facebook 个人账户_如何使用Facebook可信联系人访问锁定帐户

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facebook 个人账户

Online services are becoming increasingly concerned with security, with two-factor authentication now being the flavor of the day. Extra security at login is great, but what if you forget your password? Facebook’s Trusted Contacts can help out here.

在线服务越来越关注安全性,如今, 两因素身份验证已成为当今的潮流。 登录时具有额外的安全性,但是如果忘记密码怎么办? Facebook的“受信任的联系人”可以在此处提供帮助。

给一个朋友打电话 (Phone a Friend)

You may feel that you would never forget your Facebook password — you probably enter it at least once a day — but what happens if you take a Facebook sabbatical, or your account is hacked and your password is changed?


There are already methods by which you can request a forgotten password, but Trusted Contacts gives you another option. Pick between three and five friends you trust and should you find yourself locked out of your account, you can call on them to help you regain access.

您已经可以使用一些方法来请求忘记的密码,但是“受信任的联系人”为您提供了另一种选择。 在您信任的三到五个朋友之间进行选择,如果您发现自己被锁定在帐户之外,可以致电他们以帮助您重新获得访问权限。

When the need arises, Facebook will send security codes to the friends you have chosen and at least three of these codes need to be communicated to you so you can unlock your account. Here’s how to go about getting it all set up.

必要时,Facebook会将安全代码发送给您选择的朋友,并且至少需要将其中三个安全代码发送给您,以便您解锁帐户。 这是设置所有步骤的方法。

配置受信任的联系人 (Configure Trusted Contacts)

Trusted Contacts is something that has to be set up in advance — it is prevention rather than cure. Log into your Facebook account, click the gear icon to the upper right of the page and select Account Settings.

可信联系人是必须事先设置的–它是预防而不是治疗。 登录您的Facebook帐户,单击页面右上方的齿轮图标,然后选择“帐户设置”。

Click the Security link to the left and then click the Trusted Contacts link to the right followed by Choose Trust Contacts.


Read through the popup that appears — it just gives a brief overview of how Trusted Contacts works — and then click the Choose Trusted Contacts button.


Type the name of someone you would like to use as a Trusted Contact, select their name from the popup list and repeat for a total of three to five friends or contacts.


When you have done this, click Confirm and then re-enter your account password when prompted to do so.


This list of people can be changed whenever you feel the need. Just head back to the Trusted Contacts section of your account settings.

只要您有需要,就可以更改此人员列表。 只需回到帐户设置的“受信任的联系人”部分即可。

Click the Edit link to remove and add individuals from the list, or use the Remove All link to start from scratch.


There are a few things to keep in mind when deciding who to choose as a trusted contact. Remember that you’ll need to be able to contact them when you are locked out of Facebook, so don’t choose anyone you only know through the social network and do not have other contact details for.

在决定选择谁作为信任联系人时,需要牢记一些注意事项。 请记住,当您被Facebook拒之门外时,您将需要能够与他们联系,所以不要选择仅通过社交网络认识并且没有其他详细联系信息的人。

When called upon, trusted contacts will need to be able to log into their own Facebook account, so don’t choose someone who is often away, doesn’t always have access to a computer or who may have trouble getting online.


重新获得帐户访问权限 (Regaining Account Access)

Should you find yourself locked out of your Facebook account for any reason, this is when you can make use of your Trusted Contacts list. At the Facebook login screen, click the ‘Forgotten your password?’ link and then enter your name, username, email address or phone number to identify yourself.

如果您出于任何原因发现自己被锁定在Facebook帐户之外,则可以使用“受信任的联系人”列表。 在Facebook登录屏幕上,单击“忘记密码了?”。 链接,然后输入您的姓名,用户名,电子邮件地址或电话号码以标识自己。

If you’re making use of Trusted Contacts, it is to be assumed that you do not have access to your backup email account or phone to use as a means of account recovery. Assuming Facebook has correctly identified you, click ‘No longer have access to these?’ and click Continue.

如果您使用的是“受信任的联系人”,则假定您无权访问备用电子邮件帐户或电话以用作帐户恢复的方法。 假设Facebook已正确识别您的身份,请单击“不再有权访问这些人?”。 然后单击继续。

You will now need to provide another email address or phone number that Facebook can use to send you recovery details.


Get in touch with your trusted contacts and tell them to visit https://www.facebook.com/recover where they will be given a PIN – you will need to enter the full name of one of your contacts first in order to reveal the full list.


When they visit the link, your friend will first be told that you need help accessing your account.


In a vague attempt to prevent fraudulent use, they will then have to confirm that they have spoken to you and verified that someone else is not abusing Trusted Contacts in a bid to access your account.


Once this has been done, a code will be shown which needs to be communicated to you.


When you receive the codes from your friends, enter them in the boxes at the bottom of the page and click Continue.


Assuming the correct codes have been entered, you’ll then be given the chance to reset your password and regain access to your account.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/164722/how-to-use-facebook-trusted-contacts-to-gain-access-to-your-locked-account/

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