单片机数据处理部分_数据处理中心信息| 第三部分


供应链(供应链)管理 (Management of the Supply Chain (supply chain))

Through a network of supply chain management is streamlining the process of interaction between suppliers and customers via the Web Management Web-based Supply Chain aims to increase sales, reduce costs and improve production by simplifying communication processes between all parties to the supply chain: suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, resellers and retailers.




The introduction of telework in a company brings benefits to the competitiveness and cost reduction, and also has the advantage of increasing customer satisfaction.


EDC的经济管理 (Economic Management of EDC)

The total cost of ownership (TCO) represents the total cost of ownership of the technology in a company. It was a model for appropriate evaluation of the TCO calculation, this measure includes assessment when calculating the following costs:

总拥有成本(TCO)代表公司中技术的总拥有成本。 这是对TCO计算进行适当评估的模型,该措施包括在计算以下成本时的评估:

  1. Hardware

  2. Software

  3. Fleet management (installation and distribution company, support, backup, maintenance, renewal)

  4. Administration (relations with suppliers and procurement)

  5. Operational users (training, support, application configuration, management of user data)

  6. More or less planned downtime of individual system


人力资源—组织 (Human Resources — The organization)

The professional acting within a data center are varied and diversified. For a comprehensive description see on professional

数据中心内的专业人士千差万别。 有关详细说明,请参见专业

服务 (Services)

统一通讯 (Unified communications)

The message management is an activity that takes time and that greatly affects the productivity of employees. Unified Messaging and Unified Communications enables companies to give a strong boost to employee productivity and improve customer service at reduced costs.

消息管理是一项耗时且会严重影响员工生产力的活动。 统一消息和统一通信使公司能够以降低的成本极大地提高员工的工作效率并改善客户服务。

分支机构连接 (Branch Office Connection)

Due to the decentralization of business processes to branch offices, closer to customers, for medium and small businesses with multiple locations to communicate with the headquarters may be a problem. Employees who are located in branch offices must be able to have the same level of voice and data communications available to colleagues at headquarters. With the Internet as a business platform, it now has the opportunity to exploit all IP applications strategy to operate more efficiently and compete with companies of all sizes.

由于业务流程分散到离客户更近的分支机构,对于具有多个位置的中小型企业与总部进行通信可能是一个问题。 分支机构的员工必须能够为总部的同事提供相同级别的语音和数据通信。 通过将Internet作为业务平台,它现在有机会利用所有IP应用程序策略来更有效地运行并与各种规模的公司竞争。

外联网VPN (Extranet VPN)

Extranet can be used to create different technologies including, most significantly, is the VPN or virtual private network. Extranets become an instrument by which the partners increase and enhance business communications and streamline business processes for exchange and collaboration to enhance efficiency and quality of relationships.

Extranet可用于创建不同的技术,其中最重要的是VPN或虚拟专用网络。 外联网成为合作伙伴增加和增强业务沟通并简化业务流程以进行交流和协作以提高关系效率和质量的一种手段。

Intranet VPN


Adopt a VPN within the company primarily provides data confidentiality, streamlines operations, reduces costs and allows flexible administration of the network. Moreover, it reduces the cost of business communication, as the VPN using the Internet or shared IP network of a service provider instead of costly leased lines.

在公司内部采用VPN主要是为了提供数据机密性,简化操作,降低成本并允许灵活地管理网络。 而且,由于VPN使用服务提供商的Internet或共享IP网络代替昂贵的租用线路,因此它降低了业务通信的成本。

网络安全 (Network Security)

The main objective of Network Security is the protection of networks and business applications from any type of unauthorized intrusion or attack. Instead of focusing only on one type of security is important to understand the need for a complete network security solution that is fully capable of protecting corporate data and computing resources.

网络安全的主要目标是保护网络和商业应用程序免受任何类型的未经授权的入侵或攻击。 重要的是要理解对完整的网络安全解决方案的需求,该解决方案应完全能够保护公司数据和计算资源,而不是仅关注一种类型的安全性。

存储网络 (Storage Networking)

The Storage Networking, indispensable component of a modern IT infrastructure, improve the availability and integrity of archived data, allowing for easily sharing and use. IP-based storage networking enables storage devices to be accessible, interconnected and located anywhere in the world.

存储网络是现代IT基础架构必不可少的组件,它提高了存档数据的可用性和完整性,可以轻松共享和使用。 基于IP的存储网络使存储设备可在世界上任何地方访问,互连和定位。

IP Telephony


A growing number of companies now know that the telephones, faxes and computers are part of a single global structure of communication. Moreover, the integration of voice and data in the same network enables new and powerful applications to improve customer service and increase employee productivity and allows employees who are traveling for business, to maintain effective communication with customers and their colleagues.

现在,越来越多的公司知道电话,传真和计算机是单个全球通信结构的一部分。 此外,语音和数据在同一网络中的集成使新型强大的应用程序能够改善客户服务并提高员工工作效率,并使出差的员工能够与客户及其同事保持有效的沟通。

Voice over IP


Voice over IP technology, an alternative to traditional voice communication, using the IP protocol that underlies the majority of Internet applications, allowing to make available new applications that integrate email and web browsing. IP telephony is therefore a high quality solution for voice communication feature that offers state of the art. Also, using a single network to carry voice traffic and data enables companies to significantly reduce investment costs, operation and maintenance of the network. Equipment

IP语音技术是传统语音通信的替代方法,它使用IP协议作为大多数Internet应用程序的基础,从而使集成电子邮件和Web浏览的新应用程序可用。 因此,IP电话技术是语音通信功能的高质量解决方案,可提供最新的技术。 而且,使用单个网络来承载语音流量和数据使公司能够大大降低投资成本,网络的运营和维护。 设备

The minimum core network cabinet is a format standard 19-inch floor and step size 42U with drilling in accordance to IEC-297 (DIN 41494) of the International Commission for the installation of electronics components 19. Door and side panels with key Lexan door opening greater than 90 degrees, fitted with a lock and key. Rear panel made of sheet steel, lockable with key. Side walls with removable lock special key. Possibility to install more cabinets in series.

最小的核心网络机柜为格式标准19英寸地板,台阶尺寸为42U,并根据国际电子元件安装委员会IEC-297(DIN 41494)进行钻Kong。19,带有Lexan关键门开口的门和侧面板大于90度,配有锁和钥匙。 后面板由钢板制成,可通过钥匙锁定。 带有可移动锁定特殊钥匙的侧壁。 可以串联安装更多机柜。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/the-data-processing-center-information-part-3/






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