


Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, or MOBAs, refer to a very specific subset of top-down, team-based strategy titles. Despite humble beginnings as a modded offshoot of real-time strategy games, these titles have exploded into the forefront of PC gaming, gaining tens of millions of players and a spot at the top of the eSports (blech*) world.

多人在线竞技竞技场(MOBA)指的是自上而下,基于团队的战略头衔的非常具体的子集。 尽管起步较慢,只是实时战略游戏的衍生分支,但这些游戏已跃升至PC游戏的最前沿,赢得了数千万玩家,并在电子竞技(blech *)世界中名列前茅。

他们很容易学习... (They’re Easy to Learn…)

MOBA battlefields are top-down and mouse driven, like strategy games, but players control only one unit at a time.

MOBAs got started as an offshoot of real-time strategy games. In fact, they emerged from one game in particular: Warcraft III. A user-made mod of Blizzard’s popular RTS called Defense of the Ancients, or DOTA, focused on multiple players with teams controlling single, powerful units instead of vast, complex armies. The mode proved incredibly popular, as its fast-paced fights enabled a more dynamic and competitive game, while still keeping the large scale and basic mechanics of the top-down formula.

MOBA是作为实时策略游戏的分支而开始的。 实际上,它们特别来自一种游戏:《 魔兽争霸III》 。 暴雪广受欢迎的RTS的用户制作的模组,称为古代防御( DOTA) ,专注于多个玩家,他们的团队控制着一个强大的单位,而不是庞大而复杂的军队。 这种模式非常受欢迎,因为它的快节奏战斗使游戏更具活力和竞争性,同时仍保持了自上而下的公式的大规模和基本机制。

More contemporary MOBAs, especially Riot’s League of Legends, Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm, and Defense of the Ancients 2 (DOTA 2, developed by Valve after the company bought the IP rights to the original game mod), expand on this formula while keeping the basic gameplay pattern the same. On two teams of five players each, every player controls just one unit, moving across the map and attacking enemies and objectives with point-and-click controls. The core objective is to destroy the enemy’s base structure, but that’s easier said than done: before reaching it they’ll have to get through the “hero” units controlled by the enemy team, a large network of defensive structures, and AI-controlled units generally referred to as “minions” or “creeps.”

更现代的MOBA,尤其是Riot的英雄 联盟 ,暴雪的风暴英雄远古防御2 ( DOTA 2 ,由Valve在公司购买了原始游戏mod的IP权利后开发),在保持这一规则的同时扩展了此公式基本的游戏模式相同。 在由五名玩家组成的两支球队中,每位玩家仅控制一个单位,在地图上移动并通过点击控制攻击敌人和目标。 核心目标是摧毁敌人的基础结构,但是说起来容易做起来难:做不到这一点:他们必须经过敌方团队控制的“英雄”部队,庞大的防御结构网络以及受AI控制的结构单位通常称为“小兵”或“爬行”单位。

Coordinate with your teammates, outmaneuver you opponents, and destroy the other team’s base before they destroy yours. Simple.

与您的队友进行协调,击败对手,并摧毁另一支球队的基地,然后再摧毁您的基地。 简单。

…而且很难掌握 (…and Hard to Master)

Except they aren’t simple at all, at least once you get past the tutorial stage. MOBA games include so many extra elements, so much variety crammed onto a single stage, that they arguably require more strategy than the classic real-time strategy games (at least at higher levels of play). Here’s a few of the things that make them much deeper than they appear on the surface.

除非它们一点都不简单,至少在您完成教程阶段之后。 MOBA游戏包含太多额外的元素,太多的变化挤在一个舞台上,因此可以说它们比经典的实时策略游戏(至少在更高的游戏水平)需要更多的策略。 这是使它们比表面上显示的深度更深的一些原因。

A wide variety of hero choices: while the individual units that players control tend to fall into broad classes like assault, defense, tank, and healer, the sheer variety of choices is staggering. At the time of writing, there are 138 different heroes to choose from in League of Legends. Picking the best hero unit for your play style, and choosing those that complement your teammates and counter your opponents, opens up strategy even before the game begins.

各种各样的英雄选择 :尽管玩家控制的单个单位往往属于攻击,防御,坦克和治疗师等大类,但种类繁多的选择却令人agger舌。 在撰写本文时,《英雄联盟》中有138个不同的英雄可供选择 选择最适合您的比赛风格的英雄单位,然后选择可以与队友相辅相成并与对手对抗的英雄单位,甚至可以在比赛开始之前就制定出策略。

MOBA maps are complex, with multiple lanes of combat and secondary objectives.

Complex maps: most MOBA maps begin with a basic layout. Teams on opposite sides or corners with their base buildings on the opposite ends, with three primary paths or “lanes” connecting them. Though players can easily move between these three lanes, most of the combat and objectives will occur there, because all of the objectives in the midgame are pretty close to one of them. Being able to identify the crucial spots to defend and hold is vital. But here’s the thing: the objectives are different on every map, and sometimes in every game of every map. Some MOBA maps include areas where players can hide in stealth, or “mounts” that let them abandon attack and defense for swift movement. Some have shops where in-game currency earned from play can be traded for upgrades. Knowing the intricacies of each map, and how they evolve as a typical game progresses, can be just as advantageous as twitchy skill.

复杂地图 :大多数MOBA地图都以基本布局开头。 团队位于相对的一侧或对角,其基础建筑物位于相对的两端,并通过三个主要路径或“车道”将它们连接起来。 尽管玩家可以轻松地在这三个车道之间移动,但大多数战斗和目标都将在此处进行,因为游戏中的所有目标都非常接近其中之一。 能够确定捍卫和控制的关键地点至关重要。 但这就是问题:每个地图上的目标都不同,有时在每个地图的每个游戏中都不同。 一些MOBA地图包括玩家可以隐藏的区域,也就是“坐骑”,可以让他们放弃进攻和防御以进行快速移动。 有些商店可以将通过游戏获得的游戏货币兑换成升级品。 知道每个地图的复杂性,以及它们如何随着典型游戏的进行而发展,与抽动技能一样有利。

In-game leveling and branching: player-controlled hero units gain levels as they defeat opponents, just like RPG characters. But these levels aren’t permanent. Each hero in each match starts at a base level and climbs up, with progress more or less lost at the end of the game. The advantage is in unlocking new skills and abilities, making the players that can quickly accomplish goals even more deadly. Leveling isn’t a passive act, either, since branching choices allow players to customize their abilities and advantages even for a single hero.

游戏中的练级和分支 :玩家控制的英雄单位在击败对手时会获得等级,就像RPG角色一样。 但是这些级别不是永久的。 每场比赛中的每个英雄都从基础级别开始并爬上去,在游戏结束时进度或多或少地消失了。 优势在于释放了新的技能和能力,使能够快速实现目标的玩家更加致命。 练级也不是消极的举动,因为分支选择使玩家甚至可以为一个英雄定制自己的能力和优势。

Players can team up to defeat neutral high-level minions, then unleash them on the enemy.

Mid-game objectives: in any given MOBA match, which generally takes between 20 to 40 minutes, the fictional “host” will periodically activate time-based objectives that players can defeat or capture to gain a temporary advantage. These boosts can be a huge boon to either team, particularly if one of them is losing: a clutch capture can turn the tide. At a lower level you can defeat and unlock optional “heavy” minion units to boost your own team’s minion forces.

游戏中目标 :在任何给定的MOBA比赛中,通常需要20到40分钟,虚构的“主持人”会定期激活基于时间的目标,玩家可以打败或抓住这些目标以获得暂时的优势。 这些提振对任何一支球队来说都是巨大的福音,尤其是如果其中一支正在输球:抓住对手可以扭转局面。 在较低级别,您可以击败并解锁可选的“重型”小兵单位,以增强自己团队的小兵力量。

英雄多样性令人震惊 (Hero Variety Is Staggering)

As I mentioned above, there are an amazing amount of heroes to choose from in each MOBA game. Odds are good that wherever your specific multiplayer skills lay, you can find some character that complements them. Some games feature not-quite-copies of characters from other MOBA titles—for example, both LOL and DOTA 2 have characters based on Sun Wukong from the Chinese classical epic Journey to the West. Just picking from the big three MOBA games, at the time of writing:

如上所述,每个MOBA游戏中都有大量英雄供您选择。 奇怪的是,无论您的特定多人游戏技能在哪里,您都可以找到一些可以补充他们的角色。 某些游戏具有其他MOBA标题中的角色副本,例如LOLDOTA 2都具有基于中国经典史诗般的《西游记》中的孙悟空的角色 在撰写本文时,仅从三大MOBA游戏中挑选:

  • League of Legends has 138 different original heroes, featuring everything from Tolkien-style elves to aliens to tiny fuzzy Ewok-like creatures to actual gods.


  • DOTA 2 features 113 heroes loosely based on (but legally distinct from) the characters and races from Blizzard’s Warcraft series, as well as more original and generic fantasy heroes.

    DOTA 2拥有113位英雄(基于法律上与暴雪的《 魔兽争霸》系列不同),但又有更多原始的和通用的幻想英雄(但在法律上与众不同)。

  • Heroes of the Storm contains 73 heroes, each of which is an in-universe character from Blizzard’s popular franchises, Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. 

    风暴英雄包含73位英雄,每位英雄都是暴雪广受欢迎的专营权, 魔兽争霸,星际争霸,暗黑破坏神守望先锋中的角色

All three games are still releasing entirely new heroes on a regular basis, quickly putting even the extensive rosters of crossover fighting games to shame. Granted, not all characters are available at all times, and most players buy only the ones they’re fond of or particularly skilled at using.

所有这三款游戏仍会定期发布全新的英雄,甚至Swift使跨界格斗游戏的庞大名册都蒙羞。 当然,并非所有角色都始终可用,并且大多数玩家只购买他们喜欢或特别熟练的角色。

他们极具竞争力 (They’re Incredibly Competitive)

Back in the 90s and early 2000s, there was a much more restricted selection of online multiplayer PC games. They were broadly broken up into RPGs, shooters, and strategy titles. The original DOTA attempted to make strategy games faster, shorter, and more unpredictable, creating an advantage for actual teamwork and strategy instead of pure number-crunching actions per minute gameplay.

早在90年代和2000年代初,在线多人PC游戏的选择受到更多限制。 他们大致分为角色扮演游戏,射击游戏和策略头衔。 最初的DOTA试图使战略游戏更快,更短,更不可预测,从而为实际的团队合作和战略创造了优势,而不是每分钟游戏过程中进行纯粹的数字运算。

It succeeded. Don’t get me wrong, the old (and now almost entirely replaced) army-based strategy games could foster vicious online competition at times. But throw ten players into a frantic, confusing, and highly volatile competition, and you have a recipe for a much more exciting game based on its very nature. It’s hard to describe unless you’ve played it—in fact, it’s hard to even know what the hell is going on if you’re watching a MOBA game that you haven’t played pretty extensively—but there’s an innate sense of urgency to the genre.

成功了。 不要误会我的意思,基于军队的旧式策略游戏有时会助长恶性的在线竞争。 但是,将十名玩家投入到一个疯狂,混乱且高度不稳定的竞争中,您就可以根据其性质来制定一款更加令人兴奋的游戏。 除非您玩过游戏,否则很难描述它-实际上,如果您正在观看尚未广泛玩过的MOBA游戏,甚至很难知道到底是怎么回事-但是存在天生的紧迫感流派。

A lot of that is down to the mid-game objectives, mentioned above. Even if your team is getting its derriere drop-kicked, a coordinated strike to secure a few powerful neutral minions or a timed advantage can turn the tide of battle quickly. Until the enemy is bearing down on your Nexus/Ancient/Whatever, it still feels like anything is possible.

这很大程度上取决于上面提到的游戏中期目标。 即使您的团队陷入困境,通过协调一致的罢工来确保一些强大的中立小兵或定时优势也可以Swift扭转战斗的潮流。 直到敌人对您的Nexus / Ancient / Whatever施加压力之前,仍然感觉一切皆有可能。

Pro MOBA tournaments draw audiences of thousands and reward winners with huge cash prizes.
Pro MOBA锦标赛吸引了成千上万的观众,并为获奖者提供了丰厚的现金奖励。

This intense competition has made MOBA games one of the standout genres of eSports, with titles represented in some of the biggest tournaments (with the biggest prize pools) in the world. Professional teams from dozens of different countries compete in stadium-sized venues with tens of thousands of spectators in person and even more watching streams online. Along with first-person shooters and one-on-one fighting games, MOBAs are becoming some of the most visible games in the world, with the biggest fanbase and most dramatic longevity.

激烈的竞争使MOBA游戏成为电子竞技领域的佼佼者,其头衔曾出现在世界上一些最大的锦标赛(奖池最大)中。 来自数十个不同国家的专业团队在体育场大小的场地进行比赛,现场有成千上万的观众当场观看,甚至还有更多观众在线观看比赛。 除第一人称射击游戏和一对一格斗游戏外,MOBA成为世界上最知名的游戏,拥有最大的粉丝群和最引人注目的寿命。

The flipside is that MOBAs are also some of the most contentious games even in casual play. Players are often incredibly vicious to one another, even and especially to teammates who are seen as not pulling their weight. Racism, sexism, and general jackassery are rampant in online matches, despite developers’ continuing efforts to clamp down on unsportsmanlike behavior. This culture of toxicity can discourage new players and make less naturally combative players feel burnt out, especially in ranked matches. Newcomers, or those who just don’t want to deal with players who don’t know how to mind their manners, are encouraged to make liberal use of the social block and mute functions.

不利的一面是,即使在休闲游戏中,MOBA也是最有争议的游戏。 玩家之间常常会彼此恶心,甚至对被认为没有减轻体重的队友尤其如此。 尽管开发人员一直在努力遏制不喜欢运动的行为,但种族歧视,性别歧视和一般粗俗行为在网上比赛中十分猖ramp。 这种有毒的文化会使新球员不愿打气,并使不那么自然的好斗球员感到倦怠,特别是在排名较高的比赛中。 鼓励新来者或那些不想与不懂得礼貌的玩家打交道的人,自由使用社交功能和静音功能。

他们是免费的 (They’re Free)

Okay, so this is pretty obvious, but it’s still worth pointing out. The three biggest names in PC MOBA games, League of Legends, DOTA 2, and Heroes of the Storm, all use a similar free-to-play model. Players can download these massive, complex games for free and play as much as they want without paying a dime.

好的,这很明显,但是仍然值得指出。 PC MOBA游戏中的三个大人物, 英雄 联盟,DOTA 2风暴英雄,都使用类似的免费模型。 玩家可以免费下载这些庞大而复杂的游戏,并且无需支付一毛钱即可随意玩游戏。

Of course there’s a hook. MOBA games generally rely on a rolling selection of heroes, offering only a tiny portion of the vast roster for unlimited play on a rotation. Players who want to choose from the unavailable heroes must play games to earn currency (a lot of currency) and unlock them. Due to the huge, ever-growing nature of the rosters, free players will generally never accumulate every hero, but the rolling accessibility grants them the ability to try all of them eventually and save up for the ones they find appealing.

当然有一个钩子。 MOBA游戏通常依赖于滚动选择的英雄 ,仅提供庞大名单中的一小部分即可无限轮播。 想要从不可用的英雄中进行选择的玩家必须玩游戏才能赚取货币(很多货币)并解锁。 由于花名册的庞大且不断增长的性质,自由球员通常不会累积所有英雄,但是滚动的可访问性使他们最终有能力尝试所有英雄并为他们发现的吸引力积蓄。

Cosmetic unlocks, including skins, voice lines, banners, customized “mounts” like horses, griffons, and flying carpets, are also a big hook. Skins are generally the most desirable, ranging from subtle re-colors for a small amount of in-game currency to overhauls of the entire character with totally new 3D models, visual effects, and associated sounds.

化妆品的开锁,包括皮肤,语音线,横幅,定制的“坐骑”(如马,狮riff和飞毯),也是一个大钩子。 皮肤通常是最理想的,从少量的游戏内货币的微妙重新着色到使用全新的3D模型,视觉效果和相关声音对整个角色进行大修。

Kerrigan, one of Blizzard’s most iconic villains, gets a Bride of Frankenstein skin for Halloween.

Naturally, players without the patience or the time to earn these rewards in-game via randomized drops or currency accumulation can spend money to unlock them directly. That’s a staple of free-to-play games everywhere. But it’s worth noting that since all of these unlocks are cosmetic, there’s no in-game advantage to buying them. It follows that aside from a wider selection of heroes, someone who’s been playing a MOBA for years has no functional advantage over someone who installed it yesterday.

自然,没有耐心或没有时间通过​​随机掉落或货币积累在游戏中获得这些奖励的玩家可以花钱直接解锁。 这是到处都是免费游戏的主要内容。 但值得注意的是,由于所有这些解锁都是装饰性的,因此购买它们并没有游戏优势。 随之而来的是,除了更多的英雄选择,玩MOBA多年的人比昨天安装MOBA的人没有任何功能上的优势。

他们在任何事情上奔跑 (They Run on Anything)

You can run a MOBA on almost any computer imaginable. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration—you can’t load up Heroes of the Storm on an Apple Mac II. But generally speaking, MOBA games can be played even on very low-powered systems thanks to a relatively low requirement for system resources. Though all of the major MOBAs use 3D polygonal graphics, the models and effects are relatively simple, and can be lowered even more to suit budget laptops with integrated graphics. All you really need to play a MOBA game is a PC or Mac made in the last five or six years, and a decent Internet connection—you don’t need an expensive gaming PC, which means the appeal for these games is pretty darn broad.

您可以在几乎所有可以想象的计算机上运行MOBA。 好的,也许这有点夸张-您无法在Apple Mac II上加载《风暴英雄》。 但是一般来说,由于对系统资源的需求相对较低,因此即使在功率很低的系统上也可以玩MOBA游戏。 尽管所有主要的MOBA都使用3D多边形图形,但是模型和效果相对简单,可以降低更多的尺寸,以适合带有集成图形的预算笔记本电脑。 玩MOBA游戏,您真正需要的只是过去五到六年制造的PC或Mac,以及良好的Internet连接-您不需要昂贵的游戏PC,这意味着这些游戏的吸引力非常大。

Oh, though you’ll also need a bit of self-control. If you get hooked—and you very well might—you’ll need some restraint to keep from grinding to get those epic hero skins.

哦,尽管您还需要一些自我控制。 如果您被迷住了-可能很好-您将需要保持一定的克制,以免磨破那些史诗般的英雄皮。

*I hate the term “eSports.” Video games aren’t sports, “e” or otherwise. But it looks like I’m going to die on this hill. 

*我讨厌“电子竞技”一词。 电子游戏不是体育运动,也不是“ e”运动。 但是看来我要在这座山上死了。

Image source: League of Legends

图片来源: 英雄联盟



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