iphone 账户锁定_如何从iPhone的锁定屏幕暂停或回复通知

iphone 账户锁定

iphone 账户锁定

When you receive a notification on the iPhone–say, for a text message–you don’t have to unlock your phone to respond to it. You can actually respond to all sorts of notifications from the lock screen, no unlocking needed.

当您在iPhone上收到通知(例如短信)时,无需解锁手机即可对其进行回复。 实际上,您可以从锁定屏幕响应各种通知,而无需解锁。

Not only can you respond to text messages, but you can also respond to reminders, events, Facebook messages, and more. Basically, if it pops up on your lock screen, you can probably deal with it from there.

您不仅可以回复短信,还可以回复提醒,事件,Facebook信息等等。 基本上,如果它在您的锁定屏幕上弹出,则可以从那里进行处理。

In a lot of cases, such as with Slack notifications, when you swipe left, you will only have the option to remove the notification.


In many instances however, you’ll have more options. Here we’ve received a text message.

但是,在许多情况下,您将有更多选择。 在这里,我们收到了一条短信。

If we swipe left, we have the option to reply with one tap, and we don’t need to open iMessage. We can also dismiss the message, which means it will remain unread in iMessage.

如果我们向左滑动,则可以选择一键回复,而无需打开iMessage。 我们还可以关闭该消息,这意味着它将在iMessage中保持未读状态。

If we reply, then the keyboard will pop up and we can tap out a quick message to the sender without unlocking the phone first.


You can also use these swiping skills on reminders. Here, we’re given options to dismiss the reminder (which doesn’t make it go away), mark it as complete, or snooze it.

您还可以在提醒中使用这些滑动技能。 在这里,我们提供了一些选项来关闭提醒(不会消失),将其标记为已完成或暂停。

If you use Facebook Messenger, you have several options as well, aside from the usual dismiss and reply, you can also “Mute” talkative friends. Keep in mind however, it will stay muted until you go back in to Messenger and unmute it.

如果使用Facebook Messenger,除了通常的解雇和回复外,您还有其他选择,您也可以“将”健谈的朋友“静音”。 但是请记住,它将保持静音状态,直到您返回Messenger并将其取消静音为止。

Note, you will have to enter your passcode or use Touch ID to reply to a Facebook message.
请注意,您将必须输入密码或使用Touch ID回复Facebook消息。

You can also interact directly with calendar notifications. The only options available are to dismiss it or snooze it. Nevertheless, if you do have an event that you want to be reminded of at a later time, snooze is definitely a useful option.

您还可以直接与日历通知进行交互。 唯一可用的选项是将其关闭或暂停。 不过,如果您确实有想要在以后提醒的事件,则贪睡绝对是一个有用的选项。

The point is: for every app that posts a notification on the lock screen, there are probably options to interact with it. Often, you may only be able to dismiss it, but as you’ve seen from the examples in this article, there are often other options available–and you don’t have to usually unlock your phone and start the app to tap out a quick reply or snooze a reminder. Next time you get a notification, give it a swipe and see what you can do.

关键是:对于在锁定屏幕上发布通知的每个应用程序,可能都有与之交互的选项。 通常,您可能只能将其关闭,但是正如您从本文示例中所看到的那样,通常还有其他选项可用-而且您不必通常解锁手机并启动应用程序即可快速回复或暂停提醒。 下次收到通知时,请轻扫一下,看看可以做什么。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/243386/how-to-snooze-or-reply-to-notifcations-from-the-iphone’s-lock-screen/

iphone 账户锁定





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