Quickly transferring files from, say, a Mac to an Android is more complicated than it needs to be. Plover makes it simple for devices on the same network.
快速将文件从Mac传输到Android的过程比需要的要复杂得多。 珩磨器使同一网络上的设备变得简单。
Airdrop makes file transfers easy, but only between Apple users. This means Windows and Android users can’t share files with Apple users, or even each other. Plover offers a simple alternative, and without the need to install anything.
Airdrop使文件传输变得容易 ,但仅在Apple用户之间进行。 这意味着Windows和Android用户无法与Apple用户甚至彼此共享文件。 珩科鸟提供了一种简单的替代方法,无需安装任何东西。
Just head to Plover.io on both devices, and all local devices are assigned an animal. Drag your file to the animal you’d like to share with, or tap the animal and choose something using the dialogue. It’s that simple.
只需在两个设备上都访问Plover.io ,就会为所有本地设备分配一个动物。 将文件拖到您要共享的动物上,或点按该动物并使用对话框选择一些内容。 就这么简单。
Files are uploaded to a third party server during transfer, but the About page claims to everything is deleted immediately. All the same, we’d think twice before using this for anything confidential.
文件在传输过程中被上传到第三方服务器,但是关于所有内容的“关于”页面立即被删除。 都一样,在将其用于任何机密信息之前,我们会三思。
Plover via Product Hunt
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/plover.io-quickly-shares-files-between-local-devices/