
If you’re lucky enough to have a modern Chromebook that can run Android apps, you should definitely be taking advantage of this awesome new feature. And if you’re in the market for a new Chromebook, make sure you get one that can run Android apps out of the box. Here are the apps that make it worthwhile.

如果您很幸运地拥有可以运行Android应用程序的现代Chromebook,那么您肯定应该利用这一令人敬畏的新功能。 而且,如果您正在寻找新的Chromebook,请确保您可以立即使用可以运行Android应用程序的Chromebook。 这是值得一试的应用程序。

Chromebook上Android应用的状态 (The State of Android Apps on Chromebooks)

Android apps have been available on specific Chromebooks for about a year now. While Google initially anticipated a full rollout by this time, it has proven to be more of a challenge than they originally thought. As a result, Android app availability on Chromebooks has been much slower than originally planned. There are still only a handful of Chromebooks out there than have access to the Play Store, with many more still in the works.

Android应用已在特定的Chromebook上使用了大约一年。 尽管Google最初预计到此时将全面推出,但事实证明,这比他们最初想象的要困难得多 。 结果,Chromebook上的Android应用程序的可用性比最初计划的要慢得多。 目前, 只有少数的Chromebook可以访问Play商店, 仍在进行中。

When I first went hands on with Android apps (on the ASUS Flip C100, the first Android device to get access to the Play Store) it was a buggy, mostly unstable experience that ultimately did show a lot of potential. Over the last year it has gotten much better, with the majority of apps—especially ones that are constantly updated—offering a very stable, usable experience.

当我第一次动手使用Android应用程序 (在ASUS Flip C100上,这是第一个可以访问Play商店的Android设备)时,它是一个越野车,大部分都是不稳定的体验,最终确实显示出了很大的潜力。 在过去的一年中,它变得越来越好,大多数应用程序(尤其是不断更新的应用程序)提供了非常稳定,可用的体验。

Since the first test piece, I’ve upgraded my Chromebook to the ASUS Flip C302, which uses an intel Core m3 processor. It’s a great machine, but take note: Intel chips don’t provide as good of an experience as ARM processors do when it comes to Android apps right now. I haven’t had very many issues with mine, but I’d be remiss to not mention it as a potential issue.

从第一个测试件开始,我已经将Chromebook升级到了使用Intel Core m3处理器的ASUS Flip C302 。 这是一台很棒的机器,但请注意:就安卓应用而言,英特尔芯片所提供的体验还不如ARM处理器好。 我的问题还不是很多,但是我很遗憾没有提到它是一个潜在的问题。

Either way, that may be a tradeoff you’re willing to deal with (as I am) since Intel processors typically have much better performance than ARM chips. And like I said, I haven’t noticed a huge hit in my day to day Android app usage, save for a few games here and there which don’t perform all that well.

无论哪种方式,这都是我愿意处理的折衷方案,因为英特尔处理器的性能通常比ARM芯片好得多。 就像我说的那样,在日常使用Android应用程序的过程中,我没有注意到有什么大的打击,除了一些在这里和那里表现不佳的游戏。

All in all, I’d say Google is making decent progress with Android apps on the devices they currently work on, though I also understand that the delays in rolling the feature out to more Chromebooks is frustrating to many users, especially ones who purchased a Chromebook with the expectation of being able to access the Play Store before now.


Android应用程序与Chrome应用程序 (Android Apps vs. Chrome Apps)

This is really what we’re here to talk about: the Android apps that you should at least check out on your Chromebook. Some of these apps work better (or at least as well) as their Chrome counterparts, while others are in a class all their own without a legitimate “competitor” in the Chrome Web Store.

这确实是我们在这里谈论的话题:至少应在Chromebook上签出的Android应用。 其中一些应用程序的性能比Chrome同类产品更好(或至少也是如此),而其他一些则完全属于同类,而在Chrome网上应用店中没有合法的“竞争对手”。

And while we’re on this subject, I have a theory that I want to share on why many Android apps work better than their Chrome equivalents. Essentially, Android apps are built for slower processors and oftentimes limited RAM environments. As a result, they’re far more resource aware, and generally make the best on much more limited hardware than Chrome does. Because most Chrome apps aren’t necessarily designed with Chromebooks in mind, but rather Chrome Desktop, they can be a bit more resource needy. As a result, they can easily bog down Chromebooks, since most don’t have the resources that are available on the majority of desktop machines.

在讨论这个主题时,我有一个理论要与大家分享为什么许多Android应用程序的性能优于同等的Chrome。 从本质上讲,Android应用程序是为较慢的处理器和通常有限的RAM环境而构建的。 因此,它们对资源的了解要多得多,并且与Chrome相比,它们在有限得多的硬件上通常能发挥最佳性能。 由于大多数Chrome应用程序不一定在设计时就考虑到Chromebook,而是Chrome桌面,因此它们可能需要更多的资源。 因此,由于大多数台式机都没有可用的资源,因此它们很容易使Chromebook停滞不前。

But that’s just a theory. I think it’s pretty sound.

但这只是一个理论。 我认为这很不错。

Anyway, let’s talk about some apps.


生产率 (Productivity)

When it comes to getting things done, there are a lot of people out there who think you can’t work from a Chromebook. I beg to differ, especially when Android apps are thrown into the mix. There are a lot of really useful tools on the Play Store, and many of them work very well on Chromebooks. Here’s a quick look at some you should at least consider giving a shot.

在完成工作时,很多人认为您无法使用Chromebook进行工作。 我希望有所不同,尤其是当Android应用程序加入其中时。 Play商店中有很多非常有用的工具,其中许多工具在Chromebook上都能很好地工作。 快速浏览一下您至少应该考虑尝试的一些功能。

  • Gmail/Inbox: Regardless of whether you’re a Gmail or Inbox user, both of these Android apps run faster and smoother than their Chrome counterparts on Chromebooks.

    Gmail / 收件箱 :无论您是Gmail还是收件箱用户,这两个Android应用程序的运行速度都比Chromebook上的Chrome浏览器更快,更流畅。

  • Keep: If you use Google Keep for lists and whatnot, the Android app works great on Chromebooks.

    Keep如果您将Google Keep用于列表,而没有其他功能,则Android应用程序可以在Chromebook上很好地工作。

  • Microsoft Office: There aren’t official Word, Excel, or Powerpoint apps for Chrome, so the Android apps can be a godsend for anyone who needs these sort of applications. They’re excellent on Chromebooks.

    Microsoft Office:没有适用于Chrome的官方WordExcelPowerpoint应用程序,因此Android应用程序对于需要此类应用程序的任何人来说都是天赐之物。 它们在Chromebook上非常出色。

  • Google Calendar: Google Calendar on the web hasn’t been updated in quite some time, so it really looks dated compared to other Google apps. The Android app is much cleaner, and I find that I prefer it to the Chrome app for almost all tasks.

    Google日历 :网络上的Google日历在相当一段时间内尚未更新,因此与其他Google应用相比,它看起来确实过时了。 Android应用程序要干净得多,几乎所有任务我都比Chrome应用程序更喜欢。

  • Trello: If you use Trello for any reason, the Android app is so much better than the web app. The web is slow and laggy by comparison, and the Android app is light and snappy. There’s no contest here.

    Trello如果出于任何原因使用Trello,Android应用程序比Web应用程序要好得多 。 相比之下,网络运行缓慢且缓慢,而Android应用又轻巧又活泼。 这里没有比赛。

Armed with a few of these, you’ll be plowing through your to-do list in no time.


照片编辑 (Photo Editing)

Let’s be real here: when it comes to photo editing, Chrome isn’t the best platform. There are some really solid tools out there, like Polarr and Pixlr, but that’s about it. Android apps are huge in this area, because there are a ton of great apps out there to get the job done.

让我们成为现实:在照片编辑方面,Chrome并不是最好的平台。 有一些非常可靠的工具,例如PolarrPixlr ,仅此而已。 Android应用程序在这一领域非常庞大,因为那里有大量出色的应用程序可以完成工作。

The only issue here is that Android apps on Chromebooks still don’t have access to external storage (like SD cards or USB drives), so anything you want to edit has to be saved to internal storage, which can be problematic on the limited storage of most Chromebooks. Fortunately, this is a known bug in the tracker and is supposed to be fixed in (or at least around) Chrome 61. This has already been delayed a couple of releases, so we’ll see.

唯一的问题是Chromebook上的Android应用仍然无法访问外部存储设备(例如SD卡或USB驱动器),因此您要编辑的所有内容都必须保存到内部存储设备中,这在有限的存储设备中可能会出现问题大多数Chromebook。 幸运的是,这是跟踪器中的一个已知错误,应该在(或至少在)Chrome 61中得到修复。它已经延迟了几个发行版,因此我们将看到。

  • Adobe Suite: There are Android apps for Photoshop, Lightroom, and a slew of other related apps (Photoshop Mix, Photoshop Sketch, etc.), so there’s no shortage of powerful editing software for Android. I really wish they’d combine all these into a single, more powerful app though.

    Adobe Suite:有适用于PhotoshopLightroom的 Android应用程序以及许多其他相关应用程序( Photoshop MixPhotoshop Sketch等),因此不乏功能强大的Android编辑软件。 我真的希望他们将所有这些结合到一个功能更强大的应用程序中。

  • PicSay: This is my go-to editor for quick edits on my Chromebook. Resizing, borders, arrows, and the like are all super fast and easy in PicSay. I highly recommend the Pro version, too.

    PicSay这是我的首选编辑器,可在Chromebook上进行快速编辑。 在PicSay中,调整大小,边框,箭头等都非常快捷。 我也强烈推荐Pro版本

  • Snapseed: This is a solid, well-rounded editor that can do a lot of stuff. And since it’s a Google app, it’s totally free. Definitely a must-have.

    Snapseed :这是一个功能强大,功能全面的编辑器,可以完成很多工作。 并且由于它是Google应用程序,因此完全免费。 绝对是必不可少的。

You won’t be running full versions of Photoshop or anything, but for the vast majority of users, these apps should cover your bases.


休闲应用 (Casual Apps)

What kind of list would this be without some casual apps? We’re talking about everything that isn’t for productivity here—useful stuff, but not necessarily for work.

如果没有一些休闲应用,这将是什么样的清单? 我们在这里讨论的不是生产力的所有东西,有用的东西,但不一定是工作的东西。

  • Google Play Music: You wouldn’t believe how much better the Play Music app is than the web on Chromebooks. The web app is crazy-heavy and bulky, but the Android app barely makes a hit on the system. It’s fantastic.

    Google Play音乐 :您不会相信Play音乐应用比Chromebook上的网络要好得多。 该Web应用非常笨重,但Android应用几乎对系统没有影响。 这是梦幻般的。

  • Google Play Books and Newsstand: Again, these are so much better than their web counterparts, mostly because these services were designed to be mobile first. It only makes sense that the Android apps are nicer.

    Google Play图书报亭再次,它们比网络同类产品要好得多,主要是因为这些服务被设计为首先移动的。 只有Android应用程序更好才有意义。

  • VLC: The Chrome OS version of VLC is…less than good. Finally you can have a real video player on your Chromebook with VLC for Android. Yes.

    VLCVLC的Chrome操作系统版本…不好。 最后,您可以在Android版VLC的Chromebook上拥有一个真正的视频播放器。 是。

  • Pocket: If you use Pocket to keep up store things to read later, the Android app is cleaner and works better than the web interface. At least I think so.

    Pocket如果您使用Pocket来保存东西以便以后阅读,那么Android应用程序会更干净,并且比Web界面运行得更好。 至少我是这样认为的。

There are a lot more here, but each person’s taste will be different. These are just some of the best arguments for Android apps on Chromebooks in my opinion.

这里还有很多,但是每个人的口味都会有所不同。 我认为这些只是Chromebook上Android应用的最佳论据。

游戏类 (Games)

The Chrome OS gaming scene is all but non-existent at this point, but Play Store availability changes everything. There are some truly solid games on Android, and now you can play most of them on your Chromebook.

目前,Chrome OS游戏场景几乎不存在,但是Play商店的可用性改变了一切。 Android上有一些真正可靠的游戏,现在您可以在Chromebook上玩大多数游戏。

The only thing here is the Intel factor: not all games work well on Intel Chromebooks, because they’re not optimized for Intel chips. One good example of this is Mortal Kombat X, which is a great game by itself, but runs like complete garbage on Intel Chromebooks. it’s kind of a bummer, but as Android apps become more prolific on Chromebooks, hopefully this sort of stuff will start to get resolved.

唯一的问题就是英特尔因素:并非所有游戏都可以在英特尔Chromebook上正常运行,因为它们并未针对英特尔芯片进行优化。 一个很好的例子就是Mortal Kombat X ,它本身就是一个很棒的游戏,但是在Intel Chromebook上就像完全垃圾一样运行。 这简直是​​无稽之谈,但是随着Android应用在Chromebook上的应用越来越丰富,希望这类东西能够开始得到解决。

Of course, everyone has their own set of favorite games and whatnot, so I’m just going to highlight a few favorites, as well as some generalized ideas you can try out.


  • HearthstoneThis game has a very large player base, and it works very well on Chromebooks.


  • EmulatorsNES, SNES, and similar emulators all work on Chromebooks—pair that with a Bluetooth game controller and you have a killer portable classic gaming rig.

    模拟器 NES,SNES和类似的模拟器都可以在Chromebook上运行,将其与蓝牙游戏控制器搭配使用,您将拥有一款杀手级的便携式经典游戏装备。

  • Rockstar Games: GTA on a Chromebook? You can have it now. GTA III, San Andreas, and Vice City are all in the Play Store and ready for you to download and play.

    Rockstar Games Chromebook上的GTA? 您现在可以拥有它。 GTA III,圣安地列斯和Vice City都在Play商店中,可供您下载和播放。

  • TellTale GamesTellTale provides super high quality games, all of which are playable on Chrome OS.

    TellTale游戏 TellTale提供超高质量的游戏,所有这些游戏都可以在Chrome操作系统上播放。

I’ll be real with you here: there are a lot more awesome titles in the Play Store. But gaming is more of a preferential thing, so I’ll let you figure that one out. The point is still the same: gaming on Chromebook is basically a thing now thanks to Android apps. In fact, we have a few more really cool things in the works around Chromebook and Android gaming, so stay tuned for that in the coming weeks. Also, if you’re interested in Chromebook Gaming, there’s a new subreddit dedicated to it. I think that’s cool.

在这里,我将与您在一起:Play商店中还有更多很棒的标题。 但是,游戏更是一件优先的事情,因此,我让您弄清楚这一点。 重点仍然是相同的:多亏了Android应用,Chromebook上的游戏基本上已经成为现实。 实际上,我们在Chromebook和Android游戏方面还有很多非常酷的东西,请在接下来的几周内继续关注。 另外,如果您对Chromebook游戏感兴趣,可以使用专门的新subreddit 。 我觉得很酷。

Android apps on Chrome OS have come a long way in the past year, but they still have a long way to go, too. Once Android Nougat starts to run on Chromebooks, one of the key limitations to Android apps should be lifted: window resizing. Right now, apps only run completely maximized, though many will also let you run them in a smaller, pre-sized window. With Nougat, apps will be able to be resized to whatever you want, just like a “real” app window. I can’t wait for that.

过去一年中,Chrome操作系统上的Android应用程序已经走了很长一段路,但是它们还有很长的路要走。 一旦Android Nougat开始在Chromebook上运行,就应解除对Android应用的主要限制之一:调整窗口大小。 目前,应用程序只能完全最大化地运行,尽管许多应用程序也可以让您在较小的,预先设置大小的窗口中运行它们。 使用Nougat,可以将应用程序调整为所需大小,就像“真实”应用程序窗口一样。 我等不及了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/310347/the-best-android-apps-you-should-be-using-on-your-chromebook/





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