

Everyone’s doing it – in the new gig economy freelancing is an ever growing popular option and many programmers are itching to ditch the 9-to-5 cubicle for the freedom of working from home, or better yet, some paradise island while having the considerable perk of choosing which projects to work on. At the heart of freelancing lies two considerations: can you find clients and monetize your work? Let’s have a look at how to go about doing just that.

每个人都在做–在新的零工经济中,自由职业是一个越来越受欢迎的选择,许多程序员都渴望放弃9到5个小隔间,以便在家中(或者更好的是,在天堂岛上)自由工作,同时拥有相当大的福利。选择要处理的项目。 自由职业的核心是两个注意事项:您能否找到客户并通过工作获利? 让我们看看如何做到这一点。

How to Start Your Own Freelance Programming Business

开始自己的自由编程业务的提示 (Tips to Start Your Own Freelance Programming Business)

工作委员会 (Job Boards)

Most new freelance programmers start at the bottom with online market places. The competition is fierce and there’s little hope of outbidding some corners of the world where very little money goes a long way, the same can be said for skills. Many far flung freelancers could program you under the table before you’ve had your morning coffee. However, it’s worth taking some of the skillset tests offered by these forums and browsing the jobs listed. You’ll quickly get a sense of which niches are in demand and what competitive prices look like.

大多数新的自由职业程序员从网络市场的底层开始。 竞争很激烈,几乎没有希望超越世界上某些角落的机会,因为很少有钱可以花很多钱,对于技能来说也是如此。 在您早上喝咖啡之前,许多远距自由职业者都可以在桌子底下为您编程。 但是,值得参加这些论坛提供的一些技能测试并浏览列出的工作。 您将很快了解需求的利基市场以及具有竞争力的价格。

There may be some gigs that appeal to you, in which case tailor make your bid and do your best to impress your potential client. Breaking into these crowded, highly competitive arenas may seem impossible but your patience will eventually land you your first job and a happy client who leaves a great review will lead to more of the same. In time you’ll have consistent work.

可能会有一些演出吸引您,在这种情况下,量身定制的竞标价格会尽力而为,以打动您的潜在客户。 进入这些拥挤,竞争激烈的领域似乎似乎是不可能的,但是您的耐心最终将使您获得第一份工作,而一个满意的客户如果留下了出色的评价,将会带来更多相同的结果。 随着时间的流逝,您将获得一致的工作。

成为一名企业家 (Be a Youpreneur)

When a company hires you they are looking at your qualifications but when you’re a freelancer you have to sell yourself as a complete package. This requires next level interpersonal skills. This in itself makes it difficult for many programmers to go the freelance route. Are you willing to put yourself out there in person and online? You will need a good personal website with relevant content. Video content is more and more popular so it’s recommended that you create a YouTube advert for yourself. Potential clients want to know who you are, it builds trust and engagement.

当一家公司雇用您时,他们正在查看您的资格,但是当您是自由职业者时,您必须将自己打包出售。 这需要更高层次的人际交往能力。 这本身使许多程序员很难走自由职业路线。 您愿意亲自面对面并在线吗? 您将需要一个具有相关内容的良好个人网站。 视频内容越来越受欢迎,因此建议您自己创建一个YouTube广告。 潜在客户想知道您是谁,它可以建立信任和参与度。

Don’t forget to market yourself across all available platforms. Your Linked In network could prove valuable and recruiters may find you through this avenue. Don’t overlook your friends, family, current and previous colleagues and clients, these are often your best chance of referrals to lucrative projects and sustainable income.

不要忘记在所有可用平台上进行营销。 您的“链接到”网络可能会证明是有价值的,招聘人员可能会通过此途径找到您。 不要忽视您的朋友,家人,现任和以前的同事以及客户,这些通常是您推荐您获得丰厚项目和可持续收入的最佳机会。

永恒的学生 (Eternal Student)

Once your fundamental skills are in place – a working knowledge of PHP Development, Objective-C, C++, Python, HTML, JavaScript and Ruby should cover the basics – become an expert in a niche. Find one that you’re interested in and check how many jobs are available. Then gain the necessary skills, build up a portfolio and advertise. One of the joys of freelancing is learning new things all the time, keeping yourself challenged and growing as a professional instead of running as a cog in an impersonal machine.

一旦掌握了基本技能,即具备PHP开发 ,Objective-C,C ++,Python,HTML,JavaScript和Ruby的工作知识,那么这些基础知识就将成为专家。 找到您感兴趣的职位,并检查有多少职位可用。 然后获得必要的技能,建立投资组合并做广告。 自由职业的乐趣之一就是一直学习新事物,不断挑战自己,成为一名专业人士,而不是像在无人值守的机器上作为齿轮一样运转。

管理客户和财务 (Managing Your Clients & Finances)

Clients and finances can be major stressors for the freelancer. People skills are essential in dealing with clients. Be honest and communicative, this should stand you in good stead for a long term working relationship. Remember that your client will be satisfied so long as you bring value to them. They have hired you to help solve a problem. Managing your finances, particularly insurance, pension and healthcare may be a new challenge if you’re used to your employer handling all that admin. Remember to focus on your strengths and outsource if need be.

客户和财务可能是自由职业者的主要压力。 人际交往技巧对于与客户打交道至关重要。 诚实和沟通能力强,这将使您与您建立长期的工作关系。 请记住,只要您为客户带来价值,您的客户就会感到满意。 他们雇用了您来帮助解决问题。 如果您习惯于由雇主来处理所有管理员,那么管理财务(尤其是保险,养老金和医疗保健)可能是一个新的挑战。 记住要专注于自己的优势,并在需要时外包。

行动计划 (Plan of Action)

Before you quit your day job for that paradise island begin by scheduling a few hours a week outside of office hours to explore the freelance programming options available to you. Develop a portfolio and bid on smaller projects – expect to bid on at least ten projects before landing one. It could take about six months to reach your day job salary so before you up and leave that comfort zone make sure you have enough saved or slowly build up your side hustle.

在您离开天堂岛的日常工作之前,首先需要安排每周工作时间在办公时间以外的几个小时,以探索适合您的自由编程选项。 开发投资组合并竞标较小的项目–预计在着陆之前至少竞标10个项目。 达到您的全日工作工资可能需要大约六个月的时间,因此在离开并离开舒适区之前,请确保您有足够的储蓄或慢慢建立起自己的侧面。

Don’t be afraid to make UI suggestions to clients. Remember that they’ve hired you to help solve a problem which may be bigger than the initial brief. Freelancing often requires a major paradigm shift from trying to meet the requirements of an employer to collaborating with a client.

不要害怕向客户提出UI建议。 请记住,他们雇用您来帮助解决的问题可能比最初的摘要要大。 自由职业通常需要从试图满足雇主的要求到与客户合作的重大范式转变。

The perks of freelancing are undeniable. You will learn so much with the bonus of working from home. The delight of having the autonomy to choose which projects you want to work on must be balanced with the very real danger of burnout. Remember to take enough time out and schedule down time. Good luck and enjoy the journey.

自由职业的好处是不可否认的。 在家工作会给您带来很多好处。 拥有选择自己想要处理的项目的自主权的乐趣必须与非常倦怠的真正危险相平衡。 请记住要花足够的时间并安排停机时间。 祝你好运,旅途愉快。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/05/freelance-programming.html






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