冻结窗口怎么冻结两行_冻结还是模糊? 捕捉摄影运动的两种方法



A photograph only shows a single moment, so if you want to capture a good image of a moving subject and have it look like it’s actually in motion, you need to put a bit of thought into things. Let’s look at how to capture movement in your photos.

一张照片只显示一个瞬间,因此,如果您想捕捉移动物体的良好图像并使其看起来好像在运动中,则需要对事物进行一些思考。 让我们看一下如何捕捉照片中的运动。

There are two main problems you’re likely find when you’re taking photos of moving subjects. The first issue you’ll run into is when your shutter speed is too slow and the subject looks blurry—like in the portrait below that I took of a guy dancing on a steamship in New Orleans. It’s just unusable.

拍摄运动物体的照片时,可能会发现两个主要问题。 您会遇到的第一个问题是,快门速度太慢且拍摄对象看起来模糊时,例如下面的肖像,我拍摄了一个在新奥尔良乘坐轮船跳舞的家伙。 只是无法使用。

The second problem is when your shutter speed is too fast. Look at this photo by JP Valery I got from Unsplash. It’s a technically perfect image, but because the shutter speed is 1/1600th of a second, it’s impossible to tell that the Formula One car is moving incredibly fast. It’s not a bad photo, but you can’t feel the movement.

第二个问题是快门速度太快。 看看我从Unsplash获得的JP Valery的这张照片 。 这是一个技术上完美的图像,但是由于快门速度为1/1600秒,因此无法断定一级方程式赛车的行驶速度异常快。 这不是一张糟糕的照片,但您无法感觉到运动。

So, let’s explore how to avoid falling into either of these traps. I’m going to assume you have a pretty good grasp of what shutter speed is and how to control it on your camera. If you don’t, check out our guides to your camera’s most important settings and how to use manual shooting modes before continuing.

因此,让我们探讨如何避免掉入这些陷阱中的任何一个。 我假设您对什么是快门速度以及如何在相机上进行控制非常了解。 如果您不这样做,请在继续操作之前查看相机最重要设置的指南以及如何使用手动拍摄模式

冻结动作(但以其他方式显示) (Freeze the Action (But Show It In Other Ways))

The first option is to crank your shutter speed up high and freeze the action. I know I just pointed out that this can be a problem, but the trick is to find other ways to show motion. Take this image I shot of my friend Will jumping off a rail. See how the trailing snow gives a sense of motion?

第一种选择是提高快门速度并冻结动作。 我知道我只是指出这可能是一个问题,但是诀窍是找到其他显示动作的方法。 拍下我拍摄的朋友威尔跳下的这张照片。 看看尾随的雪如何给人一种运动感?

It’s the same with this similar image. We strapped a smoke bomb to the back of Will’s skis and you can see the path he’s taking through the air.

这个相似的图片是一样的。 我们将一枚烟雾弹绑在Will的滑雪板后面,您可以看到他在空中行走的路径。

And this tip doesn’t just apply to skiers. It works for everything from sports to wildlife. Here’s a shot I took at a mixed ability rugby game. The action is frozen but you get a real sense of motion from how one player is handing off the guy going to tackle him.

而且本技巧不仅适用于滑雪者。 它适用于从体育到野生生物的所有事物。 这是我在一项混合能力的橄榄球比赛中拍摄的。 动作被冻结了,但是您从一个玩家如何传递要对付他的家伙那里获得了真正的动感。

The takeaway here is that if you’re going to go with the simplest option and just use a fast shutter speed, then you need to think about how else you’re going to show that something dramatic is happening. Some things you can consider are:

这里的要点是,如果您要使用最简单的选项并且仅使用快速快门速度,那么您需要考虑一下如何通过其他方式展示出正在发生的戏剧性变化。 您可以考虑的一些事情是:

  • Really dynamic body positions.

  • Visible signs of exertion like sweat or ridiculous facial expressions.

  • Trailing clothes.

  • Stuff where it doesn’t belong, like a skier or a motorbike upside down in midair.


模糊运动的东西 (Blur the Stuff That Moves)

The second option is to go the completely opposite direction, and use a slow shutter speed that lets all movement blur. This technique is normally used by landscape photographers, but you can use it for other stuff, too.

第二种选择是完全相反的方向,并使用低速快门使所有运动模糊。 这种技术通常由风景摄影师使用,但是您也可以将其用于其他用途。

Look at the waves in this photo I took near where I live in Ireland. I used a shutter speed of 30 seconds to turn the waves from sharp peaks into a smooth, white foam. You still get a sense of motion, but it’s motion over time rather than action in a split second.

看看这张我在爱尔兰居住附近拍摄的照片中的海浪。 我使用30秒的快门速度将尖峰中的波浪变成光滑的白色泡沫。 您仍然会感觉到动感,但这是随着时间的流逝而不是瞬间的动作。

I did the exact same thing with this shot of the Santa Monica pier. There are actually two moving elements in this image: the sea and the people on the pier. Both are reduced to blurry motion trails that contrast with the immobile pier.

我对圣莫尼卡码头的拍摄完全相同。 在此图像中,实际上有两个移动元素:大海和码头上的人。 两者都减少为与固定墩形成对比的模糊运动轨迹。

If you’re going to use a long shutter speed to blur motion, then you also need something static in the image to balance it, which is why it’s a technique normally used by landscape photographers. It’s very rare that a photo that’s all blur looks good. You will also need a stable tripod so your camera doesn’t shake.

如果要使用较长的快门速度来模糊运动,那么图像中还需要一些静态的东西来平衡它,这就是为什么这是风景摄影师通常使用的技术。 完全模糊的照片看起来很难看。 您还需要一个稳定的三脚架,以免相机晃动。

冻结动作并模糊其余部分 (Freeze the Action and Blur the Rest)

The final option is to combine the two approaches. Freeze some elements of the image but keep your shutter speed slow enough that some things blur. Take this image from Unsplash by a photographer called Chuttersnap. The car is sharp but, because they used a shutter speed of 1/100th of a second, the wheels and the background are blurred.

最后的选择是将两种方法结合起来。 冻结图像的某些元素,但保持足够慢的快门速度以使某些东西模糊。 名为“ Chuttersnap”的摄影师那里以Unsplash拍摄这张照片。 该车非常锋利,但是由于使用了1/100秒的快门速度,因此车轮和背景变得模糊。

This is the hardest way to capture motion but the resulting pictures are often the best. There are a few things you need to bear in mind.

这是捕获运动的最困难的方法,但是生成的图片通常是最好的。 您需要牢记一些事情。

  • Choose your shutter speed carefully and set it manually. The shutter speed required to freeze a Formula One car is a lot faster than to freeze a human.

    仔细选择快门速度,然后手动设置。 冻结一级方程式赛车所需的快门速度比冻结人要快得多。
  • You need to track the subject with your camera as it moves. For this reason, it’s best to be side on to whatever you want to photograph.

    您需要在相机移动时跟踪它。 因此,最好随身携带任何您想拍照的东西。
  • Keep tracking the subject after you press the shutter button; if you don’t, it will move out of frame and you’ll end up with a totally blurry photo.

    按下快门按钮后继续跟踪拍摄对象; 如果不这样做,它将移出画框,并最终得到一张完全模糊的照片。
  • Put your camera in burst mode and keep shooting for as long as you can. You only need one good image.

    将相机置于连拍模式,并保持尽可能长的拍摄时间。 您只需要一个良好的形象。
  • Similarly, if your first attempt is unsuccessful try again. It normally takes a bit of trial and error to dial in the right shutter speed and panning speed.

    同样,如果您的第一次尝试失败,请重试。 拨入正确的快门速度和摇摄速度通常需要反复试验。

If you pull it off, you’ll end up with an image where the subject remains sharp but the background and some fast moving elements get blurred. If you don’t, just try again or use one of the other methods.

如果将其拉下,最终将得到一幅图像,其中主体保持清晰,但背景和一些快速移动的元素变得模糊。 如果不这样做,请重试或使用其他方法之一。

One of the biggest challenges in photography is how to show action in still images. Now you should have a better idea how to approach it.

摄影的最大挑战之一是如何在静态图像中显示动作。 现在您应该有一个更好的方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353823/freeze-or-blur-the-two-ways-to-capture-movement-in-photography/






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