微软ice的图像拼接算法_如何在Microsoft Word中定位图像和其他对象



Adding an image or other illustration objects to a Word document is simple, but positioning those objects and getting them to stay where you want them can be frustrating. Luckily Word has the tools to make this more manageable if you know where to look. Let’s take a quick tour.

将图像或其他插图对象添加到Word文档很简单,但是放置这些对象并使它们停留在所需的位置可能会令人沮丧。 幸运的是,如果您知道要查找的位置,Word会提供使此操作更易于管理的工具。 让我们快速浏览。

有关文字包装的快速说明 (A Quick Word About Text Wrapping)

Before we get to those positioning tools, though, you should know a bit about text wrapping. By default, when you insert images and other illustration objects into your document, Word applies one of two forms of text wrapping: “in line with text” (for images and most other illustration objects) or “in front of text” (for shapes and 3D models).

但是,在使用这些定位工具之前,您应该了解一些有关文本换行的知识。 默认情况下,当您在文档中插入图像和其他插图对象时,Word会应用以下两种形式的文本换行之一:“与文本对齐”(用于图像和大多数其他插图对象)或“文本前面”(用于形状)和3D模型)。

When you set an object’s text wrapping to be in line with text, Word treats the object in question as a text character. If you type or paste text before or after the object, it moves along the line and down the page just like any other text character. When you set an object’s text wrapping to be in front of the text, the object appears on top of any text, and you can move it to any position you want.

当您将对象的文本换行设置为与文本对齐时,Word会将有问题的对象视为文本字符。 如果您在对象之前或之后键入或粘贴文本,则它会像其他任何文本字符一样沿行在页面中向下移动。 当您将对象的文本换行设置为在文本前面时,该对象将出现在任何文本的顶部,并且可以将其移动到所需的任何位置。

Understanding how to wrap text around objects is an important part of getting objects positioned the way you want, so if you’re not already familiar with how it works, we highly recommend you read our guide on the subject.


In this article, we’re using an object for which we’ve set the text wrapping to “square.” The positioning tools we’ll be talking about apply to whatever type of text wrapping you’re using, but the exact positioning you’re able to perform will depend on what text wrapping you’ve chosen.

在本文中,我们使用的对象的文字环绕设置为“正方形”。 我们将要讨论的定位工具适用于您正在使用的任何类型的文本换行,但是您能够执行的确切定位取决于您选择的文本换行。

打开和使用位置菜单 (Opening and Using the Position Menu)

With that out of the way, let’s talk about those positioning tools.


In your document, select the object with which you want to work, switch to the “Layout” menu, and then click the “Position” button. That button also appears on the “Format” menu of the Ribbon and works the same way.

在文档中,选择要使用的对象,切换到“布局”菜单,然后单击“位置”按钮。 该按钮也出现在功能区的“格式”菜单上,并且以相同的方式工作。

The Position drop-down menu is divided into two sections: “In Line With Text” and “With Text Wrapping.”


The “In line with text” section only offers the single default option, and here’s what that looks like.


The nine options in the “With Text Wrapping” section let you select a fixed position on the page for your object, ranging from the top left corner to bottom right corner. Here’s our image with the “middle top” option selected.

通过“使用文字环绕”部分中的九个选项,您可以为对象选择页面上的固定位置,范围从左上角到右下角。 这是选择了“中上”选项的图片。

Now that we’ve selected a position our image will stay there no matter how the text changes. You can delete text from that paragraph, rearrange paragraphs, add new text, or whatever else you need to do and that image will remain at the position you selected.

现在我们已经选择了一个位置,无论文本如何变化,我们的图像都将停留在该位置。 您可以从该段落中删除文本,重新排列段落,添加新文本,或执行其他任何操作,该图像将保留在所选位置。

One thing to be careful with, however, is that selecting the entire paragraph to which the object is anchored will usually select the object as well. So, if you select and then delete that paragraph, you’ll delete that object, too. You can see that an object is selected because it takes on a gray color and border.

但是要注意的一件事是,选择对象所锚定的整个段落通常也会选择对象。 因此,如果选择然后删除该段落,则也将删除该对象。 您会看到选择了一个对象,因为它具有灰色和边框。

If you want to delete the paragraph without deleting the object, you can select the whole paragraph and then Ctrl-click the object to deselect it. Deleting the paragraph will then leave the object behind.

如果要删除段落而不删除对象,则可以选择整个段落,然后按住Ctrl单击对象以取消选择它。 然后删除该段落将把对象留在后面。

You can also drag an object to a new location, and it will stay fixed in that new location.


微调和其他用于精确定位的选项 (Fine Tuning and Other Options for Precise Positioning)

These basic presets work well for simple positioning, and you can drag your object to a specific place if you want. But what if you want to place two images a set amount apart, or keep your image a particular distance from the margins? Word provides a palette of options you can use to fine-tune an object’s position.

这些基本预设非常适合简单定位,并且可以根据需要将对象拖动到特定位置。 但是,如果您想将两个图像分开放置一定的距离,或者将图像与边距保持一定距离,该怎么办? Word提供了一组选项,可用于微调对象的位置。

Select your object, head back to Layout > Position, and this time click the “More Layout Options” command.


The Layout window should open with the “Position” tab selected.


Here you can customize to your heart’s content. Let’s take a look, starting with the Alignment options. These two options (one for horizontal and one for vertical alignment) control how the object is aligned in relation to parts of the document. We set our image to the middle top of the page previously, and you can see that choice reflected in the image below with the horizontal alignment set to “centered” and the vertical alignment set to “top”—both measurements relative to the margin of the page.

在这里,您可以自定义您的内心内容。 让我们看一下“对齐”选项。 这两个选项(一个用于水平对齐,一个用于垂直对齐)控制对象相对于文档各部分的对齐方式。 我们之前将图像设置在页面的中间顶部,您可以看到下面的图像中反映了该选择,水平对齐方式设置为“居中”,垂直对齐方式设置为“顶部”(相对于页边距)这一页。

If you want those alignments measured relative to something other than the page margin, you can choose different options from the drop-down menus to the right of each option.


In the “Horizontal” section, you’ll also see a “Book layout” option, which is used when your document is in a left page/right page format for printing and binding. The options here are quite simple. You can position your object relative to either the inside or outside of the margin or page. These options work in tandem with the Layout > Margin options, especially the “Mirrored” option.

在“水平”部分中,您还将看到“书本布局”选项,当您的文档采用左页/右页格式进行打印和装订时,将使用该选项。 这里的选项非常简单。 您可以相对于边距或页面的内部或外部放置对象。 这些选项与“布局”>“边距”选项特别是“镜像”选项配合使用。

Completing the set are “Absolute position” and “Relative position” in both the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” sections. These options give you much finer control over the specific position of an object. Choosing an “Absolute position” means your object will stay in that exact position no matter what other formatting or text you might change. A “Relative position” means your object will be placed relative to a part of the document’s structure so if that part of the document moves, your image moves with it and stays in the same relative position. This is useful when you want your image to always be a certain distance away from a margin, for example, even if you change the margin later on.

完成该设置的是“水平”和“垂直”部分中的“绝对位置”和“相对位置”。 这些选项使您可以更好地控制对象的特定位置。 选择“绝对位置”意味着您的对象将保持在该确切位置,而不管您可能会更改其他哪种格式或文本。 “相对位置”表示您的对象将相对于文档结构的一部分放置,因此,如果文档的该部分移动,则图像将随之移动并保持相同的相对位置。 当您希望图像始终与边距保持一定距离时,例如,即使稍后更改边距,此功能也很有用。

重叠图像 (Overlapping Your Images)

Underneath the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” sections in the Layout window, you’ll also find a few other options. Let’s start with the “Allow overlap” option because that’s pretty simple and also very useful.

在“布局”窗口的“水平”和“垂直”部分下,您还会找到其他一些选项。 让我们从“允许重叠”选项开始,因为这非常简单并且也非常有用。

If you’ve got more than one object in your document and you want some to be able to overlap with others, you need to—you guessed it—enable the “Allow overlap” option. This is a “whole document” setting, which means it affects every object in the document, not just the object that you had selected when you turned the setting on. This makes a lot of sense if you think about it, because why would you ever turn this on for one image but no others? Like all positioning options, “Allow overlap” only applies to images which aren’t using the “In line with text” wrapping style. Once you’ve turned it on you can drag your images around to overlap how you want.

如果文档中有多个对象,并且希望某些对象能够与其他对象重叠,则需要(猜对了)启用“允许重叠”选项。 这是一个“整个文档”设置,这意味着它会影响文档中的每个对象,而不仅仅是打开该设置时所选的对象。 如果您考虑一下,这很有意义,因为您为什么要为一个图像而不是其他图像打开它? 与所有定位选项一样,“允许重叠”仅适用于未使用“与文本一致”换行样式的图像。 启用该功能后,您可以拖动图像以使其重叠。

If you want to change which image is in front of the other, switch to the “Layout” (or “Format”) tab and use the “Bring Forward” and “Send Backward” options to layer the images the way you want.


了解“锁定锚”和“使用文本移动对象”选项 (Understanding the “Lock Anchor” and “Move Object With Text” Options)

The various horizontal and vertical alignment options (and the “Allow Overlap”) are pretty straightforward, especially after you’ve played with them a bit and seen the effect they have on positioning.

各种水平和垂直对齐选项(以及“ Allow Overlap”)都非常简单明了,尤其是在您稍加使用它们并看到它们对定位的影响之后。

The “Move Object With Text” and “Lock anchor” options, on the other hand, often cause some confusion, so we’ll take a bit more time to explain how they work.


First things first: When you start experimenting with these two options, you might notice that not much happens no matter which you choose. That’s because these options only affect objects that don’t have a fixed position. When you changed your image from “In line with text” to a different text wrapping style, a setting was enabled that you probably missed unless you explicitly looked for it. This setting is called “Fix Position on Page,” and you can find it on the Layout (or Format) > Wrap Text menu.

首先,第一件事:当您开始尝试这两个选项时,您可能会发现,无论选择哪种方式,都不会发生太多事情。 这是因为这些选项仅会影响没有固定位置的对象。 当您将图像从“与文本一致”更改为其他文本换行样式时,将启用一个设置,除非您明确查找,否则可能会错过该设置。 此设置称为“页面固定位置”,您可以在“布局”(或“格式”)>“自动换行”菜单上找到它。

When you have the “Fix Position On Page” option turned on, the “Move object with text” and “Lock anchor” options in that Layout window don’t do anything. Those options only work if the image is allowed to move. To use them, you have to turn on the “Move With Text” option instead.

启用“在页面上固定位置”选项后,该“布局”窗口中的“用文本移动对象”和“锁定锚点”选项将不起作用。 仅当允许移动图像时,这些选项才起作用。 要使用它们,您必须打开“带文本移动”选项。

And that’s where the confusion usually sets in. The “Move With Text” option on the Wrap Text menu is not the same as the “Move Object With Text” option in the layout window.


So, go ahead and enable the “Move With Text” option on the Wrap Text menu and then return to the Layout window.


Let’s start with the “Move Object With Text” option. This setting determines whether the object will move with the paragraph to which it’s anchored. If this setting is switched on, you can add or delete paragraphs above the one containing your object and the object moves along with its own paragraph.

让我们从“带文本移动对象”选项开始。 此设置确定对象是否将随其锚定的段落一起移动。 如果启用此设置,则可以在包含您的对象的段落之上添加或删除段落,并且对象随其自己的段落一起移动。

A quick example will show this in action. We’ll start with an image in the text, set to the “Square” text wrapping option and the “middle top” position.

一个简单的例子将展示这一点。 我们将从文本中的图像开始,设置为“ Square”文本换行选项和“ Middle top”位置。

When “Move object with text” is turned on, the image stays with the original paragraph when we add another paragraph above.


But when “Move object with text” is turned off, the image stays where it is on the page when we add another paragraph above.


This brings us to the way that Word marks an object as belonging to a particular paragraph—how it knows to move the object with the paragraph when “Move object with text” is turned on. Word does this by using an “anchor.” You can see the anchor when you select an image.

这使我们想到了Word将对象标记为属于特定段落的方式-当打开“使用文本移动对象”时,它如何知道随该段落一起移动对象。 Word通过使用“锚”来做到这一点。 选择图像时可以看到锚点。

Note: If you can’t see the anchor then go to File > Options > Display and make sure “Object anchors” is switched on.

注意 :如果看不到锚点,请转到“文件”>“选项”>“显示”,并确保“对象锚点”已打开。

By default, the anchor is attached to the paragraph you into which you insert the object, but when you move the object to another paragraph, the anchor moves with it. Let’s say you have two paragraphs: paragraph one and paragraph two. If your object is in paragraph one and “Move object with text” is switched on, your image will move along with paragraph one. If you drag your object into paragraph two, the anchor becomes attached to paragraph two, and then the object will move along with paragraph two.

默认情况下,锚点会附加到您要在其中插入对象的段落,但是当您将对象移动到另一个段落时,锚点会随之移动。 假设您有两段:第一段和第二段。 如果您的对象位于第一段中,并且“使用文本移动对象”已打开,则图像将与第一段一起移动。 如果将对象拖到第二段中,则锚点将附加到第二段中,然后该对象将与第二段一起移动。

But what if you wanted your object to stay in the same position on a page, but always be on the page with its anchor paragraph?


This is where the “Lock anchor” setting comes in. When you turn on “Lock Anchor,” you can then move your image to any position on the same page as the anchor paragraph, and the object will stay in that position. However, if you move the anchor paragraph to another page, the object will also move to that page, but stay in the same relative position on the page.

这是“锁定锚点”设置的来源。当您打开“锁定锚点”时,可以将图像移动到与锚定段落位于同一页面上的任何位置,并且对象将停留在该位置。 但是,如果将锚定段落移动到另一个页面,则对象也将移动到该页面,但在页面上保持相同的相对位置。

So, for example, if you had your object in the center top of the page and you moved the anchor paragraph to another page, the object would also move to the same page where you moved the anchor paragraph, but remain at the top center of that new page.


That covers image positioning in all its glory, so next time someone dismisses Word as just a glorified typewriter that can’t handle images properly, you’ll know that they’re wrong.  So, so wrong.

这涵盖了图像定位的全部优点,因此下次有人将Word视为无法正确处理图像的光荣打字机时,您就会知道它们是错误的。 所以,错了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363208/how-to-position-images-in-a-word-document/






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