android app权限_如何限制Android App权限

android app权限

android app权限


Android forces you to agree to every permission an app wants, assuming you want to use the app. After rooting your device, you can manage permissions on a per-app basis.

如果您要使用该应用,Android会强迫您同意该应用所需的所有许可。 植根设备后,您可以按应用管理权限。

Restricting permissions allows you to protect your contacts and other private data from apps that demand access you’d rather not allow. Many apps will continue working properly after you revoke the permissions.

限制权限可让您保护联系人和其他私人数据免受那些需要您不允许访问的应用程序的攻击。 撤消权限后,许多应用程序将继续正常运行。

应用程式选项 (App Options)

To restrict app permissions, you’ll have to root your Android phone or tablet. After you do, you can install a permission-restricting app and get started. Here are a few of the most popular options:

要限制应用权限,您必须将Android手机或平板电脑设为root用户 。 完成后,您可以安装权限限制应用程序并开始使用。 以下是一些最受欢迎的选项:

  • Permissions Denied – Permissions Denied is a reasonably popular, open-source app. Permissions Denied also requires BusyBox installed – install BusyBox, launch the app, and tap the Install button before using it.

    拒绝权限拒绝权限是一个相当受欢迎的开源应用程序。 还拒绝的权限要求BusyBox的安装-安装BusyBox的,启动应用程序,并在使用前轻点安装按钮。

  • LBE Privacy Guard – LBE Privacy Guard is popular and offers features Permissions Denied doesn’t – for example, it can fake certain types of private data when an app asks for it instead of blocking the request entirely. This prevents some apps from crashing after you restrict a permission. However, LBE Privacy Guard is closed-source, which may be a concern with an app that requires this type of access.

    LBE Privacy Guard – LBE Privacy Guard很受欢迎,并提供拒绝权限所不具备的功能-例如,当应用程序请求特定类型的私有数据时,它可以伪造某些类型的私有数据,而不是完全阻止请求。 这样可以防止某些应用在您限制权限后崩溃。 但是,LBE Privacy Guard是封闭源的,对于需要这种访问类型的应用程序可能是一个问题。

  • PDroid – PDroid is an open-source app that offers similar compatibility features to LBE Privacy Guard. Installation is more complex, involving patching your Android ROM – however, this allows PDroid to work even during the startup process.

    PDroid – PDroid是一个开源应用程序,提供了与LBE Privacy Guard类似的兼容性功能。 安装过程更加复杂,涉及到对您的Android ROM进行修补-但是,这使PDroid即使在启动过程中也可以工作。

限制权限 (Restricting Permissions)

We’ll be using Permissions Denied here, but the other options should work similarly. After installing your app of choice, launch it and give it superuser permissions – remember, you’ll need root access for this part.

我们将在此处使用“被拒绝的权限”,但其他选项应类似地工作。 安装您选择的应用程序后,启动它并为它授予超级用户权限–请记住,这部分需要root用户访问权限。


Permissions Denied will scan your installed apps and determine their permissions.



Permissions Denied warns us that messing with permissions can cause problems in some cases. This is fairly rare, but be aware that you tweak permissions and mess with root apps at your own risk – you may have to perform a factory reset (and lose any data that isn’t synced with your Google account) if something breaks.

权限被拒绝警告我们,在某些情况下,弄乱权限会导致问题。 这是相当罕见的,但是请注意,如果您遇到任何问题,您需要自行调整权限并与root应用程序打乱,您可能必须执行出厂重置(并丢失所有未与Google帐户同步的数据)。


Scroll through the list of apps and select the app whose permissions you want to view and restrict.



Permissions Denied explains each permission in detail. For example, we can see that Angry Birds Space – along with many other apps – has permission to view the device’s serial number and monitor the phone numbers you call.

权限被拒绝详细说明了每个权限。 例如,我们可以看到Angry Birds Space以及许多其他应用程序具有查看设备序列号和监视您拨打的电话的权限。


To restrict a permission, tap the permission  in the list – its status will change to Disabled. The permission won’t actually be disabled until you restart your device, however.

要限制权限,请在列表中点击该权限-其状态将更改为“已禁用”。 但是,直到重新启动设备后,该权限才真正被禁用。


You can restart by tapping the menu button and tapping Reboot, or by shutting down and powering on your device normally.



After restarting, re-open Permissions Denied and verify that the permission still appears as Denied. If the permission change didn’t stick, you may have to use the Lock Permissions option in the menu – consult Permissions Denied’s FAQ/Help screen for more information.

重新启动后,重新打开Permissions Denied并确认该权限仍然显示为Denied。 如果权限更改没有生效,则可能必须使用菜单中的“锁定权限”选项–有关更多信息,请参阅权限被拒绝的FAQ /帮助屏幕。


You should also launch the app and check if it runs properly without these permissions. In the case of Angry Birds Space, it does not. We’ll have to undo the permissions change – or use a permission-denying app that fakes this information – to play Angry Birds.

您还应该启动该应用程序,并在没有这些权限的情况下检查它是否可以正常运行。 对于《愤怒的小鸟空间》,情况并非如此。 我们将不得不撤消权限更改-或使用伪造此信息的拒绝权限应用程序-玩“愤怒的小鸟”。

Even if you’re using a permission-denying app that spoofs certain types of private information, restricting access to certain permissions may still cause crashes. For example, if an app requires access to the USB storage, restricting this permission may cause the app to force close.

即使您使用欺骗某些类型的私人信息的权限拒绝应用程序,限制对某些权限的访问仍可能导致崩溃。 例如,如果某个应用程序需要访问USB存储设备,则限制此权限可能会导致该应用程序强制关闭。


However, many apps will work properly after rejecting certain permissions. For example, Angry Birds does work fine with the location-access permission disabled.

但是,拒绝某些权限后,许多应用程序将正常运行。 例如,在禁用位置访问权限的情况下,《愤怒的小鸟》可以正常工作。


Which permission-restricting app do you prefer? Leave a comment and let us know.

您喜欢哪种权限限制的应用程序? 发表评论,让我们知道。


android app权限

对网页的便利贴。 网页便笺通过在以下网站上添加便笺来减轻您的记忆:-特定网站-该网站的特定页面-该页面的特定元素-匹配定义范围的任何网页缺点-单击并键入上下文-特定于页面而不是混乱的记事板简单-只需单击两次即可完成直观-浅功能,符号图标,工具提示可填补空白清洁-图标清晰,边框整洁,用途不多-相框,视频嵌入,RSS提要等 。便携式-将笔记同步到Google云端硬盘,并在另一台计算机上访问它们加密-导出/备份/同步已加密***功能***-同步到Google云端硬盘-加密-添加/删除/克隆-最小化/最大化-调整大小/双击边缘以调整大小/自动调整大小-背景/文本/边框颜色+透明度-更改字体属性-移至顶部/发送至底部-导出/导入-范围(全局,域,页面等)-管理所有注释-覆盖默认设置的设置-引脚n注释到另一注释,至下一页-锁定注释-加载媒体-拍摄快照-RSS Feed-纯文本/降价/文本格式-更多... !!!重要!一些人提到了扩展名不起作用的事实。原因之一可能是页面尚未完全加载。仅当进度圈完成并且页面图标显示在选项卡上时,该选项才起作用。有几个人提到以下事实:当重新访问同一页面时,注释不会持续存在。原因之一可能是当您再次尝试访问同一页面时,该页面可能具有不同的URL(即,?之后的URL有所不同)。如果您认为并非如此,请在“支持”选项卡下提供一个示例。该扩展程序在“新建标签”,“扩展程序”或其他Chrome(非网络)页面上也将不起作用。 支持语言:English (United States)




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