


The stock market can be a scary place, especially if you’re just getting into trading or investing. However, some smartphone apps help decrease the barrier-to-entry and make it easy to get going. Robinhood is my favorite.

股市可能是一个令人恐惧的地方,特别是如果您只是从事交易或投资。 但是,某些智能手机应用程序有助于减少进入障碍并使其易于上手。 罗宾汉是我的最爱。

Disclaimer: We are not a personal finance blog, so we are not offering advice on what stocks you should trade, or whether trading or investing in individual stocks is the right choice for you. Rather, we’ just want to show how easily you can get started right on your smartphone. After that, you’re on your own, kid!

免责声明:我们不是个人理财博客,因此我们不提供有关您应该交易哪些股票,或者交易或投资单个股票是否适合您的建议。 相反,我们只想显示您可以多么轻松地从智能手机上开始使用。 之后,您自己一个人,孩子!

There are a few apps that make it easy to start buying and selling stocks, but the one I like the best is Robinhood—mainly because it’s completely free to use and it’s a great app for both long-term investing and regular day/swing trading.


Most—if not all—brokerage firms charge some kind of commission or fee for each trade you perform. Some firms charge a percentage; others charge a flat fee. Robinhood, however, doesn’t charge a fee or commission at all, making it a great platform for those who don’t really have a whole lot of money to trade stocks (and commissions and fees can easily eat into small returns).

大多数(如果不是全部)经纪公司会为您执行的每笔交易收取某种佣金或费用。 一些公司收取一定百分比; 其他人则收取固定费用。 但是,Robinhood完全不收取任何费用或佣金,对于那些实际上没有很多钱来买卖股票的人来说,这是一个很好的平台(佣金和费用很容易就变成了小额收益)。

So how does Robinhood make money? They simply collect the interest from any uninvested cash that you have sitting in your Robinhood account.

那么罗宾汉如何赚钱呢? 他们只是从您在Robinhood帐户中拥有的任何未投资现金中收取利息。

Robinhood also sports a super simple and clean user interface. This ease of use is great for someone just starting out, and who doesn’t want to be bombarded with numbers, percentages, and charts all over the place.

Robinhood还具有超级简单和干净的用户界面。 这种易用性非常适合刚起步的人,并且不想被遍布各地的数字,百分比和图表轰炸。

On the other hand, Robinhood’s simple interface can be considered a bit of a downside, as the app doesn’t include much in the way of analysis tools other than a simple line chart. Robinhood is really only meant as a platform for buying and selling stocks, leaving you to fend for yourself as far as research and analysis is concerned. Thankfully, though, there are a ton of great resources available out there.

另一方面,Robinhood的简单界面也可以认为是一个缺点,因为该应用程序除了简单的折线图之外,没有在分析工具方面包含很多内容。 Robinhood实际上仅是作为买卖股票的平台,因此就研究和分析而言,您自己可以自拔。 值得庆幸的是,这里有大量可用资源。

如何开始Robinhood (How to Get Started with Robinhood)

Before you get too deep into the application process, it’s important to note that there are some certain criteria you need to meet first:


  • You must be 18 years or older.

  • You need a valid social security number ( a taxpayer identification number won’t do).

  • You need a residential address within the US.

  • You must be either a US citizen, permanent resident, or have a valid visa.


You can submit an application for Robinhood on your computer through their website. It’s a pretty simple signup process. However, be prepared to provide some personal information about yourself, including your address, date of birth, social security number, and a copy of your driver’s license. This stuff is needed to prove your identity, and Robinhood will also pull your credit report. This means you might have to wait a few days to get approval, although it could be as little as an hour.

您可以通过他们的网站在您的计算机上提交Robinhood的申请。 这是一个非常简单的注册过程。 但是,请准备好提供有关您自己的一些个人信息,包括您的地址,出生日期,社会保险号以及驾驶执照副本。 需要这些东西来证明您的身份,Robinhood还将提取您的信用报告。 这意味着您可能需要等待几天才能获得批准,尽管可能只有一个小时。

Once you’re accepted (you’ll receive an email), you can download the Robinhood app to your phone (available for iOS and Android). A web-based version is slowly rolling out, but it’s available on mobile for everyone.

一旦被接受(您将收到一封电子邮件),您可以将Robinhood应用程序下载到您的手机(适用于iOSAndroid )。 基于Web的版本正在缓慢推出,但每个人都可以在移动设备上使用。

关联您的银行帐户 (Linking Your Bank Account)

When you’re signed into Robinhood and ready to go, you’ll first be prompted to link a bank account. Tap your bank if it’s listed.

登录Robinhood并准备就绪后,将首先提示您关联银行帐户。 点击您的银行(如果已列出)。

If your bank is not listed, tap “More Banks” at the bottom and type in your bank’s name.


If your bank still doesn’t show up, tap the “I don’t see my bank” link. You’ll need to manually enter your account and routing numbers, so have that information ready.

如果您的银行仍然没有显示,请点击“我看不到我的银行”链接。 您需要手动输入您的帐号和路由号码,因此请准备好该信息。

After linking your account, Robinhood makes two small deposits that you’ll have to confirm in the app.


Once you have your bank account linked, you can then transfer money over to Robinhood. Enter the amount you want to transfer, and then hit the “Review” button. If it looks good, tap “Submit” to finalize the transaction. Transfers less than $1,000 happen immediately, whereas larger amounts take 4-5 business days.

关联银行帐户后,您就可以将资金转移到Robinhood。 输入您要转账的金额,然后点击“查看”按钮。 如果看起来不错,请点击“提交”以完成交易。 少于$ 1,000的转帐会立即发生,而较大的金额需要4-5个工作日。

买卖股票 (Buying and Selling Stocks)

Now that you have money in your Robinhood account, you can buy and sell stocks right away (as long as the stock market is open). To begin, tap the search button in the top-right corner.

现在,您的Robinhood帐户中已有资金,您可以立即买卖股票(只要股市开放)。 首先,请点击右上角的搜索按钮。

Type in the stock’s ticker symbol or the company’s name, and select the appropriate search result.


You’re shown the stock’s current price, a line chart of it’s recent price history, and a link to buy the stock.


You can get more information about the stock by scrolling down. You’ll see things like news about the stock, trading volume, market cap, P/E ratio, and more.

您可以通过向下滚动来获取有关库存的更多信息。 您将看到有关股票,交易量,市值,市盈率等新闻。

If you’ve decided that you want to buy the stock, tap the “Buy” button.


Type in the number of shares that you want to buy, and then tap the “Review” button.


Confirm the order details, and then swipe up from the bottom to make the purchase official.


Congrats! You’re now the owner of a stock! If you ever want to sell that stock in the future, you’ll tap “Sell” instead of “Buy” on the stock’s page. After that, the process is exactly the same as buying a stock, only this time you’re selling it.

恭喜! 您现在是股票的所有者! 如果您将来想出售该股票,请在股票页面上点击“卖”而不是“买”。 之后,此过程与购买股票完全相同,只是这次是出售股票。

类似的应用程序来签出 (Similar Apps to Check Out)

Robinhood isn’t the only easy-to-use investing/trading app out there, although it does stand out because of its zero fee structure and ease of trading. However, here are some others that are worthy of mention.

Robinhood并不是唯一的易于使用的投资/交易应用程序,尽管由于其零费用结构和易于交易而脱颖而出。 但是,这里还有一些值得一提的。

橡子 (Acorns)

If you want a much more passive approach to investing your money, Acorns offers just that. We’ve mentioned the app before, but essentially it uses spare change from every purchase you make and automatically invests it in an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF).

如果您想要一种更加被动的方式来投资您的资金, Acorns可以提供。 我们之前已经提到过该应用程序 ,但从本质上讲,该应用程序会使用您每次购买后的零钱并将其自动投资到交易所交易基金(ETF)。

The only downside is that Acorns costs $1/month to use. So if you’re only investing your spare change, that’s a pretty big fee to pay in the grand scheme of things. You can accomplish the same thing with Robinhood for free if you’re willing to do just a bit more work.

唯一的缺点是,Acorns的使用费用为每月1美元。 因此,如果您仅投资闲置的零用钱,那么在庞大的计划中要付出一笔不菲的费用。 如果您愿意做更多的工作,则可以免费使用Robinhood完成同一件事。

M1金融 (M1 Finance)

M1 Finance is another easy-to-use investing app that lets you automatically make recurring transfers from your bank account and easily build a portfolio. And it’s completely free to use.

M1 Finance是另一个易于使用的投资应用程序,可让您从银行帐户自动进行定期转账,并轻松建立投资组合。 而且它是完全免费的。

The downside of M1 is that you don’t have a lot of control over buying and selling stocks. You can choose which stocks, but you can’t choose exactly when to buy and sell them. The reason for this is that M1 Finance keeps their costs low by buying and selling in bulk during a single daily trade window. Still, like Acorns, it’s a good option for long-term investing, but not necessarily regular trading.

M1的缺点是您对股票的买卖没有太多控制权。 您可以选择哪些股票,但不能确切选择何时买卖它们。 原因是M1 Finance通过在单个每日交易时段内批量买卖来保持成本较低。 仍然,像橡子一样,对于长期投资而言,这是一个不错的选择,但不一定要进行定期交易。

思想家 (Thinkorswim)

TD Ameritrade is a well-respected brokerage firm, and Thinkorswim is the company’s online trading platform that you can access from your smartphone through its app.

TD Ameritrade是一家备受尊敬的经纪公司,而Thinkorswim是该公司的在线交易平台,您可以通过智能手机的应用程序访问该平台。

The biggest feature of Thinkorswim is its bevy of analysis tools for those who want to spend a bit more effort researching stocks and figuring out which ones to buy or sell. It even has a paper money platform where you can practice strategies in a simulated stock market environment.

Thinkorswim的最大特点是它拥有众多分析工具,供那些想花更多精力研究股票并弄清楚要买卖哪些股票的人使用。 它甚至具有纸币平台,您可以在其中模拟股票市场环境中练习策略。

You can get all these features for free as long as you have an account, but trading stocks will cost you normal brokerage fees after the first 60 days.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344853/how-to-buy-and-sell-stocks-on-your-smartphone/


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