



is a popular scripting language founded in


1995年 (1995)

designed to perform several functions. Do you think the essence of PHP has faded away since the newer programming languages and frameworks have come into the market?

设计用于执行多种功能。 您是否认为自从更新的编程语言和框架投放市场以来,PHP的本质已经消失了?

If you think so, then let me tell you that your perception is totally wrong! In fact, in the contemporary market of custom software development, it has become the most popular language in server-side programming.

如果您这样认为,那么让我告诉您,您的看法是完全错误的! 实际上,在当今的定制软件开发市场中,它已成为服务器端编程中最流行的语言。


This depicts that


在比较的四个版本中,PHP版本5最常用 (version 5 of PHP is the most used among the compared four versions)


Furthermore, the


升级版现在提供了运行命令行界面功能的能力 (upgraded versions are now providing the ability to run command-line interface functions)

. This is the reason behind the increasing popularity of new versions.

。 这就是新版本越来越受欢迎的原因。

Hypertext Pre-processor has good compatibility with HTML and helpful in developing a single page. It is a widely used language by various renowned websites like Wikipedia, Facebook, etc.

超文本预处理器与HTML具有良好的兼容性,有助于开发单个页面。 它是Wikipedia,Facebook等各种知名网站广泛使用的语言。


In addition to this, it is the most preferred language of well-known content management systems like WordPress, Magento, Joomla, etc. New programming languages like Python, Lua, etc didn’t make any difference to its popularity among custom software developers.

除此之外,它是WordPress,Magento,Joomla等著名内容管理系统的首选语言。Python,Lua 新编程语言对其在定制软件开发人员中的流行没有任何影响。

Here is the comparison of PHP with other server-side programming languages by w3techs.com:



By server-side language, we mean that it is first executed on the server before it gets to the web browser of the user. It provides many benefits that overpower the other newer languages in every software development company’s eye.

通过服务器端语言,我们的意思是它首先在服务器上执行,然后再到达用户的Web浏览器。 它提供了许多优势,在每个软件开发公司的眼中都可以胜过其他较新的语言。

There are many reasons because of which the future of PHP is highly secured in the upcoming years.


Let’s have a look at what does the future of PHP holds:


Provides dynamic access


Expert assistance


Friendly language


Sufficient documentation


1.版本8.0.0的发布 (1. The release of Version 8.0.0)

The recent updates of PHP versions have given significant improvement in performance. Version 7 and its succeeding versions like version 7.1, version 7.2, etc are known for providing lower memory usage.

PHP版本的最新更新在性能上有了重大改进。 版本7及其后续版本(如版本7.1,版本7.2等)以降低内存使用量而闻名。

Before this version, PHP development was focused on improving by using


刚使用(JIT) (Just In Use (JIT))

. Although this resulted in remarkable improvements but provided little difference to real-world applications like Joomla.

。 尽管这带来了显着的改进,但与Joomla之类的实际应用程序几乎没有什么区别。


It is evident from the above pictorial representation that the various versions of the PHP are amazingly popular among


WordPress用户 (WordPress users)


The speculated date of the


版本8.0.0 (version 8.0.0)

release is


2021年9月 (September 2021)

. There is very little idea about the added features in this version. Both JIT and version 8.0.0 remain in the future of PHP for which PHP developers are waiting enthusiastically.

。 对于此版本中的新增功能几乎一无所知。 JIT和版本8.0.0都保留在PHP的未来中,PHP开发人员一直在热情地等待着。

2.提供动态访问 (2. Provides Dynamic Access)


Although it sounds very interesting if you could not find a proficient custom PHP programmers & developers then it might pose some repercussions. Undoubtedly, there is no other language which provides so much of liberty while developing.

尽管如果您找不到熟练的自定义PHP程序员和开发人员,这听起来很有趣,但它可能会带来一些影响。 毫无疑问,没有其他语言可以在开发时提供如此多的自由。

Moreover, there are many PHP libraries that are used by expert software development companies to provide amazing solutions for eCommerce as well as CMSs. These libraries have kept PHP alive and maintained steady growth for its development.

而且,专家软件开发公司使用许多PHP库来为电子商务和CMS提供出色的解决方案。 这些库使PHP保持活力,并保持稳定的增长。

3.专家协助 (3. Expert Assistance)

Have you ever got stuck while working on PHP? There is an expert rescue service for you. There are many PHP experts that are specifically helping website owners and developers.

您曾经在使用PHP时遇到困难吗? 为您提供专家救援服务。 有许多PHP专家专门为网站所有者和开发人员提供帮助。

You can take their help while coding in PHP. Their technical issue-resolving capabilities are brilliant.

您可以在使用PHP编码时获得他们的帮助。 他们的技术问题解决能力非常出色。

This is another reason that gives PHP developers an upper hand over other language programmers.


They always have an expert to provide their clients with complete solutions.


4.友好的语言 (4. Friendly language)

When we say friendly language, by this we mean that it is easy to update and amazingly adjusts within different operating systems like Linux, Unix, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, and many more.

当我们说友好的语言时,这意味着它很容易更新,并且可以在Linux,Unix,Mac OS,Microsoft Windows等不同操作系统中进行惊人的调整。

It can be easily packaged which makes this language run with two commands on the command-line. This language is extremely user-friendly and anyone without much technical knowledge can utilize it for programming a website.

它可以很容易地打包,从而使该语言在命令行上通过两个命令运行。 这种语言非常易于使用,任何不具备很多技术知识的人都可以使用它来对网站进行编程。


It is an amazing programming language for a start for any new web developer. This is the reason a lot of bad code is often written while programming in this language. Unlike other popular languages, PHP has a single and widely-loved package manager which is called composer.

对于任何新的Web开发人员来说,它都是一种了不起的编程语言。 这就是用这种语言编写程序时经常编写许多不良代码的原因。 与其他流行语言不同,PHP具有一个广受欢迎的软件包管理器,称为作曲家。

This makes it an easily packaged language. The well written and maintained libraries make coding in this language an extremely strain-free task.

这使其成为一种易于打包的语言。 编写良好且维护良好的库使使用这种语言进行编码成为一项非常轻松的任务。

5.足够的文件 (5. Sufficient documentation)


It provides all kinds of support that are required for documentation. This is the reason why you should hire PHP developers. Have you ever struggled while looking for a PHP documentation?

它提供了文档所需的各种支持。 这就是为什么您应该雇用PHP开发人员的原因。 您曾经在寻找PHP文档时遇到困难吗?

It is a relief for web developers that many PHP documentation is available online along with a document generator. This is the reason why it is the favorite language for content management systems.

对于Web开发人员来说,许多PHP文档以及文档生成器都可以在线获得,这是一件令人欣慰的事情。 这就是为什么它成为内容管理系统最喜欢的语言的原因。

They have ample benefit of customized documentation system like class methods, functions, file headers, classes, and their properties. There are top CMSs used by CMS development companies that are based on PHP. some of them are WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, SilverStripe, Cake PHP, etc.

它们具有定制的文档系统(例如类方法,函数,文件头,类及其属性)的大量好处。 CMS开发公司使用基于PHP的顶级CMS。 其中一些是WordPress,Joomla,Drupal,SilverStripe,Cake PHP等。

最后的话: (Final Words:)

PHP has almost all the features and over-the-top benefits that every web app developer looks for. It has libraries, modules, and that assures dynamic web development services. Even the statistics shared in this post proved that it is the most opted language for server-side coding.

PHP具有几乎每个Web应用程序开发人员都希望的所有功能和最重要的好处。 它具有库,模块,并确保了动态Web开发服务。 甚至这篇文章中分享的统计数据都证明,它是服务器端编码中最常用的语言。

The perfect evidence of this fact is that most of the websites and content management systems are based on PHP programming. There is no near sign or reason that can stack down PHP popularity in upcoming years.

这一事实的完美证据是,大多数网站和内容管理系统都基于PHP编程。 没有近期迹象或理由会在未来几年中降低PHP的流行度。

Therefore, if you are worried about the future of PHP and looking for alternatives then trust us that its future is more secure than any other newer programming language.


What do you think the future of PHP is? Will PHP development maintain its superiority in the near future or custom Python development, custom ASP.Net development, or custom SharePoint development will overrule it? Let me know in the comment box!

您如何看待PHP的未来? PHP开发是否会在不久的将来保持优势,或者自定义Python开发,自定义ASP.Net开发或自定义SharePoint开发将取代它? 在评论框中让我知道!

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/502484/






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