С1.83的网址_СodeSide。 俄罗斯AI杯新游戏


The AI Cup community and Mail.ru Group in collaboration with Codeforces.com invite you to the real battle! Get ready for the sleepless nights and calloused hands — take part in Russian AI Cup, which is one of the most challenging and vivid artificial intelligence programming competitions in the world. Believe us, managers of this madness did their best to create the game you'd want to play.

AI Cup社区和Mail.ru Group与Codeforces.com合作邀请您参加真正的战斗! 为不眠之夜和老手做准备-参加俄罗斯AI杯比赛 ,这是世界上最具挑战性和最生动的人工智能编程竞赛之一。 相信我们,这种疯狂的经理竭尽所能来创建您想要玩的游戏。

To become part of the competition, you need Internet access, computer, creativity, and enthusiasm for being a part of this extraordinary Cup. By the way, you might need some coffee. Welcome!

要成为比赛的一部分,您需要互联网访问,电脑,创造力和热情,才能成为本届非凡杯的一部分。 顺便说一句,您可能需要喝咖啡。 欢迎!

Annually, since 2012, we are racking our brains to come up with an idea for the next competition. You can find useful links at the end of the article, as I won't be describing previous championships here.

自2012年以来,我们每年都在绞尽脑汁为下一次比赛提出一个想法。 您可以在文章末尾找到有用的链接,因为在这里我不会描述以前的冠军。

We've looked through the forum and every single request of our participants we managed to find, so our team has made a secret decision to create a platform game. During the year, we've kept the community in the dark without telling you about the new task. We were tortured, but nobody gave in.

我们浏览了论坛,并设法找到了参与者的每一个请求,因此我们的团队做出了创建平台游戏的秘密决定。 在这一年中,我们使社区处于黑暗中,而没有告诉您新任务。 我们遭受了折磨,但没有人屈服。

Recently, we have launched beta testing, and we are ready to show you what we have created! So, let's start! The code name of our new competition is CodeSide.

最近,我们已经启动了Beta测试,并且随时可以向您展示我们创建的内容! 所以,让我们开始吧! 我们新比赛的代号为CodeSide。

CodeSide 2019 (CodeSide 2019)

Every participant is to program artificial intelligence (or strategy) to control a team of units in a particular word. In each game, you are to compete against another player's strategy.

每个参与者都要对人工智能(或策略)进行编程,以控制特定单词中的一组单位。 在每个游戏中,您都必须与其他玩家的策略竞争。

There won't be much physics in the game. We don't even think physics is essential for this competition. For example, in this game, units don't have acceleration. We wanted to do our best, so the participants could focus on creating smart strategies instead of struggling with physics.

游戏中不会有太多的物理现象。 我们甚至不认为物理学对这场比赛至关重要。 例如,在这个游戏中,单位没有加速度。 我们希望尽力而为,以便参与者可以专注于创建智能策略,而不是为物理而苦苦挣扎。

Units can run, jump, and fall. Any entity can block the action, so you better watch out. All entities of the game are rectangular.

单位可以奔跑,跳跃和坠落。 任何实体都可以阻止该操作,因此您最好提防。 游戏的所有实体均为矩形。

The game world is two dimensional and can change according to the level. The architecture of the game consists of walls, platforms, ladders, and jump pads. At the beginning of each game, units are placed on their spawn points; they have no weapon and no advantage over other units. Moreover, loot boxes randomly spawn on the levels containing weapons, health packs, and mines.

游戏世界是二维的,可以根据级别而变化。 游戏的体系结构由墙壁,平台,梯子和跳板组成。 在每个游戏开始时,将单位放置在其生成点上。 他们没有武器,也没有其他单位的优势。 此外,战利品盒会在包含武器,医疗包和地雷的关卡中随机生成。

To win, you have to aim and shoot enemies. Each weapon type has constant parameters, such as:

为了赢得胜利,您必须瞄准并射击敌人。 每种武器类型都有常量参数,例如:

  • Magazine size,

  • Fire rate,

  • Reload time,

  • Min and max spread,

  • Recoil,

  • Aim speed,

  • Bullet parameters,

  • Explosion parameters.


Moreover, there are varying parameters, such as:


  • Magazine (ammo left in a current magazine),

  • Spread (current spread),

  • Fire timer (time until next shot),

  • Last angle (last aiming angle).


Our bullets are extraordinary. First of all, they're squares; also, if explosion parameters are present, an explosion square is created, dealing damage to all units. Actually, all entities are rectangular, so the model is quite simple.

我们的子弹非同凡响。 首先,它们是正方形。 同样,如果存在爆炸参数,则会创建一个爆炸方块,对所有单元造成损坏。 实际上,所有实体都是矩形的,因此该模型非常简单。

If you want to cause damage later, then you can plant a mine. Mines are stored in inventory and can be planted at any time.

如果以后要造成损坏,则可以种植一个地雷。 地雷储存在库存中,可以随时种植。

快速开始 (Quick start)

You can find the documentation which can help you to join the battle within a couple of minutes on the championship website. On the website, you can read the Rules section, download the language pack, and the LocalRunner app, which allows you to run and test games locally on your computer.

您可以在冠军网站上找到可以在几分钟之内加入战斗的文档 。 在网站上,您可以阅读“规则”部分,下载语言包和LocalRunner应用程序,该应用程序允许您在计算机上本地运行和测试游戏。

You can use any programming languages: C++, C#, D, Go, Java, Kotlin, Python, Ruby, Rust. We can add another programming language if you need one. Besides, you can download sample strategies in the GitHub repository or on the website.

您可以使用任何编程语言:C ++,C#,D,Go,Java,Kotlin,Python,Ruby,Rust。 如果需要,我们可以添加另一种编程语言。 此外,您可以在GitHub 存储库或网站上下载示例策略。

社区 (Community)

Join us on Telegram! We have a chat and a channel where we communicate and help each other.

加入我们的电报! 我们有一个聊天室和一个渠道 ,我们可以互相交流和互相帮助。

冠军赛程 (Championship schedule)

  1. Beta testing: November 27 — December 7


    During the beta testing changes to the balance sheet can be made, errors fixed, and infrastructure optimized. Results of beta testing do not affect other results. The rating is reset before the Sandbox.

    在Beta测试期间,可以更改资产负债表,修复错误并优化基础架构。 Beta测试的结果不会影响其他结果。 分级将在沙盒之前重置。

  2. Sandbox: December 7 — 14


    Based on the results of the Sandbox, top-rated strategies are selected to advance to Round 1.


  3. Round 1: December 14 — 15


    Top-rated strategies advance to the Round 2


  4. Round 2: December 21 — 22


    Top-rated strategies advance to the Finals


  5. Finals: December 28 — 30


    Announcement of the champions and prizewinners.


奖品 (Prizes)

All winners of the Finals get good New Year gifts:


1st place — MacBook Pro 15" 2nd place — MacBook Pro 13" 3rd place — Apple iPad 4th place — Samsung Gear S3 or Apple Watch S3 5th place — WD My Cloud 6 TB. 6th place — WD My Passport Ultra 4TB

第一名-MacBook Pro 15“第二名-MacBook Pro 13”第三名-Apple iPad第四名-Samsung Gear S3或Apple Watch S3第五名-WD My Cloud 6 TB。 第六名— WD My Passport Ultra 4TB

Moreover, the top six winners of the Sandbox will get WD My Passport Ultra 2TB. Every participant of the Round 2 gets a t-shirt, every finalist gets a hoodie.

此外,Sandbox的前六名获奖者将获得WD My Passport Ultra 2TB。 第二回合的每个参与者都会获得一件T恤,每个决赛入围者都会获得一件连帽衫。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/mailru/blog/478400/






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