alexa和siri_如何确定智能家居设备是否可与Alexa,Siri或Google Home and Assistant配合使用...



Now that voice assistants are becoming extremely popular, many users who want to outfit their living spaces with smarthome products are probably wanting these products to be compatible with their voice assistant, whether it’s Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant (and Google Home). Here’s how to find out whether or not a smarthome device works with these platforms.

如今,语音助手变得非常流行,许多想要为生活空间配备智能家居产品的用户可能希望这些产品与语音助手兼容,无论是Alexa,Siri还是Google Assistant(和Google Home)。 这是查找智能家居设备是否可以在这些平台上工作的方法。

在产品包装盒上查找徽章 (Look for the Badge on the Product Box)

Perhaps the easiest and quickest way to see if a smarthome device is compatible with the voice assistant of your choice is to take a look at the product’s packaging and look for the badge that says what it supports.


Somewhere on the box you’ll find a small badge that says something like “Works with Apple HomeKit” or “Works with Amazon Alexa”. You may also just see the Amazon Echo logo, which also tells you that it works with Alexa.

在包装盒的某个位置,您会看到一个小徽章,上面写着“与Apple HomeKit搭配使用”或“与Amazon Alexa搭配使用”之类的内容。 您可能还会看到Amazon Echo徽标,该徽标还告诉您它可与Alexa配合使用。

However, keep in mind that some product boxes won’t have these badges printed on them even though they fully support Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant. Philips Hue boxes, for instance, only have the HomeKit badge, even though they’re natively supported by Alexa and Google Assistant as well. Because of that, you may want to look for a second source.

但是,请记住,即使某些产品包装盒完全支持Alexa,Siri或Google Assistant,也不会在上面印有这些徽章。 例如,尽管Alexa和Google Assistant本身也支持飞利浦Hue盒,但它们只有HomeKit徽章。 因此,您可能需要寻找第二个来源。

访问产品的网站 (Visit the Product’s Website)

If the product box doesn’t mention anything about which voice assistants it supports, it may be a good idea to double-check the product’s website. Usually it will have this information somewhere, whether it’s on the product’s main page, spec list, or on the support page.

如果产品包装盒上未提及有关它支持的语音助手的任何信息,则最好仔细检查产品的网站。 通常,无论在产品主页,规格列表还是在支持页面上,它都将在某处具有此信息。

On Philips Hue’s website, for example, if you visit the Friends of Hue section, you’ll see that it works with all three voice assistants, even though the product box only has the HomeKit badge.

例如,在Philips Hue的网站上,如果您访问“ Hue朋友”部分,即使产品包装盒上只有HomeKit徽章,您也会看到它可用于所有三个语音助手。

Furthermore, the product page of Belkin’s WeMo smart outlet says that it works with Alexa and Google Assistant, even though it only mentions the Amazon Echo on the product’s packaging.

此外, Belkin的WeMo智能插座产品页面上说,即使在产品包装上仅提及Amazon Echo,它也可以与Alexa和Google Assistant配合使用。

查看语音助手的官方支持列表 (View the Voice Assistants’ Official Support Lists)

Somewhere on the voice assistants’ official websites, you’ll find a list of supported smarthome products. To save you some time and hassle, we’ve tracked down each official support list from Amazon, Apple, and Google.

在语音助手的官方网站上的某个位置,您会找到受支持的智能家居产品的列表。 为了节省您的时间和麻烦,我们从亚马逊,苹果和谷歌追踪了每个官方支持列表。

Sift through the list to see if your smarthome device is supported by your voice assistant of choice. If not, then you’re out of luck, but hopefully support will be added in the near future—voice assistant’s are constantly adding more and more support for smarthome products.

在列表中进行筛选,以查看您所选择的语音助手是否支持您的智能家居设备。 如果不是这样,那您就不走运了,但是希望在不久的将来会增加支持—语音助手正在不断为智能家居产品增加越来越多的支持。

阅读评论 (Read Reviews)

If all else fails, product reviews from retail websites can be extremely helpful when it comes to finding out which voice assistants are supported, as well as learn more about the product overall before you buy it.


Amazon even has a section for each product that allows customers to ask questions about the product and other customers can answer them. You can also search through questions to find what you’re looking for, specifically.

亚马逊甚至为每个产品都有一个小节,允许客户提出有关产品的问题,其他客户可以回答。 您也可以搜索问题以找到所需的内容,特别是。

For example, on the Ecobee3’s Amazon product page, I can search for “Google Home” and various questions about whether or not it’s supported will appear. From this, I can see that the Ecobee3 does not support the Google Home. However, be sure to look at when the question was asked and answered, because it might be out of date and it’s possible that the product has since added support for a particular voice assistant.

例如,在Ecobee3的Amazon产品页面上,我可以搜索“ Google Home”,然后会出现有关是否支持它的各种问题。 由此可见,Ecobee3不支持Google Home。 但是,请务必查看询问和回答问题的时间,因为该问题可能已过时,并且此产品很可能已添加了对特定语音助手的支持。



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