


Firefox Header

To maintain transparency, Mozilla has made all of the data Firefox collects about you and your machine available to view. Using a hidden page in your browser, here’s how to see what’s sent to the company’s servers.

为了保持透明度,Mozilla已使Firefox收集的有关您和您的计算机的所有数据可供查看。 使用浏览器中的隐藏页面,这是查看发送到公司服务器的内容的方法。

Mozilla engineers recently starting shipping stable releases of Firefox with a hidden page that details the telemetry metrics used for debugging Firefox test installs. This move ties into its push for an increase in privacy controls and transparency in how the company handles your data.

Mozilla工程师最近开始发布稳定版本的Firefox,并带有一个隐藏页面, 页面详细介绍了用于调试Firefox测试安装的遥测指标 。 此举与提高隐私控制和公司处理您数据的透明度的推动力息息相关。

Do not worry; all data collected by Mozilla and Firefox is anonymized and aggregated to ensure each user’s privacy.

别担心; Mozilla和Firefox收集的所有数据都将匿名化并进行汇总,以确保每个用户的隐私。

如何查看Firefox遥测数据 (How to See Firefox Telemetry Data)

To view the hidden page in Firefox that shows you all of the telemetry details uploaded to Mozilla servers, type about:telemetry into the address bar and hit the Enter key.

要在Firefox中查看隐藏的页面,其中显示了上传到Mozilla服务器的所有遥测详细信息,请在地址栏中键入about:telemetry ,然后按Enter键。

To access the hidden page, type "about:telemetry" into the address bar and hit the Enter key.

When the page loads, you’ll see a summary of how the information is used. The types of telemetry that you can view are listed on the left side of the window. Click on any of the options to get a granular look at the telemetry data.

页面加载后,您将看到有关信息使用方式的摘要。 您可以查看的遥测类型列在窗口的左侧。 单击任何选项以细粒度查看遥测数据。

The Home of Firefox's telemetry page.

All of the information dives deep into the browser build, version, installed add-ons, sessions, running processes, and your system’s operating system and hardware.


Build information relating to the machine running Firefox.

There is a lot of data here, and if you know what you’re looking for, you can use the search bar to locate a specific metric quickly.


Search for specific bits of data with the search bar.

If you find data beautiful or want to see how the information is used, you can take a look at Mozilla’s telemetry portal or weekly Firefox Public Data Report. Here is where you can view graphs and charts relating to how Firefox is used and read the documentation regarding what data is available and how to use it.

如果您发现漂亮的数据或想查看信息的使用方式,则可以查看Mozilla的遥测门户或每周的Firefox Public Data Report 。 在这里,您可以查看与Firefox使用方式有关的图形和图表,并阅读有关哪些数据可用以及如何使用的文档。

如何禁用Firefox Telemetry Collection (How to Disable Firefox Telemetry Collection)

In general, allowing an application to upload data about performance and general usage in the real world isn’t inherently bad. In fact, it’s generally a good thing. The data collected allows engineers and developers the knowledge needed to make apps perform better on devices similar to your own, along with deciding what changes to make in future releases.

通常,允许应用程序上载有关现实世界中性能和一般用途的数据并不是天生的坏事。 实际上,这通常是一件好事。 收集到的数据可为工程师和开发人员提供使应用程序在与您自己的设备类似的设备上更好地运行所需的知识,并确定在将来的版本中要进行哪些更改。

Before you go ahead and disable telemetry completely, feel free to check out our article on usage statistics, error reports, and telemetry.


If you don’t like the idea of Mozilla collecting, storing, and displaying your information, you can always opt-out of data collection using the privacy settings in Firefox.


Open up Firefox and type about:preferences#privacy into the address bar. Press the Enter key to load the Privacy subsection of Settings.

打开Firefox,然后在地址栏中输入about:preferences#privacy 。 按Enter键加载“设置”的“隐私”小节。

Go directly to the Privacy settings by typing it into the address bar.

From here, scroll down until you see the Firefox Data Collection and Use heading. Untick the box next to “Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla.”

从这里向下滚动,直到看到Firefox数据收集和使用标题。 取消选中“允许Firefox将技术和交互数据发送到Mozilla”旁边的框。

Untick the following setting to disable telemetry collection.

Along with disabling future telemetry collection, Firefox will delete the last 30 days of data.


If you want to go the extra mile and take things a bit further, you can disable telemetry options from the Advanced Preferences page—similar to enabling flags in Chrome.


Warning: Firefox stores every setting on this page, so you have to be careful when tinkering around here. Changing these settings can be harmful to the stability and security of the browser. You should only continue if you’re confident and sure of what you’re doing.

警告: Firefox将在此页面上存储所有设置,因此在此处进行修补时必须小心。 更改这些设置可能会损害浏览器的稳定性和安全性。 仅当您有信心并确定自己在做什么时,才应该继续。

Type about:config into the address bar and then hit the Enter key. The page loads with a warning about the impacts of changing these preferences and the effect it can have on Firefox. Click the “Accept the risk and continue” button.

在地址栏中键入about:config ,然后按Enter键。 该页面加载了有关更改这些首选项的影响及其对Firefox可能产生的影响的警告。 单击“接受风险并继续”按钮。

Proceed with caution and click "Accept the risks and continue."

In the search bar, type each of the following preferences and then set them to the value provided to the right:


devtools.onboarding.telemetry.logged = false
toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled = false
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.telemetry = false
browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.telemetry = false
browser.ping-centre.telemetry = false
toolkit.telemetry.bhrPing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.firstShutdownPing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.hybridContent.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.newProfilePing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun = false
toolkit.telemetry.shutdownPingSender.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.unified = false
toolkit.telemetry.updatePing.enabled = false
toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun = false
toolkit.telemetry.unified = false
toolkit.telemetry.archive.enabled = false
devtools.onboarding.telemetry.logged = false
toolkit.telemetry.bhrPing.enabled = false
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled = false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled = false
datareporting.sessions.current.clean = true
datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled = false
datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled = false
datareporting.sessions.current.clean = true

To change a boolean value (true or false), double-click the setting or click the two-way arrow on the right of the setting.


Either double-click the preference or click the arrow to the right to change the value of each one.

Finally, type toolkit.telemetry.server into the search bar. Double-click on the first setting, delete the URL and then select the checkmark to save changes.

最后,在搜索栏中键入toolkit.telemetry.server 。 双击第一个设置,删除URL,然后选择对勾以保存更改。

Delete the server information and click the check mark to save changes.

After you finish, you can close the tab. All changes are saved immediately and don’t require any further action.

完成后,您可以关闭选项卡。 所有更改都将立即保存,不需要任何进一步的操作。

Although it’s a bit of extra effort, after changing the values of the preferences above, you should no longer be inadvertently sending your telemetry data to Mozilla’s servers.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/557929/how-to-see-and-disable-the-telemetry-data-firefox-collects-about-you/


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