
Like any newcomer in the gaming world, the Ouya microconsole has a slew of lovestruck fans and an equal (if not greater) number of detractors. What’s the story behind the tiny game platform and is it worth your time and money? Read on as we review the quirky little Android-powered game machine.

像游戏世界中的任何新来者一样, Ouya微控制台拥有大量的痴迷粉丝和数量相等(如果不是更多的话)的tract贬者。 微型游戏平台背后的故事是什么,值得您花费时间和金钱吗? 在我们回顾古怪的小型Android游戏机时,请继续阅读。

Ouya来自哪里? (Where Did The Ouya Come From?)

Before we dive into talking about the Ouya’s capabilities and gaming experience, let’s first take a look at exactly where the little device came from (as it’s impossible to separate the device from the hype and KickStarter campaign that put it on the map). First, the most important thing: how exactly you’re supposed to pronounce the name. According to the company and to the splash screen that pops up when the console starts, it’s pronounced like “Booyah!” without the initial B sound.

在我们深入讨论Ouya的功能和游戏体验之前,让我们首先看一下小设备的确切来源(因为不可能将设备与在地图上进行宣传的KickStarter广告活动区分开)。 首先,最重要的是:您应该如何准确地说出这个名字。 据该公司以及控制台启动时弹出的启动屏幕,其发音类似于“ Booyah!”。 没有最初的B声音。

In summer of 2012, the company behind the Ouya, Boxer8 (which would later be renamed to Ouya, inc.), announced a KickStarter campaign to gauge interest in an Android-based micro game console. The Ouya KickStarter campaign was wildly popular and attracted a new backer every 5 seconds or so for the first 24 hours. The project holds the record for the best performing first-day KickStarter campaign in the history of KickStarter and met its initial funding goal within a mere 8 hours. Clearly there was a lot of interest in the concept of a small, economical, and Android-powered game console.

2012年夏季,Ouya背后的公司Boxer8(后来将其更名为Ouya,inc。)宣布了一项KickStarter广告系列,以衡量对基于Android的微型游戏机的兴趣。 Ouya KickStarter广告活动非常受欢迎,并且在开始的24小时内每5秒左右吸引了新的支持者。 该项目保持了KickStarter历史上表现最好的首日KickStarter广告活动的记录,并在短短8小时内达到了其最初的融资目标。 显然,人们对小型,经济且由Android驱动的游戏机概念产生了浓厚的兴趣。

By December of 2012, units were shipped to console developers, KickStarter backers received their units starting in early March 2013, and by the end of June 2013 retail units were available for purchase. The Ouya is in wide distribution now and you can pick one up for $99.

到2012年12月,这些设备已发货给控制台开发人员,KickStarter的支持者从2013年3月上旬开始收到他们的设备,到2013年6月底,可以购买零售设备。 Ouya现已开始广泛销售,您可以花$ 99买一本。

While it’s not typical to get back history in your average hardware review (Where did the PS4 came from? “It came from Sony, who has been making consoles for twenty years and wants to keep making money” is a pretty obvious and unstated origin story), it’s important to get a sense of public perception of the Ouya and the hype that surrounded it. A lot of initial reviews of the micro console were deeply colored by this and were more about the reviewer’s disappointment in how the Ouya wasn’t what they thought it was, and not a review of what the Ouya actually is. To say intitial reviews were brutal as a result of this disparity between the hype/perceived product and reality/actual product is an understatement to be sure.  Read on as we dig into what exactly the Ouya is, what it can do, and why–if you’re in the market for what it offers–it’s actually a pretty darned good value.

虽然在一般的硬件评测中找回历史记录并不常见(PS4的来源是什么?“它来自索尼,他已经制作了二十年的游戏机,并且想继续赚钱”),这是一个显而易见的事实。 ),重要的是要让公众对Ouya及其周围的炒作有所了解。 微型控制台的许多初始评论都为此深深地涂上了颜色,更多地是关于审稿人对Ouya并不是他们所认为的那样的失望,而不是对Ouya实际是什么的评论。 可以肯定地说,由于炒作/感知产品与现实/实际产品之间的这种差异,最初的评论是残酷的。 在我们深入研究Ouya到底是什么,它能做什么以及为什么时(如果您在市场上以提供Ouya的产品为理由),请继续阅读,这实际上是一个相当不错的价值。

欧雅里面是什么? (What’s Inside The Ouya?)

The Ouya is tiny, a cube-like shape (it’s very slightly taller than it is wide) scarcely 3 inches on a side. Packed into that tiny cube is the Nvidia Tegra 3 system-on-a-chip, which contains 1.7Ghz quadcore ARM Cortex A9 CPU and a Nvidia GeForce ULP GPU, as well as 1GB of RAM shared between the CPU and the GPU.

Ouya很小,一个立方体状的形状(比宽的高度略高),侧面几乎不到3英寸。 Nvidia Tegra 3片上系统封装在该微型立方体中,其中包含1.7Ghz四核ARM Cortex A9 CPU和Nvidia GeForce ULP GPU,以及CPU和GPU之间共享的1GB RAM。

If you’re not used to crunching the numbers on mobile/micro computers and need a frame of reference, the Ouya is slightly more powerful than the popular and critically acclaimed 2012 version of Googles’ Nexus 7 Android tablet and, like the Nexus, runs Android Jellybean.

如果您不习惯在移动/微型计算机上处​​理数字,并且需要一个参考框架,则Ouya的功能要比2012年流行且广受好评的Google Nexus 7 Android平板电脑略强,并且可以像Nexus一样运行Android Jellybean。

There is 8GB of permanent non-upgradable internal memory as well as a USB port which will readily accept external storage such as portable HDDs and flash drives. In addition to the standard USB port, the only other ports on the Ouya are a micro USB port (for tethering the device, if need be, to a computer in the same fashion you would connect a smartphone or tablet), an Ethernet port for hard-wired network access, an HDMI port, and the jack for the power supply.

有8GB的永久性不可升级内部存储器以及一个USB端口,该端口可以轻松接受外部存储,例如便携式HDD和闪存驱动器。 除了标准USB端口外,Ouya上仅有的其他端口是微型USB端口(用于将设备以必要的方式与计算机连接,就像连接智能手机或平板电脑一样),以太网端口有线网络访问,HDMI端口和电源插Kong。

The unit supports both hard-wired network access and Wi-Fi b/g/n. The Ouya has a cooling fan, but the majority of the heat is dissipated passively; unless you flip the unit over and look at the bottom, the cooling vents aren’t visible.

该设备支持有线网络访问和Wi-Fi b / g / n。 Ouya带有冷却风扇,但是大部分热量都是被动消散的。 除非将设备翻转过来并查看底部,否则看不到散热Kong。

When viewed from the front, the only visible button, port, or toggle is the flush-to-the-top power button located in the center of the unit.


In addition to the actual microconsole, each Ouya also ships with one controller (additional controllers are $49 each). Now that we know what we’re getting for our hundred bucks, let’s dig in and take a closer look at elements of the Ouya experience, like the controller, setting it up, locating and playing games, etc.

除了实际的微控制台外,每个Ouya还附带一个控制器(附加控制器每个49美元)。 现在,我们知道我们要得到的一百美元是什么,让我们深入研究一下Ouya体验的元素,例如控制器,设置它,定位和玩游戏等。

控制器如何? (How’s The Controller?)

If the recent hullabaloo about the changes in the next generation Xbox and PlayStation controllers is any indicator of things, gamers take their controllers very seriously. How does the Ouya’s controller stack up against those of more established consoles? Although some justifiable criticism was lobbed at the first version of the controller (released with the developer and KickStarter versions of the console) as a result of sticky buttons and lag in response time, the retail release fixed the sticky button issue and a software update erased the response lag.

如果最近关于下一代Xbox和PlayStation控制器发生变化的激烈争论表明,游戏玩家非常重视他们的控制器。 Ouya的控制器如何与更成熟的控制台相提并论? 尽管由于粘滞按钮和响应时间的滞后,在控制器的第一个版本(随控制台的开发人员版本和KickStarter版本发布)上引起了一些合理的批评,但零售版本修复了粘滞按钮问题,并且删除了软件更新响应滞后。

We’d be lying if we said the Ouya controller was as comfortable in our hands as the 360 controller or the PlayStation DualShock. That said, it’s a far better controller than most give it credit for. With the batteries installed, it has a nice weight, the matte aluminum face plates that hide the battery compartments on each side of the controller are pleasantly cool to the touch, and the buttons are crisp and responsive.

如果我们说Ouya控制器和360控制器或PlayStation DualShock一样舒适,那我们就在撒谎。 也就是说,与大多数人认为的相比,它是一个更好的控制器。 装好电池后,它的重量很轻,隐藏在控制器两侧的电池盒的磨砂铝面板给人以凉爽的触感,并且按钮清晰灵敏。

The analog directional sticks have a rather long travel, which gives you the sense that they’re not responding as quickly as they should, but it’s easy enough to get used to that. Our only real complaint about the controller (and one echoed by officemates and neighbors we had test the unit with us) was that the trigger and bumper buttons on the top of the controller feel really cheap/hollow and lack the firmness found in other controllers.

模拟定向杆的行程相当长,使您感觉到它们的响应速度没有达到应有的快,但是习惯起来很容易。 我们对控制器的唯一真正的抱怨(以及我们与我们一起测试过该单元的办公室同事和邻居的回声)是控制器顶部的扳机和保险杠按钮确实很便宜/空心,并且缺乏其他控制器所具有的坚固性。

In addition to the traditional buttons, directional pad, analog sticks, and triggers/bumpers, the controller also has a touch pad (just like a laptop touch pad) in the center of the controller between the two aluminum face plates. Touch the pad and a little cursor appears on the screen. While there must be some application for this functionality, in all of our testing and tweaking of the unit, the only use we got out of the touch pad was simply testing the touch pad itself to see how it worked. Everything on the Ouya is so heavily oriented towards a controller-based experience the touch pad feels like a strange just-in-case-we-need-it inclusion on the controller.

除了传统的按钮,方向键,模拟摇杆和触发器/保险杠之外,控制器在两个铝面板之间的控制器中央还具有一个触摸板(就像笔记本电脑的触摸板一样)。 触摸键盘,屏幕上会出现一个小光标。 尽管必须为此功能提供一些应用程序,但是在我们对单元的所有测试和调整中,我们离开触摸板的唯一用途是简单地测试触摸板本身以查看其工作方式。 Ouya上的所有内容都非常注重基于控制器的体验,触摸板感觉就像是控制器中奇怪的情况(如果需要)。

If you’re not a fan of the stock controller and/or you want to use controllers you already have that are more comfortable in your hand like your 360 or PlayStation controllers, you can use those instead. Although it’s not officially documented or acknowledged (obviously they want you to buy their controllers), you can use a wide variety of third party controllers; check out which controllers have been confirmed working in this post, Controllers That Work With OUYA, over at the OuyaForum.

如果您不喜欢股票控制器,并且/或者想要使用已经拥有的,像360或PlayStation控制器那样手感更舒适的控制器,则可以改用这些控制器。 尽管没有正式记录或确认(显然他们希望您购买他们的控制器),但是您可以使用各种第三方控制器。 在OuyaForum上查看本帖子《与OUYA一起工作的控制器》中确认已确认哪些控制器正在工作。

Note: Although we didn’t have any problems in our play testing using third party controllers, there are a few games reported to work poorly with third party controllers. Increasingly, game developers are updating their content to support third party controllers, however, so the pool of problematic games is constantly shrinking. Many developers have even taken to layering icon controllers over their game’s store entry and mentioning the controller support in the game’s description to indicate they are third-party controller friendly.

注意:尽管我们在使用第三方控制器进行的游戏测试中没有任何问题,但是据报道,有一些游戏无法与第三方控制器配合使用。 但是,游戏开发人员越来越多地更新其内容以支持第三方控制器,因此,有问题的游戏池在不断缩小。 许多开发人员甚至已经在游戏的商店条目上分层放置了图标控制器,并在游戏说明中提到了控制器支持,以表明它们对第三方控制器友好。

The easiest third party controllers to setup are definitely the wired Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers (with USB charging cables). To use them, you simply have to plug them right into the Ouya’s USB port. Obviously, if you want multiple controller support, you’ll need to use a USB hub to have enough ports to go around.

设置最简单的第三方控制器肯定是有线Xbox 360和PlayStation 3控制器(带有USB充电电缆)。 要使用它们,只需将它们直接插入Ouya的USB端口即可。 显然,如果要支持多个控制器,则需要使用USB集线器来容纳足够的端口。

The second-easiest method (and the way to go if you want third party wireless controllers) is to buy an Xbox 360 USB controller receiver (authentic or eBay knock off, doesn’t seem to matter). When you plug in the receiver, it automatically allocates slots in the system for all four potential controllers it can support.

第二种最简单的方法(如果您要使用第三方无线控制器,该方法也是这样),是购买Xbox 360 USB控制器接收器(真品或eBay出售,似乎无关紧要)。 插入接收器后,它将自动在系统中为其可以支持的所有四个潜在控制器分配插槽。

So while we didn’t find any glaring problem with the stock controller that would merit outright replacing it, we’d much rather pair our existing 360 controllers with the Ouya instead of dropping $150 to purchase 3 more stock Ouya controllers.


初始设置和配置 (Initial Setup and Configuration)

The initial setup of the Ouya is both extremely simple and annoying at the same time. One of the whole themes of the Ouya experience is the idea of reducing the friction between gamers and their consoles, but in this regard there are some pretty basic oversights in the setup process. The most obvious oversight is that the total setup instructs included in the box are limited to a single 4″x4″ sheet that amounts to “plug it in”. There are no instructions, for example, on how to insert the batteries into the controller. This seems like a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but if a company’s stated goal is to create a frictionless gaming experience, then perhaps the user’s first interaction with the system shouldn’t be irritation at having to carefully poke, prod, and gently pry at their game controller to figure out where to put the batteries without breaking anything.

Ouya的初始设置既简单又烦人。 Ouya体验的全部主题之一是减少游戏玩家与游戏机之间的摩擦的想法,但是在这方面,安装过程中存在一些相当基本的疏忽。 最明显的疏忽是,包装盒中包括的总安装说明仅限于一张4“ x4”的纸,相当于“插入”。 例如,没有有关如何将电池插入控制器的说明。 在总体规划中,这似乎是一个小问题,但是如果公司的既定目标是创建无摩擦的游戏体验,那么用户与系统的首次交互可能就不会激怒用户必须仔细戳,刺和轻轻撬动他们的游戏控制器,以找出电池放置在哪里,而不会损坏任何东西。

The battery compartments are located under the face plates, so to access them, you need to gentle pry each side up and away from the buttons/control sticks and then insert the batteries. Again, it’s not the end of the world, but we’ll admit to being annoyed by the whole proposition that we had to explore our new controller like it was some sort of archaeological dig just to get the batteries in.

电池盒位于面板下方,因此要访问它们,您需要向上轻柔地撬起每一侧,使其远离按钮/操纵杆,然后插入电池。 再说一次,这不是世界末日,但我们承认整个提议都使我们感到恼火,因为我们不得不探索我们的新控制器,就像为了获取电池而进行的某种考古挖掘。

Batteries in, it’s time to fire the system up for the first time. Plug everything into the unit: HDMI from the Ouya to the television and network cable (if using a physical network instead of Wi-Fi), then the power cable. Press the power button on top of the Ouya to start it up.

装入电池,是时候首次启动系统了。 将所有东西都插入设备:HDMI(从Ouya到电视和网络电缆)(如果使用物理网络而不是Wi-Fi),然后是电源线。 按下Ouya顶部的电源按钮以启动它。

The first order of business is to pair the controller to the Ouya, and you do so by pressing and holding the small Ouya button located between the directional pad and right thumb stick. After pairing the controller, the Ouya checks for updates; if you’re using an Ethernet connection it will start automatically, and if you’re using Wi-Fi it will prompt you to setup the Wi-Fi.

首先需要将控制器与Ouya配对,然后按住方向盘和右拇指杆之间的Ouya小按钮即可。 配对控制器后,Ouya会检查更新。 如果您使用的是以太网连接,它将自动启动;如果您使用的是Wi-Fi,它将提示您设置Wi-Fi。

Earlier reviewers of the Ouya noted that the Wi-Fi was agonizingly flaky and both the official and third-party Ouya forums were awash with complaints about Wi-Fi problems. We were braced for Wi-Fi that wouldn’t work or required manual configuration, but were pleasantly surprised that the updates had actually fixed the problem: Wi-Fi setup is as simple as picking the available network and supplying the password.

Ouya的早期审核者指出,Wi-Fi令人头疼,而且官方和第三方Ouya论坛都充斥着有关Wi-Fi问题的投诉。 我们为无法正常工作或需要手动配置的Wi-Fi做好了准备,但令人惊讶的是,更新实际上已解决了该问题:Wi-Fi设置就像选择可用的网络并提供密码一样简单。

After the unit updates and restarts (those of you with sharp eyes will notice that for a few brief moments during the rebooting and updating process, the Ouya GUI facade falls away and you see stock Android Jellybean GUI elements), you’ll be prompted to either create an account or sign into an existing one.

单元更新并重新启动后(敏锐的双眼会注意到,在重新引导和更新过程中的一小会儿,Ouya GUI外观会掉落,您会看到库存的Android Jellybean GUI元素),系统将提示您创建一个帐户或登录到现有帐户。

The process of creating an account is completely straight forward, but man do we wish they would let you do it via the Ouya website instead of spending 10 minutes pecking out letters using a game controller. You’ll need to pick a username, enter an email address, and enter and confirm a password. After confirming everything, the next prompt will be to enter a credit card or Ouya gift card as a form of payment.

创建帐户的过程完全是直线前进,但做,我们希望他们将让你通过欧雅网站与其花10分钟啄出使用游戏控制器的信件做。 您需要选择一个用户名,输入一个电子邮件地址,然后输入并确认密码。 确认所有内容后,下一个提示将是输入信用卡或Ouya礼品卡作为付款方式。

Once you’ve completed all these steps (which are simple to complete, albeit by painfully pecking everything out via controller interface), you’ll be kicked into the main Ouya interface:


Now before you get exited and hit “Play”, we’d suggest making a pit stop under the “Manage” menu before anything else. If you look under Manage menu, you’ll find some basic entries like Account, Controllers, Network, Notifications, and System. While you won’t likely have to tinker much with any of these, there’s one setting worth toggling on immediately.

现在,在您退出并点击“播放”之前,我们建议您先在“管理”菜单下进行进站。 如果在“管理”菜单下查看,则会找到一些基本条目,例如“帐户”,“控制器”,“网络”,“通知”和“系统”。 尽管您可能不必对其中的任何一项进行过多修改,但是有一个值得立即切换的设置。

Navigate to Manage -> Account -> Parental Controls. Within the Parental Controls section, you can (and should) set a PIN restriction on purchases.

导航到管理->帐户->家长控制。 在“家长控制”部分中,您可以(并且应该)设置购买的PIN码限制。

Even if you have no kids in the house that you’re worried could buy a bunch of random games, we strongly suggest turning the PIN on (at least for your initial experimentation with the console). The way games prompt you for payment varies widely from game to game, and it’s nice to have more than a button click between you and a purchase you may or may not want to make (more on this issue later in the review).

即使您家中没有孩子担心购买一堆随机游戏,我们还是强烈建议您打开PIN码(至少在您初次尝试使用控制台时)。 游戏提示您付款的方式因游戏而异,并且在您与您可能想要或不希望进行的购买之间单击按钮不只是一件好事(在本评论的后面部分中,更多有关此问题)。

If you do have kids you’d like to shield from objectionable content, you can turn on the content filter in this same menu and select content filtering by the age-based ratings 9+, 12+, and 17+. Although we didn’t come across anything in our play testing we’d consider R-rated, 17+ type stuff, there are a few games that feature PG-13 fare like innuendo-laced jokes and lingering body shots.

如果您确实有孩子想要屏蔽有害内容,则可以在同一菜单中打开内容过滤器,然后根据年龄分级9 +,12 +和17+选择内容过滤。 尽管我们在游戏测试中没有遇到任何问题,但我们会考虑使用R级,17 +类型的游戏,但有些游戏具有PG-13的功能,如影射者般的笑话和挥之不去的身体投篮。

界面体验如何? (How’s The Interface Experience?)

Once upon a time, game systems didn’t have graphic interfaces to speak of: you simply popped the cartridge in, powered the system up, and any GUI to speak of was part of that individual game. The dashboard experience is a big part of modern gaming, however, and on that front the Ouya is a mixed bag.

曾几何时,游戏系统没有图形界面可言:您只需弹出盒带,为系统加电,任何可提及的GUI都是该单独游戏的一部分。 仪表板体验是现代游戏的重要组成部分,但是,在这方面,Ouya是一个混合包。

After first configuring the system during initial boot (picking a username, pairing your controller by holding down the power button in the center of it, etc.), you’re greeted with the dashboard screen above.


The dashboard GUI is clean and easy to navigate. Although Android is running under the surface, and except for digging deep to do custom configuration or other more advanced manipulation of the Ouya, you really never have to stray from the Ouya GUI. You select Play to play games you’ve “discovered” via the Discover panel (seen in the screenshot above).

仪表板GUI干净且易于浏览。 尽管Android在表面上运行,并且除了深入研究以进行Ouya的自定义配置或其他更高级的操作外,您实际上永远不必偏离Ouya GUI。 您选择“玩”以通过“发现”面板(在上面的屏幕快照中看到)玩“发现”的游戏。

The first few tiers of the Discover screen are pretty straight forward: Featured, Trending Now, and individual Genres. After that it gets a little messy with categories like “Rose + Time Dev Sophie Houlden’s Playlist” and “Play Like Bawb” which, honestly, are pretty meaningless categories that seem to have entirely unrelated collections of games in them.

“发现”屏幕的前几层非常简单:“精选”,“现在趋势”和各个类型。 之后,它与“ Rose + Time Dev Sophie Houlden的播放列表”和“ Play Like Bawb”之类的类别有点混乱,说实话,这是毫无意义的类别,似乎其中包含完全不相关的游戏集合。

Other categories make more sense (but only if you know what’s going on with the Ouya development model) like the “Sandbox” and “Escape Artists: New from Sandbox” which, respectively, include brand new games from independent developers and games from independent developers that have been approved for release outside the “sandbox”.


There’s really no indication what any of the less-obviously-named categories are, and even after reading over the Ouya website and blog, they’re still pretty opaque. As a result, the categories beyond trending/genre/etc. feel like they’re trying too hard to be hip and mysterious when they could actually be well-described and useful.

确实没有迹象表明任何不太明显的类别是什么,即使阅读了Ouya网站和博客 ,它们仍然是不透明的。 结果,趋势/类别/等之外的类别。 当他们实际上可以被很好地描述和有用时,觉得他们正在努力变得时髦而神秘。

From any of the categories, you can select an individual game and read more about it like so:


Each entry features the developer’s name, age-based content rating, download size, time of initial upload to the Ouya store or last update, and then a description of the game. Click the download button, as we’ve done in the screenshot above, and the game is downloaded to your console and inserted into the “Play” section of the dashboard. Finding games, even with the quirky sub-categories in the Discover section, isn’t difficult, and downloading them is simple.

每个条目都具有开发者的姓名,基于年龄的内容分级,下载大小,首次上载到Ouya商店或最后一次更新的时间,以及游戏说明。 如上面的屏幕截图所示,单击“下载”按钮,将游戏下载到您的控制台并插入到仪表板的“播放”部分。 即使在“发现”部分中具有奇特的子类别,也并不难找到游戏,并且下载游戏也很简单。

That said, there are a host of valid complaints about the Ouya’s game discovery interface. One of the Ouya’s biggest marketing points is that all the games are free to play. If a developer wants their game in the Ouya store, some portion of the game must be free to play. This could mean the game is free to play with in-app purchases to upgrade equipment, it could mean the game has a free tutorial level to let you experience the game before purchasing it, or any other combination that allows the Ouya console owner to download the game and play it before paying.

也就是说,对于Ouya的游戏发现界面存在许多有效的抱怨。 Ouya最大的营销点之一是所有游戏都是免费玩的。 如果开发人员想要在Ouya商店中玩游戏,则游戏的某些部分必须免费玩。 这可能意味着该游戏可以免费与应用程序内购买一起玩,以升级设备;这可能意味着该游戏具有免费的教程级别,可让您在购买前体验该游戏;或者允许Ouya主机拥有者下载的任何其他组合游戏,并在付款前进行游戏。

In practice that sounds great, but in application it’s a bit frustrating. There is no standard way in the Ouya store for describing which arrangement the developer has decided upon. Some developers, largely in response to how hostile most Ouya owners have been to the current system, have updated their game descriptions to provide clear insight into what the player is getting (e.g. “First four levels are free” or “Game allows for unlimited play, but saving in-game creations requires the $1.99 Pro upgrade”, etc.).

在实践中听起来不错,但在应用程序中却有点令人沮丧。 Ouya商店中没有标准的方法来描述开发人员已决定哪种安排。 一些开发人员在很大程度上回应了大多数Ouya所有者对当前系统的敌意,因此更新了游戏说明,以清楚地了解玩家所获得的东西(例如,“前四个级别是免费的”或“游戏允许无限次玩游戏” ,但保存游戏中的作品需要进行$ 1.99 Pro升级”等)。

The trend of developer disclosure hasn’t really taken off though; at the time of this review there were 30 titles in the “Trending Now” category in the Ouya store and only a single title lists any information about purchase price or what is locked/unlocked when you pay for the content. Within that same Trending Now category, the actual price for all these games, even though it’s not mentioned anywhere, ranges from absolutely free to $14.99.

开发人员公开的趋势并没有真正起飞。 在本次审查的时候有在欧亚卖场的“现在趋势”类别30个冠军,只有一个标题列出了有关购买价格或什么是锁定/当你付出的解锁内容的任何信息。 在同一Trending Now类别中,所有这些游戏的实际价格,即使没有在任何地方提及,都从绝对免费到14.99美元不等。

Ouya’s stance on this is that their goal is to make gaming frictionless and fun: download any game, enjoy it, and if you enjoy it enough, you can pay for it if necessary to unlock all the features. While we understand where they’re coming from, if their goal is to get people to try more games and not skip over a game because it’s a dollar more than they initially feel like paying or such, we still can’t support this approach. Every other electronic game store on the planet from the Xbox Live Arcade to the Google Play store lists the price of the games you’re going to purchase. It’s downright annoying to not find out how much a game costs until you’ve played it for a half hour and suddenly a popup box indicates you’ll need to authorize a $14.99 charge if you want to continue playing.

Ouya对此的立场是,他们的目标是使游戏变得顺畅而有趣:下载任何游戏,尽情享受游戏,如果足够享受,可以在需要时付费以解锁所有功能。 虽然我们了解他们的来历,但如果他们的目标是让人们尝试更多的游戏,而不是跳过游戏,因为这比他们最初想要支付的钱高出一美元,我们仍然不支持这种方法。 从Xbox Live Arcade到Google Play商店,地球上其他所有电子游戏商店都列出了您要购买的游戏的价格。 直到玩了一个半小时才发现游戏的成本是很烦人的,突然之间出现一个弹出框指示您要继续玩游戏需要支付14.99美元的费用。

Speaking of the pop-ups, that’s exactly why we advised you to enable the parental lock PIN earlier in the review. Because there’s no rhyme or reason to how Ouya games bill you, it’s easy to spend money you don’t want to spend. In more than a few games, a “Purchase this game/ammo/extra stuff/etc.” type pop-up box would pop up right in the middle of some button mashing action. With the PIN lock turned on, you get a chance to see what exactly it is the game wants you to buy and how much it costs. Without the PIN lock on, you (or your kids) could easily make a bunch of inadvertent purchases.

说到弹出窗口,这就是为什么我们建议您在审阅的前面启用父母锁定PIN的原因。 因为没有任何押韵或理由说明Ouya游戏如何向您收费,所以您可以轻松花掉不想花的钱。 在多个游戏中,“购买此游戏/弹药/其他东西/等”。 类型弹出框将在某些按钮混搭操作的中间弹出。 启用PIN锁后,您就有机会查看游戏要购买的确切价格以及价格。 如果没有启用PIN锁,您(或您的孩子)可能会轻易进行大量无意的购买。

Such an arrangement might be good for the developers as players feel they’ve sunk time into the game and want to continue, but it doesn’t sit well with us: we should be able to see how much a game costs and decide if we want to take it for a trial knowing we’ll be paying $X amount if we decide to commit to the game. If Ouya changes nothing else about the console, they should change this.

这样的安排对开发人员可能是个好选择,因为玩家会觉得自己已经花了很多时间想继续玩游戏,但这种安排对我们来说并不理想:我们应该能够看到游戏的成本并决定是否想要接受试用,因为如果我们决定投入游戏,我们将支付$ X的费用。 如果Ouya对控制台没有其他更改,则应更改此设置。

In the mean time, there is a frequently updated list, again over at the OuyaForum, of all current game prices. It’s a bit silly that Ouya owners have to consult a third-party user-compiled list to check the game prices, but it gets the job done.

同时,在OuyaForum上有一个经常更新的列表列出所有当前游戏价格。 Ouya所有者必须查阅第三方用户编译的列表来检查游戏价格,这有点愚蠢,但是却可以完成工作。

游戏质量如何? (What About The Game Quality?)

Once you get past discussing and picking apart the actual hardware build, the quality of the controller, and other peripheral discussions, the meat of any game console is what you can actually play on it.


The plethora of critical reviews on the Ouya system range from discussing how fun and quirky the titles on it are to lambasting the tiny console as a terrible competitor in the market that can’t hold a candle to any other modern game console.


Let’s start with the most obvious thing: the Ouya is not and will never be a competitor to the PS4 or Xbox One. Comparing the Ouya to beefy next-gen consoles is disingenuous and unfair. At its most basic, if anyone buys the Ouya because they think they’re sticking it to the man and saving money on a next-gen console without actually having to give money to Sony or Microsoft, they’re going to have a bad time. That’s simply not the build or the mission of the Ouya. 

让我们从最明显的事情开始:Ouya不是,也永远不会成为PS4或Xbox One的竞争对手。 将Ouya与功能强大的下一代游戏机相比,是轻率且不公平的。 最基本的说来,如果有人购买Ouya是因为他们认为自己将Ouya坚持下去并在下一代控制台上省钱,而不必实际将钱捐给Sony或Microsoft,那么他们将会度过一段糟糕的时光。 这根本不是Ouya的构建或使命。

Despite fans of the Ouya system saying that its not just a tablet with extra ports and mobile games on it, that’s essentially exactly what it is. And you know what? That’s OK. There are so many fun mobile titles we’ve played on our Android phones and iPads that we would have loved to pull off the tiny little screen and make a couch-based game around the TV with real controllers. There’s nothing wrong with simple and fun games and, given the staggering number of Wii units that have been sold and only used with party games like Wii Sports and Mario Kart, there is a huge market for games intended to be played casually from your couch with your buddies.

尽管Ouya系统的支持者表示,它不仅是带有额外端口和移动游戏的平板电脑,而且基本上就是它。 你知道吗? 没关系。 还有,我们已经在我们的Android手机和iPad,我们也很想拉断小小的屏幕,并在电视周围基于沙发游戏与实际控制玩过那么多好玩的手机称号。 简单有趣的游戏没有错,而且鉴于售出的Wii装置数量惊人,并且仅与Wii Sports和Mario Kart之类的派对游戏一起使用,因此有很大的游戏市场打算从沙发上随便玩你的朋友。

The current problem with the Ouya’s game selection isn’t, as many contend, that the games are too simple or stupid or just like mobile games. The problem is that currently the Ouya doesn’t have anything even resembling a killer app or must have game. There’s no Halo, Super Smash Bros., even a Wii Sports other gotta-play-it! type game driving Ouya sales. If the question most gamers have is “Well what can I play on it?” then “Ports from other systems and quirky sandbox games!” isn’t really a great answer.

许多人认为,Ouya的游戏选择当前存在的问题并不在于游戏过于简单或愚蠢,甚至不像手机游戏。 问题是,目前,Ouya甚至没有类似于杀手级应用的任何内容,或者必须具有游戏功能。 没有HaloSuper Smash Bros. ,甚至没有Wii Sports的其他游戏! 类型的游戏推动了Ouya的销售。 如果大多数玩家有一个问题是“我可以在上面玩什么?” 然后是“来自其他系统的端口和古怪的沙盒游戏!” 并不是一个很好的答案。

And, in fairness to the Ouya, this isn’t because the Ouya can’t handle games with cinematic content and good graphics. While the guts of the little console are no match for a premium gaming PC, they’re on par with high end Android tablets which can run all sorts of great games that populate the Google Play store. Games like Shadowgun, seen below, look great and play smoothly. The problem is that for every provides-the-modern-graphics-gamers-expect title like that, there are dozens of oddball 1980s-graphics and ported-from-Flash type games.

而且,为了公平起见,这不是因为Ouya无法处理具有电影内容和良好图形的游戏。 虽然小型游戏机的胆量无法与高端游戏PC相提并论,但它们却可以与高端Android平板电脑相提并论,后者可以运行在Google Play商店中流行的各种出色游戏。 下方显示的诸如Shadowgun之类的游戏看起来很棒,而且玩起来流畅。 问题在于,对于每一个提供这种期望的现代图形游戏的标题,都有数十种1980年代的怪异图形和从Flash移植的游戏。

In fact, the gotta-play-it! games on the Ouya are actually emulated hits from other systems. Ouya’s “killer app” isn’t a current release game, it’s the ability, for the first time, to easily play emulated games on Android without jumping through all sorts of hoops to get the Android device to output to your television, pair with third-party controllers, etc.

实际上,一定要玩! Ouya上的游戏实际上是来自其他系统的热门游戏。 Ouya的“杀手级应用”不是当前发行的游戏,这是第一次能够轻松地在Android上玩模拟游戏,而无需跳过各种麻烦就可以将Android设备输出到电视,这是第一次。派控制器等

So far we sound rather critical of the little box, but we’re really just striving to give you an honest picture: the Ouya is not a competitor to next-gen consoles, the Ouya store is filled with games that are, for the most part, simplistic and aren’t going to blow you away with advanced visuals (but, that in fairness, can be pretty fun), and currently there isn’t really a killer title that is drawing people to the Ouya.


Now, that said, we’ve had a lot of fun playing with the Ouya. Since we had no expectation it was going to run circles around the Xbox One (or even the Xbox 360), we didn’t sit down expecting to play Skyrim or Halo 3 or anything even remotely close to those games in terms of production values, graphical quality, or depth. Unlike many of the KickStarter backers and early adopters, we simply didn’t expect the Ouya to be anything but what it appeared to be: a beefy Android tablet rebuilt as a tiny game console. We’ve enjoyed playing the lightweight games that are available (although we haven’t enjoyed the “who knows what we’ll end up paying” setup of the Ouya store), and we’ve definitely enjoyed playing emulated classics.

话虽如此,我们在与Ouya玩的过程中获得了很多乐趣。 由于我们没想到它会在Xbox One(甚至Xbox 360)周围运行,所以我们并没有坐下来期待玩Skyrim或Halo 3或就生产价值而言更接近这些游戏的任何游戏,图形质量或深度。 与许多KickStarter的支持者和早期采用者不同,我们只是不希望Ouya看起来像是什么:将功能强大的Android平板电脑重建为微型游戏机。 我们喜欢玩可用的轻量级游戏(尽管我们不喜欢Ouya商店的“谁知道我们最终要付多少钱”设置),并且我们当然喜欢玩模拟经典游戏。

甜,甜,仿真 (Sweet, Sweet, Emulation)

Playing emulated games can be a huge pain in the ass. Sure, even a business-class computer with a bargain processor can emulate just about any game system prior to 2000, but actually getting everything set up so that you can play your emulated games sitting on your couch as if it were 1985 and that NES console was fresh out of the box is a bit trickier.

玩模拟游戏可能会给您带来极大的痛苦。 当然,即使是具有议价处理器的商务级计算机也可以在2000年前效仿任何游戏系统,但实际上已进行了所有设置,以便您可以像在1985年一样坐在沙发上玩模拟游戏,并且可以使用NES控制台开箱即用,有点棘手。

This is where the Ouya really shines. It’s an Android device with powerful guts, already configured controllers, and HDMI output. The only thing that stands between the sea of Android-based emulators and the Ouya is developer interest (and dozens of emulators have already been ported over or can be sideloaded if they aren’t in the Ouya store yet).

这是Ouya真正的光芒所在。 这是具有强大功能,已配置的控制器和HDMI输出的Android设备。 在基于Android的仿真器和Ouya之间,唯一出现的问题是开发人员的兴趣(而且数十个仿真器已经移植到Ouya商店中,如果尚未在Ouya商店中,则可以侧面加载)。

With absolutely minimal effort, we were able to turn the Ouya into a retro game machine. We actually spent more time looking for a USB drive and ROM files to load onto it than we spent downloading and setting up the emulators on the Ouya.

只需付出最小的努力,我们就可以将Ouya变成复古的游戏机。 实际上,与在Ouya上下载和设置仿真器相比,我们花费更多的时间寻找要加载到其上的USB驱动器和ROM文件。

Although we encourage you to play around with all the emulators to find the features you want, here were our favorite emulators from the Ouya store:


Nintendo 64 – Mupen64+: Although there are emulators for more advanced consoles than the N64, the N64 is about the most advanced console we could reasonable expect the Ouya to emulate without any deal-breaking issues. The Mupen64 emulator was the first one we fired up, actually, because we had no doubt the Ouya could more than handle emulating the NES, but we really wanted to see if it would choke on N64 titles. It handled it like a champ, the only issue we had at all was that, for reasons unclear to us, Mupen64 has a default setting of 250% game speed; once we adjusted it down to 100% game speed, the N64 games played  flawlessly.

Nintendo 64 – Mupen64 +:尽管有比N64更高级控制台的仿真器,但N64是我们可以合理预期Ouya可以模拟的最高级控制台,不会出现任何交易中断问题。 实际上,Mupen64仿真器是我们推出的第一个仿真器,因为毫无疑问,Ouya不仅可以处理NES,而且我们真的很想看看它是否会对N64标题造成阻碍。 它像冠军一样处理,我们唯一遇到的问题是,由于我们不清楚的原因,Mupen64的默认设置为250%游戏速度。 一旦我们将其调整为100%的游戏速度,N64游戏就可以完美播放。

PS 1/PSX – FPse: It’ll run you $2.99 (otherwise an annoying “Buy Now” button constantly blinks in the upper corner and the sound cuts out after the first 30 seconds), but if you’re looking to play PlayStation 1 games on your Ouya its definitely worth the three bucks.

PS 1 / PSX – FPse:价格为$ 2.99美元(否则,烦人的“立即购买”按钮会在上角不断闪烁,并且在开始播放的30秒后声音会消失),但是如果您想玩PlayStation 1, Ouya上的游戏绝对值3美元。

NES – EMUya: Although there is more than one NES emulator in the store, we really loved EMUya for the clean layout and quality emulation. The screenshot above showcases how EMUya automatically scans the local and removable media to find your games. Further, if you’re a hardcore 8-bit enthusiast, EMUya actually has a built in store for indie developers to showcase new NES games.

NES – EMUya:尽管商店中有不止一个NES仿真器,但我们确实很喜欢EMUya的简洁布局和质量仿真。 上面的屏幕截图展示了EMUya如何自动扫描本地和可移动媒体以找到您的游戏。 此外,如果您是8位硬核爱好者,那么EMUya实际上有一个内置商店供独立开发人员展示新的NES游戏。

SNES – SuperGNES: Self-billed as the premier SNES emulator, it’s, well, the premier SNES emulator. If you’ve played around with SNES emulator on any other platforms, you’ve most likely played around with some port of SuperGNES. It makes the jump to the Ouya cleanly; You’ll be playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with zero friction.

SNES – SuperGNES:作为一流的SNES模拟器,它自称是一流的SNES模拟器。 如果您在任何其他平台上都使用过SNES模拟器,那么您很可能已经在SuperGNES的某些端口上进行过游戏。 干净利落地跳到乌亚。 您将演奏零摩擦的《塞尔达传说:通向过去》

Cross-Platform – Nostalgia: Nostalgia isn’t an actual emulator, it’s an emulator organizer. It costs a buck which, if you’re into emulation, is the best buck you’ll spend on the Ouya. The whole purpose of Nostalgia is to organize your ROMS, download metadata (like summaries, cover art, and reviews) and make it easy to browse your ROMS and launch them with the appropriate system.

跨平台–怀旧 :怀旧不是真正的模拟器,而是模拟器的组织者。 它要花一美元,如果您要进行仿真,那将是您花在Ouya上的最佳美元。 Nostalgia的整个目的是组织您的ROMS,下载元数据(例如摘要,封面和评论),并轻松浏览ROMS并使用适当的系统启动它们。

This is only a partial list and only our absolute favorite emulators. If you want to see just how many systems are available on the Ouya, the developers have announced they’ll be on the Ouya, or that can be side-loaded onto the Ouya, check out this frequently updated list maintained by Thomas Reisser over at Day of the Ouya.

这只是部分列表,仅是我们绝对喜欢的模拟器。 如果您想查看Ouya上有多少个系统可用,开发人员已经宣布它们将在Ouya上使用,或者可以侧面加载到Ouya上,请查看Thomas Reisser维护的此经常更新的列表 ,网址为:乌亚的一天。

With the sheer number of emulators and support apps, its pretty hard to argue that emulation isn’t Ouya’s killer app.


我还能用它做什么? (What Else Can I Do With It?)

Other than playing lightweight mobile-type games and emulating older games, what’s left? Media playback. A tiny but powerful Android device hooked to your main television/media center begs for media playback. Among the available media playback apps are: Plex, VLC, Flixster, TwitchTV, and TuneIn radio.

除了玩轻量级的移动游戏和模仿较旧的游戏外,还剩下什么? 媒体播放。 挂接到您的主要电视/媒体中心的微型但功能强大的Android设备要求进行媒体播放。 可用的媒体播放应用程序包括:Plex,VLC,Flixster,TwitchTV和TuneIn广播。

The real (and free!) gem, however, is XBMC. In mid-August 2013, a release of XBMC tweaked for the Ouya appeared in the Ouya marketplace. Previously, you could get XBMC running on the Ouya, but it was a messy, headache-inducing process. Now you can just one-click install it and point it at a network source or an attached HDD and start watching HD movies and content. We’re huge XBMC fans and we stress tested the crap out of the Ouya-optimized XBMC build. The controller-based navigation is fantastic and the HD video playback is flawless. We threw every type of HD video source we had on hand at it and it played everything without so much as a single frame stutter.

但是,真正的(也是免费的!)宝石是XBMC。 在2013年8月中旬,针对Ouya进行了调整的XBMC版本在Ouya市场上出现。 以前,您可以在Ouya上运行XBMC,但这是一个混乱且令人头疼的过程。 现在,您只需单击即可安装它,并将其指向网络源或连接的HDD,然后开始观看高清电影和内容。 我们是巨大的 XBMC球迷和我们的压力测试的屁滚尿流欧雅优化XBMC构建。 基于控制器的导航非常棒,高清视频播放也无懈可击。 我们投入了手头上的每种类型的高清视频源,它播放所有内容时都不会出现单帧卡顿现象。

We’ve installed XBMC on everything from laptops to iPads to Rasberry Pi units and everything in between, and installing it on the Ouya was, hands down, the easiest installation we’ve ever performed.
我们已经在从笔记本电脑到iPad到Rasberry Pi设备以及介于两者之间的所有设备上安装了XBMC,并且将它安装在Ouya上是最轻松的安装。

好的,坏的和判决 (The Good, The Bad, and The Verdict)

We’ve been playing with the Ouya daily for a couple weeks now, we’ve taken a crack at most of the games available for the system ranging from high-quality-for-Android productions to was-this-made-with-MS-Paint? monstrosities. We’ve used the apps, we’ve tested XBMC, and overall we have to say it has been a positive experience. Friends have had fun messing around with it, most of the mobile-to-HDTV transfers have been a big hit with the kids we’ve sat down in front of it, and the video playback features are fantastic.

我们已经每天与Ouya玩了几周了,我们已经尝试了该系统上可用的大多数游戏,从高质量的Android产品到用MS制作的游戏-涂料? 怪兽。 我们已经使用过这些应用程序,我们已经测试过XBMC,总体而言,我们不得不说这是一种积极的体验。 朋友们玩得很开心,大多数移动到HDTV的转播对于坐在我们面前的孩子们来说是一个巨大的成功,而且视频播放功能也很棒。

Let’s unpack that experience into neat lists for your easy assessment.


The Good:


  • At $99 it’s a steal for what you can do with it. 

    只需$ 99美元,您就可以使用它来做什么。

  • It’s easy to add extra third-party controllers.

  • It’s quiet.

  • The controller, while not perfect, has nice hand feel and is a solid first-effort by Ouya.

  • It’s a fantastic platform for emulating retro games.

  • XBMC works flawlessly on it; no setup required other than adding media sources.

    XBMC可以完美地工作。 除了添加媒体源外,无需其他任何设置。
  • You can sideload apps without rooting or other headaches.


The Bad:


  • It doesn’t have a true killer app.


  • The best games on the system are currently retro games loaded via emulator, which isn’t much of a sustainable business model.

  • If more established development houses don’t start porting their games or developing directly for the Ouya, we’ll all be stuck with quirky/odd Ouya-only games; this is a model that will likely prove unacceptable to most consumers.

    如果更多知名的开发公司没有开始移植他们的游戏或直接为Ouya开发,我们都会被怪异/奇特的Ouya游戏所困扰; 这是一种可能被大多数消费者接受的模型。
  • If you don’t have extra controllers from other game consoles, an extra $150 to purchase three more Ouya controllers is a deterrent.

  • The hidden pricing system in the Ouya store puts a lot of people off and runs counter to every other game app store out there.

  • You’re walled off from the Google Play store (it can be installed on the Ouya, but it’s a huge and complicated pain to do so) and your existing Google Play purchases and apps can’t be imported to the Ouya store.

    您将无法进入Google Play商店(可以将其安装在Ouya上,但这是一个巨大而复杂的痛苦),并且您现有的Google Play购买和应用无法导入到Ouya商店中。

The Verdict: If you’re in this for a cutting edge game console, you’re going to have a real bad time. If you’re in this for a lightweight game console that brings the experience of playing Android/mobile games to your living room, provides a stable platform for game emulation, and serves as a more-than-powerful enough media center to run XBMC with flawless HD video playback, the Ouya is a absolute steal at $99.

结论:如果您正在寻找最先进的游戏机,那将是一段非常糟糕的时光。 如果您想要的是一款轻巧的游戏机,可以将玩Android /手机游戏的体验带到您的客厅,为游戏仿真提供一个稳定的平台,并且可以作为功能强大的媒体中心来运行XBMC,完美无瑕的高清视频播放,Ouya绝对物超所值,只需99美元。


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