android 禁用返回_如何在三星和LG Android手机上禁用始终显示

android 禁用返回

android 禁用返回

Android’s Always-On Display can be super useful for seeing information at a glance when you look at your phone. But it can also be super annoying because, well, your phone’s display is always on. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

当您看手机时,Android的“永远在线显示”对于一目了然地查看信息非常有用。 但这也可能非常烦人,因为您的手机始终处于打开状态。 但这不一定是这种方式。

On stock Android, this feature is called Ambient Display, which is kind of like always-on display, except it’s not really on all the time. Other devices, like Samsung Galaxy devices and LG phones, use a different method, which literally leaves the display on 100% of the time by default. Fortunately, some of these devices allow you to tweak this setting. Others just allow you to toggle it on or off. Here’s what you need to know.

在Android上,此功能称为Ambient Display ( 环境显示) ,它类似于始终在线显示,但并不是一直都在使用 。 其他设备(例如Samsung Galaxy设备和LG手机)使用另一种方法,默认情况下,其显示时间实际上为100%。 幸运的是,其中一些设备可让您调整此设置。 其他人只允许您打开或关闭它。 这是您需要知道的。

如何调整或禁用三星Galaxy手机上的始终显示 (How to Tweak or Disable Always-On Display on Samsung Galaxy Phones)

If you have a Samsung Galaxy phone, like the Galaxy S7 or S8, always-on display is enabled by default. While it doesn’t really drain much battery, it can be kind of distracting for your phone’s display to stay on all the time. Also, in true Samsung fashion, they don’t really make this setting easy to find—and it’s in a different place depending on whether you have the S7 or S8. Fun stuff.

如果您拥有Samsung Galaxy手机(例如Galaxy S7或S8),则默认情况下会启用始终显示。 尽管它并不会真正消耗大量电池,但是这可能会分散手机显示屏的显示时间。 此外,以真正的三星时尚,他们并没有真正使此设置易于找到-根据您使用的是S7还是S8,它的位置不同。 好玩的东西。

To tweak always-on display, first jump into the Settings menu by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the gear icon.


On the Galaxy S8, scroll down to “Lock Screen and Security” and tap into this menu.

在Galaxy S8上,向下滚动至“锁定屏幕和安全性”,然后点按此菜单。

On the S7, tap into the “Display” menu.


Scroll down either menu until you see a section for Always-on Display. There’s a toggle to the right side, so if you just want to disable it, flick that to off. Done.

向下滚动任一菜单,直到看到“永远在线显示”部分。 右侧有一个切换开关,因此,如果您只想禁用它,请将其关闭。 做完了

However, if you’d like to tweak how it works instead, tap the “Always On Display” text itself, which will toss you into a new menu.

但是,如果您想调整它的工作方式,请点击“ Always On Display”文本本身,这将使您进入新菜单。

You’re given a few options here. On the S8, you can decide what content to show on the screen: “Home Button and Clock or Information,” “Clock or Information,” or “Home Button.” I’m honestly not sure why you’d want to just show the home button, but hey—it’s there if you want to use it.

这里有一些选择。 在S8上,您可以决定在屏幕上显示什么内容:“主页按钮和时钟或信息”,“时钟或信息”或“主页按钮”。 老实说,我不确定您为什么只想显示主页按钮,但是,嘿,如果您要使用它,它就会在那里。

Otherwise, you can start tweaking the style of the Always-On layout. On the S8, the styles are shown on this page under the “Clock Style” subhead.

否则,您可以开始调整Always-On布局的样式。 在S8上,样式显示在此页面的“时钟样式”子标题下。

On the S7, you have to tap the “Layouts” menu to access these styles.


You can also tweak whether or not Always On display is, um, always on, or if you want it on a timer. That’s a nice touch, because you don’t have to deal with it being on when you’re trying to sleep.

您还可以调整“始终显示”,“嗯”,“始终打开”还是希望在计时器上显示。 感觉很不错,因为您在尝试睡觉时不必处理它。

如何在LG设备上禁用始终显示 (How to Disable Always-On Display on LG Devices)

Things are a little simpler on LG devices, because there aren’t really any options here—this feature is either on or off. To get started, pull down the notification shade and tap the gear icon.

在LG设备上,事情要简单一些,因为这里实际上没有任何选择-此功能是打开还是关闭。 首先,请拉下通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标。

In the Settings menu, tap into the Display menu.


Find the “Always-on Display” menu. To disable it, just flick the toggle.

找到“始终显示”菜单。 要禁用它,只需轻按一下切换开关即可。

You can also tap the “Always-on Display” text, which will open the almost-naked settings menu.

您还可以点击“ Always-on Display”(始终显示)文本,这将打开几乎裸露的设置菜单。

There’s one option here: Set What to Show. In this menu, you can choose to show the Clock or your signature. And that’s it.

这里有一个选项:设置显示内容。 在此菜单中,您可以选择显示时钟或签名。 就是这样。


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