outlook 正在启动_微软正在摆脱Outlook中的“混乱”,这令人担忧

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At the tail-end of 2018, Microsoft announced that it would remove the Clutter feature from Outlook, leaving Focused Inbox to sieve out your less-important mail. I think that’s a potentially worrying change of direction for Microsoft.

在2018年底,微软宣布将从Outlook中删除杂波功能 ,从而使Focused Inbox可以筛选出不那么重要的邮件。 我认为这是微软潜在的令人担忧的方向变化。

Yes, on the one hand, you could argue that Focused Inbox competes directly with similar features offered by Gmail and that those only work in the Gmail client, so why not do it. But, you could also argue that, since Outlook has had both the Focused Inbox and Clutter features for a while (and they both have their advantages), there was no really good reason to ditch Clutter. So, let’s get into it.

是的,一方面,您可能会争辩说,“聚焦收件箱”可与Gmail提供的类似功能直接竞争,而这些功能仅可在Gmail客户端中使用,所以为什么不这样做。 但是,您也可以说,由于Outlook一段时间以来既具有“焦点收件箱”和“杂物箱”功能(它们都有各自的优势),因此没有足够的理由放弃杂物箱。 所以,让我们开始吧。

什么是杂波功能? (What is the Clutter Feature?)

We’ve covered the difference between Clutter and Focused Inbox before, but here’s a quick recap. Both Clutter and Focused Inbox are ways of splitting your incoming mail into “important” and “unimportant” mail. Important mail is anything from people in your company, your contacts, and anything else Microsoft’s algorithm deems valuable to you. Unimportant mail is not spam (that goes into the Junk folder) but is mail that is deemed less valuable or urgent—like regular emails from apps or websites.

我们之前已经讨论了凌乱收件箱和“焦点收件箱”之间区别 ,但是这里有一个简短的回顾。 凌乱收件箱和重点收件箱都是将收到的邮件分为“重要”和“不重要”邮件的方法。 重要邮件来自公司人员,联系人以及Microsoft认为对您有价值的任何其他邮件。 不重要的邮件不是垃圾邮件(进入垃圾邮件文件夹),而是被认为不那么有价值或紧迫的邮件,例如来自应用程序或网站的常规电子邮件。

Clutter and Focused Inbox use the same algorithm to determine if a mail is important or unimportant, but here’s the important part: Clutter is an entirely separate folder, whereas Focused Inbox is just a filtered view of your Inbox.

Clutter和Focused Inbox使用相同的算法来确定邮件是重要还是不重要,但这是重要的部分 :Clutter是一个完全独立的文件夹,而Focused Inbox只是您的Inbox的筛选视图。

What this means is that Clutter physically moves an unimportant mail from your Inbox into a folder called “Clutter.”

这意味着Clutter会将不重要的邮件从收件箱物理地移到名为“ Clutter”的文件夹中。

The Clutter folder

Focused Inbox—which you can toggle on and off using a switch in the View tab—just changes your Inbox to show “Focused” and “Other” tabs.


The Focued Inbox tabs

Microsoft has now confirmed that Clutter will be gone by January 31st, 2020, leaving users with just Focused Inbox. That’s going to cause some users a lot of problems and doesn’t square with Microsoft’s supposed new approach under Satya Nadella.

微软现已确认,Clutter将于2020年1月31日消失,仅向用户提供Focused Inbox。 这将给一些用户带来很多问题,并且与微软在萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)领导下的新方法不符。

为什么摆脱混乱是一件坏事? (Why Is Getting Rid of Clutter a Bad Thing?)

Most Outlook users prefer Focused Inbox. Clutter was not particularly popular when it came out, and it took people a long time to get used to it. Focused Inbox uses the same algorithm, but allows people to keep their mail in their Inbox, which means just having a single place to find everything. We explicitly said in our article about Clutter and Focused Inbox:

大多数Outlook用户更喜欢“聚焦收件箱”。 杂波问世时并不是特别受欢迎,而且人们花了很长时间才习惯了它。 聚焦收件箱使用相同的算法,但允许人们将邮件保留在收件箱中,这意味着只有一个地方可以查找所有内容。 我们在有关杂乱和重点收件箱的文章中明确指出:

“Focused Inbox is a replacement for Clutter, which wasn’t particularly popular. A lot of users didn’t like going to a different folder to find messages that Outlook thought weren’t important, especially because Clutter only got accurate if you “trained” it by manually moving messages between Inbox and Clutter. Some users assumed that Clutter was just a different way of filtering spam, so they never looked in the folder or just deleted the contents without reading anything that was there.

“重点收件箱是杂物的替代品,杂物并不是特别受欢迎。 许多用户不喜欢转到其他文件夹来查找Outlook认为不重要的邮件,尤其是因为只有当您通过在Inbox和Clutter之间手动移动邮件来“训练”它时,Clutter才能变得准确。 一些用户认为Clutter只是过滤垃圾邮件的另一种方式,因此他们从不查看文件夹或只是删除内容而不读取其中的任何内容。

Microsoft recognized that Clutter wasn’t working and pretty quickly replaced it with Focused Inbox.”

微软意识到Clutter无法正常工作,很快就将其替换为Focused Inbox。”

That statement applies to Outlook users. It doesn’t apply to people who use a different mail client, for whom Focused Inbox won’t work at all, and here’s why.

该声明适用于Outlook用户。 它不适用于使用其他邮件客户端的用户,对于这些用户而言,“聚焦收件箱”根本无法使用,这就是原因。

Clutter is an entirely different folder. If you use a non-Outlook email client (like most mobile users, for example) such as Apple Mail or the stock Android Mail app, they will show Clutter as a different folder because it’s part of your mailbox. Therefore, Clutter works for them.

混乱是一个完全不同的文件夹。 如果您使用非Outlook电子邮件客户端(例如,像大多数移动用户一样),例如Apple Mail或现有的Android Mail应用程序,则它们会将Clutter显示为其他文件夹,因为它是您邮箱的一部分。 因此,Clutter为他们工作。

Focused Inbox is just a view of your inbox that Outlook creates. No other mail client—Apple mail, Android Mail, Thunderbird, etc.—recognizes the tags that Microsoft uses to do this, so Focused Inbox won’t work for you.

重点收件箱只是Outlook创建的收件箱视图。 没有其他邮件客户端(Apple邮件,Android邮件,Thunderbird等)能够识别Microsoft用于执行此操作的标签,因此Focused Inbox不适用于您。

Essentially, Microsoft is taking away the feature for anyone not using its official Outlook client.


Now, you might think that because this is a Microsoft product, why should people expect other products to work the same way?  Also, we said ourselves that Clutter wasn’t particularly popular, so why are we now complaining that it’s being taken away?

现在,您可能会认为,因为这是Microsoft产品,所以人们为什么应该期望其他产品也能以相同的方式工作? 另外,我们自己说杂波并不是特别受欢迎,所以为什么我们现在抱怨它被带走了?

Both of those questions miss the point. This isn’t a change to Outlook; this is a change to the actual email account. The algorithm is the same, but the implementation has gone from being client-agnostic (which means Clutter worked on any mail client) to being proprietary (Focused Inbox only works on Outlook). It’s a fundamental change of principle from making changes to the mailbox that all Microsoft email account users can benefit from, to making changes to Outlook which only people who’ve paid for the software on top of their email account can benefit from.

这些问题都没有抓住重点。 这不是对Outlook的更改; 这是对实际电子邮件帐户的更改。 该算法是相同的,但是实现方式已从与客户端无关的(这意味着Clutter可在任何邮件客户端上使用)变为专有的(“焦点收件箱”仅在Outlook上可用)。 从根本上改变了原理,从对所有Microsoft电子邮件帐户用户都可以受益的邮箱进行更改,到对Outlook进行了更改,只有在电子邮件帐户之上为软件付费的人才能受益于Outlook。

Under Satya Nadella’s leadership Microsoft has been focused on a “mobile-first, cloud-first world,” but this decision forces all mobile users to use Outlook if they want to get a piece of functionality that until now has been client-agnostic.

在萨蒂亚·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)的领导下,微软一直专注于“ 移动第一,云第一”的世界 ,但是这一决定迫使所有移动用户都希望使用Outlook,如果他们想要获得迄今为止与客户无关的功能。

For people with memories of the Gates/Ballmer approach in the ’90s, this is worryingly familiar. Microsoft had a reputation for flattening anyone it perceived as competition and part of Nadella’s appeal has been to make Microsoft a less aggressive and more collaborative company, both internally and externally. Yes, this is only a small change in the grand scheme of things, but Office is a flagship product, and if this is what Microsoft means to do with it’s “mobile-first” approach then it’s a worrying sign that maybe that old attitude of “Microsoft or nothing” is still hanging around Redmond.

对于那些对90年代的盖茨/鲍尔默方法有记忆的人来说,这令人担忧。 微软因将任何被视为竞争对手的人弄平而闻名,纳德拉(Nadella)的吸引力之一就是使微软在内部和外部都变得不那么积极进取,更具协作 。 是的,这只是整体方案中的很小的变化,但是Office是旗舰产品,如果这就是微软要采用“移动优先”方法的意图,那么这是一个令人担忧的信号,也许是这种旧态度雷德蒙德仍然徘徊着“微软或一无所有”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/407202/microsoft-are-getting-rid-of-clutter-in-outlook-and-thats-worrying/

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