



It wasn’t so long ago that Philips introduced its Hue smart lighting system, and since then, the company has expanded its lineup to include quite an arrangement of light bulbs and light fixtures to choose from.


However, it can be a little confusing when shopping around for Philips Hue lights to add to your home, as there are a ton of different bulbs available. Here’s a rundown of what all Hue has to offer.

但是,到处逛逛以将Philips Hue灯添加到您的房屋中可能会有些混乱,因为有大量不同的灯泡可供选择。 以下是所有Hue必须提供的内容。

飞利浦Hue灯泡和治具 (Philips Hue Bulbs and Fixtures)

There are a lot more bulbs and lights than you’d expect, each designed for a different use. Here’s what you’ll find in Philips’ Hue line of lights.

灯泡和灯比您期望的要多得多,每种灯泡和灯都设计用于不同的用途。 这是飞利浦的Hue系列照明灯中可以找到的。

色相“白色和彩色” (Hue “White and Color”)


This is arguably the most popular Philips Hue bulb available, and it’s the same bulb that’s included in the Hue White and Color Starter Kit, which is a great kit to buy if you’re just starting out with Philips Hue.

可以说这是最流行的飞利浦Hue灯泡,它与“ 色调白色和彩色入门工具包”中包含的灯泡相同,如果您刚开始使用飞利浦Hue,这是一个不错的工具包。

The Hue White and Color Bulb ($60) can display different colors, but its real strength is the ability to display temperatures of white. You could set it to a bright white light that simulates the sun in the morning, to wake up up, and a warm, soft, almost reddish light for nighttime to help you fall asleep. Whether that’s worth $60 per bulb is up to you—our team is a bit split on the topic.

色调白色和彩色灯泡 (60美元)可以显示不同的颜色,但其真正的优势在于能够显示白色温度。 您可以将其设置为明亮的白光,模拟早晨的阳光,以起床;晚上设置温暖,柔和,几乎微红色的光,以帮助您入睡。 每个灯泡是否值60美元取决于您,我们的团队在这个问题上有些分歧。

色相白 (Hue White)


The Hue White bulb is a much cheaper alternative to the Hue White and Color bulb, priced at only $15 per bulb instead of $60. You can’t change the colors or even the temperature of the white, though you can dim it like any other Hue bulb. It also features a slightly more traditional shape, for…some reason.

色相灯泡色相灯泡和色相灯泡便宜得多,每个灯泡的价格仅为15美元,而不是60美元。 尽管您可以像其他任何Hue灯泡一样将其变暗,但是您无法更改颜色甚至白色的温度。 由于某些原因,它还具有稍微更传统的形状。

However, the Hue White Starter Kit is a whole $120 cheaper than the Hue White and Color Starter Kit, making it a great option for frugal shoppers, as well as those who don’t really need the fancy colors.

但是, Hue White入门套件比Hue White和Color入门套件便宜整整120美元,这对于节俭的购物者以及那些确实不需要精美色彩的购物者来说是一个不错的选择。

色相白色氛围 (Hue White Ambiance)


This is Philips’ latest Hue bulb, which after much anticipation, is finally available to buy. The Hue White Ambiance sits between the Hue White and Color bulb and the Hue White bulb. It doesn’t allow you to change to different colors, but it does change temperatures from a warm soft white to a bright day light. Its price point also sits comfortably in between, at $30.

这是飞利浦最新的Hue灯泡,经过人们的广泛期待, 终于可以购买到 。 “色相白”氛围位于“色相白和彩色”灯泡与“色相白”灯泡之间。 它不允许您更改为不同的颜色,但是可以将温度从温暖的柔和白色更改为明亮的日光。 它的价格也介于30美元之间。

You can also buy a starter kit with Ambiance bulbs, which contains a Hue Bridge, two Hue White Ambiance bulbs, and a Hue Dimmer Switch.

您还可以购买带有氛围灯泡的入门套件 ,其中包括一个色相桥,两个色相白色氛围灯泡和一个色相调光器开关。

色相勒克斯 (Hue Lux)


The Hue Lux bulb is an older bulb that has officially been discontinued. The Hue Lux is essentially the same as the newer Hue White bulb, albeit with a slightly different shape and a slightly lower light output. (Some folks have noted that they seem to put out less heat, too.)

Hue Lux灯泡是较旧的灯泡,已正式停产。 色相Lux基本上与较新的色相White灯泡相同,尽管形状略有不同且光输出略低。 (有些人指出,他们似乎也减少了热量。)

If you’re in the market for a Hue bulb that only does soft white, there’s almost no reason to get a Hue Lux bulb instead of the newer Hue White, unless you can find it for cheaper. The Lux bulb will still work with the newer Philips Hue Bridge, so if you already have Lux bulbs, you can still use them with a newer setup without a problem.

如果您在市场上只想要柔和的白色的Hue灯泡,那么除非您能找到便宜的灯泡,否则几乎没有理由选择Hue Lux灯泡而不是较新的Hue White。 Lux灯泡仍可与较新的Philips Hue Bridge配合使用,因此,如果您已经有Lux灯泡,则仍可以在较新的设置中使用它们,而不会出现问题。

色相白色PAR16 (Hue White and Color PAR16)


The $60 Philips Hue PAR16 bulb is a spotlight bulb, so it’s meant to be used in light fixtures that provide directional lighting, as opposed to regular lamps or ceiling light fixtures.

售价60美元的飞利浦Hue PAR16灯泡是一个聚光灯灯泡,因此,它打算用于提供定向照明的灯具,而不是普通的灯具或吸顶灯。

Because it’s a directional light bulb, it’s a lot dimmer than the other Hue bulbs, putting out only around 300 lumens, whereas the regular Hue White and Color bulb can put out 800 lumens.

因为它是定向灯泡,所以比其他的Hue灯泡要暗得多,只能发出300流明的光,而普通的Hue White和Color灯泡可以发出800流明的光。

色相白和彩色BR30 (Hue White and Color BR30)


If you have recessed ceiling lighting in your house, then the $60 Hue BR30 bulb is one that’s meant for these kinds of light fixtures. As you can see from the photo, the BR30 is a much larger bulb than Philips’ other Hue lights, making it great for flood lighting of sorts.

如果您的房屋有嵌入式天花板灯,那么60美元的Hue BR30灯泡就是适合这些灯具的灯泡 。 从照片中可以看到,BR30的灯泡比飞利浦的其他Hue灯泡大得多,非常适合泛光照明。

These bulbs can still be used in other light fixtures, but you’re probably better off sticking with the smaller bulbs, since the BR30 likely won’t fit in traditional lamps and other light fixtures.


顺化LightStrip Plus (Hue LightStrip Plus)


While not necessarily a bulb, the $90 Hue LightStrip Plus lights are flattened rope lights with an adhesive backing that can stick to pretty much anything.

售价90美元的Hue LightStrip Plus灯虽然不一定是灯泡,但它们是扁平的绳索灯,背衬背面可以粘任何东西。

The kit comes with a 6-foot light strip, although you can buy extensions and make it as long as 33 feet. I currently use the LightStrip Plus behind my TV as bias lighting, but you can stick the light strip anywhere: under the cabinets in your kitchen or even under your bed for a cool late-night glow.

该套件带有6英尺长的灯带,尽管您可以购买扩展件,使其长达33英尺。 我目前在电视后方使用LightStrip Plus作为偏光照明 ,但您可以将灯条粘贴在任何地方:厨房的橱柜下或床下,可以发出深夜的冷光。

顺化 (Hue Go)


If you want a portable light source that’s battery powered, but still want to be able to control it from your phone, then the $90 Hue Go is your best bet.

如果您希望使用电池供电的便携式光源,但仍然希望能够通过手机进行控制,那么90美元的Hue Go是您最好的选择。

It gives you up to three hours of battery life and is great for putting light where you wouldn’t normally be able to put a light fixture. Maybe there’s not an outlet nearby, or maybe a lamp wouldn’t fit there. The Hue Go is pretty versatile in this respect.

它可以为您提供长达三个小时的电池续航时间,非常适合在通常无法安装灯具的地方放置照明灯。 也许附近没有插座,或者那里可能没有灯。 在这方面,Hue Go非常灵活。

It only puts out around 300 lumens, but it’s bright enough to cast some neat ambient light.


色相虹膜 (Hue Iris)


The $100 Iris is meant mostly for casting light onto a wall to create a cool ambiance of sorts. It’s also a larger light fixture that isn’t necessarily stylish (the cheap clear plastic isn’t really enticing), so it isn’t meant to be put on display necessarily, but rather behind a chair or another object.

售价100美元的虹膜主要用于将光线投射到墙上以营造酷酷的氛围。 它也是一个较大的灯具,不一定时尚(便宜的透明塑料并不能真正吸引人),因此它不一定要摆放在显示器上,而应该放在椅子或其他物体后面。

The Iris only puts out around 200 lumens, but that’s enough to put a decent glow on a wall, especially in a dimmer environment, and the farther away you have the Iris from the wall, the wider the cast gets.


色相布鲁姆 (Hue Bloom)


The $60 Bloom is similar to the Iris, bit it’s a lot smaller and a little better looking, so it’s more suitable for placing on an end table or other surface where it can be seen.


However, the Bloom is still meant to cast light on a wall as ambient light. It’s not quite as bright as the Iris, since the Bloom only pushes out 120 lumens, but it’s compact size makes it a better choice if you’re hurting for space.

但是,Bloom仍将在墙壁上投射光作为环境光。 它不像虹膜那样明亮,因为Bloom仅能发出120流明,但是它的紧凑尺寸使其成为您在空间上受到伤害的更好选择。

超越色调 (Hue Beyond)


If you’re looking for an all-in-one Philips Hue lighting system (as in, the bulbs and the light fixture itself), then the Hue Beyond is one to check out.

如果您正在寻找一种多功能的飞利浦Hue照明系统(例如灯泡和灯具本身),那么Hue Beyond是值得一试的地方。

The Beyond comes in three different configurations: a table lamp, pendant, and a ceiling fixture. It also includes two lights that can be controlled independently, allowing the light to give off two different colors if you want it to.

Beyond具有三种不同的配置:台灯,吊坠和天花板固定装置。 它还包括两个可以独立控制的灯,如果需要的话,它可以发出两种不同的颜色。

The downside is that the Beyond is expensive. Really expensive. The table lamp alone is $399 and that’s the cheapest out of the set, while the others are priced at $649.

不利之处在于,Beyond价格昂贵。 真的很贵。 仅桌灯就是399美元 ,这是其中最便宜的,而其他的价格为649美元。

凤凰城 (Hue Phoenix)


Similar to the Beyond, the Hue Phoenix is an all-in-one Hue lighting fixture that comes with the light and the fixture. However, the biggest difference is that the light can’t change colors, but only color temperature, similar to the Hue White Ambiance bulb mentioned above.

与Beyond相似, Hue Phoenix是一种多色合一的Hue照明灯具,它随灯和灯具一起提供。 但是,最大的区别是灯光不能改变颜色,而只能改变色温,类似于上面提到的Hue White Ambiance灯泡。

The Phoenix comes in different styles as well, including a table lamp ($249), a recessed ceiling light ($49), a sconce ($199), a pendant $449), and a ceiling fixture ($449).


飞利浦Hue配件 (Philips Hue Accessories)

Philips also offers a few non-light products to enhance the experience–particularly, two switches that help you turn lights on and off.


色相塔 (Hue Tap)


The $60 Hue Tap is a physical switch that allows you to change your Hue lights to different scenes without needing to do it from your phone.

售价60美元的Hue Tap是一种物理开关,无需使用手机即可将Hue灯光更改为不同的场景。

The Tap includes four buttons, which allow you to control and switch to four different scenes with just the press of a button.


Interestingly, the Tap doesn’t require batteries or recharging, it stores the energy from the pressing of the buttons to power itself, which is pretty cool. However, some have found the buttons annoying and hard to press.

有趣的是,Tap不需要电池或充电,它可以通过按下按钮来为自身供电来存储能量,这非常酷。 但是,有些人发现这些按钮烦人且难以按下。

色调调光开关 (Hue Dimmer Switch)


Philips’ latest accessory is the Hue Dimmer Switch, which is a simple battery-powered light switch that comes with On/Off buttons, as well as brightness controls to dim or brighten your lights. It looks and feels like a regular light switch, and sticks on your wall so there’s no wiring experience required to set it up.

飞利浦最新的配件是Hue Dimmer Switch ,它是一个简单的电池供电的灯光开关,带有“开/关”按钮以及用于使灯光变暗或变亮的亮度控件。 它的外观和感觉就像是普通的电灯开关,并粘在墙上,因此无需接线经验即可进行设置。

It’s only $24, making it a no-brainer if you use Philips Hue lights and want an easier way to turn lights on and off. Plus, you can do way more with the Dimmer Switch if you have the right app.

它的价格仅为24美元,如果您使用Philips Hue灯并且想要一种更简便的方式来打开和关闭灯,那将是不费吹灰之力的事情。 另外,如果您拥有合适的应用程序,则可以使用Dimmer Switch做更多的事情

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/248178/the-difference-between-all-of-philips-hue-light-bulbs/






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