值得升级到Apple TV 4K吗?

The fourth-generation Apple TV was a big step up from previous generations, but now that 4K is becoming more popular, Apple is joining the party with its new Apple TV 4K. However, should you upgrade your current fourth-gen Apple TV to the new one?

第四代Apple TV是前几代产品的一大进步,但是现在4K变得越来越流行,因此Apple随党一起推出了新的Apple TV 4K。 但是,您应该将当前的第四代Apple TV升级到新的吗?

Apple TV 4K有什么新功能? (What’s New with the Apple TV 4K?)

As you probably guessed, the biggest new feature in the latest model is 4K. Whereas earlier Apple TV models maxed out at 1080p, the Apple TV 4K has the capability to play…well…4K content. If you don’t know much about 4K, check out our primer on the subject. The gist is that 4K offers four times the resolution of 1080p, which gives you way better image quality and sharpness. And of course, the Apple TV 4K also supports high dynamic range (HDR).

您可能已经猜到,最新型号中最大的新功能是4K。 早期的Apple TV型号最高可以达到1080p,而Apple TV 4K则可以播放……很好的4K内容。 如果您对4K不太了解,请查看有关该主题的入门 。 要点是4K的分辨率是1080p的四倍,这可以为您提供更好的图像质量和清晰度。 当然,Apple TV 4K还支持高动态范围(HDR)

Apple says they’ve remastered their screen savers and user interface for 4K, and most major studios will bring 4K movies to iTunes. 4K movies will cost the same as HD movies, and Apple will even upgrade your current HD library to 4K for free.

苹果表示,他们已经重新制作了4K的屏幕保护程序和用户界面,大多数主要制片厂都会将4K电影带入iTunes。 4K电影的价格与高清电影相同,Apple甚至免费将您当前的HD库升级到4K。

On top of 4K resolution, the new Apple TV 4K comes with the company’s A10X chip, which is the same processor that’s in the iPad Pro. Apple says this allows for double the CPU performance and four times the GPU performance of the previous Apple TV model. Hopefully, this allows for much better games, which always has been sort of an afterthought for the Apple TV.

除了4K分辨率外,新的Apple TV 4K还配备了该公司的A10X芯片,该芯片与iPad Pro中的处理器相同。 苹果表示,这使CPU性能和以前的Apple TV型号的GPU性能提高了四倍。 希望这可以带来更好的游戏,这对于Apple TV而言一直是事后才想到的。

Other than that, everything else is still largely the same—same design and same user interface.


您应该升级吗? (Should You Upgrade?)

4K is great to have, but there are several things to keep in mind if you’re deciding whether or not to upgrade to the latest and greatest version of Apple’s streaming box.


您需要一台4K电视 (You Need a 4K TV)

Perhaps the biggest barrier to entry is that the Apple TV 4K won’t display video content in 4K without a television that can display in 4K in the first place. If you still use a traditional 1080p television, movies and TV shows will still show up in 1080p (although some 4K TVs upscale 1080p content to at least make them look a little better). Furthermore, to take advantage of HDR, your TV will need to support that, too.

进入市场的最大障碍可能是,如果没有首先可以在4K中显示的电视,Apple TV 4K将无法在4K中显示视频内容。 如果您仍然使用传统的1080p电视,电影和电视节目仍将以1080p显示(尽管某些4K电视将1080p内容进行了升级,至少可以使它们看起来更好一些)。 此外,要利用HDR,您的电视也需要支持该功能。

4K内容正在增长,但仍然缺乏 (4K Content Is Growing, but Still Lacking)

Even if you have a 4K television and an Apple TV 4K, you still need 4K content to play. Luckily, more and more 4K content is coming out—Netflix and Amazon have handfuls of content in 4K, Blu-ray movies in 4K are becoming more popular, YouTube and Vimeo allow users to upload 4K videos, and some cable providers are starting to offer 4K channels.

即使您拥有4K电视和Apple TV 4K,您仍然需要4K内容才能播放。 幸运的是, 越来越多的4K内容不断涌现-Netflix和Amazon拥有少量的4K内容,4K的蓝光电影正变得越来越流行,YouTube和Vimeo允许用户上传4K视频,并且一些有线电视提供商开始提供4K频道。

However, there’s still way more 1080p content than there is 4K content, and if you dive deep into 4K right now, you’ll likely still be watching most of your movies, sports, and TV shows in 1080p for the time being. You might even save some money if you wait a little longer, as used units will likely appear on eBay after a few short months.

但是,与4K内容相比,1080p内容的数量仍然更多,并且如果您现在深入4K,您可能暂时仍会以1080p观看大多数电影,体育和电视节目。 如果再等一会,您甚至可以节省一些钱,因为几个月后,用过的单元可能会出现在eBay上。

您将付出代价 (You’ll Pay the Price)

So, if you’re definitely going to upgrade to the new Apple TV 4K model, that’s great and all. However, you’ll be paying a bit more for that pleasure.

因此,如果您一定要升级到新的Apple TV 4K型号,那就太好了。 但是,您将为此付出更多。

Whereas the fourth-generation Apple TV is priced at $149, the Apple TV 4K weighs in at $179 for the 32GB model and $199 for the 64GB model. It’s not a huge jump in price, and paying that $30 difference for 4K capabilities really isn’t that insane at all, but $179 for a set-top box is considered pretty expensive compared to the competition (you can grab an Amazon Fire TV for $85, which can do 4K as well).

第四代Apple TV的价格为149美元,而Apple TV 4K的32GB型号为179美元,64GB型号为199美元。 这不是在价格的大幅上涨,并支付对于4K能力$ 30的区别真的不是疯了所有,但$ 179一机顶盒被视为相当昂贵相比,竞争(你可以抓住一个Amazon消防电视的$ 85 ,也可以做4K)。

In any case, the Apple TV 4K will be released later this month on September 22, with pre-orders starting on September 15.

无论如何,Apple TV 4K将于9月22日在本月晚些时候发布,预购从9月15日开始。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/325748/is-it-worth-upgrading-to-the-apple-tv-4k/





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