github devops_使用GitHub凭据登录Azure DevOps

github devops

Across all of Microsoft, we are focusing on empowering developers to build better apps, faster. One way we are accomplishing that is by providing a range of products and services covering all stages of the software development lifecycle. This includes IDEs and DevOps tools, application and data platforms on the cloud, operating systems, Artificial Intelligence and IoT solutions, and more. All of these are centered around developers, both as individuals working in teams and organizations, and as members of developer communities.

在整个Microsoft中,我们致力于使开发人员能够更快地构建更好的应用程序。 我们实现这一目标的一种方法是提供涵盖软件开发生命周期各个阶段的一系列产品和服务。 其中包括IDE和DevOps工具,云上的应用程序和数据平台,操作系统,人工智能和物联网解决方案等。 所有这些都以开发人员为中心,既作为团队和组织中的个人,又作为开发人员社区的成员。

GitHub is one of the largest developer communities, and for millions of developers around the world their GitHub identity has become a critical aspect of their digital life. Recognizing that, we’re excited to announce improvements that will help GitHub users get started more easily with our developer services, including Azure DevOps and Azure.

GitHub是最大的开发者社区之一,对于全球数百万开发人员而言,他们的GitHub身份已成为其数字生活的重要方面。 认识到这一点,我们很高兴宣布改进,这将帮助GitHub用户更轻松地开始使用我们的开发人员服务,包括Azure DevOps和Azure。

GitHub sign in button in Microsoft login page

您的GitHub凭据现在可以登录到Microsoft服务 (Your GitHub credentials can now log you in to Microsoft services)

Today, we are enabling developers to sign in with their existing GitHub account to Microsoft online services, on any Microsoft log in page. Using your GitHub credentials, you can now sign in via OAuth anywhere a personal Microsoft account does, including Azure DevOps and Azure.

今天,我们使开发人员可以在任何Microsoft登录页面上使用其现有的GitHub帐户登录Microsoft在线服务。 现在,使用GitHub凭据,您可以在个人Microsoft帐户(包括Azure DevOps和Azure)进行的任何地方通过OAuth登录。

You will see the option to sign in with your GitHub account by clicking on “Sign in with GitHub”.


After signing into GitHub and authorizing the Microsoft application, you will get a new Microsoft account that is linked to your GitHub identity. During this process, you also have the opportunity to link it to an existing Microsoft account if you already have one.

登录GitHub并授权Microsoft应用程序后,您将获得一个新的Microsoft帐户,该帐户已链接到您的GitHub身份。 在此过程中,如果您已经拥有一个帐户,则还可以将其链接到现有的Microsoft帐户。

登录到Azure DevOps (Sign-in to Azure DevOps)

Azure DevOps offers a suite of services for developers to help them plan, build, and ship, any app. With support for GitHub authentication, we are making it easier to get started with services such Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (Azure Pipelines); agile planning (Azure Boards); and storage for private packages such as modules for NuGet, npm, PyPi, etc (Azure Artifacts). The Azure DevOps suite is free for individuals and small teams of up to five.

Azure DevOps为开发人员提供了一套服务,以帮助他们计划,构建和发布任何应用程序。 有了对GitHub身份验证的支持,我们使更轻松地开始使用诸如持续集成和持续交付(Azure管道)之类的服务; 敏捷计划(Azure开发板); 和私有包的存储,例如NuGet,npm,PyPi等模块(Azure Artifacts)。 Azure DevOps套件免费供个人(最多五个)和小型团队使用。

To get started with Azure DevOps using your GitHub account, click on “Start free using GitHub” in the Azure DevOps page.

要使用您的GitHub帐户开始使用Azure DevOps,请在Azure DevOps页面中单击“使用GitHub免费开始”。

Azure DevOps sign in with GitHub

Once you complete the sign-in process, you will be taken directly to the last Azure DevOps organization you visited. If you’re brand new to Azure DevOps, you’ll land to a new organization created for you.

完成登录过程后,将直接带您到您访问的最后一个Azure DevOps组织。 如果您是Azure DevOps的新手,那么您将进入为您创建的新组织。

访问所有Microsoft在线服务 (Access all of Microsoft online services)

In addition to accessing developer services such as Azure DevOps and Azure, your GitHub account can be used to access all Microsoft online services, from Excel Online to Xbox.

除了访问开发人员服务(例如Azure DevOps和Azure)之外,您的GitHub帐户还可用于访问从Excel Online到Xbox的所有Microsoft在线服务。

When authenticating with those services, you can find your GitHub account after clicking on “Sign-in options”.


Click on Sign-in options in the login page for non-developer Microsoft services

我们对您的隐私的承诺 (Our commitment to your privacy)

When you first use your GitHub account to sign in with Microsoft, GitHub will ask for permission to release your profile information.


If you consent, GitHub will share the email addresses on your GitHub account (both public and private) as well as profile information, like your name. We’ll use this data to check if you already have an account with us or to create a new account if you don’t. Connecting your GitHub identity to a Microsoft one does not give Microsoft access to your repositories in GitHub. Apps like Azure DevOps or Visual Studio will request access to your repositories separately if they need to work with your code, which you’ll need to consent to separately.

如果您同意,GitHub将在您的GitHub帐户(公共和私有)上共享电子邮件地址以及个人资料信息(例如您的姓名)。 我们将使用此数据来检查您是否已经拥有我们的帐户,如果没有,则创建一个新帐户。 将您的GitHub身份连接到Microsoft不会使Microsoft可以访问您在GitHub中的存储库。 如果像Azure DevOps或Visual Studio这样的应用程序需要使用您的代码,则需要分别同意访问它们,它们将分别请求访问您的存储库。

While your GitHub account is used to log into your Microsoft account, they’re still separate entities – one just uses the other as a login method. Changes you make to your GitHub account (like changing the password or enabling two-factor authentication) won’t change your Microsoft account, and vice versa. You can manage the connection between your GitHub and Microsoft identities in your account management page, under the Security tab.

尽管您的GitHub帐户用于登录您的Microsoft帐户,但它们仍然是独立的实体-一个实体仅将另一个作为登录方法。 您对GitHub帐户所做的更改(例如更改密码或启用两因素身份验证)不会更改您的Microsoft帐户,反之亦然。 您可以在“安全性”选项卡下的帐户管理页面中管理 GitHub和Microsoft身份之间的连接。

立即开始探索Azure DevOps (Start exploring Azure DevOps now)

Go to the Azure DevOps page and click “Start Free with GitHub” to get started.

转到Azure DevOps页面,然后单击“从GitHub免费开始”以开始使用。

If you have questions, check out this support page. Let us know what you think in the comments below. As always, we’d love to hear any feedback or suggestions you have.

如有疑问,请查看此支持页面 。 在下面的评论中告诉我们您的想法。 与往常一样,我们很乐意听到您的任何反馈或建议。

Rajesh Ramamurthy (MSFT)
拉杰什·拉玛穆西 (Rajesh Ramamurthy)

Principal Program Manager, Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps首席项目经理


github devops





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