谷歌 smarthome_为什么Apple的HomeKit需要所有新的Smarthome硬件?

谷歌 smarthome

谷歌 smarthome

There’s been a lot of interest in Apple’s HomeKit home automation system and an equal amount of sticker shock over the realization that it requires an investment in new hardware. Why exactly does HomeKit require new hardware? Read on as we investigate.

苹果的HomeKit家庭自动化系统引起了人们极大的兴趣,并且由于意识到它需要投资购买新的硬件而受到了同样的震惊。 为什么HomeKit确实需要新硬件? 在我们进行调查时请继续阅读。

什么是HomeKit? (What Is HomeKit?)

HomeKit is Apple’s entry into the home automation marketplace and is intended to serve as a control system and database that links all of your HomeKit-compatible products with your Apple devices ranging from your iPhone to Apple TV.

HomeKit是Apple进入家庭自动化市场的入口,旨在用作控制系统和数据库,以将所有与HomeKit兼容的产品与从iPhone到Apple TV的Apple设备链接起来。

The HomeKit system is intended to create a seamless link between your diverse home automation products such that your smart lighting, thermostat, security system, appliances, and internal and external sensors can all work together dynamically to create automated solutions like thermostats that adjust themselves as you drive home, lights that turn off when you leave the zone you’re in, and other conveniences. (For a more in-depth look at what HomeKit is, check out HTG Explains: What Is HomeKit?)

HomeKit系统旨在在您多样化的家庭自动化产品之间建立无缝链接,从而使您的智能照明,恒温器,安全系统,设备以及内部和外部传感器都可以动态地协同工作,以创建自动解决方案,例如恒温器,可根据您的需要进行自我调整开车回家,离开您所在的区域时灯熄灭以及其他便利。 (要更深入地了解什么是HomeKit,请查看HTG Explains:什么是HomeKit? )

Unfortunately despite consumer excitement about HomeKit and interest surrounding Siri-integration with the system (because let’s face it, controlling your house with your voice is super cool), there’s been one big hangup in terms of adoption: HomeKit is not inherently backwards compatible with the already widely adopted smart home standards like Z-wave and other smart home protocols. Adopting HomeKit means adopting all new hardware (a tough proposition to pitch to people already invested in smart home gear).

不幸的是,尽管消费者对HomeKit感到兴奋,并且对将Siri与系统集成感兴趣(因为让我们面对现实,用您的声音控制房屋实在是太酷了),但在采用方面却存在一个很大的障碍:HomeKit并不是与之兼容的。已经广泛采用的智能家居标准,例如Z-wave和其他智能家居协议。 采用HomeKit意味着采用所有新硬件(向已经投资于智能家居设备的人们推销的艰难主张)。

为什么我的旧智能家居硬件不兼容? (Why Is My Old Smart Home Hardware Not Compatible?)

Historically, home automation hardware hasn’t had the best reputation in regard to security. The earliest home automation equipment, dating back to the 1980s, simply used unencrypted radio communication and a simple toggle system (which mean someone could “hack” your system as easily as just purchasing a generic controller for the system and trying out the very few combinations of frequencies in use). Over time protocols evolved and things improved, but even in the present the security standards for smart home products and/or Internet-of-Things type devices has been lackluster with a sort of it’s-good-enough attitude and a definite lack of standardization or rigorous testing.

从历史上看,家庭自动化硬件在安全性方面还没有最好的声誉。 最早的家庭自动化设备可以追溯到1980年代,它仅使用未加密的无线电通信和简单的切换系统(这意味着某人可以像购买通用控制器那样简单地“入侵”您的系统,并尝试很少的组合)使用的频率)。 随着时间的流逝,协议不断发展,情况有所改善,但是即使在目前,智能家居产品和/或物联网类型设备的安全标准也显得乏善可陈,其态度已经足够好,并且肯定缺乏标准化或严格的测试。

When they positioned themselves for a bid to gain significant traction in the smart home/home automation market Apple put a heavy emphasis on security as that is one of the primary concerns consumers have in regard to putting network-enabled devices in their home: be it light bulbs, security cameras, or thermostats.


As such, both to fend off real threats and the imagined threats that keep consumers awake at night, Apple significant security upgrades in the HomeKit platform that far surpass the simple (or even non-existent) security protocols found on other home networking hardware. Where many companies fail to secure their products at all or use simple 128-bit encryption, all HomeKit certified hardware includes a dedicated security co-processor paired with 3072-bit keys and the very secure Curve25519 key exchange system (which is an encrypted key exchange system layered over the already strong 3072-bit key itself).

因此,为了抵御实际威胁和使消费者彻夜难眠的虚构威胁,Apple在HomeKit平台中进行了重大的安全升级,远远超过了其他家庭网络硬件上的简单(甚至不存在)安全协议。 在许多公司无法完全保护其产品安全或无法使用简单的128位加密的情况下,所有经过HomeKit认证的硬件都包括与3072位密钥配对的专用安全协处理器以及非常安全的Curve25519密钥交换系统(这是加密的密钥交换)系统在已经强大的3072位密钥本身上分层)。

If a device is missing the requisite hardware, keys, and Apple certification then it simply isn’t eligible to join your house’s HomeKit universe.


我必须购买新硬件吗? (Do I Have To Purchase New Hardware?)

Now that we know why Apple Home Kit products require new hardware, the pressing question that’s most relevant to consumers and their pocket books is: do I need new hardware? While at first blush the the answer is yes, it’s a bit more nuanced than that.

现在我们知道了为什么Apple Home Kit产品需要新的硬件,与消费者及其钱包最相关的紧迫问题是:我需要新的硬件吗? 乍一看脸红了,答案是肯定的,但是比它更细微的差别。

Apple requires that all consumer products under the HomeKit umbrella either directly meet the requirements for HomeKit-certification or that their controlling bridges/hubs meet the requirements for HomeKit-certification. As such if you happen to have invested heavily in a popular home automation hardware system with active vendor development you’re most likely in luck (where as if you purchased a hodgepodge of no-name stuff off eBay you’re likely out of luck).

Apple要求HomeKit保护范围内的所有消费产品必须直接满足HomeKit认证的要求,或者其控制网桥/集线器必须满足HomeKit认证的要求。 这样,如果您碰巧在积极的供应商开发上投资于流行的家庭自动化硬件系统,则很可能会碰运气(就好像您从eBay上购买了无名小品的大杂烩一样,也很可能不走运) 。

Random smartbulbs with Bluetooth/Wi-Fi support? They’ll most likely never get HomeKit-certification through any means as they are cheap one-off products. The popular and widely adopted Philips Hue smart lighting system? It had HomeKit support by the end of the year and you can now purchase a HomeKit-enabled bridge that links Philips Hue lights old and new to the HomeKit platform. Insteon followed suite with their Insteon Pro Hub that included updated hardware for HomeKit-certification (and brings the entire range of Insteon-enabled products along for the ride).

支持Bluetooth / Wi-Fi的随机智能灯泡吗? 他们很可能永远不会通过任何方式获得HomeKit认证,因为它们是便宜的一次性产品。 流行且广泛采用的飞利浦Hue智能照明系统? 到今年年底,它已获得HomeKit支持, 您现在可以购买支持HomeKit的桥接器,它将新旧飞利浦Hue灯连接到HomeKit平台。 Insteon紧随其套件之后,推出了Insteon Pro Hub ,其中包括用于HomeKit认证的更新硬件(并带动了所有支持Insteon的产品)。

So in short: products from small companies and/or no-name generic smart home products will likely need to be repurchased or simply left out of your HomeKit system altogether but products from large companies that have a hub/bridge system as a central control point (or that can be linked to a third-party hub/bridge system) can likely be upgraded and linked to your HomeKit system.


Before you consider upgrading everything be sure to check with the manufacturer to see if a HomeKit-enabled controller is already on the market or on the horizon. You can stay abreast of new HomeKit hardware releases (including those hubs you’re looking for) by keeping an eye on Apple’s official works-with-HomeKit support article.

在考虑升级之前,请务必与制造商联系,以查看支持HomeKit的控制器是否已经投放市场或即将上市。 您可以通过关注Apple官方与HomeKit一起使用的支持文章,与最新的HomeKit硬件版本(包括您正在寻找的集线器)保持同步

Although it’s a hassle to deal with new hardware and nobody likes spending extra money (especially if they’ve already purchased a bunch of home automation products) we will say that we’re happy Apple is forcing the smart home industry’s hand with this move toward radically better security. If the change wasn’t forced by a company as big as Apple it likely wouldn’t happen at all, and in a few years when very strong encryption is the standard for all home automation equipment we’ll all be better off for it.

尽管处理新硬件很麻烦,而且没有人喜欢花额外的钱(特别是如果他们已经购买了一堆家庭自动化产品的话),但我们会说,我们很高兴苹果公司正朝着这一方向强迫智能家居行业从根本上改善安全性。 如果变更不是由像Apple这样大的公司强行实施的,那么根本就不会发生。在几年之后,当非常强大的加密技术成为所有家庭自动化设备的标准时,我们所有人都会因此而受益。

Have a pressing question about smart home automation or Apple HomeKit? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有关智能家居自动化或Apple HomeKit的紧迫问题? 向我们发送电子邮件至,我们将尽力答复。


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