chrome启用插件_如何在Windows 10上启用Google Chrome的暗模式



Google Chrome 74 offers a built-in dark mode on Windows. Rather than having its own dark mode toggle, Chrome simply follows Windows 10’s overall app mode. That’s how it normally works—but there’s a way to forcibly enable it, too.

Google Chrome 74在Windows上提供了内置的暗模式。 Chrome并没有采用自己的暗模式切换,而是仅遵循Windows 10的整体应用程序模式。 这就是通常的工作方式,但是也有一种强制启用它的方法。

如何启用Chrome的黑暗模式 (How to Enable Chrome’s Dark Mode)

You can simply enable Google Chrome’s built-in dark mode by heading to Settings > Personalization > Colors and choosing “Dark” under “Choose your default app mode.” Windows 10 will turn dark and Chrome, along with some other applications, will follow this overall setting.

您只需转到“设置”>“个性化”>“颜色”,然后在“选择默认应用程序模式”下选择“黑暗”,即可启用Google Chrome的内置黑暗模式。 Windows 10将变黑 ,Chrome和其他一些应用程序将遵循此总体设置。

On a Mac, you can enable macOS’s dark mode to achieve the same thing.


For now, this only works for some people. As of Chrome 74’s release on April 23, 2019, Google is testing this feature with “a small number of Chrome M74 users” and “it will become more widely available in the near future” according to a Chrome community manager. To enable it now, you can launch Chrome with the --force-dark-mode option.

目前,这仅对某些人有效。 根据Chrome社区经理的说法,自2019年4月23日发布Chrome 74以来,谷歌正在与``少数Chrome M74用户''一起测试此功能,并且``不久的将来它将变得更广泛可用''。 要立即启用它,您可以使用--force-dark-mode选项启动Chrome。

Update: Google says this should now work for everyone. But you can still force-enable dark mode if you’d rather use Windows in light mode and Chrome in dark mode.

更新 :谷歌这现在应该适合所有人。 但是,如果您想在亮模式下使用Windows而在暗模式下使用Chrome,则仍然可以强制启用暗模式。

如何强制启用黑暗模式 (How to Force-Enable Dark Mode)

Chrome has a built-in option that will forcibly enable dark mode. This works right now, even when the normal system-wide dark mode option doesn’t work. It will also force Chrome into dark mode even if Windows 10’s default app mode is set to “light.”

Chrome具有内置选项,可以强制启用暗模式。 即使正常的系统范围内的暗模式选项不起作用,此操作现在也可以使用。 即使Windows 10的默认应用程序模式设置为“浅色”,它也将迫使Chrome进入深色模式。

To activate this option, find the shortcut you normally use to launch Chrome. For example, it might be on your taskbar or desktop. We’ll use the taskbar shortcut.

要激活此选项,请找到您通常用来启动Chrome的快捷方式。 例如,它可能在任务栏或桌面上。 我们将使用任务栏快捷方式。

Right-click the shortcut and select “Properties.” For a Chrome taskbar shortcut, right-click the taskbar icon, right-click “Google Chrome,” and select “Properties.”

右键单击快捷方式,然后选择“属性”。 对于Chrome任务栏快捷方式,请右键单击任务栏图标,右键单击“ Google Chrome”,然后选择“属性”。

Opening Chrome's taskbar shortcut properties window on Windows 10

Add a space followed by --force-dark-mode to the end of the Target box. For example, on our system, the Target box looks like this:

在目标框的末尾添加一个空格,后跟--force-dark-mode 。 例如,在我们的系统上,“目标”框如下所示:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --force-dark-mode

It may be different on your system if Chrome is installed to a different location.


Click “OK” to save your changes.


Force-enabling Google Chrome's dark mode with --force-dark-mode

Click “OK” and use the shortcut to launch Chrome. If you already have Chrome open, you’ll need to close Chrome before relaunching it. To do so, click menu > Exit. Wait a moment for Chrome to completely close and launch Chrome with the shortcut you modified.

点击“确定”,然后使用快捷方式启动Chrome。 如果您已经打开Chrome,则需要先关闭Chrome,然后再重新启动。 为此,请点击菜单>退出。 请稍等片刻,让Chrome浏览器完全关闭,然后使用您修改的快捷方式启动Chrome浏览器。

You’ll see the new dark mode theme, which unfortunately does look pretty similar to Incognito Mode.


Chrome's built-in dark mode on Windows 10 showing the new tab page

如何使Chrome的标题栏变成彩色(或不彩色) (How to Make Chrome’s Title Bar Colorful (or Not))

If you don’t want Chrome’s title bar colorful—or do want it colorful—head to the Settings > Personalization > Colors interface and toggle the “Title bars and window borders” option under “Show accent color on the following surfaces.”


Choosing Chrome title bar color on Windows

When this option is activated, Chrome’s title bar will use the accent color you have set on the Colors pane here.


Choosing an accent color on Windows 10

如何通过主题启用暗模式 (How to Enable Dark Mode WIth a Theme)

If you don’t want to mess with any of this—or if you use an older version of Windows like Windows 7—you can always just install a dark mode theme for Chrome. Google now offers an official theme collection for Chrome. Just head to the Chrome Web Store and install Chrome’s “Just Black” theme.

如果您不希望其中任何一个发生混乱,或者您使用的是Windows 7等旧版本的Windows,则始终可以为Chrome安装深色模式主题。 Google现在提供Chrome的官方主题集合 。 只需前往Chrome网上应用店并安装Chrome的“ Just Black ”主题。

This is darker than Chrome’s built-in dark mode theme on Windows, so you might even prefer it if you’re looking for a darker browser. The Chrome Web Store has other themes you can install, too.

它比Windows上的Chrome内置暗模式主题暗,因此,如果您正在寻找较暗的浏览器,则甚至可能更喜欢它。 Chrome网上应用店还可以安装其他主题

Just Black theme for Chrome



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