

5个秘诀 (5 tips)

to help you achieve your desired goal. Of course, it is not necessary to carry them all out and in the order indicated. However, it is important not only to read them and forget,

帮助您实现理想的目标。 当然,没有必要按照指示顺序将它们全部拿出。 但是,重要的是不仅要阅读它们并忘记,

但请尝试将其应用到您的生活中。 (but try to apply them in your life.)

1.写下你的目标! (1. Write down your goal!)

The well-known rule —


«如果目标仅存在于头部,则认为目标不存在»。 («If the goal exists only in the head, then consider that it does not exist».)

We write down the goal and it takes on real form. Yes, and the brain begins to perceive something written down as already quite real, prompting him to start doing a deferred project, explore a new industry, go in for sports, etc.

我们写下目标,它具有真实的形式。 是的,大脑开始感觉到已经记下来的东西已经很真实了,促使他开始做一个延期的项目,探索一个新的行业,从事体育运动等。

人类的记忆是有限的。 (Human memory is limited.)

When you write down a goal on paper, then you have a free amount of memory that you can use for new thoughts and ideas. That is why, thanks to a simple action

当您在纸上写下目标时,您将拥有大量的内存可用于新的想法和构想。 这就是为什么,通过简单的操作

“写下目标” (“to write down a goal”)

, we are more successfully moving towards it.


2. SMART标准 (2. SMART criteria)

SMART —特定,可测量,可实现,相关,有时间限制。 (SMART — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound.)

Each letter is a criterion for the effectiveness of goals.


•具体 (• Specific)

The more specifics, the higher the probability of achieving the goal. Determine exactly what result you want to achieve. For example, «I want to climb the Eiffel Tower.»

细节越多,实现目标的可能性越高。 确切确定您想要实现的结果。 例如,“我想爬艾菲尔铁塔。”

•可衡量 (• Measurable)

The end result should be easily measurable. Ask yourself «What indicator or criteria can you use for this?». Selfies on the Eiffel Tower are an example of a measurable result.

最终结果应该易于测量。 问问自己“您可以使用什么指标或标准?”。 艾菲尔铁塔上的自拍照是可衡量结果的一个示例。

•可实现 (• Achievable)

If you have resources to achieve your goal, then your goal is achievable. Logical, isn't it? Resources are knowledge, information, money, time, etc. Before you begin to reach your goal, stop and analyze

如果您有资源实现目标,那么您的目标是可以实现的。 符合逻辑,不是吗? 资源是知识,信息,金钱,时间等。在开始实现目标之前,请停止并进行分析

您已经拥有的,可能需要的以及在哪里获得的。 (what you already have, what you may need and where you will get it.)

•相关 (• Relevant)

Ask yourself the question — “Will the implementation of a task really accomplish the desired goal?” You need to make sure that each task is really necessary.

问自己一个问题:“执行任务是否真的可以达到预期的目标?” 您需要确保每个任务确实必要。

•时间限制 (• Time bound)

设定实现目标的期限。 (Set a deadline for achieving the goal.)

This mobilizes your strength and will not allow to waste time in vain. Set yourself an adequate time! For example, it is impossible to lose 10 kg in two days.

这可以调动您的力量,不会浪费时间。 给自己留出足够的时间! 例如,两天内不可能减掉10公斤。

3.如果您制定了计划,请以行动的形式制定 (3. If you make a plan — make it in the form of actions)

Build your plan of action with clear and specific instructions to yourself.


To begin with, answer yourself the following questions: where should I start? What do I already have to achieve the goal, and what do I need? For example, if you want to climb the Eiffel Tower, the steps will be as follows:

首先,请回答以下问题:我应该从哪里开始? 我已经必须达到目标,我需要什么? 例如,如果您想攀登艾菲尔铁塔,则步骤如下:

1. Buy plane tickets.


2. Book a hotel in Paris.


3. Pack a suitcase.


4. Get to the airport.


5. …

5 ....

See how the


目标变得清晰,具体和现实 ( goal becomes clear, specific and realistic)

? However, you should not make a plan in too much detail — some things you cannot control, and this is normal.

? 但是,您不应该过多地制定计划-有些事情您无法控制,这很正常。

4.成就日记 (4. Diary of achievement)

Leave short comments as you complete the points of your plan. Thus, you, first of all, streamline your thoughts, as well as be able to make adjustments to the plan (of course, if the need arises). And most importantly,

在完成计划要点时,请留下简短的评论。 因此,您首先要简化思路,并能够对计划进行调整(当然,如果需要的话)。 最重要的是

您会不断关注目标。 (you constantly maintain your focus on the goal.)

When you write in your diary about the difficulties you encounter and about pleasant moments, your commitment to achieving the goal is strengthened. After some time, when you set yourself new goals, a diary of achievements will help you to remember the main obstacles and pleasant moments to achieve certain goals!

当您在日记中写下遇到的困难和美好时光时,您对实现目标的承诺就会得到加强。 一段时间后,当您设定新目标时,成就日记将帮助您记住实现某些目标的主要障碍和美好时光!

5.探索目标相似的人! (5. Explore people with similar goals!)

Find several people with similar goals/concerns/aspirations. You don’t have to meet them personally! In the age of social networks, you can

找到几个具有相似目标/关注/愿望的人。 您不必亲自见他们! 在社交网络时代,您可以

只需看着他们,向他们借用各种任务的解决方案 (simply watch them, borrow from them solutions for various tasks)

, be motivated by their success, etc.


For long-term goals, when much has already been done, but there are still many difficult tasks ahead, it is very useful to see ahead of the person who has already passed this path. Or vice versa, compete with a person who is at the same stage as you.

对于长期目标而言,虽然已经完成了很多工作,但是仍然有许多艰巨的任务,但要提前走过已经走过这条路的人,这非常有用。 反之亦然,与与您处于同一阶段的人竞争。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/452544/






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