HTG评论Braven BRV-X:耐候蓝牙音频


Everywhere you turn, somebody is coming out with a new Bluetooth speaker with a “fun” design — shaped like animals, cones, or even old-timey radios. So are there any Bluetooth speakers that don’t suck? We reviewed the upcoming Braven BRV-X speaker, and it was pretty good, if a little pricey.

无论您走到哪里,都会有人提出一种带有“有趣”设计的新型蓝牙扬声器-形状像动物,视锥细胞,甚至是老式收音机。 那么,有没有不吸音的蓝牙扬声器? 我们回顾了即将面世的Braven BRV-X扬声器,即使价格稍贵,它也相当不错。

It’s safe to say that at some point, most consumer speakers will be Bluetooth-enabled. That’s not to say you still won’t be able to hook them up via wire, but you will have the option not to as well. So be prepared; those Beats Pill commercials are probably only the beginning.

可以肯定地说,大多数消费者的扬声器都将支持蓝牙。 这并不是说您仍然无法通过电线将其连接起来,但是您也可以选择不这样做。 所以要做好准备; 那些Beats Pill广告可能仅仅是个开始。

That said, there are some nice products being developed. The one company that caught our attention however, was Braven, who specializes in not just making Bluetooth speakers, but systems designed to work together or as individual units giving you complete control over your listening experience across your entire home or on a per speaker basis.

也就是说,正在开发一些不错的产品。 然而,吸引我们注意力的公司是Braven ,该公司不仅专注于制造蓝牙扬声器,而且还专门设计用于一起工作或作为单个单元工作的系统,使您可以完全控制整个家庭或每个扬声器的聆听体验。

In this review, we’ll spend some time talking about the Braven BRV-X individual Bluetooth speaker, and then introduce you to Braven’s intuitive new distributed audio system: Vibe.

在这篇评测中,我们将花一些时间讨论Braven BRV-X独立蓝牙扬声器,然后向您介绍Braven直观的新型分布式音频系统: Vibe

动手操作BRV-X (Hands-on with the BRV-X)

The Braven BRV-X is your everyman’s every day speaker. It’s rugged and chunky and kind of reminds me of holding a mini football, which is appropriate because this speaker is just as well off accompanying you to a tailgate as it is at home on the coffee table.

勇敢的BRV-X是您每个人每天的演讲者。 坚固,矮胖,让我想起了迷你足球,这很合适,因为该扬声器与您陪在后挡板上一样好,就像在咖啡桌上一样。

Clad in a thick, grippy rubber coating and housed in a strong, high-impact plastic casing, along with durable metal grating and a tough water-resistant screw cap, the BRV-X is shockproof and built to be rough and tumble but still sound sweet regardless of conditions. It’s basically a little sonic tank, and even kind of resembles one.

BRV-X包覆有一层厚实,抓地力强的橡胶涂层,并置于坚固的,高冲击力的塑料外壳中,并配有耐用的金属格栅和坚固的防水螺帽,具有防震功能,虽然坚固但不易摔倒,但仍能保持稳固无论条件如何,都很甜蜜。 它基本上是一个小的声波坦克,甚至有点像。

On top are controls: +/- have dual functions, allowing you to increase/decrease volume, or you can press and hold to skip forward and back.


On the other side is a power button and the multiuse arrow button capable of pairing devices, pausing and resuming playback, as well as answering and ending phone calls.



Adorning each end are metal posts through which you can lace the included nylon strap, allowing you to sling it over your shoulder, a door knob, or shower curtain rod.



The BRV-X is water-resistant. In fact, the company bills the BRV-X as the “first true outdoor speaker”, so while you can’t submerge it, it can stand up to “rainfall, water jets, and water splashing.” Basically, you can pretty much take it everywhere except the bottom of the pool.

BRV-X防水。 实际上,该公司将BRV-X称为“第一款真正的户外扬声器”,因此,即使您不能将其淹没,它也可以承受“降雨,喷水和溅水”的威胁。 基本上,除了池底,您几乎可以将它带到任何地方。

使用它 (Using it)

The BRV-X paired easily with whatever we threw at it including an Apple iPhone 5s, Nexus 7, and Nexus 4. Moving it from device to device proved to be simple and painless. Further, if you have a device with NFC (Near Field Communication), you can simply touch it to the BRV-X and pair it instantly.

BRV-X与我们提供的任何产品(包括Apple iPhone 5s,Nexus 7和Nexus 4)轻松配对,事实证明,将其在设备之间移动非常简单且轻松。 此外,如果您的设备带有NFC(近场通信),则只需将其触摸到BRV-X并立即进行配对即可。


Unscrewing the water-resistant cap reveals a nicely packed set of ports and battery status indicator lights.



The BRV-X has two audio modes – indoor and outdoor. Essentially, indoor gives you a more bassy, rich sound, while outdoor eschews lower frequencies in favor of loudness, so you can hear it over crashing waves, passing cars, and noisy conversations.

BRV-X具有两种音频模式–室内和室外。 本质上,室内给您带来更大的低音和丰富的声音,而室外避开较低的频率而使声音变大,因此您可以在海浪拍打,汽车经过和嘈杂的交谈中听到它。

For devices such as old iPods and laptops that aren’t Bluetooth-equipped, you can plug them into the auxiliary port using the included 3.5 mm stereo connector cable.


The speaker also offers the ability to jack in a USB cable, allowing you to power your tablet or phone so you can dance all night. Or, if you’re in a pinch and need to add some juice to your phone’s dying battery, you can charge it off of the speaker’s 5200 mAh battery.

扬声器还具有插入USB电缆的功能,使您可以为平板电脑或手机供电,以便整夜跳舞。 或者,如果您在紧急情况下需要在电话的快要耗尽的电池中添加一些汁液,则可以使用扬声器的5200 mAh电池为它充电。

Battery life will obviously vary depending on how hard you push the speaker, i.e. how loud you play it and whether you’re charging anything off of it. The company quotes 12+ hours though, and I found that easily obtainable.

电池续航时间显然会有所不同,具体取决于您推动扬声器的力度,即扬声器的响度以及是否对其进行充电。 该公司报价超过12个小时,而我发现这很容易获得。

Bluetooth range as well was excellent. I noticed no interruptions as I moved from room to room with my tablet. You can expect an effective range of about 33 feet, though it’s not like either the speaker or your phone are hard to carry around with you, so range is unlikely to ever be an issue.

蓝牙范围也非常好。 当我带着平板电脑从一个房间移到另一个房间时,我没有发现打扰。 您可以预期大约33英尺的有效范围,尽管不像扬声器或电话很难随身携带,所以范围不可能成为问题。

说到声音 (Speaking of Sound)

So the most important question is of course, how does it sound?


Overall, the BRV-X represents whatever I listen to on it pretty well, especially stuff that caters to the mid-range. There’s some bass, but it lacks the oomph to cause any kind of wall rattling or promote anti-social tendencies. It doesn’t get super loud either, seemingly more content to sound nice rather than drown out the world.

总体而言,BRV-X可以很好地代表我所听的内容,尤其是适合中端人群的东西。 有一些低音,但是它缺乏引起任何墙壁嘶哑或促进反社会倾向的魅力。 它也不会变得很大声,似乎更多的内容听起来不错而不是淹没世界。

It provides clean, rich sound, durability, and convenience. It is ideal for someone living in a dorm, small apartment, or in a small office environment where you might want music in your office without disturbing your boss next door. Best of all, you can quickly pair your BRV-X with another BRV-X for true stereo sound.

它提供干净,丰富的声音,耐用性和便利性。 对于住在宿舍,小公寓或小型办公室环境中的人来说,它是理想的选择,在这种环境中您可能想要在办公室中听音乐而又不会打扰隔壁的老板。 最重要的是,您可以快速将BRV-X与另一个BRV-X配对以获得真正的立体声。

Finally, you can use the BRV-X’s conferencing capabilities. Simply press the “answer-end” button and you have a noise-cancelling speakerphone, which is a step up from my phone’s tinny little speaker.

最后,您可以使用BRV-X的会议功能。 只需按“接听结束”按钮,您就会拥有一个可以消除噪音的免提电话,这比我手机上那小巧的小扬声器要强一些。

从扬声器…到分布式音频 (From Speakers … to Distributed Audio)

While the BRV-X is a cool and powerful little device, it represents a mere tip of the audio iceberg compared to what Braven is doing with their other products.


The company proudly demoed their “Vibe” distributed audio system at this year’s CES, and suffice-to-say, it really packs a lot of versatility and convenience, allowing users to share music across multiple devices and platforms.

该公司在今年的CES上自豪地演示了他们的“ Vibe”分布式音频系统,并且可以说,它确实具有很多通用性和便利性,允许用户在多个设备和平台之间共享音乐。


The Vibe system not only allows you to assign Braven speakers to groups, function as a whole, or function as individuals, you can also add any existing Bluetooth speaker you already own.


Basically, the Vibe system consists of the “Vibe Station”, an all-in-one hub/speaker that connects to your wireless network and Bluetooth-enabled device.

基本上,Vibe系统由“ Vibe Station”组成,这是一个多合一的集线器/扬声器,可连接到您的无线网络和支持蓝牙的设备。


Then you have “Vibe Replay”, which are basically additional speakers (minus the hub) that you can add to your Vibe Station(s) for more sound. Then there’s the “Vibe Link” that connects to your wireless hub and allows you control your existing Bluetooth speaker(s) with it.

然后,您将获得“ Vibe Replay”,基本上是可以将其添加到Vibe Station以获得更多声音的其他扬声器(减去集线器)。 然后是连接到您的无线集线器的“ Vibe Link”,并允许您使用它控制现有的蓝牙扬声器。


Finally, the Braven Vibe App – compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows – gives you pinpoint control over your music and output, allowing you to manage your devices, control various sources, divide speakers into zones or groups, as well as stream different content to any one speaker, zone, or across the whole network.

最后,Braven Vibe应用程序–与iOS,Android和Windows兼容–使您可以精确控制音乐和输出,从而可以管理设备,控制各种音源,将扬声器划分为区域或组,以及流化不同的内容到任何一个扬声器,区域或整个网络。

During the demo, Braven’s technician was able to seamlessly move songs and playlists from zone to zone, playing Madonna on one and Jay-Z on another, or combine zones allowing you to quickly pipe the same song through the whole system. Pretty neat and exciting to be able to have that kind of ultimate control over your listening experience, while not being tied to a desktop or rack unit.

在演示过程中,Braven的技术人员能够无缝地将音乐和播放列表从一个区域移动到另一个区域,一个播放Madonna,另一个播放Jay-Z,或者组合多个区域,使您可以快速将同一首歌曲通过整个系统传输。 能够对您的聆听体验进行最终控制,而又不受台式机或机架设备的束缚,这真是太有趣了。

好的,坏的和判决 (The Good, The Bad, and the Verdict)

In the end, the Braven BRV-X is just a speaker. That said, over the course of the few weeks that I’ve used it, it has proven to be a nice little thing to have around, particularly when watching videos on tablet and laptops, listening to music in rooms other than where my desktop computer sits, and conducting conference calls.

最后,Braven BRV-X只是一个扬声器。 就是说,在我使用它的几个星期中,事实证明这是一件不错的小事,尤其是在平板电脑和笔记本电脑上观看视频,在台式机以外的房间听音乐时坐着,进行电话会议。

But all of this is subjective, so how does it really break down? What about it is good? What is bad? And where do we rule on it?

但是所有这些都是主观的,那么它如何真正分解呢? 那有什么好处呢? 什么不好 我们在哪里统治呢?

善良 (The Good)

  • Built to last and take a beating; water/weather resistant

    坚固耐用并能胜任; 防水/耐候
  • Crisp mid-to-upper range sound quality

  • Two sound modes allow you to switch between indoor and outdoor environments

  • Noise-cancelling speakerphone

  • Long battery life/charging station


坏人 (The Bad)

  • A little light in the bottom; bass lacks punch

    底部有一点光; 低音缺乏冲击
  • Industrial tank-like design may not appeal to the fashion-conscious

  • Pricey, especially for one (1) small Bluetooth speaker


判决 (The Verdict)

The BRV-X, despite its small size and throw-anything-at-it design, is a fairly high-end piece of stereo equipment. With an MSRP of $229.99, it isn’t cheap. So, while you’re not going to mind tossing it in your backpack or cringe if it gets knocked off the picnic table. You will mind if you lose it or it gets stolen (though the same could be said for the $199 Beats Pill).

BRV-X尽管体积小巧,却可以扔掉任何东西,却是相当高端的立体声设备。 厂商建议零售价为229.99美元,这并不便宜。 因此,当您不介意将它扔到背包中时,或者如果它从野餐桌上摔下来,就会感到畏缩。 您会介意如果它丢失了或者被盗了(尽管对于售价199美元的Beats Pill来说也是如此)。

For that price however, you do get a nice, clean, consistent sound (not too bassy) in a tough little, weather-resistant shell that you can take anywhere. Plus, with two sound modes, you’re assured that no matter where you take it, you’ll probably be able to hear it. Add to that 12+ hours of battery life, the ability to charge your other devices, and call conferencing capabilities, and you do see a nice return on your investment.

但是,以这个价格,您可以在坚固,耐候的外壳中获得不错,干净,一致的声音(不要太低音),您可以随身携带。 另外,通过两种声音模式,您可以放心,无论在哪里携带,都可以听到。 再加上12小时以上的电池续航时间,为其他设备充电的能力以及电话会议功能,您的投资回报率确实可观。

The company has stated that the BRV-X will be available around the middle to end of February. More information on Braven and their line of products can be found by visiting their website.

该公司表示,BRV-X将于2月中旬至下旬上市。 有关Braven及其产品系列的更多信息,请访问其网站


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