instagram 标签_使Instagram更适合您的11条提示

instagram 标签

instagram 标签

Instagram is an interesting social network, with a different set of rules and requirements than  other networks. It’s almost like it’s more thoughtful.

Instagram是一个有趣的社交网络,其规则和要求与其他网络不同。 几乎就像是更体贴。

更好的帖子提示 (Tips for Better Posts)

Some people post a lot. Others, not so much. Regardless of where you fall on this range, there are a handful of things you can do to improve your posting experience.

有人张贴很多。 其他的不多。 无论您落在这个范围的什么地方,您都可以做一些事情来改善您的发布体验。

从更好的图片开始 (Start with Better Pictures)

It probably goes without saying, but if you want to offer a better, cleaner feed for your followers, you’ll need to start with better pictures in the first place.


There are plenty of things you can do to get better images from your phone’s camera—and we happen to have a collection of those tips at the ready. If you’re having issues getting the shot you want, give it a read. You may get some pointers to help change your perspective.

您可以做很多事情来从手机的摄像头中获得更好的图像,而我们碰巧准备好了这些技巧的集合 。 如果您在拍摄所需镜头时遇到问题,请阅读一下。 您可能会得到一些指示,以帮助您改变观点。

整理您的过滤器 (Organize Your Filters)

When you have the perfect shot, you’ll want to pair it with the perfect filter. The thing is, most people only use a few filters regularly—and those could be anywhere on your filter list.

当您拥有完美的镜头时,您需要将其与完美的滤镜配对。 事实是,大多数人仅定期使用一些过滤器,而这些过滤器可能在过滤器列表中的任何位置。

For faster and more convenient posting, rearrange your filters. The next time you’re posting a picture or video, scroll all the way to the end of the filters list, and then tap the “Manage” option. On the next page, just drag and drop the filters you use most to the top of the list.

为了更快,更方便地发布消息,请重新排列过滤器。 下次发布图片或视频时,请一直滚动到过滤器列表的末尾,然后点击“管理”选项。 在下一页上,只需将最常用的过滤器拖放到列表顶部即可。

As a bonus, if there are filters you don’t like or just never use, you can hide them by unticking their check marks.


Welcome to a cleaner, more efficient filter experience.


调整滤镜强度或进一步编辑图片 (Adjust Filter Intensity or Further Edit Pictures)

While Instagram’s filters are a key part of the app’s appeal to many, sometimes the effects are overbearing. To adjust the filter intensity, tap it a second time after selecting it. You’ll get a slider that lets you quickly decrease the intensity of the effect.

尽管Instagram滤镜是该应用吸引许多人的关键部分,但有时效果却难以忍受。 要调整滤镜强度,请在选择后再次点击。 您将获得一个滑块,可让您快速降低效果的强度。

If you need to make some other quick edits to your images, you can also do that directly from the Instagram app. On the Filters page, tap the Edit button at the bottom. You’ll get a bevy of editing tools and adjustments, including brightness, contrast, and several others.

如果您需要对图像进行其他一些快速编辑,则也可以直接从Instagram应用程序执行此操作。 在“过滤器”页面上,点击底部的“编辑”按钮。 您将获得大量的编辑工具和调整,包括亮度,对比度和其他几项。

Best of all, you can use these editing tools before or after your filter is applied.


对特定的人隐藏你的故事 (Hide Your Story from Specific People)

As with any social network, there are creepsters on Instagram. If you use the Story feature and don’t want specific people to see it, you can easily hide it from them. First, head to your Profile page, and open your Settings.

与任何社交网络一样,Instagram上也有爬行者。 如果您使用故事功能,并且不想让特定的人看到它,则可以轻松地将其隐藏。 首先,转到“个人资料”页面,然后打开“设置”。

How to get to the settings menu. Left: Android; Right: iOS

如何进入设置菜单。 左:Android; 右:iOS

On the Settings page, tap the “Story Settings” option. On the Story Settings page, tap the “Hide Story From” option at the top, and then hide anyone who you’d like to block from being able to see your story.

在“设置”页面上,点击“故事设置”选项。 在“故事设置”页面上,点击顶部的“隐藏故事来源”选项,然后隐藏想要阻止其观看故事的任何人。

更好的饲料提示 (Tips for a Better Feed)

What you post is only half of the Instagram battle. Having a better experience in your own feed is arguably even more important. We’ve got some tips for you along those lines, too.

您发布的内容只是Instagram战斗的一半。 在您自己的提要中拥有更好的体验可能更为重要。 我们也为您提供一些技巧。

当您喜欢的帐户发布时获取通知 (Get Notifications When Your Favorite Accounts Post)

If there are certain accounts you never want to miss a post from, the best thing you can do is enable notifications for those accounts.


To do this, go to that person or brand’s profile, and then tap the menu button (the three dots) in the top right corner. Choose the “Turn On Post Notifications” and the “Turn On Story Notifications” options, depending on what you want to make sure you don’t miss from that person.

为此,请转到该人或品牌的个人资料,然后点击右上角的菜单按钮(三个点)。 选择“打开帖子通知”和“打开故事通知”选项,具体取决于您想确保自己不会错过该人的信息。

Now you’ll never miss your favorite posters’ activity.


查看别人的故事时要花点时间 (Take Your Time When Viewing Someone’s Story)

Stories on Instagram are cool, but sometimes you want to look at a particular image or video clip longer than the automated slideshow lets you. And it’s annoying.

Instagram上的故事很酷,但是有时您想要的特定图像或视频片段的显示时间比自动幻灯片显示的时间长。 而且很烦人。

If you need a bit more time when looking at someone’s story, just tap and hold the screen. Seriously—this prevents the Story from moving to the next slide, so you’re free to spend as much time here as you need.

如果您在看某人的故事时需要更多时间,只需点击并按住屏幕即可。 说真的,这使故事无法移动到下一张幻灯片,因此您可以根据需要在这里花费尽可能多的时间。

保存帖子以供以后查看 (Save Posts to Look at Later)

If you’re scrolling through your feed and see something you want to take a closer look at when you have more time (or that you want to reference later), you can privately save posts.


Just tap the ribbon-looking icon on the right side underneath the post. That bookmarks it for later.

只需点击帖子下方右侧的功能区图标即可。 将该书签添加为以后使用。

You can find all your saved posts by jumping to your profile, and then tapping the same ribbon icon just above your posts. You can even organize these posts into Collections if you save a bunch of different types of posts. I just mostly like bikes.

您可以跳到个人资料,然后点击帖子上方的同一功能区图标,找到所有已保存的帖子。 如果您保存大量不同类型的帖子,您甚至可以将这些帖子组织到“收藏夹”中。 我只是最喜欢自行车。

帐户提示 (Tips for Your Account)

Your feed and posts can be great, but if you’re not taking care of your account, it could all be for nothing. Here are some ways to keep your account safe and clean.

您的供稿和帖子可能很棒,但是如果您不照顾自己的帐户 ,那一切都将一事无成。 以下是一些确保您帐户安全和清洁的方法。

启用两因素身份验证 (Enable Two-Factor Authentication)

Look, safety is clutch for any account, and you should really use Two-Factor Authentication on any service that offers it.

看起来, 任何帐户的安全性都是紧要关头,您应该在提供此功能的任何服务上真正使用“双重身份验证”。

On Instagram, you can enable this by heading into Settings, and then tapping the “Two-Factor Authentication” option. Toggle the “Require Security Code” option on, and then input the code when it shows up.

在Instagram上,您可以通过以下方式启用此功能:进入“设置”,然后点击“双向身份验证”选项。 打开“ Require Security Code”选项,然后在显示时输入密码。

After enabling Two-Factor Authentication, and you’ll need to input a code every time you log in from a new device. This added layer of security helps keep your account out of the wrong hands.

启用两因素身份验证后,每次您从新设备登录时都需要输入代码。 这种增加的安全性层有助于防止您的帐户被错误使用。

控制您的帖子评论 (Get Control of Comments on Your Posts)

If you have a lot of followers, or just get a lot of comments on your posts, you can better control these comments by heading to Settings > Comments. On the Comments page, you can control who can comment (your followers, people you follow, both, or everyone), as well as disallow people from commenting.

如果您有很多关注者,或者只是对您的帖子收到很多评论,则可以通过转到设置>评论来更好地控制这些评论。 在“评论”页面上,您可以控制可以发表评论的人(您的关注者,您关注的人,双方或所有人),以及禁止他人发表评论。

You can also hide potentially offensive comments automatically, or even block comments based on specific keywords.


查看您喜欢的所有帖子 (View All the Posts You’ve Liked)

If you’re curious how your tastes have changed over the years, you can go back and get all nostalgic by looking at every post you’ve ever liked. Head over to your profile, jump into the Settings menu, then tap the “Posts You’ve Liked” option.

如果您对这些年来的口味变化感到好奇,可以回头查看所有您喜欢的帖子,并怀旧之情。 转到您的个人资料,跳到“设置”菜单,然后点击“您喜欢的帖子”选项。

Have fun on the walk down memory lane.


删除您的搜索记录 (Delete Your Search History)

Over time, your Instagram search history can get pretty chaotic. The good news is that you can easily remove all of it.

随着时间的流逝,您的Instagram搜索历史会变得非常混乱。 好消息是您可以轻松删除所有内容。

Head to your profile page, then into Settings. At the bottom of the Options page, you’ll find a “Clear Search History” button. Tap that thing, and then confirm that you know what you’re doing. Time to start over.

转到您的个人资料页面,然后进入“设置”。 在“选项”页面的底部,您将找到“清除搜索历史记录”按钮。 点击那个东西,然后确认您知道自己在做什么。 是时候重新开始了。

下载所有数据 (Download All Your Data)

You also can download all of your Instagram data. This includes your posts, direct messages (images only), comments, connections, likes, and more—it’s literally everything. To get it, head to Instagram’s download request page in a your browser, and then follow the instructions there.

您还可以下载所有Instagram数据。 这包括您的帖子,直接消息(仅图像),评论,联系,喜欢等等,实际上是一切 。 要获取它, 在浏览器中转到Instagram下载请求页面 ,然后按照那里的说明进行操作。

It takes a bit of time to get all of your data together, and Instagram will email you once it’s ready. Just download the zip file and away you go. Your entire Instagram life all in once place.

将所有数据汇总在一起需要一些时间,Instagram准备就绪后会通过电子邮件将其发送给您。 只需下载zip文件,您就可以离开。 您的整个Instagram生活都集中在一个地方。


instagram 标签





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