ncla novell_Novell网络| 第4部分

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Novell网络 (Novell Network)

It is worth exploring another reason for the decline of NetWare over the years. Although Microsoft is certainly better spent towards the non-technical staff of many organizations, which in many cases had decision-making on purchases, the best marketing is often a reason for overstated the success of Microsoft Windows and NetWare. Although NetWare server provided a very good argument for file and print services, the vast majority of workstations at which these services were offered were of the Windows desktop. For this reason, anyone could be in the best position to provide a client for the first adequate, reliable and complete for these services would be found over time in a position of advantage on the side of the server. Novell had to develop a client must be installed on any Windows machine.

值得探讨多年来NetWare下降的另一个原因。 尽管Microsoft当然会花很多钱在许多组织的非技术人员身上,因为在许多情况下,这些组织都对采购有决策权,但最佳的营销往往是夸大Microsoft Windows和NetWare成功的原因。 尽管NetWare服务器为文件和打印服务提供了很好的论据,但是提供这些服务的绝大多数工作站都是Windows桌面。 因此,随着时间的流逝,任何人都可能处于最佳位置,以首先为这些服务提供适当,可靠和完整的客户端,而这在服务器方面处于优势地位。 Novell必须开发的客户端必须安装在任何Windows机器上。

To allow these clients to be managed effectively through eDirectory and NetWare, Novell had to spend a great deal of time and money to replicate, or type in your client software, which Microsoft had already built directly into Windows for things like Active Directory and Group Policy, or would try to support the management of NetWare on Windows with Active Directory protocols. The latter method would have meant that a separate client would not be necessary, but since Active Directory was, and still is, a technology largely proprietary, which has been implemented successfully only on Windows, the company would have been very busy. This would also have meant that Novell would be entirely dependent on reverse engineering, or the inclusion of any improvement could be made to Microsoft Active Directory over time, and could never get a chance to get first on the market.

为了使这些客户端可以通过eDirectory和NetWare有效地进行管理,Novell必须花费大量的时间和金钱来复制或键入您的客户端软件,Microsoft已经将它们直接内置到Windows中以用于Active Directory和组策略。 ,或者尝试使用Active Directory协议支持Windows上的NetWare管理。 后一种方法将意味着不需要一个单独的客户端,但是由于Active Directory曾经是(而且现在仍然是)一种专有技术,只能在Windows上成功实现,因此该公司将非常忙。 这也意味着Novell将完全依赖于逆向工程,或者随着时间的流逝,对Microsoft Active Directory进行的任何改进都将包含在内,并且永远不会有机会率先进入市场。

As a result, what tends to occur in many organizations that still use Netware, eDirectory and Novell software is a hybrid infrastructure, consisting of Windows Server and Active Directory to manage your Windows infrastructure and a back end consisting of NetWare and eDirectory, synchronized with Active Directory through the use of instruments of the type of Novell Identity Manager. The infrastructure may include a Microsoft Windows Exchange Server and Windows applications that have been standardized on Active Directory, because of their direct support and easily accessible within Windows.

因此,在许多仍使用Netware,eDirectory和Novell软件的组织中,往往会出现一种混合基础结构,该结构由Windows Server和Active Directory组成以管理Windows基础结构,而后端则由NetWare和eDirectory组成,并与Active同步通过使用Novell Identity Manager类型的工具进行目录。 该基础结构可能包括Microsoft Windows Exchange Server和已在Active Directory上标准化的Windows应用程序,因为它们具有直接支持并且可以在Windows中轻松访问。

In essence, this means that the support and the use of Active Directory is already largely a prerequisite for managing Windows desktops in an organization, even before a decision is made to use NetWare, eDirectory and Novell software. This has placed Novell and other software companies in a disadvantageous position in some way.

从本质上讲,这意味着即使在决定使用NetWare,eDirectory和Novell软件之前,对Active Directory的支持和使用在很大程度上已经是组织中管理Windows桌面的先决条件。 这使Novell和其他软件公司在某种程度上处于不利地位。

性能 (Performance)

NetWare dominated the landscape of network operating systems since the mid-eighties until the late nineties, thanks to its performance which is extremely high compared to competitors. Many of the benchmarks of the period showed a performance advantage that ranged from 5 to 10 times compared to products from Microsoft, Banyan, and others. A benchmark that was of particular interest compared with NetWare 3.x services NFS over TCP / IP (not NetWare’s native IPX protocol) with an expensive dedicated Auspex NFS server and a SCO Unix server with NFS services. NetWare NFS NFS systems exceeded both native and had a performance edge by 2 to 1 on SCO Unix NFS installed on the same hardware.

从80年代中期到90年代后期,NetWare一直主导着网络操作系统的发展,这要归功于NetWare的性能比竞争对手高得多。 与Microsoft,Banyan和其他公司的产品相比,该时期的许多基准测试显示出5到10倍的性能优势。 与NetWare 3.x通过TCP / IP(不是NetWare的本机IPX协议)为NFS提供服务相比,它具有一个昂贵的专用Auspex NFS服务器和一个具有NFS服务的SCO Unix服务器。 NetWare NFS NFS系统不仅超越了本机,而且在同一硬件上安装的SCO Unix NFS上的性能比提高了2比1。

文件服务而不是磁盘服务 (File service instead of disk service)

When they received the initial development of NetWare, almost all storage on LAN was based on the model of the disk server. This meant that if a client wanted to read a particular block of a given file, had to send the following requests by the relatively slow LAN:

当他们接受NetWare的最初开发时,LAN上的几乎所有存储都基于磁盘服务器的模型。 这意味着,如果客户端要读取给定文件的特定块,则必须通过相对较慢的LAN发送以下请求:

1. Read the first block of directory 2. Continue reading the next block of the directory until you find the block containing the information on file. It could be many directory blocks. 3. Scroll through the various files in batches until you find the entry position of the block file. 4. Read the desired data block.

1.读取目录的第一个块。2.继续读取目录的下一个块,直到找到包含文件信息的块。 它可能是许多目录块。 3.批量滚动浏览各个文件,直到找到阻止文件的入口位置。 4.读取所需的数据块。

NetWare, which is based on a template file services, interact with client-level API for files:


1. Send a request to open the file (if not already been done) 2. Send a request to the data block of the desired file


All the research work in the directory you want to understand where the data were physically located on the disc was done at high speed, locally on the server. By the mid-eighties, the majority of network operating systems drive model was dropped from service to service the file. Today, the disk service model is making his return to the Storage Area Network.

您想了解数据在磁盘上的物理位置的目录中的所有研究工作都是在服务器本地高速完成的。 到80年代中期,大多数网络操作系统驱动器模型已从服务中删除,从而为文件提供服务。 今天,磁盘服务模型使他重返存储区域网络。

积极的缓存 (Aggressive caching)

From the beginning, NetWare was designed to be used on servers with copious amounts of RAM. The entire file allocation table (FAT) was loaded into RAM when a volume was mounted, thus requiring a minimum amount of RAM, which is proportional to the available space on disk (add a disk to a server often meant having to also increase the RAM). Unlike many other competing network operating systems prior to Windows NT, NetWare automatically used all the RAM is not committed to the caching of active files, using the delayed write requests to facilitate the reorganization of the disc (Seeks elevator). An unexpected shutdown could then corrupt the data, making it almost mandatory to use a UPS as part of a server.

从一开始,NetWare就被设计用于具有大量RAM的服务器上。 装入卷时,整个文件分配表(FAT)均已加载到RAM中,因此需要的RAM数量最少,这与磁盘上的可用空间成比例(向服务器添加磁盘通常意味着还必须增加RAM) )。 与Windows NT之前的许多其他竞争性网络操作系统不同,NetWare会自动使用所有未分配给活动文件缓存的RAM,并使用延迟的写请求来促进磁盘的重组(Seeks升降机)。 然后,意外关闭可能会破坏数据,从而几乎必须将UPS用作服务器的一部分。

The default value for the dirty cache delay time was set at 2.2 seconds on NetWare version 2.x Starting with NetWare 3.x, the settings of the dirty disk cache delay time and dirty directory cache delay time, control the amount of time that the server holding the changed data in the cache (dirty), before saving (flushing ) on the hard disk. The default value was 3.3 seconds, and could be lowered by up to 0.5 (but not to zero), while the maximum was 10 seconds. The option to increase the delay of the cache to 10 seconds provided a significant improvement in performance. Windows Server 2000 and 2003 do not permit adjustments to the cache delay time. Instead use an algorithm that adjusts the cache delay.

在NetWare版本2.x上,脏缓存延迟时间的默认值设置为2.2秒,从NetWare 3.x开始,脏磁盘缓存延迟时间和脏目录缓存延迟时间的设置可控制服务器将更改后的数据保存在缓存(脏)中,然后保存(刷新)在硬盘上。 默认值为3.3秒,最多可以降低0.5(但不能为零),而最大值为10秒。 将高速缓存的延迟增加到10秒的选项极大地提高了性能。 Windows Server 2000和2003不允许调整缓存延迟时间。 而是使用调整缓存延迟的算法。

NetWare核心协议(NCP)的效率 (Efficiency of NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) )

Many network protocols in use at the time NetWare was developed did not believe that the network delivers the messages. A typical reading files from a client works similar to the following:

NetWare开发时使用的许多网络协议都不相信网络会传递消息。 从客户端读取文件的典型方式类似于以下内容:

1. The client sends a read request to the server 2. The server authenticates the request 3. The client authenticates the authentication 4. The server sends the requested data to client 5. The client authenticates data 6. The authentication server authenticates


In contrast, NCP was based on the idea that most of the time the network was working perfectly, so the answer to a request served as authentication. This is an example of a read request from a client on the basis of this model:

相比之下,NCP是基于这样的想法,即大多数情况下网络都可以正常运行,因此请求的答案可以用作身份验证。 这是基于此模型的来自客户端的读取请求的示例:

1. The client sends a read request to the server 2. The server sends the requested data to the server


All applications containing a sequence number, so if the client did not receive a response in an appropriate time, return the request with the same sequence number. If the server has already processed the request must shipped back the answer in the cache, if it had not yet had time to process the request by sending a ‘positive recognition’ which meant, “I have received your request, but I did not have time to care, then do not bother. ” The result of this approach style ‘trusted network’ was a reduction of 2 / 3 of network traffic and latency associated with it.

所有应用程序均包含序列号,因此,如果客户端未在适当的时间收到响应,请使用相同的序列号返回请求。 如果服务器已经处理过该请求,则必须将该请求传送回缓存中,如果它还没有时间通过​​发送“肯定识别”来处理该请求,则表示“我已收到您的请求,但我没有有时间去照顾,那就不用理会。 这种方法样式“可信网络”的结果是将网络流量和与其相关的延迟减少了2/3。

专为网络服务设计的非抢先操作系统 (Non-preemptive OS designed for network services )

One of the debates of the nineties was more inflamed if it is more appropriate for the network file services, to be performed by a software layer that ran on top of an operating system “general purpose”, or a specific operating system. NetWare was a specific operating system, not with a timesharing. It was written from scratch as a platform for processing service client / server. Initially focused on services for file and print, but later showed his flexibility by running database, e-mail, web services and more. He had also efficient performance as a router, supporting IPX, TCP / IP, and Appletalk, though not ever offered the flexibility of a hardware router.

如果网络文件服务更适合由在“通用”操作系统或特定操作系统之上运行的软件层来执行,则更激怒了90年代的辩论之一。 NetWare是一个特定的操作系统,没有时间共享。 它是从头开始编写的,作为处理服务客户端/服务器的平台。 最初专注于文件和打印服务,但后来通过运行数据库,电子邮件,Web服务等展示了他的灵活性。 他还具有出色的路由器性能,支持IPX,TCP / IP和Appletalk,尽管从未提供硬件路由器的灵活性。

In the 4.x and earlier versions, NetWare did not support preemption, virtual memory, graphical user interface, etc.. Processes and services that turned in the NetWare operating system had to be cooperative, which is expected to process a request and return control to the operating system in a short time. On the other hand, this confidence in the ability to manage them if the application processes, could bring an application failing to stop the server.

在4.x和更早版本中,NetWare不支持抢占,虚拟内存,图形用户界面等。NetWare操作系统中上交的进程和服务必须协同工作,这有望处理请求并返回控制权在短时间内连接到操作系统。 另一方面,如果应用程序进行处理,则对管理它们的能力的这种信心会使应用程序无法停止服务器。

In comparison, operating systems “general purpose” such as Unix or Microsoft Windows, were based on an interactive model with time-sharing, where the competing programs would have consumed all available resources if they were not kept under control by the operating system. These operating environments using preemption, memory virtualization, etc.., Generating an overhead since there were never enough resources to do whatever the application. This system improves with time, while network services are free of the stigma of their “application” and moved deeper into the operating system kernel “general purpose”, but never match the efficiency of NetWare.

相比之下,诸如Unix或Microsoft Windows之类的“通用”操作系统是基于具有分时共享的交互式模型的,在这种模型中,如果竞争程序不受操作系统的控制,则它们将消耗所有可用资源。 这些操作环境使用抢占,内存虚拟化等。由于没有足够的资源来执行任何应用程序,因此产生了开销。 该系统会随着时间的推移而不断改进,而网络服务则摆脱了“应用程序”的污名,并更深入地进入了“通用”操作系统内核,但从未达到NetWare的效率。

Probably the main reason for the success of Novell during the eighties and nineties was the efficiency in comparison with the NetWare operating systems “general purpose”. However, with growth in the power of microprocessors, efficiency became less of a problem and the introduction of the Pentium processor, the advantage of NetWare’s performance began to be overwhelmed by the complexity of managing and developing applications for the NetWare environment.

在80年代和90年代,Novell成功的主要原因可能是与NetWare操作系统“通用”相比效率更高。 但是,随着微处理器功能的提高,效率的提高,Pentium处理器的问题逐渐减少,NetWare性能的优势开始被NetWare环境的管理和开发应用程序的复杂性所淹没。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到


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