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宣传您的在线网站或电子商务商店无需花费金钱 (It doesn’t have to cost money to advertise your online website or e-commerce store)

There are many online services that companies use for PR and marketing exposure, and many of these are free. For example, Twitter and Facebook are prime examples where companies are harnessing the power of social media to gain PR exposure, and to advertise and announce new products and to get customers aware and start talking about their new products. Every major company I know are on Twitter and/or Facebook – however, Twitter is becoming increasingly used by companies. It’s short and concise. Each message can be up to 140 characters long. This can be both annoying and useful. It means “tweets” are short and concise, and makes it much different to Facebook. Twitter is more public and a public communication tool than Facebook and in this way I don’t think Facebook is competitive to Twitter or vice versa, which is why I think companies need to be on both. Not everyone is going to be on Twitter as well as Facebook, since they aren’t the same nor do they work the same way when using these social media sites.

公司可以使用许多在线服务来进行公关和营销,其中许多是免费的。 例如,Twitter和Facebook是最好的例子,其中公司正在利用社交媒体的力量来获得PR曝光,广告和宣布新产品,以及使客户意识到并开始谈论他们的新产品。 我认识的每个主要公司都在Twitter和/或Facebook上-但是,Twitter被越来越多的公司使用。 简短明了。 每条消息最多可以包含140个字符。 这既烦人又有用。 这意味着“ tweets”简短明了,与Facebook截然不同。 Twitter比Facebook更具公共性和公共通信工具,因此我认为Facebook在Twitter上没有竞争力,反之亦然,这就是为什么我认为公司必须同时兼顾两者。 并非每个人都会在Twitter和Facebook上露面,因为在使用这些社交媒体网站时,他们既不相同也不相同。

使用Twitter和Facebook使客户保持知情和忠诚。 (Using Twitter and Facebook to keep customers informed and loyal.)

Using Twitter and Facebook are important tools especially if your business is solely an online business, such as an online e-commerce store. You can use Twitter and Facebook to gauge customers on new competitions, new products and to even provide customer support via these mediums. It’s much easier to contact a company about an issue via Twitter than contacting them official channels, because first, it’s short, it’s concise and it’s quick. And the fact that every tweet is essentially public, most companies will be eager to sort out the customer issue because there is no way to really hide another person’s bad tweet about some company. But, the bottom line is, it’s a good communication and connection tool for you, your company and your customers. While it has made Twitter even more commercialised, many people will appreciate companies they use for various services, shopping or products that your company is on Twitter to keep updated on the latest products, services and competitions ran by your company.

使用Twitter和Facebook是重要的工具, 尤其是在您的业务仅是在线业务(例如在线电子商务商店)的情况下。 您可以使用Twitter和Facebook来评估新竞争,新产品的客户,甚至通过这些媒介提供客户支持。 通过Twitter与公司联系以解决问题要比通过官方渠道联系要容易得多,因为首先,它简短,简洁且快速。 而且事实上每个推文都是公开的,大多数公司都渴望解决客户问题,因为没有办法真正掩盖另一个人对某家公司的不良推文。 但是,最重要的是,对于您,您的公司和您的客户来说,它是一个很好的沟通和连接工具。 尽管它使Twitter更加商业化,但许多人会欣赏他们用于Twitter上的各种服务,购物或产品的公司,以保持有关公司所运行的最新产品,服务和竞赛的最新信息。

搜索引擎优化(SEO)。 (Search engine optimisation (SEO).)

Why pay for advertising space via AdWords and other online sites? You can use search engine optimisation to have your site listed naturally higher than other competing sites via popular search engines such as Google or Bing, as these search engines start to algorithmically understand your site is quite relevant and more important.

为什么要通过AdWords和其他在线网站支付广告空间? 您可以使用搜索引擎优化来通过受欢迎的搜索引擎(例如Google或Bing)使您的网站自然排名高于其他竞争网站,因为这些搜索引擎开始从算法上理解您的网站非常重要且更为重要。

什么是搜索引擎优化? (What is Search Engine Optimisation?)

Search Engine Optimisation is using techniques in order to have your site, blog or online e-commerce store to be ranked higher for relevant search terms via search engines such as Google, Bing and Ask Jeeves – Google being the main one here. There are many techniques you can use, including:

搜索引擎优化正在使用技术,以使您的网站,博客或在线电子商务商店通过Google,Bing和Ask Jeeves等搜索引擎在相关搜索字词上的排名更高-Google是这里的主要搜索引擎。 您可以使用多种技术,包括:

  • Getting back-links to your site: Use quality directories to submit your site or e-commerce store to in order to get link backs to your site; use online forums and where allowed, add a back-link to your site via your signature (as if you are advertising your site). There’s lots of legitimate ways of getting back links!

    返回到您的站点的链接:使用高质量目录将您的站点或电子商务商店提交到该站点,以便获得指向您的站点的链接; 使用在线论坛,并在允许的情况下通过签名向您的网站添加反向链接(就像您在宣传您的网站一样)。 有很多合法的方法来获取链接!

  • Focus on quality content: Quality and original content is required. Google does not just focus on your website URL and title, Google also focuses on the content of your site too. In fact, content is king, which is why it is important to focus on ensuring your content is updated regularly, is of high quality and is always original. If you copy any content from another website Google has indexed (and Google indexes billions of pages), expect Google to remove that page or section of your website off Google listings or not index it at all, or even worse, penalise your entire website whereby your site isn’t listed on Google at all).

    关注质量内容:质量和原始内容是必需的。 Google不仅关注您的网站URL和标题,还关注您网站的内容 。 实际上,内容王,这就是为什么重点在于确保您的内容定期更新,高质量和始终原创的重要性。 如果您从Google已编入索引的另一个网站中复制了任何内容(并且Google为数十亿个页面编制了索引),则期望Google从Google列表中删除该页面或网站部分,或者根本不对其进行索引,甚至更糟的是,对您的整个网站进行处罚,从而您的网站根本不在Google上列出)。

  • Name your HTML/server-side files appropriately: If you have a page on computer accessories, naming your file appropriately helps towards SEO, so as an example a file name of: computer-mouse-accessories.php, if your page is selling computer mice accessories (or computer-mice-accessories.php, perhaps) – this is for PHP server-side files, but applies just as equally for static HTML pages

    适当命名HTML /服务器端文件:如果您在计算机配件上有一个页面,则适当地命名文件有助于SEO,例如,如果您的页面正在销售计算机,则文件名是:computer-mouse-accessories.php。鼠标配件(或者也许是computer-mice-accessories.php)–这是针对PHP服务器端文件的,但同样适用于静态HTML页面

We have a blog post on search engine optimisation (opens in a new window) explaining about various search engine optimisation techniques you can use for your online blog, but generally apply universally for online sites and even e-commerce stores, too.


口口相传。 (Make word of mouth front-and-centre.)

Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising. Period. There’s no question about it. I run an online Minecraft server, and I’ve never advertised it any further since I launched it and many new online players that play on the game server were referred from existing players on my server. Even at eUKhost, many of our customers have referred new customers of ours because they are happy with the service we provide. Word of mouth is important, which is why every company should focus on providing good customer service, support and experience to ensure customers are happy. You never know, if there is an unhappy customer, they may end up telling others which may lose you sales in the future.

口耳相传是最有力的广告形式 。 期。 毫无疑问。 我运行的是Minecraft在线服务器,自从启动该服务器以来,我再也没有做过任何广告。在服务器上玩的许多新在线玩家都是从服务器上的现有玩家那里引荐来的。 即使在eUKhost,我们的许多客户也推荐了我们的新客户,因为他们对我们提供的服务感到满意。 口口相传很重要,这就是每个公司都应专注于提供优质的客户服务,支持和经验以确保客户满意的原因。 您永远不会知道,如果有一个不满意的客户,他们最终可能会告诉别人,这可能会在将来使您失去销售。

Perhaps add affiliate programs on your e-commerce store? Even customers could use this. Provide attractive offers to get your customers to either advertise your e-commerce store via their website or even via social networking sites such as Facebook!

也许在您的电子商务商店中添加会员计划? 甚至客户也可以使用它。 提供诱人的优惠,以使您的客户通过他们的网站甚至通过社交网站(例如Facebook)来宣传您的电子商务商店!

拥有博客? 在EZineArticles.com *上制作独家文章,并添加返回您博客的链接 (Own a blog? Make exclusive articles on EZineArticles.com* and add a link back to your blog)

This is a great search engine optimisation exposure but also exposure to interested visitors. EZineArticles.com is highly ranked on Google because of how popular the site is and the fact that all articles go through a submission review process to ensure all articles are of high quality, are original and unique. If your blog is new or isn’t well established from a search engine optimisation perspective (or even it if is), EZineArticles.com is a great marketing method for your online blog. I’d definitely recommend you use ezinearticles.com to submit some unique articles to their site with valuable link backs to your blog in exchange (which they let you do at the end of articles). However, make sure articles on EZineArticles.com are unique and aren’t articles that are already on the Web, such as your own blog.

这是搜索引擎优化的绝佳机会,同时也吸引了感兴趣的访问者。 EZineArticles.com在该网站上的排名很高,原因是该网站的受欢迎程度以及所有文章都经过提交审核过程以确保所有文章都是高质量,原创且独特的事实。 如果您的博客是新博客,或者从搜索引擎优化角度来看不够完善(或者甚至不是),则EZineArticles.com是您在线博客的一种不错的营销方式。 我绝对建议您使用ezinearticles.com将一些独特的文章提交到他们的网站,并提供有价值的指向您博客的链接作为交换(他们可以在文章末尾让您这样做)。 但是,请确保EZineArticles.com 上的文章是唯一的 ,而不是网络上已经存在的文章(例如您自己的博客)。

This is a good search engine optimisation method and to get clicks back to your blog from readers that had read your article on EZineArticles.com.


*Link above opens a new window


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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/it-doesnt-have-to-cost-money-to-advertise-your-online-website-or-e-commerce-store/


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