电邮里面是图片怎么下载_什么是电子邮件| 第三部分


电子邮件和法律 (Email and law)

With the development of the Internet as indispensable working tool, litigation related to its use in the workplace was developed concurrently. The French judge was asked repeatedly about the rights of the employer on the electronic correspondence maintained by its employees in the workplace with the tools at its disposal by the same employer. In this area, stop “Nikon” of October 2, 2001, issued by the Social Chamber of the Court of Cassation, which is considered the founder of stopping this type of litigation. He devotes to the employee the “right, even at the time and place of work, respect the privacy of his private life,” implying that right “in particular the confidentiality of correspondence, the employer can not therefore breach.

随着互联网作为必不可少的工作工具的发展,与此同时在工作场所使用相关的诉讼也随之发展。 反复询问法国法官关于雇主对其雇员在工作场所维护的电子信件的权利,该工具由同一雇主使用。 在此区域,停止上诉法院社会庭于2001年10月2日发布的“尼康”,该法院被认为是制止这类诉讼的创始人。 他向员工奉行“即使在工作时间和地点,也应尊重其私生活的隐私的权利”,这意味着“权利”,尤其是通信的保密性,因此雇主不能因此而受到侵犯。

This fundamental freedom to read personal messages issued by the employee and received by him with a tool available to him for his work and this even where the employer would have prohibited a non-business use of the computer. In this case, the employee had sorted his mail messages, some of which are archived in a folder named “Staff”. The scope of this decision has subsequently been tempered. The Court of Cassation, to resume this type of litigation, ruled by the voice of the Social Chamber, 30 May 2007. She said while the trial court should “determine whether the files open on the material made available by employers and individuals were identified by the employee.”

这种基本的阅读自由,是由雇员发出的,由雇员接收并带有可用的工具进行工作的个人信息,即使雇主禁止将其用于非商业用途,这种自由也是如此。 在这种情况下,该员工对他的邮件进行了分类,其中一些邮件被存储在名为“ Staff”的文件夹中。 该决定的范围随后被调整。 最高上诉法院在2007年5月30日根据社会理事会的声音重新开始此类诉讼。她说,在初审法院应“确定雇主和个人提供的材料上的文件是否已被下列人员识别:员工。”

It is therefore the employee to arrange his private correspondence at work to protect all the elements that can contribute to such an email subject, the title of the folder where it is archived, the appearance of enclosures. It weighs well over the employee, a presumption of professional correspondence maintained through the tools at his disposal by his employer, who is In charge for the employee to rebut this presumption by giving an appearance at his private correspondence to protect it.

因此,员工应在工作中安排私人信件,以保护可能构成此类电子邮件主题的所有元素,存储该电子邮件的文件夹的标题,机柜的外观。 它给雇员带来了沉重的负担,雇主通过他可以使用的工具维护着专业往来的推定,而雇主则负责通过在其私人往来中露面来反驳这项推定,以保护这一假定。

This relative protection is limited by the possibility granted to the employer to exercise its cyber employees. Under his able leadership and control of its employees, the employer may implement means of monitoring the use made by employees of the tools at their disposal, it is nevertheless necessary to advise and inform the staff representative bodies if they exist (Article L2323-32 Labor Code).

这种相对的保护受到雇主行使其网络雇员的可能性的限制。 在其雇员的有力领导和控制下,用人单位可以采取手段监视雇员使用的工具的使用情况,但是仍然有必要向员工代表机构提供建议并告知他们(第L2323-32条码)。

电子邮件地址的开发权 (Development rights around the email address)

The email tends to be increasingly recognized as a valid means of contacting a person despite the difficulties it entails identification (if not explicit addresses, having no surname of the person contacted and does not allow immediate identification).


The mechanism known as “graduated response” inserted in the Creation and Internet law establishing the High Authority for the Distribution of Works and the Protection of Rights on the Internet states that the authority may notify a user that is currently engaging in acts of infringement for the first email. The warning which carries legal consequences, since it constitutes the first step of a system of graduated sanctions that may result in suspension of Internet access.

建立互联网上的作品分发和权利保护高级机构的创作和互联网法中插入了一种称为“分级响应”的机制,该机制规定,该机构可以通知用户当前正在为侵权行为进行侵权的用户。第一封电子邮件。 该警告具有法律后果,因为它构成分级制裁制度的第一步,可能会导致互联网访问被暂停。

The first step in the direction of portability of the email address linked to the ISP, like the mobile phone number, “at a reasonable price.” The goal is that, for example, a subscriber to a service providing access to the Internet X can terminate his contract and sign a contract with a vendor while keeping Y address “abonné@fournisseurX.fr.

链接到ISP的电子邮件地址(如移动电话号码)的可移植性的第一步是“以合理的价格”。 目的是,例如,提供对Internet X的访问权限的服务的订户可以终止其合同并与供应商签订合同,同时保留Y地址“abonné@fournisseurX.fr”。

A second amendment provides for the establishment of a service re-routing of mail in six months to the new address of the subscriber who terminated his contract with the supplier first. This service is provided by the ISP that the subscriber has left.

第二项修正案规定在六个月内将邮件重新路由到订户的新地址,订户的新地址首先终止了与供应商的合同。 该服务由订户离开的ISP提供。

The usefulness of these amendments is hampered in part to the fact that many users use an email service independent of their ISP (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail), which does not change the problems of address.


Some point to the possibility of rerouting mails for six months and that spam makes up 85% to 90% of the volume of messages sent worldwide : the supplier must he redirect all mail without filtering spam , at the risk of making himself guilty of transmission of unsolicited mail? Will he risk the spam filter does not transmit false positives?

有人指出,有可能将邮件重新路由六个月,而垃圾邮件占全世界发送的邮件量的85%至90%:供应商必须在不过滤垃圾邮件的情况下重定向所有邮件,冒使自己承担传输垃圾邮件的风险。不请自来的邮件? 他会冒垃圾邮件过滤器不会传播误报的风险吗?

用户行为 (User behavior)

According to a recent survey conducted by GMX, e-mails play a role in the image returned by the sender. Thus more than half of Americans would consider the intelligence of their correspondents on the content and form of emails they receive. The writing style, the quality of language and tone used in writing are the main points of trial. Similarly, one third of users feel they can e-mail to judge the age and level of authority of their correspondents and fifth to get an idea of the future success of the life of these correspondents.

根据GMX最近进行的一项调查,电子邮件在发件人返回的图像中起着作用。 因此,超过一半的美国人会考虑他们的通讯员对收到的电子邮件的内容和形式的了解。 写作风格,语言质量和写作语调是考验的重点。 同样,三分之一的用户认为他们可以通过电子邮件来判断其通讯员的年龄和权限级别,五分之一的用户可以通过电子邮件了解这些通讯员的未来生活。

电子邮件和社交生活 (Email and social life)

Research has shown that email was particularly used to maintain social ties, especially in cases of geographical remoteness. However, unlike previous research, a recent study concluded that increased Internet use was associated with a decrease in the use of other means of communication. Gradually, electronic mail and other means of online communication replace traditional communication habits instead of adding to them.

研究表明,电子邮件特别用于维护社会联系,尤其是在地理偏远的情况下。 但是,与以前的研究不同,最近的一项研究得出结论,互联网使用的增加与其他通信方式的使用减少有关。 电子邮件和其他在线通讯方式逐渐取代了传统的通讯习惯,而不是增加了习惯。

电子邮件使用规则 (Rules of email use)

E-mails, like other forms of communication via the Internet, are subject to informal rules of use described in the netiquette.



  • When e-mail addresses are linked to an ISP, the problem arises of the correspondence tracking when it leaves the supplier and does not permit the maintenance.

  • The email does not guarantee the delivery of mail to your destination. A message can be lost or delayed.

    电子邮件不保证将邮件传递到您的目的地。 一条消息可能会丢失或延迟。
  • Notifications of receipt and non-receipt are provided in the standard, but few email programs do not offer, or does not honor receipt or send the receipt without informing the player. In routine cases, their use is nonetheless useful to confirm the posting of a message.

    标准中提供了收据和不收据的通知,但是很少有电子邮件程序不提供,或者不接受收据或在没有通知玩家的情况下发送收据。 在常规情况下,使用它们对于确认邮件的发布还是有用的。
  • The problem of junk mail (spam)

  • In the workplace, the uncontrolled proliferation of emails due to misuse or exceeded the mail can bring organizations to ask to move to collaborative working methods.


Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-e-mail-part-3/






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