


I got positive feedback when asking members of our forum if I should write articles related to home recording and production and I thought I would start writing different articles on some of the techniques I use.  I am by no means a professional with any of this what so ever.  I am just a musician and geek who loves to play with tech.  I have covered some home recording in previous posts and today I thought I would show you how to record a guitar track with Cakewalk Guitar Tracks 3.  I rarely recommend commercial software, but this utility shouldn’t break the bank and it’s my favorite.  In this article I am going to assume you already have or are familiar with Cakewalk.  For a great overview of Guitar Tracks 3 you can check out the Cakewalk Site.

当我问论坛成员是否应该写与家庭录音和生产有关的文章时,我得到了积极的反馈,我认为我将开始就所使用的某些技术撰写不同的文章。 我绝不是任何一个专业人士。 我只是一个喜欢玩科技的音乐家和怪胎。 我在以前的文章中介绍了一些家庭录音,今天我想向您展示如何使用Cakewalk Guitar Tracks 3录制吉他音轨。我很少推荐商用软件,但是该实用程序不应该花钱,这是我的最爱。 在本文中,我将假设您已经或已经熟悉Cakewalk。 有关Guitar Tracks 3的概述,请访问Cakewalk网站

I am running Guitar Tracks on Vista Home Premium 32bit edition.  First what I do is change my view right away anytime I make a recording.  You don’t have to use the Edit View but for some reason I love to see what I am recording as it happens.  So in the upper left hand corner just hit the Edit View button.

我正在Vista Home Premium 32位版本上运行Guitar Tracks。 首先,我要做的是在每次录制时都立即更改视图。 您不必使用“编辑视图”,但是由于某些原因,我喜欢在发生时看到自己正在记录的内容。 因此,只需点击左上角的“编辑视图”按钮即可。


The next thing I do is turn off the metronome which is located beneath the Tempo window.  I do this because right now I am not worried about my timing and to be blunt it actually annoys me than help.

我要做的第二件事是关闭位于Tempo窗口下方的节拍器。 我这样做是因为现在我不担心自己的时机,直言不讳,这实际上使我烦恼而不是帮助。


Now assuming your gear is already set up we can go to the next step.  If it isn’t set up … what are you waiting for man!  Ok, everything is plugged in and I hit the ‘R’ button on Track one which is the first step in recording this track.  After it is selected I should see my volume indicating a signal is coming through.  This is handy because now I can sit and make adjustments to my volumes, EQ, and microphones.  When everything is set I hit the main record button at the top of my display.

现在假设您的装备已经设置好,我们可以继续下一步。 如果没有设置……您还在等什么呢! 好的,一切都已插入,我点击了音轨“ R”按钮,这是录制该音轨的第一步。 选择之后,我应该看到音量指示有信号通过。 这很方便,因为现在我可以坐下来调整音量,均衡器和麦克风了。 设置完所有内容后,我点击了显示屏顶部的主记录按钮。


Here we go.  As your playing you can watch the recording levels and time.  When finished just hit the main record button again to playback the track and do some editing if you wish.

开始了。 在演奏时,您可以观看录音电平和时间。 完成后,只需再次按主记录按钮即可播放曲目并根据需要进行一些编辑。


Now we can go on and continue to record other tracks.  For this example I am going to do a basic solo over my chord progression.  The process is exactly the same as what we did with Track 1.  This way you can listen to what is playing on track 1 and solo over it in real time.

现在我们可以继续记录其他曲目。 在本例中,我将对和弦进行一个基本的独奏。 该过程与我们在Track 1上所做的完全相同。通过这种方式,您可以收听Track 1上正在播放的内容并实时进行独奏。


After a bit of editing (which I will cover later) I went ahead and exported the completed track.  I always export my tracks as WAV files then compress them to other formats later.  For this one I used dBpowerAmp which I also covered previously.  You can listen to the finished version below.  I decided to go all out and make a goofy video for it too.  Creating your own music, video, online promotion … etc.  IT IS SO MUCH FUN!

经过一些编辑(稍后将介绍),我继续并导出了完整的曲目。 我总是将曲目导出为WAV文件,然后再将其压缩为其他格式。 对于这一点,我使用了dBpowerAmp,我之前也对此进行了介绍 。 您可以听下面的完成版本。 我决定全力以赴,制作一个愚蠢的视频。 创建您自己的音乐,视频,在线促销……等等,真是太有趣了!

I plan to write a lot more on home recording as the months progress.  I really look forward to your feedback!  In fact if there is enough demand for these types of articles, then we can create an entire section devoted to music production, home recording …etc!

随着几个月的发展,我计划在家庭录音方面写很多书。 我非常期待您的反馈! 实际上,如果对这些类型的文章有足够的需求,那么我们可以创建一个专门用于音乐制作,家庭录音等的整个部分!







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