直在努力维护业务连续性的这一关键方面。 很少有人会遇到因黑客,盗窃,数据库损坏,注入,人为错误等原因而导致数据丢失/被盗的情况。此后,尽管无法最大程度地恢复数据,但检索所涉及的成本最好的情况也会很高。 这仅是企业通常面临的财务损失,更不用说对声誉造成的不可挽回的伤害。

Since the time Internet experienced a massive boom, most businesses have been striving to make a firm online presence, where most of their data is stored online either over cheap and affordable web hosting servers or over Dedicated and Cloud Servers. An increasing concern encircles the IT managers about safeguarding their mission critical data with the rapid changes happening online. A viable solution that help enterprises ensure data protection is by opting for a backup and DR solution. It is one of the best means to maintaining a copy of your data over offsite servers. There are numerous backup solutions that one can choose from best suitable for your business requirements. Organizing the backups at a safe distantly located server equally ensures quick restoration. Offsite backups are also one of the most promising means of disaster recovery. Depending on the volume of your data, you must choose an appropriate backup plan offered by providers. R1Soft Continuous data protection (CDP ) is a tool to consider to suffice your needs of data protection.

自从Internet经历了巨大的繁荣以来,大多数企业一直在努力建立牢固的在线形象,其中大部分数据通过廉价和负担得起的Web托管服务器或专用服务器云服务器在线存储。 IT管​​理人员越来越关注如何通过在线快速变化来保护其关键任务数据。 通过选择备份和灾难恢复解决方案,可帮助企业确保数据保护的可行解决方案 。 这是在异地服务器上维护数据副本的最佳方法之一。 有许多备份解决方案可供选择,最适合您的业务需求。 同样,在安全的远程服务器上组织备份可确保快速恢复。 异地备份也是灾难恢复最有希望的手段之一。 根据数据量,您必须选择提供商提供的适当备份计划。 R1Soft连续数据保护(CDP)是一种可以满足您对数据保护需求的工具。

R1Soft Continuous Data Protection

R1Soft CDP的见解 (An Insight of R1Soft CDP)

Traditional backup solutions had certain flaws where continuous data protection wasn’t guaranteed, all the data over a server was backed up each time the tool came into action, hence increasing the load over servers, making it even more difficult to manage the large volume of files created over the server. R1Soft offered a solution where it was able to detect particular files that had undergone changes since the last backup and take a backup of only those. This is termed as an incremental backup where the changed files are overwritten saving the hard-disk space and other server resources. R1Soft uses a powerful compression technology that helps in reducing the overall size of the data to the best possible percentage, hence allowing it to fasten the process of backups and restoration.

传统的备份解决方案存在某些缺陷,无法保证连续的数据保护,每次使用该工具时都会备份服务器上的所有数据,从而增加了服务器上的负载,使管理大量数据量变得更加困难。在服务器上创建的文件。 R1Soft提供了一种解决方案,它能够检测自上次备份以来发生过更改的特定文件,并仅备份那些文件。 这被称为增量备份,其中更改的文件将被覆盖,从而节省了硬盘空间和其他服务器资源。 R1Soft使用了强大的压缩技术,有助于将数据的整体大小减小到最佳百分比,从而使其可以加快备份和还原过程。

为什么需要R1Soft CDP作为运行您的企业网站的服务器? (Why do you need an R1Soft CDP for the server running your business website ?)

If you have a busy website where the content is updated frequently, you would need a backup solution that is capable of taking a backup of your site and its database very often, for example every 10 mins. With R1Soft CDP, you can schedule the tool accordingly and stay rest assured. It would only update those files and folders that have undergone changes, hence causing no adverse effects on the performance of your site yet preparing it for any disasters.

如果您有一个繁忙的网站,其内容会经常更新,则需要一个备份解决方案,该解决方案应能够非常频繁地(例如每10分钟)备份您的网站及其数据库。 使用R1Soft CDP,您可以相应地计划工具并放心使用。 它只会更新发生了更改的那些文件和文件夹,因此不会对您的网站性能造成任何负面影响,但可以为灾难做准备。

Now, referring back to the first paragraph, if you ever encounter a similar situation, having an R1Soft solution can help you avoid the costs of restoring all the data. All you need to do is log into the R1Soft management console, choose the backup instance from a list, click restore and get your site back online within no time, as if nothing had happened.

现在,回到第一段,如果遇到类似情况,拥有R1Soft解决方案可以帮助您避免恢复所有数据的成本。 您所需要做的就是登录R1Soft管理控制台,从列表中选择备份实例,单击“还原”,使您的站点立即恢复在线,仿佛什么都没有发生。

If your server hardware crashes for some reason, lets consider that the hard-disk fails, you may contact your hosting provider, ask them to replace the hard drive with a new one,  run restore from your R1Soft management console and get your site back online instantly.


Online threats such as attacks, breaches, hacks are a common concern these days. You never know when fraudsters would choose your site to be their next target. But if you are equipped with R1Soft CDP solution you needn’t worry about it too much. Its robust encryption technology ensures that the stored backup files are protected from theft, even if someone does get an access to it somehow, it would be of no use to them as the data would be in an unreadable encrypted format, hence avoiding its use for any fraudulent activities, though that would hardly be the case as even the backup servers have tight security measures in place.

如今,诸如攻击,破坏,黑客之类的在线威胁已成为普遍关注的问题。 您永远不会知道欺诈者何时会选择您的网站作为下一个目标。 但是,如果您配备了R1Soft CDP解决方案,则不必太担心。 其强大的加密技术可确保保护已存储的备份文件免遭盗窃,即使有人确实以某种方式对其进行了访问,这对他们也没有用,因为数据将采用不可读的加密格式,因此避免了将其用于任何欺诈活动,尽管由于备份服务器也采取了严格的安全措施,但情况并非如此。

R1Soft offers an easy to use GUI panel that makes it easy to understand and use by anyone. It allows you to customize backup schedules according to user preferences. Its wide range of built-in features have something or the other to offer to a wide variety of users.

R1Soft提供了易于使用的GUI面板,任何人都可以轻松理解和使用。 它允许您根据用户首选项自定义备份计划。 其广泛的内置功能可以为各种各样的用户提供某些功能。

You might want to refer Offsite Backup Hosting Solution based on R1Soft’s CDP Technology for more information about the solution. A number of hosting providers now-a-days use this very useful tool to offer data protection services to users. The popularity of R1Soft has been growing day-by-day amongst users, hence finding support isn’t a difficult task. Its affordable cost is another factor to add to its popularity. It’s considered to be one of the most reliable tools for data protection world-wide, so choosing a host that offers R1Soft CDP solution can prove to be one of the best decisions for safeguarding your data over the world wide web.

您可能需要参考基于R1Soft的CDP技术的非现场备份托管解决方案,以获取有关该解决方案的更多信息。 如今,许多托管服务提供商都使用此非常有用的工具为用户提供数据保护服务。 R1Soft在用户中的流行度每天都在增长,因此找到支持并不是一件容易的事。 其可承受的成本是增加其受欢迎程度的另一个因素。 它被认为是全球范围内最可靠的数据保护工具之一,因此选择提供R1Soft CDP解决方案的主机可能被证明是保护万维网上数据的最佳决策之一。

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