



Cloud storage services such as Google Drive and Dropbox are endlessly useful. Not only can they be used to make your files accessible on multiple computers, they also serve as handy backup tools. Using IFTTT (If This Then That), it’s possible to double-secure your files by automatically copying files between different online storage services

诸如Google Drive和Dropbox之类的云存储服务无穷无尽。 它们不仅可用于使您的文件可在多台计算机上访问,而且还可以用作方便的备份工具。 使用IFTTT (如果做到了),可以通过在不同的在线存储服务之间自动复制文件来双重保护文件

云中的文件 (Files in the Cloud)

If you have yet to use IFTTT, you are in for something of a treat. This is a tool that can be used to trigger all manner of online actions when certain conditions are met. The possibilities are wide-ranging and IFTTT is compatible with a huge number of familiar online services including Facebook, Dropbox, Instagram, Flickr and many, many more.

如果您还没有使用IFTTT,那您将大有收获。 当满足某些条件时,该工具可用于触发所有形式的在线操作。 可能性广泛,IFTTT与大量熟悉的在线服务兼容,包括Facebook,Dropbox,Instagram,Flickr等等。

We have already mentioned that IFTTT could be used as a form of online backup tool, and by this we mean that it can be used to replace one or more of the desktop clients that are used with cloud storage services.



You may be using Dropbox as a home for photos and other documents. This not only means that the files can be accessed on any computer with an internet connection, but also that any files that are added to the Dropbox folder on your computer are automatically backed up in the cloud.

您可能会将Dropbox用作照片和其他文档的存放地。 这不仅意味着可以在具有Internet连接的任何计算机上访问文件,而且还意味着将添加到计算机上Dropbox文件夹中的所有文件自动备份到云中。


How you choose to use Dropbox and other services of its ilk is entirely up to you, but many people are using it as a backup tool. But just as with offline backups, it is a good idea to create multiple online backups, and this is where IFTTT can help.

您如何选择使用Dropbox及其同类服务完全取决于您,但是许多人正在将其用作备份工具。 但是,与脱机备份一样,创建多个联机备份也是一个好主意,这是IFTTT可以提供帮助的地方。

Sure, there is nothing to stop you from installing the desktop software for Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync and various others so you can upload files to more than one location, but while this helps you to achieve your double backup aim, it also means having more than one resource-sapping sync tool installed at the same time.


自动备份 (Automate Backup)

IFTTT can take care of the online backup process for you without the need for extra software. You can create a rule – or a recipe as they are known – which will automatically ensure that any files you upload to Dropbox will also be uploaded to Google Docs.

IFTTT可以帮助您完成在线备份过程,而无需其他软件。 您可以创建一条规则(或已知的规则),以自动确保您上传到Dropbox的所有文件也都可以上传到Google文档。

Pay a visit to the IFTTT website and create a new account or sign into one you already have. You will first need to setup the ‘this’ part of your backup recipe, so click the Create link at the top of the page and then click ‘this’.

访问IFTTT网站并创建一个新帐户或登录您已经拥有的帐户。 首先,您需要设置备份配方的“本”部分,因此请单击页面顶部的“创建”链接,然后单击“本”。


We will start with Dropbox, so click the Dropbox icon to select this as the Trigger Channel. If this is the first time you have used IFTTT or the Dropbox channel specifically, click the Activate button.

我们将从Dropbox开始,因此单击Dropbox图标将其选择为触发通道。 如果这是您第一次专门使用IFTTT或Dropbox频道,请单击“激活”按钮。


You will then need to give IFTTT permission to communicate with your Dropbox account, so sign into your account and click Allow followed by Done.


Click ‘Continue to the next step’ to set up the Trigger. In the case of Dropbox there are two to choose from – the uploading of any file to your account, or the uploading of images files to your account. As we are looking to create as complete a backup solution as possible, we are going to select the ‘New file in your Public folder’ option.

单击“继续下一步”以设置触发器。 对于Dropbox,有两种选择–将任何文件上传到您的帐户,或将图像文件上传到您的帐户。 当我们寻求创建尽可能完整的备份解决方案时,我们将选择“您的公用文件夹中的新文件”选项。


If you want to limit the files that are synced between Dropbox and Google Drive you can specify a sub-folder of your Public folder to be monitored – either enter the name of a folder and click Create Trigger, or just click the same button to continue if you want to back up everything in your Public folder.


配方动作 (Recipe Actions)

Now we are ready to create the ‘that’ part if the recipe – the final action of syncing files to Google Drive – so click the ‘that’ link.



Just as with the ‘this’ trigger, you now need to choose the channel in which the action should be performed. Click the Google Drive icon and Activate the channel and grant IFTTT access in the same way as before.

与“此”触发器一样,您现在需要选择执行操作的通道。 单击Google云端硬盘图标,然后以与以前相同的方式激活频道并授予IFTTT访问权限。

The next thing to do is to specify precisely what action should be performed. As this is supposed to be a backup recipe, we are going to click the ‘Upload files from URL’ option. We can then choose how files should be named and where they should be uploaded before clicking Create Action.

接下来要做的是精确指定应执行的操作。 由于这应该是备份方法,因此我们将单击“从URL上载文件”选项。 然后,在单击“创建操作”之前,我们可以选择文件的命名方式和上传位置。


The final step is to name and save your recipe. Enter a meaningful name to help you identify the recipe later on – although IFTTT’s simple icon system helps a lot in this department – and click Create Recipe.

最后一步是命名并保存您的食谱。 输入一个有意义的名称以帮助您稍后识别配方(尽管IFTTT的简单图标系统对该部门有很大帮助),然后单击“创建配方”。


From this point on, whenever you upload a file to the public folder of your Dropbox account, it will also be uploaded to Google Drive for you. You can now uninstall the Google Drive software if you want – it is unnecessary, as all of your backing up and syncing will be taken care of server-side.

从现在开始,每当您将文件上传到Dropbox帐户的公用文件夹时,该文件也将为您上传到Google云端硬盘。 现在,您可以根据需要卸载Google云端硬盘软件-这是不必要的,因为所有备份和同步都将在服务器端进行。

How have you made use of IFTTT? Do you have any great recipes you would like to share?

您如何利用IFTTT ? 您有什么好菜谱想分享吗?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/135912/secure-your-files-using-ifttt-for-double-backup-in-the-cloud/






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