

Mobile apps are necessary for every business today. They are the tools that bridges the gap between consumers and business, makes it easier for clients to view the trends, and offers an easy chance to the consumers to know the business in person. Having so many advantages already, why it is important to keep app’s user-friendliness as one of the most important points?

移动应用对于当今的每个企业都是必不可少的。 它们是弥合消费者与企业之间的鸿沟的工具,使客户更容易查看趋势,并为消费者提供了亲身了解企业的​​机会。 已经拥有这么多优势,为什么保持应用程序的用户友好性作为最重要的要点之一很重要?

There are a number of reasons for developing a user-friendly mobile application. The users today are more eager to have a superb experience while browsing through the application. And for the same reason the UI and the app UX holds prominence for every mobile app development company. No matter how successfully your app has been designed, it is important to offer a unique browsing experience to the users.

开发用户友好的移动应用程序有很多原因。 当今的用户更渴望在浏览应用程序时获得一流的体验。 出于同样的原因,UI和应用UX在每家移动应用开发公司中也占有举足轻重的地位。 无论您的应用程序设计得多么成功,为用户提供独特的浏览体验都非常重要。

A wonderful app interface increases the app’s visibility, it’s credibility, and its popularity as well among the clients. So, the bottomline is app UI and UX holds utmost importance and therefore we have decided to look at the most important characteristics that make mobile phones user-friendly.

精美的应用程序界面可提高应用程序的知名度,信誉以及在客户端中的流行度。 因此,最重要的是应用程序UI和UX最为重要,因此我们决定研究使手机易于使用的最重要特征。

简单设计 (Simple Design)

Complicated app designs are never going to attract the users. No users would like to browse through an application that is confusing them. They need simple app features that take them further while they are visiting the application. Keeping things simple in the application means users can immediately start using the app. A simple user interface is the type that allows users to navigate through the same in order to perform several tasks. For having a simple interface, choose soothing colors, keep the design noticeable, and don’t create the app to confuse the users.

复杂的应用程序设计永远不会吸引用户。 没有用户愿意浏览使他们感到困惑的应用程序。 他们需要简单的应用程序功能,以便在访问应用程序时将其带到更远的地方。 在应用程序中保持简单意味着用户可以立即开始使用该应用程序。 简单的用户界面是一种类型,它允许用户浏览同一界面以执行多个任务。 为了拥有简单的界面,请选择柔和的颜色,使设计引人注目,并且不要创建会使用户感到困惑的应用程序。

选择明显的字体 (Go for Noticeable Fonts)

While developing your mobile application, the font size needs to be noticeable enough for the users. The purpose of the app is to help users interact with it and this is possible only when appropriate designs are being used by the developers. This way, font size should be such that users would be able to understand the app design and the purpose for which it has been developed.

在开发移动应用程序时,字体大小需要对用户足够引人注意。 该应用程序的目的是帮助用户与其进行交互,只有在开发人员使用适当的设计时,才有可能实现此目的。 这样,字体大小应使用户能够理解应用程序的设计及其开发目的。

使用图标指导用户 (Use Icons to Guide Users)

Creative use of icons and images in the application could help guide the users to go in certain directions. App icons can become an essential asset in popularizing the application among the audience. The component of visual language i.e. app design and the logo forms the most important part of the design and therefore, it should be designed prominently for attracting the users. Keep the count of colors as minimal as possible. Ideally keep it 3 colors in the design.

在应用程序中创造性地使用图标和图像可以帮助指导用户朝某些方向发展。 应用程序图标可以成为在受众群体中普及应用程序的重要资产。 视觉语言的组成部分,即应用程序设计和徽标,是设计中最重要的部分,因此,应突出设计以吸引用户。 尽量减少颜色数量。 理想情况下,在设计中将其保留为3种颜色。

整理设计 (Declutter the Design)

It is never a great practice to clutter your app with a series of design. No app user likes to interact with a design that is clutter enough even to browse further. Therefore, it is ideal to choose as less design elements as possible. They should appear much simpler for the users and should always guide them to go further. By keeping too much information on a single app slide you are cluttering the browsing experience of the users. This may result in user’s disbelieve in the application.

用一系列的设计来使您的应用程序杂乱无章永远不是一个好习惯。 没有应用程序用户喜欢与足够混乱甚至无法进一步浏览的设计进行交互。 因此,理想的是选择尽可能少的设计元素。 对于用户来说,它们应该看起来更简单,并应始终指导他们走得更远。 通过在单个应用程序幻灯片上保留太多信息,您将使用户的浏览体验混乱。 这可能会导致用户对应用程序不信任。

避免使用行业术语 (Avoid Using Industry Jargon)

Your app users can be anyone from any background. A user may be someone who is not aware of the mobile app development jargon. Thus, there is no point in bothering these users with industry specific jargon. It is suggested to use simple words or specific names for denoting the app elements for the users. Remember if your users are not able to understand the app, they may uninstall the same after using it once.

您的应用程序用户可以是任何背景的任何人。 用户可能是不了解移动应用程序开发术语的人。 因此,用行业专有的术语打扰这些用户是没有意义的。 建议使用简单的单词或特定名称来表示用户的应用程序元素。 请记住,如果您的用户无法理解该应用程序,则他们可能会在使用一次后将其卸载。

使应用程序图标保持特定接触 (Keep App Icons Touch Specific)

You need to design an application that is touch specific. Remember the design remains specific enough to respond whenever it gets a tap. The key here is to keep the size recognizable enough for fingers so that it could not lead to missed targets. Make the targets big enough to tap it with fingers. Small app icons may lead to mistaken app taps.

您需要设计一个特定于触摸的应用程序。 请记住,该设计仍然足够具体,可以在点击时立即做出响应。 这里的关键是保持手指可识别的大小,以免导致目标丢失。 使目标足够大,用手指轻敲它。 小应用程序图标可能会导致错误的应用程序点击。

底线 (The Bottom Line)

By keeping all the above-mentioned points into the mind, it will get easier to design an application that is specific in design and attracts the users as well. Remember, the aim with designing the application should remain to make certain tasks easier for the app users. The business designing the application should also remember to include trade-specific features so that it could lessen the gap between the users and the business.

通过牢记上述所有要点,可以轻松设计出特定于设计并吸引用户的应用程序。 请记住,设计应用程序的目的应该仍然是使应用程序用户更轻松地完成某些任务。 设计应用程序的企业还应该记住包括针对特定行业的功能,以便可以减少用户与企业之间的差距。

In case, your app has the element of creativity, it will for sure attract the users. As the mobile app development world continues to get biggers, the developers’ guidelines for designing the application has also changed slightly. Keep all those pointers into the mind while designing the application.

如果您的应用程序具有创造力,那肯定会吸引用户。 随着移动应用程序开发领域的不断发展 ,开发人员设计应用程序的指南也略有变化。 在设计应用程序时,请牢记所有这些指针。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/450720/






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