ipv4与ipv6_IPv4与IPv6 –比较的不同因素


Before the discovery of Internet, there wasn’t a network where users could connect to. But today after the evolution of this medium we’ve seen great improvements and enhancements to something what we have today. We can see that different people located in different parts of the globe connect via. Internet using devices such as PC’s, hand-held devices, mobile phones, tablets etc.

在发现Internet之前,还没有用户可以连接的网络。 但是今天,在这种媒体的发展之后,我们已经看到了对我们今天所拥有的东西的巨大改进和增强。 我们可以看到,位于全球不同地区的不同人员通过进行连接。 使用PC,手持设备,移动电话,平板电脑等设备的Internet

But what most users aren’t aware is what drives the Internet, it the IP ie. the Internet Protocol that allows various devices to communicate with each other via this network. Due to the extensive use the IP version 4 which was the standard Internet protocol used has been extinguished. According to reports, the last IP from  the version 4 category was used up in Feb. 2011. This created the necessity to increase this pool and allow new users to help access the different parts on the web, hence giving rise to the Ipv6. IPv6 is equipped with a huge capacity of numerical addresses, but switching from IPv4 to IPv6 may be a difficult process (atleast today).

但是大多数用户不知道的是什么驱动了Internet,即IP。 Internet协议,它允许各种设备通过此网络相互通信。 由于广泛使用,IP版本4(使用的标准Internet协议)已被淘汰。 据报道,第4版类别中的最后一个IP在2011年2月用完了。这就增加了增加此池的必要性,并允许新用户帮助访问Web上的不同部分,从而产生了Ipv6。 IPv6具备大量的数字地址,但是从IPv4切换到IPv6可能是一个困难的过程(到今天为止)。

这是IPv6与IPv4的比较 (Here’s a Comparison of IPv6 with IPv4)

IPv6 has been designed with a new packet format, a design that would reduce the packet header processing by routers. While there is a difference between headers of IPv4 and IPv6 packets, making it difficult for the two to operate together.  However, in most regards, IPv6 is a conservative extension of IPv4. Most transport and application-layer protocols need little or no change to operate over IPv6; exceptions are application protocols that embed Internet-layer addresses, such as FTP and NTPv3.

IPv6被设计为具有新的数据包格式,该设计将减少路由器对数据包报头的处理。 尽管IPv4和IPv6数据包的标头之间存在差异,但使两者很难一起操作。 但是,在大多数方面,IPv6是IPv4的保守扩展。 大多数传输和应用层协议只需很少或不需要任何更改即可在IPv6上运行。 嵌入Internet层地址的应用程序协议(例如FTP和NTPv3)除外。

A Larger Address Space


This feature is one of the most prominent and a much needed requirement for the Internet Protocol for this generation. The size of IPv6 addresses is 128 bits while it was 32 bits in IPv4. Therefore an IPv6 is capable of supporting 2128 or approximately 3.4×1038 addresses while comparing that to IPv4 this amounts approximately to 5×1028 addresses. Another drawback with Ipv4 is its poorly allocated address space, roughly 14% of all available addresses aren’t utilized. The long address simplifies the allocation, enables efficient route aggregation and implementation of special addressing features. Despite the small address space in IPv4, complex Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) methods were developed to make the best use of the space. But with IPv6 the default size of a sub-net in IPv6 is 264 addresses, with is the double of what was available with IPv4. The new version of this protocol is claimed to offer a better network management and routing efficiency by the large sub-net space and hierarchical route aggregation. So if you are to use the same system using IPv4 to run IPv6, you’d need to renumber network with different routing prefixes, though webmasters would probably understand the extensive efforts to do this.

此功能是这一代对Internet协议最重要的需求之一。 IPv6地址的大小为128位,而在IPv4中为32位。 因此,IPv6能够支持2128或大约3.4×1038个地址,而与IPv4相比,大约相当于5×1028个地址。 Ipv4的另一个缺点是其地址空间分配不当,大约未使用所有可用地址的14%。 长地址简化了分配,实现了有效的路由聚合和特殊寻址功能的实现。 尽管IPv4中的地址空间很小,但仍开发了复杂的无类域间路由(CIDR)方法来充分利用该空间。 但是,使用IPv6时,IPv6中子网的默认大小为264个地址,是IPv4的两倍。 据称,该协议的新版本通过较大的子网空间和分层路由聚合来提供更好的网络管理和路由效率。 因此,如果您要使用使用IPv4的同一系统来运行IPv6,则尽管网络管理员可能会理解为实现此目的而付出的巨大努力,但您需要使用不同的路由前缀对网络重新编号。

Its due to this increased address space that makes us wonder if these addresses would ever be used up entirely . Though critics would still raise arms to question about the inconceivable idea about exhaustion of IPv6.

由于地址空间的增加,这使我们怀疑这些地址是否会被全部用完。 尽管批评家仍会举起手臂来质疑有关IPv6耗尽的难以想象的想法。


Compared to IPv4, IPv6 address has a relatively large size that was designed keeping in mind a hierarchical division for routing domains to serve to the future demands. The use of 128 bits allows for multiple levels of hierarchy and flexibility in designing hierarchical addressing and routing, which is something you wouldn’t find in IPv4 technology.

与IPv4相比,IPv6地址具有相对较大的大小,在设计时要牢记路由域的分层划分,以适应未来的需求。 使用128位可以在设计分层寻址和路由时实现多层层次结构和灵活性,而这在IPv4技术中是找不到的。

Lets take a look at the Benefits of IPv6 :-


* IP assignment : It is simpler to assign numbering, dynamic allocation, and recovery of addresses, in the case of IPv6. It also offers benefits for mobile gadgets wherein there isn’t any need to change the IP while on the move.

* IP分配 :在IPv6的情况下,分配编号,动态分配和地址恢复更加简单。 它还为移动小工具带来了好处,在移动过程中无需更改IP。

* Aggregation : IPv6’s huge address space simplifies the aggregation of address blocks over the Web.

聚合 :IPv6的巨大地址空间简化了Web上地址块的聚合。

* NAT/PAT : Unlike the traditional technology, IPv6 offers an opportunity to use dedicated addresses for all the devices . This overrules the need for NAT/PAT. Moreover,  application layer and VPN-tunneling issues caused by NAT too can be avoided.

NAT / PAT :与传统技术不同,IPv6提供了对所有设备使用专用地址的机会。 这消除了对NAT / PAT的需求。 而且,也可以避免由NAT引起的应用层和VPN隧道问题。

* IPsec and Security : Both IPv4 & 6 are compatible to IPsec, but it is essential on IPv6 hosts, so you can rely on support for IPsec as needed for VPN tunneling.

IPsec和安全性 :IPv4和6都与IPsec兼容,但是在IPv6主机上它是必不可少的,因此您可以依赖VPN隧道所需的对IPsec的支持。

* Header Enhancements : Many term it to be a minor aspect, yet there are a number of enhancements made in the IPv6 header in comparison to IPv4. For example, the routers are no longer required to to recalculate a header check-sum for every packet, hence reducing the per-packet overhead that is usually observed in IPv4. Moreover, the header includes a flow label that allows easy identification of packets sent over the same single TCP or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connection.

* 标头增强功能 :很多人将其称为次要方面,但是与IPv4相比,IPv6标头进行了许多增强。 例如,不再需要路由器为每个数据包重新计算报头校验和,从而减少了通常在IPv4中观察到的每个数据包的开销。 此外,标头包含一个流标签,可轻松识别通过同一单个TCP或用户数据报协议(UDP)连接发送的数据包。

* Transition tools : IPv6 includes various tools that can simplify the transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

* 过渡工具 :IPv6包括各种工具,可以简化从IPv4到IPv6的过渡。

There is limited knowledge amongst networking professionals about this emerging technology. This is one reason why organisations are a bit reluctant to switch from IPv4 to IPv6. Despite that, the fact is, its better to get adapted to the new technology asap.

网络专业人员之间对这种新兴技术的知识有限。 这就是组织为什么不愿意从IPv4切换到IPv6的原因之一。 尽管如此,事实是,最好尽快适应新技术。

VMware Hosting

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/ipv4-vs-ipv6-distinct-factors-of-comparison/


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