sims算法_如何从Sims 4 Mods文件夹中删除损坏的Mod

当《模拟人生4》的MOD出现问题导致游戏故障时,可以通过备份Mods文件夹,逐一移回MOD进行排查。使用Sims 4 Studio和Sims 4 Tray Importer这两个免费工具可以帮助定位并删除损坏的自定义内容。Sims 4 Tray Importer可方便地查找并删除游戏中的CAS和Build/Buy项目,而Sims 4 Studio则提供预览和删除MOD的功能。


The Sims 4
Electronic Arts 电子艺术

If your mods are not functioning properly in Sims 4, there are some free tools created by the modding community that will help you find and delete the files. The process can be tedious, but the best way is using Sims 4 Studio (a free tool for making custom content) and Sims 4 Tray Importer.

如果您的MODS的是不属于S正常IMS 4,存在由插件社区,这将有助于你找到并删除文件创建一些免费工具。 该过程可能很繁琐,但是最好的方法是使用Sims 4 Studio (用于制作自定义内容的免费工具)和Sims 4 Tray Importer

国防部造成问题吗? (Are Mods Causing the Problem?)

There are a few tell-tale signs if mods are creating problems in your game. If you’re running mods in your game, you should always launch and test The Sims 4 with mods disabled after an update. If the game works smoothly with mods disabled but something appears to be wrong after you’ve enabled mods, then it’s time to do some digging in your Mods folder.

如果mod在您的游戏中造成问题,则有一些明显的迹象。 如果您在游戏中运行mod,则应始终在更新后启动并测试禁用了mod 的Sims 4 。 如果在禁用mods的情况下游戏能够顺利运行,但是在启用mods后似乎出现了问题,那么该是在Mods文件夹中进行一些挖掘的时候了。

For example, I downloaded a mod for The Sims 4 University that made tuition cost more, while also forcing some careers in-game to require certain degrees. It was Zero’s University Costs More mod in addition to her Required Degree mod.

例如,我为《模拟人生4》大学下载了一个mod,这使学费增加了,同时也迫使游戏中的某些职业需要一定的学位。 除了她的必修学位模块,这是零的大学费用增加模块。

After Electronic Arts released an update to the game, my Sims that were attending university for the second time graduated and lost their previous degree. At first, I started poking around to learn if Sims are able to have more than one degree, and it turns they can. That’s when I started to suspect that the mod was causing my game to behave incorrectly.

电子艺界发布了游戏的更新后,我第二次上大学的模拟人生毕业并失去了以前的学位。 一开始,我开始四处寻找模拟市民是否可以拥有一个以上的学位,而事实证明他们可以做到。 从那时起,我开始怀疑mod导致我的游戏行为不正确。

The madness didn’t stop there. My university Sims’ performance bar suddenly changed, and when I enrolled them for their next semester, I discovered that courses didn’t count, and I had to retake the semester over.

疯狂并不止于此。 我的大学模拟人生的成绩标准突然发生了变化,当我将其注册为下个学期的课程时,我发现课程没有意义,因此我不得不重新上学期。

This is really common for mods, as they can become outdated with most recent game patches. If the game works when the Mods folder is removed, then one or more of the mods and/or custom content have become outdated and will need to be removed or replaced. EA/Maxis isn’t responsible for broken mods/cc. It is up to the individual creators to fix their own mods.

对于mod来说,这确实很常见,因为它们在最新的游戏补丁中可能已经过时。 如果在删除Mods文件夹后游戏正常运行,则其中一个或多个Mod和/或自定义内容已过时,需要删除或替换 。 EA / Maxis对损坏的mod / cc概不负责。 由各个创作者来修复自己的mod。

Mod破坏您的游戏时该怎么办 (What to Do When Mods Are Breaking Your Game)

The first method is tedious if you have a large amount of custom content, but it’s also incredibly reliable when you’re trying to single out broken mods in your game. Usually, custom content like CAS (Create a Sim) 





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