wordpress 自定义_自定义您的WordPress博客并建立受众群体

wordpress 自定义

wordpress 自定义

Want to quickly give your blog a fresh coat of paint and make it stand out from the pack?  Here’s how you can customize your WordPress blog and make it uniquely yours.

想要快速给您的博客一个新鲜的油漆,使其脱颖而出吗? 您可以通过以下方式自定义WordPress博客,并使其独一无二。

WordPress offers many features that help you make your blog the best it can be.  Although it doesn’t offer as many customization features as full WordPress running on your own server, it still makes it easy to make your free blog as professional or cute as you like.  Here we’ll look at how you can customize features in your blog and build an audience.

WordPress提供了许多功能,可帮助您使博客达到最佳状态。 尽管它没有提供在您自己的服务器上运行的完整WordPress那样多的自定义功能,但仍然可以轻松地使您的免费博客变得既专业又可爱。 在这里,我们将研究如何自定义博客中的功能并建立受众。

Personalize Your Blog


WordPress make it easy to personalize your blog.  Most of the personalization options are available under the Appearance menu on the left.  Here we’ll look at how you can use most of these.

WordPress使个性化博客变得容易。 大多数个性化选项在左侧的“ 外观”菜单下可用。 在这里,我们将研究如何使用其中的大多数。


Add New Theme


WordPress is popular for the wide range of themes available for it.  While you cannot upload your own theme to your blog, you can choose from over 90 free themes currently available with more added all the time.  To change your theme, select the Themes page under Appearance.

WordPress因其广泛的主题而受欢迎。 虽然您无法将自己的主题上载到博客,但是您可以从90多个当前可用的免费主题中进行选择,并始终添加更多主题。 要更改主题,请在“ 外观”下选择“ 主题”页面。

The Themes page will show random themes, but you can choose to view them in alphabetical order, by popularity, or how recently they were added.  Or, you can search for a theme by name or features.

“主题”页面将显示随机主题,但您可以选择按字母顺序,受欢迎程度或最近添加的主题来查看主题。 或者,您可以按名称或功能搜索主题。


One neat way to find a theme that suites your needs is the Feature Filter.  Click the link on the right of the search button, and then select the options you want to make sure your theme has.  Click Apply Filters and WordPress will streamline your choices to themes that contain these features.

查找适合您需求的主题的一种简便方法是功能过滤器 。 单击搜索按钮右侧的链接,然后选择要确保您的主题具有的选项。 单击“ 应用过滤器” ,WordPress将简化您对包含这些功能的主题的选择。


Once you find a theme you like, click Preview under its name to see how your blog will look.

找到喜欢的主题后,单击其名称下的“ 预览 ”以查看博客的外观。


This will open a popup that shows your blog with the new theme.  Click the Activate link in the top right corner of the popup if you want to keep this theme; otherwise, click the x in the top left corner to close the preview and continue your search for one you want.

这将打开一个弹出窗口,显示带有新主题的博客。 如果要保留此主题,请单击弹出窗口右上角的“ 激活”链接。 否则,请单击左上角的x以关闭预览并继续搜索所需的内容。


Edit Current Theme


Many of the themes on WordPress have customization options so you can make your blog stand out from others using the same theme.  The default theme Twenty Ten lets you customize both the header and background image, and many themes have similar options.

WordPress上的许多主题都有自定义选项,因此您可以使用同一主题使您的博客与其他博客脱颖而出。 默认主题“ 二十”允许您自定义标题和背景图像,并且许多主题具有相似的选项。

To choose a new header image, select the Header page under Appearance.  Select one of the pre-installed images and click Save Changes, or upload your own image.

要选择新的标题图片,请在外观下选择标题页。 选择一个预安装的映像,然后单击“ 保存更改” ,或上传自己的映像。


If you upload an image larger than the size for the header, WordPress will let you crop it directly in the web interface.  Click Crop Header when you’ve selected the portion you want for the header of your blog.

如果您上传的图片大于标题的大小,WordPress将允许您直接在Web界面中对其进行裁剪。 选择博客标题所需的部分后,单击“ 裁剪标题”


You can also customize your blog’s background from the Background page under Appearance.  You can upload an image for the background, or can enter a hex value of a color for a solid background.  If you’d rather visually choose a color, click Select a Color to open a color wheel that makes it easy to choose a nice color.  Click Save Changes when you’re done.

您还可以从“ 外观”下的“ 背景”页面自定义博客的背景。 您可以上传背景图像,也可以输入纯色背景的十六进制颜色值。 如果您想直观地选择一种颜色,请单击“ 选择颜色”以打开一个色轮,可以轻松选择漂亮的颜色。 完成后,点击保存更改


Note: that all themes may not contain these customization options, but many are flexible.  You cannot edit the actual CSS of your theme on free WordPress blogs, but you you can purchase the Custom CSS Upgrade for $14.97/year to add this ability.

注意:所有主题可能不包含这些自定义选项,但是许多主题都可以灵活使用。 您无法在免费的WordPress博客上编辑主题的实际CSS,但是您可以购买“自定义CSS升级”,价格为每年14.97美元,即可添加此功能。

Add Widgets With Extra Content


Widgets are small addons for your blog, similar to Desktop Gadgets in Windows 7 or Dashboard widgets in Mac OS X.  You can add widgets to your blog to show recent Tweets, favorite Flickr pictures, popular articles, and more.  To add widgets to your blog, open the Widgets page under Appearance.

小部件是博客的小型附加组件,类似于Windows 7中的桌面小工具或Mac OS X中的仪表板小部件。您可以将小部件添加到博客中,以显示最新的推文,喜欢的Flickr图片,热门文章等等。 要将小部件添加到您的博客,请在“ 外观”下打开“ 小部件”页面。

You’ll see a variety of widgets available in the main white box.  Select one you want to add, and drag it to the widget area of your choice.  Different themes may offer different areas to place Widgets, such as the sidebar or footer.

您会在主白框中看到各种可用的小部件。 选择您要添加的一个,然后将其拖到您选择的小部件区域。 不同的主题可能会提供不同的区域来放置小部件,例如侧边栏或页脚。


Most of the widgets offer configuration options.  Click the down arrow beside its name to edit it.  Set them up as you wish, and click Save on the bottom of the widget.

大多数小部件都提供配置选项。 单击名称旁边的向下箭头进行编辑。 根据需要设置它们,然后单击小部件底部的保存


Now we’ve got some nice dynamic content on our blog that’s automatically updated from the net.



Choose Blog Extras

选择Blog Extras


By default, WordPress shows previews of websites when visitors hover over links on your blog, uses a special mobile theme when people visit from a mobile device, and shows related links to other blogs on the WordPress network at the end of your posts.  If you don’t like these features, you can disable them on the Extras page under Appearance.

默认情况下,当访问者将鼠标悬停在您博客上的链接上时,WordPress将显示网站的预览;当人们从移动设备访问时,WordPress将使用特殊的移动主题,并在帖子末尾显示WordPress网络上其他博客的相关链接。 如果您不喜欢这些功能,可以在“ 外观 下的“其他”页面上将其禁用。

Build Your Audience


Now that your blog is looking nice, we can make sure others will discover it.  WordPress makes it easy for you to make your site discoverable on search engines or social network, and even gives you the option to keep your site private if you’d prefer. 

现在您的博客看起来不错,我们可以确保其他人可以发现它。 WordPress使您可以轻松地在搜索引擎或社交网络上发现自己的网站,甚至可以根据需要选择保留网站的私密性。

Open the Privacy page under Tools to change your site’s visibility.  By default, it will be indexed by search engines and be viewable to everyone.  You can also choose to leave your blog public but block search engines, or you can make it fully private.

打开“ 工具”下的“ 隐私”页面,以更改网站的可见性。 默认情况下,它将被搜索引擎索引,并且所有人都可以查看。 您也可以选择将博客设为公开,但阻止搜索引擎,也可以将其设为完全私有。


If you choose to make your blog private, you can enter up to 35 usernames of people you want to be able to see it.  Each private visitor must have a WordPress.com account so they can login.  If you need more than 35 private members, you can upgrade to allow unlimited private members for $29.97/year.

如果您选择将博客设为不公开,则可以输入最多35个想要看到它的用户名。 每个私人访客必须具有WordPress.com帐户才能登录。 如果您需要35个以上的私人会员,则可以升级以允许无限制的私人会员,费用为29.97美元/年。


Then, if you do want your site visible from search engines, one of the best ways to make sure your content is discovered by search engines is to register with their webmaster tools.  Once registered, you need to add your key to your site so the search engine will find and index it. 

然后,如果您确实希望从搜索引擎看到您的网站,那么确保搜索引擎发现您的内容的最佳方法之一就是向其网站管理员工具注册。 注册后,您需要将密钥添加到您的站点,以便搜索引擎可以找到它并对其建立索引。

On the bottom of the Tools page, WordPress lets you enter your key from Google, Bing, and Yahoo! to make sure your site is discovered.  If you haven’t signed up with these tools yet, you can signup via the links on this page as well.

在“ 工具”页面底部,WordPress允许您从Google,Bing和Yahoo!输入密钥。 确保您的网站被发现。 如果尚未注册这些工具,则也可以通过此页面上的链接进行注册。


Post Blog Updates to Social Networks


Many people discover the sites they visit from friends and others via social networks.  WordPress makes it easy to automatically share links to your content on popular social networks.  To activate this feature, open the My Blogs page under Dashboard.

许多人通过社交网络从朋友和其他人那里发现他们访问的站点。 WordPress使在流行的社交网络上自动共享指向您内容的链接变得容易。 要激活此功能,请在“ 仪表盘”下打开“ 我的博客”页面。


Now, select the services you want to activate under the Publicize section.  This will automatically update Yahoo!, Twitter, and/or Facebook every time you publish a new post.

现在,选择你要下的宣传部分,以激活服务。 每当您发布新帖子时,这将自动更新Yahoo!,Twitter和/或Facebook。


You’ll have to authorize your connection with the social network.  With Twitter and Yahoo!, you can authorize them with only two clicks, but integrating with Facebook will take several steps.

您必须授权与社交网络的连接。 使用Twitter和Yahoo !,您只需单击两次即可授权它们,但是与Facebook集成将需要几个步骤。


If you’d rather share links yourself on social networks, you can get shortened URLs to your posts.  When you write a new post or edit an existing one, click the Get Shortlink button located underneath the post’s title.

如果您希望自己在社交网络上共享链接,则可以缩短帖子的URL。 当您撰写新帖子或编辑现有帖子时,单击帖子标题下方的“ 获取短链接”按钮。


This will give you a small URL, usually 20 characters or less, that you can use to post on social networks such as Twitter.



This should help build your traffic, and if you want to see how many people are checking out your site, check out the stats on your Dashboard.  This shows a graph of how many people are visiting, and popular posts.  Click View All if you’d like more detailed stats including search engine terms that lead people to your blog.

这应该有助于增加流量,如果您想查看有多少人正在检查您的网站,请查看仪表板上的统计信息。 这显示了正在访问的人数和热门帖子的图表。 如果您想要更详细的统计信息,包括引导人们访问您博客的搜索引擎字词,请点击查看全部




Whether you’re looking to make a private blog for your group or publish a blog that’s read by millions around the world, WordPress is a great way to do it for free.  And with all of the personalization options, you can make your it memorable and exciting for your visitors.

无论您是想为自己的小组创建私人博客,还是发布全世界数以百万计的人都在阅读的博客,WordPress都是免费的绝佳方法。 借助所有个性化选项,您可以为访问者带来令人难忘的精彩体验。

If you don’t have a blog, you can always signup for a free one from WordPress.com.  Also make sure to check out our article on how to Start Your Own Blog with WordPress.

如果您没有博客,则可以随时从WordPress.com注册免费博客 。 另外,请确保查看我们有关如何使用WordPress启动自己的博客的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17592/customize-your-wordpress-blog-build-an-audience/

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