steam link 闪屏_使用Steam Link应用将PC游戏直接流式传输到iPhone或移动设备

steam link 闪屏

steam link 闪屏

Steam Link on iOS

I think that we, as an industry, are still figuring game streaming out. It's challenging to find that sweet spot between quality and frames per second, all while respecting the speed of light and the laws of physics.

我认为,作为一个行业,我们仍在研究游戏流。 在尊重光速和物理定律的同时,找到介于质量和每秒帧数之间的最佳点是一项挑战。

That said, if you have a a rock solid 5Ghz wireless network, or better yet, a solid wired network, you can do some pretty cool stuff today.


You can use the Xbox app on Windows 10 to stream from your Xbox One to your PC. I use this to play on my Xbox while I walk on my treadmill in my garage. Works great even on my comparatively underpowered Surface Pro 3.

您可以在Windows 10上使用Xbox应用程序将Xbox One传输到PC。 当我在车库的跑步机上行走时,我用它在Xbox上播放。 即使在性能相对欠佳的Surface Pro 3上也能正常工作。

You can also do the opposite if you have a powerful PC. You can run the Xbox Wireless Display app and remote your PC to your Xbox.

如果您有一台强大的PC,也可以采取相反的操作。 您可以运行Xbox无线显示应用程序,并将PC远程到Xbox。

I also have a Steam Link - it's odd to me that they discontinued this great little device - that I use to stream from my PC to my big TV. However, if you have a Raspberry Pi 3 or 3B+ running Stretch, you can try a beta of Steam Link and effectively make your own little Steam Link dedicated device. Bonus points if you 3D Print a replica case to make it look like a Steam Link.

我也有一个Steam链接-我对他们停止使用这种出色的小设备感到很奇怪-我曾经使用它从PC传输到我的大电视。 但是,如果您有运行Stretch的Raspberry Pi 3或3B +,则可以尝试Beta版的Steam Link并有效地制作自己的小型Steam Link专用设备。 如果您3D打印副本盒使其看起来像Steam链接,则可获得加分。

sudo apt update
sudo apt install steamlink

Today, however, Steam Link was released (after a rejection) to the Apple iOS App store so I had to try this out from my iPhone XS Max. I also have a Steam Controller, which, while weird (i.e. it's not an Xbox Controller) is the most configurable controller ever and it can emulate a mouse pretty well when needed. They released a new Firmware for the Steam Controller that enabled BLE support which allows it to be used as an MFi controller on an iOS device. You do need to memorize or write down the incantations to switch between original RF mode and BLE mode, though.

但是,今天, Steam Link已被发布(在遭到拒绝后)到了Apple iOS App商店,因此我不得不在iPhone XS Max上进行尝试。 我也有一个Steam控制器,虽然很奇怪(即它不是Xbox控制器),但它是有史以来可配置性最高的控制器,并且在需要时可以很好地模拟鼠标。 他们发布了适用于Steam控制器新固件,该固件启用了BLE支持,可将其用作iOS设备上的MFi控制器。 不过,您确实需要记住或写下一些技巧才能在原始RF模式和BLE模式之间切换

Aside: MFi is almost criminally neglected and a Apple has utterly dropped the ball and missed an opportunity to REALLY make iOS devices more than casual gaming devices. Only in the last few years have decent MFi Controllers been released and game support is still embarrassingly spotty. I've used my now-discontinued SteelSeries Stratus a handful of times.

撇开: MFi几乎被刑事忽视,苹果公司完全放弃了球权,错过了真正使iOS设备比休闲游戏设备更多的机会。 仅在最近几年才发布了体面的MFi控制器,并且游戏支持仍然令人尴尬地参差不齐。 我已经使用过几次停产的SteelSeries Stratus

You install the app, pair your controller with your iOS device/phone/tablet, then test your network. I'm using an Amplifi Mesh Network so I can control how my devices connect to the network, I can manage band selection, as well as Quality of Service (QoS) so I didn't have any trouble getting 55 Mb/s from my wired computer to my wireless iPhone.

您安装该应用程序,将控制器与iOS设备/电话/平板电脑配对,然后测试网络。 我正在使用Amplifi Mesh网络,因此我可以控制设备连接到网络的方式,可以管理频段选择以及服务质量(QoS),因此从我的设备获得55 Mb / s的速度没有问题有线计算机连接到我的无线iPhone。

Steaming bandwidth test successful up to 55 Mb/s
Steaming bandwidth test successful up to 55 Mb/s

The quality is up and down as it appears they are focused on maintaining a high framerate. Here's a captured local video of me playing Batman from my high end rig streaming to Steam Link on my iPhone.

看起来他们专注于保持高帧速率时,质量在上下波动。 这是我在高端装备中播放蝙蝠侠并在iPhone上播放Steam链接时捕捉到的本地视频。

Here’s a better quality video with the iPhone at full power and connect to 5ghz using Steam Link

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

这是使用全功率iPhone并使用Steam Link连接到5GHz时质量更高的视频

-Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) May 18, 2019 2019年5月18日

What has been YOUR experience with Game Streaming?



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