



If you love your iOS device but you’re not a fan of iTunes, there’s a way to manage your device without it. Read on as we show you how to spend less time syncing files and dinking around with iTunes and more time enjoying your device.

如果您喜欢iOS设备,但又不是iTunes的粉丝,则可以通过一种方法来管理不带iTunes的设备。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何减少花费在同步文件和与iTunes一起用餐上的时间,以及更多的时间使用您的设备。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want to Do This?)

We’re huge fans of the iOS stable of devices, especially the iPad, but we’re not such big fans of iTunes. As old school geeks, we like just opening up a device and dumping files onto it. The file syncing features of iTunes leave a huge amount to be desired (and performing a task like copying over a pile of comic books or the like is needlessly fiddly and complex). Further more, there’s no option to simply open up your iOS device like an attached flash drive and copy files between your computer and your device. We don’t know about you, but when we want to transfer a bunch of files and hit the road, we want to transfer a bunch of files and hit the road–silly fiddly syncing processes just frustrate us.

我们是iOS稳定设备(尤其是iPad)的忠实拥护者,但我们不是iTunes的忠实拥护者。 作为守旧派的极客,我们喜欢打开设备并将文件转储到设备上。 iTunes的文件同步功能令人望而却步(执行诸如在一堆漫画书上进行复制之类的任务是不必要的,复杂的)。 此外,没有其他选择可以简单地打开iOS设备(如连接的闪存驱动器)并在计算机和设备之间复制文件。 我们不了解您,但是当我们要传输一堆文件并上路时,我们想要传输一堆文件并上路–愚蠢的同步过程使我们感到沮丧。

iFunBox brings back that kind of easy just-sending-it-to-my-flash-drive file manipulation to your iOS devices–no more waiting for iTunes to chug through all sorts of backup, syncing, and other routines just to get the file you want where you want it. You don’t have to totally uninstall iTunes (and we certainly recommend keeping it around to perform iOS device backups), but you will definitely find yourself using it a lot less.

iFunBox将那种简单的“刚刚发送到我的闪存驱动器”文件操作带回到您的iOS设备上-无需等待iTunes进行各种备份,同步和其他常规操作即可获取文件你想要你想要的地方。 您不必完全卸载iTunes(我们当然建议保留它以执行iOS设备备份),但是您肯定会发现自己使用它的次数少了很多。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

For this tutorial, we’ll be using iFunBox on a Windows 7 machine and an iPad, but the application is also available for OS X and works with all iOS devices. To follow along you’ll need:

在本教程中,我们将在Windows 7计算机和iPad上使用iFunBox,但是该应用程序也可用于OS X,并且可与所有iOS设备一起使用。 要遵循,您需要:

In addition to the above, it would be handy to have a few files on hand that you’ve been putting off transferring to your device because of the kludgy iTunes transfer process (we have a bunch of comics to load into Comic Zeal).

除了上述内容之外,由于iTunes传输过程繁琐,您手头上还有一些文件已经推迟传输到设备中了(我们有很多漫画要加载到Comic Zeal中)。

One thing you won’t need is a jailbroken iOS device. If you want to take advantage of the most advanced features iFunBox has to offer (such as SSH-based communication and file transfer to your iOS device), you’ll need a jailbroken device to installing the required dependencies on the actual iOS device. 99% of the functionality of the app (and all the functionality we’ll be demonstrating today) is available to users without jailbroken devices.

有一件事你不会需要的是一个越狱的iOS设备。 如果您想利用iFunBox提供的最高级功能(例如,基于SSH的通信和将文件传输到iOS设备),则需要越狱设备才能在实际的iOS设备上安装所需的依赖项。 没有越狱设备的用户可以使用应用程序99%的功能(以及我们今天将演示的所有功能)。

安装和配置iFunBox (Installing and Configuring iFunBox)


The Windows version of iFunBox is available both as an installer and as a simple portable app. If you would like to formally incorporate it into Windows, grab the installer. If you would like to create a portable copy (that you can easily sync to other computers via DropBox or otherwise take with you), grab the portable one. We opted to use the portable version; we like portable apps.

Windows版本的iFunBox可作为安装程序和简单的便携式应用程序使用。 如果您想将其正式合并到Windows中,请抓住安装程序。 如果您想创建一个便携式副本(可以轻松地通过DropBox同步到其他计算机或以其他方式随身携带),请抓住便携式副本。 我们选择使用便携式版本。 我们喜欢便携式应用。

The initial installation is quite straight forward (either run the installer or unpack the portable app’s ZIP). Run iFunBox.exe to start the process. You’ll see a screen like the one above.

初始安装非常简单(运行安装程序或解压缩便携式应用程序的ZIP包)。 运行iFunBox.exe以启动该过程。 您会看到类似上面的屏幕。

If you haven’t already attached your device via the USB sync cable, do so now. When your device is connected, you’ll see a unique tab for it in the upper right hand corner:

如果您尚未通过USB同步电缆连接设备,请立即连接。 连接设备后,您会在右上角看到一个唯一的标签:


Clicking on the tab allows you to switch between attached iOS devices (if applicable), as well as eject the currently selected device or turn on Wi-Fi sharing (more on this in a moment).


The default pane is the Find More Apps panel, which is more useful than it would appear at first glance. While it initially appears to simply be a mirroring of data you could find via iTunes if you so desired (such as most popular free and paid apps), it also includes very useful data aggregation from AppHolic and App Deals, such as price drops on popular apps as well as temporarily free applications–poking around in the Price Drops and Free Today columns is a great way to score serious app discounts.

默认窗格是“查找更多应用程序”面板,它比乍一看时有用。 虽然最初看起来只是您可以通过iTunes找到的数据的镜像(例如最受欢迎的免费和付费应用程序),但它还包括来自AppHolic和App Deals的非常有用的数据汇总,例如受欢迎的价格下降应用程序和暂时免费的应用程序-在“价格下降”和“今日免费”专栏中四处浏览是获得重大应用程序折扣的好方法。

导入文件的三种方法 (Three Ways to Import Files)


Now that we have installed the app and checked out the default interface, let’s get down the important part: using iFunBox as a really fast and really simple file transfer/syncing tool.


If you want to import files to the core iOS apps–Music, Video, Photos, Ringtones, etc.–the Quick Toolbox tab is the way to go. You can click on the appropriate icon in the Export section up top to dump the contents of that app or you can click the icon under the Import section at the bottom for a fast-access drag and drop pane like so:

如果要将文件导入到核心iOS应用(音乐,视频,照片,铃声等),则可以使用“快速工具箱”选项卡。 您可以在顶部的“导出”部分中单击相应的图标以转储该应用程序的内容,也可以在底部的“导入”部分下单击该图标以进行快速访问,如下所示:


We know after years of fiddling in iTunes this is probably shocking to you, but yes, you can really can just drag a bunch of pictures right onto the pane and transfer them to your device.


If you want to transfer files into applications that would normally require the iTunes File Sharing feature, navigate to the Managing App Data tab:



Here we see all the apps that support File Sharing from within iTunes, including the application that started our whole quest for a way to avoid iTunes: Comic Zeal.

在这里,我们看到了所有在iTunes中支持文件共享的应用程序,包括启动了我们寻求避免iTunes:Comic Zeal方式的整​​个应用程序。

If you double click on the icon of one of the apps, you’re presented with a file browser pane in which you can drag and drop files right onto your iOS device:



You can reverse the process, too. If you are at a friend’s house and you want to copy the media you put on your iPad, you can fire up iFunBox and copy things from it instead of to it.

您也可以撤消该过程。 如果您在朋友家中,并且想要复制放在iPad上的媒体,则可以启动iFunBox并从中复制内容,而不是复制其中的内容。

The last way, and by far the most powerful, to copy and manipulate files is the Classic view. Switch over to the iFunBox Classic tab and you navigate the entire directory structure of your device:

复制和操作文件的最后一种方法(也是迄今为止最强大的方法)是“经典”视图。 切换到iFunBox Classic选项卡,然后浏览设备的整个目录结构:


Here you can see that we took advantage of the General Storage folder to turn our iPad into a flash drive. Again, it was just a matter of drag and dropping the files from our computer (in this case our /Board Game Info/ folder to copy rules and add-ons for the game 7 Wonders to our iPad). Now we can pull the files off from another location and share them with friends.

在这里您可以看到我们利用General Storage文件夹将iPad变成了闪存驱动器。 同样,这只是从我们的计算机中拖放文件的问题(在本例中,我们的/ Board Game Info /文件夹将游戏7 Wonders的规则和附件复制到我们的iPad中)。 现在我们可以从其他位置提取文件并与朋友共享。

Now, instead of jumping through hoops to transfer files to your iOS device (and waiting through the painfully slow iTunes-based transfer), you can drag, drop, and fire off your files to your device as fast as the sync cable can go.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/164612/how-to-use-ifunbox-as-a-robust-itunes-alternative/






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