
今年早些时候,IntelliCode扩展了其ML模型训练,允许开发者创建基于团队代码的个性化模型。通过关联模型到仓库,团队成员能自动获取完成建议。借助Azure DevOps任务,可在CI上重新训练模型并自动分享。用户需要至少使用Visual Studio 2019版本16.4预览5来体验这些更新。


as you type, allowing you to learn APIs more quickly and code faster. Although IntelliCode’s base model was trained on over 3000 top open source C# GitHub repositories, it does not include all the custom types in your code base. To produce useful, high-fidelity, contextually-rich suggestions, the model needs to be tailored to unique types or domain-specific APIs that aren’t used in open source code. To make IntelliSense recommendations based on the wisdom of your team’s codebase, the model needs to train with your team’s code. 当您键入时 ,Visual Studio IntelliCode使用机器学习来提供有用的,内容丰富的代码完成建议,从而使您可以更快地学习API和更快地编写代码。 尽管IntelliCode的基本模型已经在3000多个顶级开源C#GitHub存储库上进行了培训,但是它并未在代码库中包含所有自定义类型。 为了产生有用的,高保真的,上下文相关的建议,该模型需要针对开放源代码中未使用的唯一类型或特定于域的API进行定制。 为了基于团队代码库的智慧提出IntelliSense建议,该模型需要与团队代码一起训练。

Earlier this year, we extended our ML model training capabilities beyond our initial Github trained base model to enable you to personalize your IntelliCode completion suggestions by creating team models trained on your own code.


团队完成情况可以轻松共享和自动化! (Team completions shared and automated easily!)

Your team completions become part of your normal developer workflow just by associating a model to your repo. Anyone with access to your repository, automatically gets team completions – no extra configuration steps are required!

只需将模型与回购相关联,您的团队完成工作便成为您正常的开发人员工作流程的一部分。 有权访问您的存储库的任何人都将自动获得团队的完成–不需要额外的配置步骤!

Once you’re ready, you can keep your completions up-to-date with our new Azure DevOps task that can retrain your models on CI. When a change is made to your codebase, the model is automatically trained and shared with your team.

准备就绪后,您可以使用我们新的Azure DevOps任务来保持最新状态,该任务可以在CI上重新训练模型。 更改代码库后,将自动训练模型并与您的团队共享。

完成团队的2个步骤 (2 steps to team completions)

设置并分享 (Set up and share)

Repository-associated models are automatically shared with others working in the same codebase as long as users have enabled automatic acquisition of team models in Visual Studio. To enable automatic acquisition by going to Tools > Options > IntelliCode > Acquire team models for completion. Access to the repository is access to the model. When training, we collect some information about the checked-out commit where the training took place. Anyone who requests that model must have the same commit in their repository and be able to produce the same information that was collected during training to receive the team model.

只要用户在Visual Studio中启用了自动获取团队模型,与存储库相关的模型就会自动与其他在同一代码库中工作的模型共享。 要启用自动获取,请转到工具>选项> IntelliCode>获取团队模型以完成任务。 访问存储库就是访问模型。 培训时,我们会收集有关进行培训的已签出提交的一些信息。 要求该模型的任何人都必须在其存储库中具有相同的提交,并且能够产生与在培训期间收集的相同信息以接收团队模型。

Please note that you’ll need to be on at least Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 preview 5 to try out these updates to the IntelliCode team completions experience.

请注意,您需要至少具有Visual Studio 2019版本16.4预览5才能尝试这些更新以提高IntelliCode团队的完成体验。

See more details on how to acquire and share team completions here.


自动化 (Automate)

Once you’re happy with the team completions on you repo, you should set up to automatically retrain as part of your continuous integration (CI) pipeline in Azure Pipelines. When code changes are pushed to your repository, the build task runs and your team completions are retrained and made available to the repo. In parallel, Visual Studio checks for updates to team completions  and will update automatically.

对仓库中的团队完成感到满意后,您应该设置为在Azure Pipelines中的持续集成(CI)管道中自动进行重新培训。 将代码更改推送到您的存储库后,构建任务将运行,并且您的团队完成情况将得到重新培训,并可供仓库使用。 同时,Visual Studio将检查团队完成情况的更新,并将自动更新。

Install the Visual Studio IntelliCode Team Model Training task from Visual Studio Marketplace to your Azure DevOps organization or Azure DevOps Server (formerly TFS).

从Visual Studio Marketplace将Visual Studio IntelliCode团队模型培训任务安装到您的Azure DevOps组织或Azure DevOps Server(以前称为TFS)。

See more details about how to configure and automate the build task here.


告诉我们你的想法! (Tell us what you think!)

We’d love to understand your current experience with IntelliCode and where we can improve. Try out sharing team completions and automating updates today and tell us what you think of the new experience. Please note that you’ll need to be on at least Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 preview 5 to try out these updates to the IntelliCode team completions experience.

我们很想了解您当前使用IntelliCode的经验以及我们可以改进的地方。 立即尝试共享团队的完成情况并自动执行更新,并告诉我们您对新体验的看法。 请注意,您需要至少具有Visual Studio 2019版本16.4预览5才能尝试这些更新以提高IntelliCode团队的完成体验。

Please raise issues and comments Visual Studio «report a problem».

请提出问题并评论Visual Studio“报告问题”

We’re interested to hear feedback about the recommendations themselves, the performance of the feature, or any capabilities you might be missing.


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