macOS Catalina中的iTunes功能在哪里?


With macOS Catalina, iTunes is gone once and for all. Music, videos, and podcasts have new apps, and Finder now handles syncing and device backups. Here’s what you need to know in a post-iTunes world.

有了macOS Catalina ,iTunes便一劳永逸。 音乐,视频和播客具有新的应用程序,并且Finder现在可以处理同步和设备备份。 这是iTunes后世界中需要了解的内容。

iTunes isn’t gone completely, however—Apple will still provide the classic iTunes application for Windows PCs.

iTunes尚未完全消失,Apple仍将为Windows PC提供经典的iTunes应用程序

现在可以在“音乐”应用中找到音乐 (Music is Now Found in the Music App)

Music app in macOS Catalina

macOS Catalina includes a new app called Music, which uses a very similar app icon to the one once used by iTunes. This is where you go to stream Apple Music, access previously purchased music, manage your local music library, and make new digital purchases on the iTunes store. This is also where you can find Apple’s library of music videos.

macOS Catalina包含一个名为Music的新应用,该应用使用的图标与iTunes曾经使用过的图标非常相似。 在这里,您可以流式传输Apple Music,访问以前购买的音乐,管理本地音乐库以及在iTunes商店上进行新的数字购买。 您也可以在这里找到Apple的音乐视频库。

The Music app looks very much like iTunes, albeit streamlined and slimmed down to focus purely on music. If you have an Apple Music subscription, the app should automatically populate with your iCloud Music Library, provided you are signed in to your Apple ID under System Preferences > Apple ID.

音乐应用程序看起来非常类似于iTunes,尽管它经过精简和精简后仅专注于音乐。 如果您订阅了Apple Music,则只要您在“系统偏好设置”>“ Apple ID”下登录到您的Apple ID,该应用程序便会自动填充您的iCloud音乐库。

The Music app won’t show the iTunes Store or your star ratings by default. You can re-enable these features by clicking on Music > Preferences then enabling “iTunes Store” and “Star ratings” on the General tab. These preferences are very similar to what you would once find in iTunes, including the ability to specify local media folders under the Files tab.

默认情况下,音乐应用不会显示iTunes Store或您的星级。 您可以通过以下方式重新启用这些功能:单击“音乐”>“首选项”,然后在“常规”选项卡上启用“ iTunes Store”和“星级”。 这些首选项与您曾经在iTunes中找到的首选项非常相似,包括可以在“文件”选项卡下指定本地媒体文件夹的功能。

Preferences in macOS Catalina's Music app.

Click on the quotation icon in the top-right corner of the screen to view lyrics where available. You can also click on the list icon next to it to see what songs are playing next. Access the old iTunes mini-player by clicking on the album artwork in the Now Playing box.

单击屏幕右上角的引用图标以查看歌词(如果有)。 您也可以单击它旁边的列表图标以查看接下来要播放的歌曲。 通过单击“正在播放”框中的专辑插图,访问旧的iTunes迷你播放器。

If any other users have shared their library locally, you’ll see a small drop-down box next to “Library” in the sidebar. Click on it to reveal any other libraries you can connect to.

如果其他任何用户已在本地共享其库,则在侧栏中的“库”旁边会看到一个小的下拉框。 单击它以显示您可以连接到的任何其他库。

如何在macOS Catalina中共享音乐 (How to Share Music in macOS Catalina)

If there was one thing iTunes got right, it was library sharing—a simple way to share your music library with the rest of your local network by checking a box. Thankfully you can still do this; you just have to enable it from your Mac’s Sharing preferences instead:

如果iTunes做对了,那就是库共享,这是一种简单的方法,只需选中一个框,即可与本地其他网络共享音乐库。 幸运的是,您仍然可以这样做。 您只需从Mac的“共享”偏好设置中启用它即可:

  1. Head to System Preferences > Sharing.

  2. Click on Media Sharing and give your library a name, then check the “Share media with guests” option.

  3. Click “Options” to set an optional password. You can also specify whether you want to share specific playlists or your entire music library.

    单击“选项”以设置可选密码。 您还可以指定是要共享特定的播放列表还是要共享整个音乐库。

This is also where you can enable Home Sharing, which allows you to seamlessly share your library across other devices signed in to the same Apple ID.

您还可以在此处启用“家庭共享”,从而可以在登录到同一Apple ID的其他设备之间无缝共享媒体库。

Enabling Media Sharing in macOS Catalina

共享iTunes XML数据的其他应用 (Other Apps Which Share iTunes XML Data)

iTunes is often favored by DJs and other media professionals for its straightforward approach to music organization. Many third-party applications have been designed with the iTunes library in mind, allowing DJs to use their music library in third party apps.

iTunes以其直接的音乐组织方法而经常受到DJ和其他媒体专业人士的青睐。 设计了许多第三方应用程序时都考虑了iTunes库,使DJ可以在第三方应用程序中使用其音乐库。

The removal of iTunes in favor of Music has caused issues for many. XML data sharing is supported in Music, but many third-party apps have not yet been updated to account for the change. Apple recommends anyone who relies on apps like Traktor and Serato (which can both use iTunes XML data) wait until the developers have patched their apps.

删除iTunes以便使用Music已引起许多问题。 音乐支持XML数据共享,但是许多第三方应用程序尚未更新以说明更改。 苹果公司建议任何依赖Traktor和Serato之类的应用程序(都可以使用iTunes XML数据)的人等到开发人员修补其应用程序后再使用。

For now, you can still use Music’s XML data in third-party apps, but you’ll have to manually export each playlist using the options under File > Library (remembering to change the “Format” to XML). Any changes made won’t be synced back to your Music library, so this really is a temporary fix.

目前,您仍然可以在第三方应用程序中使用Music的XML数据,但是您必须使用“文件”>“库”下的选项手动导出每个播放列表(请记住将“格式”更改为XML)。 所做的任何更改都不会同步回您的音乐库,因此这确实是一个临时修复。

设备同步现在由Finder处理 (Device Syncing is Now Handled by Finder)

Sync iOS Devices in macOS Catalina via Finder

iPhone, iPad, and iPod device management is now handled entirely by Finder. That includes the syncing of media, manually updating iOS, restoring to factory settings, and creating local backups. Apple has essentially just moved the controls that were once found in iTunes to Finder.

iPhone,iPad和iPod设备管理现在完全由Finder处理。 其中包括媒体同步,手动更新iOS,还原为出厂设置以及创建本地备份。 苹果实际上只是将曾经在iTunes中找到的控件移到了Finder。

To manage your iOS device in macOS Catalina:

要在macOS Catalina中管理iOS设备:

  1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac via a Lightning cable.

  2. Unlock your device and tap “Trust,” then enter your passcode when prompted.

  3. Open a Finder window and scroll down the sidebar until you see “Tim’s iPhone” (or whatever your iPhone is called).

    打开Finder窗口并向下滚动边栏,直到看到“ Tim的iPhone”(或您所说的iPhone)。
  4. Click on the iPhone and click “Trust” then wait.


You should now see your iPhone appear in the Finder window and an array of tabs for managing device settings and media. On the General tab, you can check “Show this iPhone when on Wi-Fi” to enable wireless syncing (be aware this is a lot slower than using a Lightning cable).

现在,您应该看到您的iPhone出现在“查找器”窗口中,并显示了用于管理设备设置和媒体的一系列标签。 在“常规”选项卡上,您可以选中“在W​​i-Fi上显示此iPhone”以启用无线同步(请注意,这比使用Lightning电缆要慢得多)。

These controls are virtually identical to the ones found in iTunes before it was retired. You can choose to back up your iPhone manually to your computer here, ideal if you’re switching from an old iPhone to a new one. If you want to manage your iOS device backups manually, you’ll still find them in the ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/ folder.

这些控件实际上与退休之前在iTunes中找到的控件相同。 您可以在此处选择将iPhone手动备份到计算机上,如果您要从旧版iPhone切换到新版iPhone,则非常理想。 如果要手动管理iOS设备备份,您仍然可以在~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/文件夹中找到它们。

Click on each of the tabs to manage Music, Movies, TV Shows, and other content you might want to sync to your iOS device. The Files tab allows you to download and upload files to app directories, a feature previously known as “iTunes File Sharing.” Use drag and drop to copy files to and from your mobile device.

单击每个选项卡来管理音乐,电影,电视节目以及您可能想要同步到iOS设备的其他内容。 “文件”选项卡允许您将文件下载和上传到应用程序目录,此功能以前称为“ iTunes File Sharing”。 使用拖放功能在移动设备之间复制文件。

Note: Apple has maintained backward compatibility with earlier versions of iOS so you can sync pre-iOS 13 devices using Catalina and the Finder. If you’ve updated your iOS device to iOS 13, however, you will need to use Catalina to sync and manage your device (earlier macOS versions won’t work).

注意: Apple保持了与iOS早期版本的向后兼容性,因此您可以使用Catalina和Finder同步iOS 13之前的设备。 但是,如果将iOS设备更新为iOS 13,则需要使用Catalina同步和管理设备(早期的macOS版本将无法使用)。

在新的Podcasts应用程序中收听Podcast (Listen to Podcasts in the New Podcasts App)

New Podcasts app in macOS Catalina

A new app called Podcasts is now used for podcast management. This looks pretty much identical to the Music app, except instead of music, you’ll find new episodes of your favorite podcasts. Any podcasts you want to sync to your iPhone will have to be managed using Finder.

现在使用一个名为Podcasts的新应用程序进行播客管理。 这看起来与Music应用程序几乎相同,除了音乐以外,您还会发现自己喜欢的播客的新片段。 您想要与iPhone同步的所有播客都必须使用Finder进行管理。

You can use the Podcasts app to browse the Apple Podcasts library, subscribe to new shows and see what’s popular by clicking Top Charts. Head to Podcasts > Preferences to set options like how often the app checks for new content, when to download new episodes, and disable automatic deletion of played episodes.

您可以使用Podcasts应用程序浏览Apple Podcasts库,订阅新节目,并单击“热门排行榜”查看流行音乐。 前往Podcasts> Preferences设置选项,例如应用程序检查新内容的频率,何时下载新剧集以及禁用自动删除播放的剧集。

Downloaded podcast episodes no longer appear in your iTunes Library folder, and instead can be found hidden in ~/Library/Group Containers/

下载的播客节目不再显示在iTunes Library文件夹中,而是隐藏在~/Library/Group Containers/

在TV App中观看视频内容 (Watch Video Content in the TV App)

New TV app in macOS Catalina

The final new app is called TV, and despite the name, it’s a home for all video content you can buy, rent, or subscribe to. That includes anything you’ve previously purchased on iTunes, new movies for rental, and the upcoming subscription service Apple TV+.

最终的新应用程序称为TV,尽管有这个名称,但它是您可以购买,租赁或订阅的所有视频内容的家。 其中包括您以前在iTunes上购买的所有商品,新电影以供租赁,以及即将推出的订阅服务Apple TV +。

Click on the Library tab to quickly access videos you already own. The other tabs are for the browsing, renting, and purchase of new content. Click on a movie or TV show to view trailers and learn more about it. You’ll also see a list of actors and crew involved in the movie, and you can click on any one of them to see more of their content.

单击库选项卡以快速访问您已经拥有的视频。 其他选项卡用于浏览,出租和购买新内容。 单击电影或电视节目以查看预告片并了解更多信息。 您还将看到电影中涉及的演员和工作人员的列表,并且您可以单击其中任何一个以查看其更多内容。

Launch TV > Preferences and click on Files to define your preferred media folder location. You can import movies and other content by dragging and dropping. Anything you download will be stored in your regular Movies folder as a MOVPKG extension that can be played by the TV app. Third-party apps won’t be able to view these files properly due to the DRM used.

启动电视>首选项,然后单击文件以定义您首选的媒体文件夹位置。 您可以通过拖放来导入电影和其他内容。 您下载的所有内容都将作为MOVPKG扩展名存储在常规的Movies文件夹中,该扩展名可以由TV应用程序播放。 由于使用了DRM,第三方应用将无法正确查看这些文件。

再见iTunes (Goodbye iTunes)

The removal of iTunes is one of the most radical changes in macOS Catalina. Using dedicated apps for music, podcasts, and video makes sense. Removing iOS device management from iTunes is a move that Apple probably should have made years ago. Things make so much more sense now.

删除iTunes是macOS Catalina中最彻底的更改之一。 将专用的应用程序用于音乐,播客和视频很有意义。 从iTunes删除iOS设备管理是苹果可能在多年前就应该采取的行动。 现在事情变得更加有意义。

These aren’t the only features we love about Apple’s latest desktop OS. Check out what else is new in macOS Catalina, and whether or not you should upgrade now or wait.

这些并不是我们喜欢Apple最新的台式机操作系统的唯一功能。 查看macOS Catalina中还有哪些新功能 ,以及是否应该立即升级或等待。


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