


You installed a new hard drive in your computer and, to your dismay, it’s nowhere to be found. Don’t panic, you just need to give Windows a little nudge to bring it online.

您在计算机上安装了新的硬盘驱动器,但令您沮丧的是,找不到它了。 不要惊慌,您只需要稍微推动Windows使其联机即可。

磁盘丢失的最常见原因 (The Most Common Reason Your Disk Is Missing)

You grabbed a nice big hard disk on sale, you cracked open your computer case, plugged the drive into the motherboard and power supply with the appropriate cables (no? better double check that before you keep reading), and when you booted your computer back up the new hard drive was nowhere to be found.


Or maybe you followed along with our external hard drive tutorial and can’t figure out why, even though you can hear the disk whirring away in the enclosure, you don’t see the disk in Windows. What’s the deal?

或者,也许您跟随了我们的外部硬盘驱动器教程 ,却不知道为什么,即使您听到磁盘中的磁盘旋转消失了,您也看不到Windows中的磁盘。 这是怎么回事?

Unlike the hard drive that ships with an off-the-shelf computer or external drive, extra hard drives you purchase aren’t always shipped formatted and ready to use. Instead, they’re in a totally blank state–the idea is that the end user will do what they wish with the drive, so there is no benefit to preformatting or otherwise changing the drive at the factory.

与现成的计算机或外部驱动器附带的硬盘驱动器不同,您购买的额外硬盘驱动器并非总是已格式化并可以使用。 取而代之的是,他们处于完全空白的状态–想法是最终用户将对驱动器进行自己想要的操作,因此在工厂对驱动器进行预格式化或以其他方式进行更改没有任何好处。

As such, when you put the drive in your system, Windows simply waits for you to decide what to do with the drive instead of automatically formatting and adding it to the drive list. If you’ve never added a hard drive to your computer before, however, it can be pretty disconcerting when it appears like the drive is missing (or, worse, dead). Have no fear, though! It’s easy to bring your hard drive out of hiding.

这样,将驱动器放入系统后,Windows只是等待您决定如何处理驱动器,而不是自动格式化并将其添加到驱动器列表中。 但是,如果您以前从未在计算机上添加硬盘驱动器,那么当它看起来好像缺少驱动器(或者更糟,已损坏)时,可能会令人感到非常困惑。 不过不要害怕! 轻松隐藏硬盘是很容易的。

如何使丢失的驱动器在线 (How to Bring Your Missing Drive Online)

Assuming that the hard drive is installed properly, and is not, (by some horrible dumb luck) defective out of the gate, bringing it online is a very simple process. To do so, you first need to pull up the Windows Disk Management tool.

假设硬盘驱动器安装正确,并且(由于某种愚蠢的运气)没有出现故障,将其联机是一个非常简单的过程。 为此,您首先需要启动Windows磁盘管理工具。

Press Windows+R on your keyboard to launch the Run dialog box. Type diskmgmt.msc into the box and press Enter.

在键盘上按Windows + R,启动“运行”对话框。 在框中键入diskmgmt.msc ,然后按Enter。

Before we proceed, we want to appropriately scare you: Do not play around in Disk Management. Although the task we’re about to perform is very straightforward and simple to do, if you muck around with this tool you will have a very bad time. Double check every step. Make sure you’re selecting the correct disk, or you can lose lots of data.

在继续之前,我们要适当地吓you您:不要在“磁盘管理”中闲逛。 尽管我们即将执行的任务非常简单明了,但是如果您不熟悉此工具,将会遇到非常糟糕的时光。 仔细检查每一步。 确保选择正确的磁盘,否则可能会丢失大量数据。

below.In Disk Management, scroll down through the list of disks in the bottom pane. These disks will be labeled “Disk 1” through however many disks you have. Windows assigns a number to all hard disks, solid state disks, USB drives, and card readers, so don’t be surprised if you have to scroll down a bit–in our case the new drive was “Disk 10” as seen below.

在“磁盘管理”中,向下滚动底部窗格中的磁盘列表。 无论您拥有多少磁盘,这些磁盘都将被标记为“磁盘1”。 Windows为所有硬盘,固态磁盘,USB驱动器和读卡器分配了一个编号,因此如果您需要向下滚动一点也不要感到惊讶–在我们的示例中,新驱动器为“磁盘10”,如下所示。

There are four bits of information here that indicate we’re looking at the right disk. First, the disk is marked as “unknown” and “Not initialized” on the left, which a brand new disk introduced to the system would be flagged as. Second, the drive size matches the size of the drive we just installed (around 1 TB), and the drive is flagged as “unallocated”, which means none of the hard drive space has been formatted or assigned a partition.

这里有四点信息,表明我们在寻找正确的磁盘。 首先,磁盘在左侧被标记为“未知”和“未初始化”,引入系统的全新磁盘将被标记为。 其次,驱动器大小与我们刚刚安装的驱动器大小(大约1 TB)匹配,并且该驱动器被标记为“未分配”,这意味着没有硬盘空间已被格式化或分配了分区。

Right click on the name portion of the disk entry, where it says “Disk [#]”, and select “Initialize Disk” from the right-click context menu.

右键单击磁盘条目的名称部分,其中显示“ Disk [#]”,然后从右键单击上下文菜单中选择“ Initialize Disk”。

In the first step of the initilization process, you’ll be prompted to choose whether you want to use a Master Boot Record (MBR) or a GUID Partition Table (GPT) for the partition style of your disk. If you want to do some in depth reading before making a choice, you can check out our explainer here. In short, unless you have a pressing reason to use MBR, use GPT instead–it’s newer, more efficient, and offers more robust protection against corruptions of the boot record.

在初始化过程的第一步,系统将提示您选择要使用主引导记录(MBR)还是GUID分区表(GPT)作为磁盘的分区样式。 如果您想在选择之前进行深入的阅读,可以在此处查看我们的解释器 。 简而言之,除非您有紧迫的理由使用MBR,否则请改用GPT,它是更新,更有效的工具,并且提供了更强大的保护,可防止引导记录损坏。

Click “OK” and you’ll be returned to the main Disk Management window. There you’ll find that your disk is now labeled “Basic” and “Online” on the left, but the contents are still “unallocated”. Right click on the striped box presenting the unallocated drive space. Select “New Simple Volume”.

单击“确定”,您将返回到“磁盘管理”主窗口。 在这里,您会发现磁盘现在在左侧分别标记为“基本”和“在线”,但是内容仍为“未分配”。 右键单击显示未分配驱动器空间的条状框。 选择“新简单卷”。

This will launch the New Simple Volume Wizard to guide you through the process of setting up the disk. In the first step, select how much space you want to include in the volume. By default the number is the full amount of available disk space–unless you’re planning on reserving space for additional partitions, there’s no reason to change this. Click “Next”.

这将启动“新建简单卷向导”,以指导您完成设置磁盘的过程。 在第一步中,选择要在卷中包括多少空间。 默认情况下,该数字为可用磁盘空间的全部容量-除非您计划为其他分区保留空间,否则没有理由更改此设置。 点击下一步”。

In the second step, assign a drive letter. The default is probably fine.

在第二步中,分配一个驱动器号。 默认值可能很好。

Finally, format the volume. If you’re using the volume for routine computing tasks (storing photos, video games, etc.) there’s no real need to deviate from the default NTFS file system and settings. Curious about the differences between file systems and why you might use the different options? We’ve got you covered. Give your volume a name, click “Next”, and wait for the format process to finish.

最后,格式化卷。 如果将卷用于日常计算任务(存储照片,视频游戏等),则无需真正偏离默认的NTFS文件系统和设置。 好奇文件系统之间的差异以及为什么要使用不同的选项? 我们已经覆盖了你 。 为卷命名,单击“下一步”,然后等待格式化过程完成。

When the process is complete, you’ll see your new drive–allocated, formatted, and ready for action–in the Disk Management disk list.


You can now use the disk like any other on your system for media storage, games, and other purposes.








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