

什么是数据方案? (What Is Data Scheme?)

A schema or data schema (in the plural “schemata” or “schema”) is in computer science a formal description of the structure of data. Special schemes have meanings associated with databases. Here is a scheme of a linguistically articulated, universal aspect of an object (file / program) which transmits information.

模式或数据模式(以复数形式“方案”或“模式”)在计算机科学中是数据结构的正式描述。 特殊方案具有与数据库关联的含义。 这是传输信息的对象(文件/程序)的语言表达的通用方面的方案。

Typically, the schema itself is defined in a formal language, so that data can be automatically checked to see whether they conform to the schema. A well known example of such a description language is XML Schema for XML.

通常,模式本身是用正式语言定义的,因此可以自动检查数据以查看它们是否符合该模式。 这种描述语言的一个众所周知的例子是XML的XML模式。

数据方案的各个方面 (Aspects of data scheme)

Schemes may in complexity from simple lists to complex attribute ontologies rich. In principle, regimens contain definitions of relations as a tuple of attributes, which can be assigned in many cases such as data types. Depending on the nature of the scheme of relations and also relations between different conditions and additional rules are possible.

从简单列表到复杂的复杂属性本体,方案的复杂性可能很高。 原则上,方案将关系定义作为属性的元组包含,可以在许多情况下(例如数据类型)进行分配。 根据关系方案的性质,以及不同条件和附加规则之间的关系也是可能的。

Data types (such as number, string, date formats, etc.) as part of a schema are themselves described by rules which are assumed, however, usually given. In the context of object-oriented modeling of complex data types are composed of simple data types, where one speaks instead of data types and objects.

作为模式一部分的数据类型(例如数字,字符串,日期格式等)本身由假定的规则描述,但是通常会给出这些规则。 在面向对象的建模上下文中,复杂的数据类型由简单的数据类型组成,其中人说话而不是数据类型和对象。

数据库系统中的图式 (Schemata in database systems)

Schemes play an important role in connection with databases. This is called often by the database schema. The schema defines the process which data can be stored in a database in any form and there are the relationships between the data. Especially with relational databases, sets the pattern down the tables and their attributes and to ensure the consistency of integrity constraints.

方案在与数据库连接中起着重要作用。 数据库模式通常调用此方法。 该模式定义了可以将数据以任何形式存储在数据库中的过程,并且数据之间存在关系。 特别是对于关系数据库,请在表及其属性下设置模式,并确保完整性约束的一致性。

These include in particular the definition of value ranges of individual attributes and foreign key relationships and existence and uniqueness conditions. Database systems store the patterns of managing databases in a particular area, from the Data Dictionary.

这些尤其包括单个属性的值范围的定义以及外键关系以及存在和唯一性条件。 数据库系统通过数据字典存储特定区域中管理数据库的模式。

The ANSI-SPARC architecture, including three-tier architecture, describes the basic structure of a relational database system, with three schemes are used:


  1. 1st – The external schemas, which describe formally how the database the user (group represents s) and applications (application-customized view).

    1st –外部模式,正式描述用户(组代表s)和应用程序(应用程序定制视图)的数据库方式。
  2. 2nd – The conceptual or conceptual scheme, in which it is based semantic data model of the factual logic described formally (technical term).

    2nd –概念或概念方案,其中基于形式化描述的事实逻辑(技术术语)的语义数据模型。
  3. 3rd – The internal schema, which is formal, decides how and where the data is stored in the database.

    3rd –内部模式,这是正式的,它决定如何以及在数据库中存储数据的位置。

模式设计 (Design of schemas)

The design of schemas (data modeling) depends strongly on the approach. In principle, it can be distinguished among other things, the entity-relationship model and object-oriented modeling.

模式的设计(数据建模)在很大程度上取决于该方法。 原则上,它可以与实体关系模型和面向对象的模型区分开。

示意图异质性 (Schematic heterogeneity)

To data, which are based on different schemes to convert or merge, is also a transformation and integration of their schedules necessary. This is necessary in practice, especially during the data migration and information integration.

对于基于不同方案进行转换或合并的数据,也是其计划的转换和集成。 在实践中这是必要的,尤其是在数据迁移和信息集成期间。

The heterogeneity, both the structure and the semantics of concern, can overcome the structural differences more easily. The transition from structural to semantic difference is not always clear.

所关注的结构和语义上的异质性都可以更轻松地克服结构差异。 从结构差异到语义差异的过渡并不总是很清楚。

Typical structural differences relate to the order of attributes, name conflicts, which are different names for the same attributes (synonyms) or the same names for different attributes (homonyms), flat structures (SQL) as opposed to hierarchical structures (XML), the degree of normalization and different data formats with the same expression.


Semantic heterogeneity exists when the individual concepts do not correspond to the different regimens. Instead, the subject of a inclusion or overlap, up to a certain extent, must be tolerated.

当各个概念不对应于不同的方案时,存在语义异质性。 取而代之的是,在一定程度上必须容忍包含或重叠的主题。

A chessboard between structural and schematic heterogeneity are the details differing data types (units, accuracy, etc.).  A schema is a formal variant of a concept system, which is usually a part of reality (or an idea of it) is to be modeled.

结构和示意图异质性之间的棋盘是不同数据类型(单位,准确性等)的详细信息。 模式是概念系统的形式变体,通常是对现实(或其概念)的一部分进行建模。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-data-scheme/






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