steam link 闪屏_Steam Link硬件已死,这是您可以做的

steam link 闪屏

steam link 闪屏

Valve’s Steam Link is a great way for PC gamers to stream games onto their TV. While the Steam Link hardware is no more, it’s easy to get going with the Steam Link app on Android!

Valve的Steam Link是PC游戏玩家将游戏流式传输到电视上的绝佳方式。 虽然不再需要Steam Link硬件 ,但可以轻松使用Android上的Steam Link应用程序!

The Steam Link app is available now on the Google Play Store, and you can install it on Android phones, Chromebooks with Android app support, and televisions or set-top boxes running Android TV. For now, Steam Link isn’t available on iOS, and there’s no telling if it ever will be. The Steam Link app is also available on Samsung Smart TVs made after 2016

Steam Link应用程序现已 在Google Play商店中提供 ,您可以将其安装在Android手机,支持Android应用程序的Chromebook以及运行Android TV的电视机或机顶盒上。 目前,Steam Link在iOS上不可用, 也无法确定它是否会发布 。 Steam Link应用程序还可以在2016年之后生产的Samsung Smart TV上使用

Keep in mind: if you already have the physical Steam Link in your home, it’s going to keep working and stay supported for the foreseeable future. But if you want to start using a Steam Link today, you’ll probably have to buy one used.

请记住:如果您已经在家中拥有实体的Steam Link,它将在可预见的未来继续保持工作并保持支持。 但是,如果您想今天开始使用Steam Link,则可能必须购买一台二手的。

Thankfully, the Steam Link app on Android works just like the physical Steam Link does. And using it on an Android TV box like the NVIDIA SHIELD TV gives you a one-stop shop for your PC games, games from the Google Play Store, and all your favorite video streaming services.

值得庆幸的是,Android上的Steam Link应用程序的运行方式与物理Steam Link一样。 并在NVIDIA SHIELD TV等Android电视盒上使用它,可以为您的PC游戏,Google Play商店中的游戏以及所有您喜欢的视频流媒体服务提供一站式商店。

Steam Link isn’t the only option for PC gamers to get their games on another screen. If you have an NVIDIA GPU, you can use NVIDIA’s GameStream tool to stream games from your desktop to your other devices, or stream them straight from NVIDIA’s servers with NVIDIA GeForce Now.

Steam Link并非PC游戏玩家将游戏放到另一个屏幕上的唯一选择。 如果您具有NVIDIA GPU,则可以使用NVIDIA的GameStream工具将游戏从桌面流式传输到其他设备,或者使用NVIDIA GeForce Now从NVIDIA服务器直接流式传输。

如何在您的PC上设置Steam Link (How to Set Up Steam Link on Your PC)

Before using the Steam Link app on any of your devices, you’ll need to do some prep work on your PC. Here is what you’ll need to get started:

在任何设备上使用Steam Link应用之前,您需要在PC上进行一些准备工作。 这是您开始需要的:

  • Download and install Steam.


  • Download your favorite games to your PC.


  • While Steam Link will work over Wi-Fi, you’ll have a much better time if your desktop is wired in with Ethernet.

    尽管Steam Link可以通过Wi-Fi运行,但是如果您的台式机通过以太网进行连接,您将拥有更好的时间。

Open the Steam app on your desktop computer. Select “Steam” in the upper-left, then select “Settings.”

在台式计算机上打开Steam应用程序。 在左上角选择“蒸汽”,然后选择“设置”。

Select “In-Home Streaming” on the left, then check the box next to “Enable streaming.”


Now we’re ready to set up the Steam Link app on your other devices!

现在,我们准备在其他设备上设置Steam Link应用程序!

如何在Android设备上设置Steam链接 (How To Set Up Steam Link on Your Android Device)

Here’s what you need to get started before using Steam Link:

使用Steam Link之前,您需要先开始以下步骤:

  • A game controller for your device. The SHIELD TV’s included controller works, or you can use a Bluetooth controller with Android TV. You can’t use a Chromebook’s keyboard and touchpad, so you’ll need to use it in touchscreen mode or pair a Bluetooth controller. The same goes for streaming to your smartphone.

    您设备的游戏控制器。 SHIELD TV随附的控制器可以工作,或者您可以将Bluetooth控制器与Android TV一起使用。 您无法使用Chromebook的键盘和触摸板,因此需要在触摸屏模式下使用它或 与Bluetooth控制器配对 。 流式传输到智能手机也是如此。

  • The Steam Link app from the Google Play Store.

    Google Play商店中的Steam Link应用

  • While Steam Link will work over Wi-Fi, you’ll have a much better time if your device (such as Android TV box or Chromebook) is wired in with Ethernet. If plugging in Ethernet isn’t feasible, make sure your device is connected to 5GHz Wi-Fi and sitting as close to your router as possible.

    尽管Steam Link可以通过Wi-Fi运行,但是如果您的设备(例如Android电视盒或Chromebook)通过以太网进行连接,您将拥有更好的时间。 如果无法插入以太网,请确保您的设备已连接到5GHz Wi-Fi,并尽可能靠近路由器。

RELATED: What’s the Difference Between 2.4 and 5-GHz Wi-Fi (and Which Should I Use)?

相关: 2.4 GHz和5 GHz Wi-Fi有什么区别(我应该使用哪个)?

I’m using the Steam Link app on Android TV for this guide, so the screenshots may look slightly different if you’re following along on a Chromebook or smartphone, but the process is still the same. 

本指南使用的是Android TV上的Steam Link应用程序,因此,如果您在Chromebook或智能手机上进行操作,则屏幕截图可能会略有不同,但是过程仍然相同。

Start by opening the Steam Link app on your device. Select “Get Started.” The Steam Link app will scan your local network to find a computer with In-Home Streaming enabled. It should find your desktop with no problems, but you can rescan if Steam Link doesn’t find it the first time. Select your computer name.

首先打开设备上的Steam Link应用。 选择“入门”。 Steam Link应用程序将扫描您的本地网络以查找启用了家庭流媒体的计算机。 它 应该 可以正常找到您的桌面,但是如果Steam Link第一次找不到它,您可以重新扫描。 选择您的计算机名称。

Note: Steam has to be actively running on your PC before Steam Link can find it.

注意:Steam必须在PC上积极运行,然后Steam Link才能找到它。

The Steam Link app will show a four-digit PIN, and you’ll see a notification on Steam on your desktop. Enter the PIN on your desktop and select “OK.”

Steam Link应用程序将显示一个四位数的PIN,并且您会在桌面上的Steam上看到一条通知。 在桌面上输入PIN,然后选择“确定”。

Steam Link will run a network test to check the connection between your desktop and your device. If one or both of the devices are plugged in with Ethernet, everything should be good. If Steam Link says the connection is too slow, plug into Ethernet, or double check and make sure you’re using a 5GHz Wi-Fi. If it’s still not working, you may need to purchase a faster router. When the connection is fast enough, select “Start Playing.”

Steam Link将运行网络测试以检查您的台式机和设备之间的连接。 如果其中一个或两个设备都插入了以太网,那么一切都应该很好。 如果Steam Link表示连接速度太慢,请插入以太网或仔细检查并确保您使用的是5GHz Wi-Fi。 如果仍然无法使用,则可能需要购买速度更快的路由器。 连接速度足够快时,选择“开始播放”。

Next, you’ll see Steam’s Big Picture interface. This lets you browse the store, message other players, and more from your remote device. When you’re ready to start playing, select “Library.”

接下来,您将看到Steam的Big Picture界面。 这使您可以浏览商店,向其他播放器发送消息以及从远程设备发送更多信息。 准备开始播放时,请选择“库”。

If a game is already installed on your home PC, you’ll see a green check mark when you have the title selected.


If not, you’ll see a download icon.


You’ll need to have a game downloaded to your desktop before you can stream it to the other devices. If you do want to download that game to your home PC, select the game, then select “Install.”

您需要先将游戏下载到桌面上,然后才能将其流式传输到其他设备。 如果您确实要将游戏下载到家用PC,请选择游戏,然后选择“安装”。

Select the game you’d like to stream from your PC to your Android device, then select “Play.”


With that, you have your favorite games streaming to your favorite screen! 



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