


Amazon recently added the ability for users to unlock their smart lock-equipped doors using Alexa. This is a welcome feature, but it does raise some concerns about intruders yelling through windows to tell Alexa to unlock your door. Is this a concern you should worry about, though?

亚马逊最近为用户增加了使用Alexa解锁配备智能锁的门的功能 。 这是一项受欢迎的功能,但确实引起了一些入侵者对通过窗户大喊叫Alexa解锁门的担忧。 不过,这是您应该担心的问题吗?

For starters, the unlock feature for Alexa includes an extra little security measure. When you tell Alexa to unlock a door, you also have to say a four-digit voice code out loud to confirm. So even if an intruder was able to successfully yell through a window at Alexa, they’d need that unique code to actually bypass your lock.

对于初学者来说,Alexa的解锁功能包括一点额外的安全措施。 当您告诉Alexa解锁门时,您还必须大声说出四位数的语音代码以进行确认。 因此,即使入侵者能够成功通过Alexa的窗口大喊大叫,他们也需要唯一的代码才能真正绕过您的锁。

But, I wanted to see if it was possible for Alexa to hear me through windows in the first place. I set up an Echo near my glass patio door and got to work.

但是,我想先看看Alexa是否有可能通过窗户听到我的声音。 我在玻璃露台门附近建立了回声,开始工作。

As you can see in the photo above, I set the Echo near the patio door, but not right next to it—realistically, in most houses, the Echo won’t be directly in front of a window, but rather off to the side somewhere.


I stepped outside, closed the patio door, and started yelling “Alexa” so many times that the neighbors were probably thinking some girl named Alexa kicked me out of the house and I was making a last-ditch effort to somehow win her back.

我走到外面,关上露台的门,然后大声喊着“ Alexa”,邻居们可能以为是个叫Alexa的女孩把我踢出了屋子,而我正竭尽全力以某种方式赢得她。

Alexa wasn’t having it, though. I even cupped my hands around the glass to try and concentrate the sound, but that didn’t work either—the double-pane glass was doing a great job. It wasn’t until I moved the Echo about 3-4 feet directly in front of the patio door that I finally started to see results. I was able to trigger Alexa about 70% of the time, and was even able to fire off a couple of basic commands like, “What’s the weather?” and “What time is it?”—although it had a harder time deciphering commands than simply responding to hearing its own name.

不过,Alexa没有。 我什至双手托住玻璃杯以尝试集中声音,但是那也不起作用,因为双层玻璃杯做得很好。 直到我将Echo移到露台门前约3-4英尺的地方后,我终于开始看到效果了。 我能够大约70%的时间触发Alexa,甚至还可以触发一些基本命令,例如“天气如何?” 和“现在几点?” —尽管比简单地响应听到自己的名字要花更多的时间来解密命令。

Now it was time for the moment of truth—would I be able to unlock my own front door by yelling at Alexa through a window? It took me a couple of pain-staking tries, but I eventually got it to work. Although it would’ve been more difficult if my wife hadn’t been there to signal to me that, indeed, Alexa heard me correctly. Otherwise, I’d have to rely on the LED light ring atop the Echo and simply guess whether or not it worked.

现在是时候了,我可以通过窗户大喊Alexa来解锁自己的前门吗? 我花了一些艰苦的尝试,但最终我还是成功了。 尽管如果我的妻子不在那儿要向我传达信号的确更加困难,的确,Alexa正确地听了我的话。 否则,我将不得不依靠Echo顶部的LED灯环,然后简单地猜测它是否有效。

So is it possible for someone to activate your Echo from outside? Yes, it’s possible. If you have Alexa sitting close to a window, or maybe if you have single pane glass (or you leave windows cracked open), then it would be easier to manipulate her from outside. But, in most situations, it just isn’t going to work very well.

那么有人可以从外部激活您的Echo吗? 是的,有可能。 如果您将Alexa坐在靠近窗户的地方,或者如果您只有一块窗格玻璃(或者您将窗户裂开了),那么从外面操纵她会更容易。 但是,在大多数情况下,它不能很好地工作。

Plus, even if someone wanted to unlock your smart lock using Alexa, they would need the voice code to do it. So it would be a futile effort from the start.

另外,即使有人想使用Alexa解锁您的智能锁,他们也需要语音代码才能完成。 因此从一开始就将是徒劳的。



时下带有语音助手功能的智能网关产品越来越流行,比如小米的智能音箱,天猫精灵等等互联网公司都纷纷推出基于智能家居环境应用的网关产品包括家用的节点设备。这种网关最大的体现了语音识别技术,基于云端的数据安全技术,同时又结合Wi-Fi技术实现一系列智能化应用产品的互联互通。目前市面上销售的产品基本上都是以MTK以及Rockchip,Realtek等等成本较高的方案为主。出于成本因素,Microchip推出了一款基于ATSAMG55J19A-MU+WINC1500B为主的完整的解决方案,该方案在Amazon已经形成产品化。 对于基于Amazon Alexa 的Microchip语音助手解决方案。结合Amazon电商购物平台,又支持Amazon一键WiFi购物的功能,一键Wi-Fi购物,就是您可以按下自动定购已经标记的产品来购买商品,同时也可以对其直接语音告诉它你要想购买的商品。 Amazon New Amazon Dash Wand “魔棒”已经量产,相信国内的电商巨头也会将这种便捷快捷的购物方式引入到国内市场。 核心技术优势1. 150mS快速回连AP 2. 超300款AP 兼容测试 3. 支持AWS ,阿里云,微软云 4. 提供主机端驱动原码 5. 提供多种安全连接云应用的参考例子 方案规格ATSAMG55: 1:Cortex-M4内核,FPU。主频可达到120MHz。 2:超低功耗 (1)在运行模式只有 100 µA/MHz。 (2)在深度睡眠SRAM保持模式下: 7 µA 。 (3)从深度睡眠到工作模式,唤醒时间只需要 3 µs。 3:Flash:512KB/SRAM:176KB。 4:工作电压:1.62V to 3.6V 5:温度范围:-40 ℃to 85℃ 6:片上集成UART,ADC.SPI,USB等丰富的外设接口。 WINC1500: 1:支持2.4GHz b/g/n IoT网络控制器。 2:超低功耗。 3:工作电压: 3.0V to 4.2V。 4:接口: SPI。 5:支持安全协议: WPA/WPA2 Personal, TLS, SSL。 6:支持网络服务: DHCP, DNS, TCP/IP (IPv4), UDP, HTTP, HTTPS。 7:Chip 和 PCB 天线(ATWINC1500-MR210PBxxxx) 8:Chip 和u.FL (ATWINC1500-MR210UBxxxx) 9:ATWINC1500-MR210PBxxxx (4Mb flash)和ATWINC1510-MR210PBxxxx (8Mb flash)。 10:开发环境支持Atmel Studio 7 - 可查阅ASF笔记。 11:认证: in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Korea, China, India 和Taiwan。 方案来源于大大通。




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